Città 30
Model was written in NetLogo 6.4.0
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breed [cars car] breed [intersections intersection] globals [ accident-count traffic-flow-rate annual-accidents average-speed congestion-index BASE-ACCIDENTS TOTAL-VEHICLES REFERENCE-SPEED ] cars-own [ speed desired-speed waiting? trip-time ] patches-own [ is-road? ] to setup clear-all set-default-shape cars "car" set BASE-ACCIDENTS 2158 set REFERENCE-SPEED 50 setup-roads setup-intersections setup-cars set accident-count 0 set traffic-flow-rate 0 set average-speed 0 set congestion-index 0 reset-ticks end to setup-roads ask patches [ ifelse (abs pycor mod 4 = 0) or (abs pxcor mod 4 = 0) [ set is-road? true set pcolor gray ] [ set is-road? false set pcolor green ] ] end to setup-intersections ask patches [ if is-road? and any? neighbors4 with [not is-road?] [ sprout-intersections 1 [ set color red set size 1 ] ] ] end to setup-cars create-cars initial-number-of-cars [ move-to one-of patches with [is-road? and not any? cars-here] set color one-of [red blue yellow] set size 1 set speed random-float speed-limit set desired-speed speed-limit * (0.8 + random-float 0.4) set waiting? false set trip-time 0 ifelse abs xcor mod 4 = 0 [ set heading one-of [0 90] ] [ set heading one-of [90 270] ] ] end to go ; Ferma la simulazione se non ci sono più auto if count cars = 0 [ user-message "Simulazione terminata: non ci sono più auto attive." stop ] ask cars [ ifelse safe-to-move? [ move-forward check-for-accidents set trip-time trip-time + 1 ] [ set waiting? true ] ] update-statistics tick end to move-forward set waiting? false let target-speed min (list desired-speed speed-limit) let cars-ahead cars in-cone 3 20 if any? cars-ahead [ set target-speed [speed] of min-one-of cars-ahead [distance myself] ] ifelse speed < target-speed [ set speed speed + 0.1 ] [ set speed speed - 0.1 ] forward speed * 0.1 end to check-for-accidents let nearby-cars other cars in-radius 1 if any? nearby-cars [ let speed-factor (speed / REFERENCE-SPEED) ^ 2 if random-float 1 < 0.01 * speed-factor [ set accident-count accident-count + 1 die ] ] end to update-statistics ifelse count cars > 0 [ set traffic-flow-rate (count cars with [not waiting?] / count cars) * 100 set average-speed mean [speed] of cars set congestion-index 100 - traffic-flow-rate ] [ ; Se non ci sono auto, imposta valori di default set traffic-flow-rate 0 set average-speed 0 set congestion-index 0 ] let time-factor max (list (ticks / (365 * 24 * 60)) 0.0001) ; evita divisione per zero let speed-impact (speed-limit / REFERENCE-SPEED) ^ 2 set annual-accidents accident-count / time-factor end to-report safe-to-move? let next-patch patch-ahead 1 if next-patch = nobody [ report false ] if not [is-road?] of next-patch [ report false ] if any? other cars-on next-patch [ report false ] if any? intersections-on next-patch [ report random 100 < 30 ] report true end to-report get-accident-projection report annual-accidents end to-report get-average-speed report average-speed end to-report get-congestion report congestion-index end
There are 2 versions of this model.
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File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Città 30.png | preview | Preview for 'Città 30' | 4 months ago, by Sergio Cima | Download |
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