Aid Defense Allocation Simulator
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; IADS Missile Battery Simulation ; Based on Han, Lunday & Robbins (2016) globals [ city-size ; size of city patches initial-total-value ; store initial total value for comparison total-intercepted-missiles ; all intercepted missiles to count air defense effeciency attack-complete? ; stop flag for BehaviorSpace ] patches-own [ coverage-intensity ; for visualizing overlapping coverage damage-level ; for visualizing city damage ] breed [cities city] breed [batteries battery] breed [missiles missile] cities-own [ value ; city value/population protected? ; whether city is protected by battery ] batteries-own [ remaining-interceptors ; number of interceptors left ] missiles-own [ target ; targeted city intercepted? ; whether missile has been intercepted ] to setup clear-all setup-globals setup-cities setup-batteries set initial-total-value sum [value] of cities set total-intercepted-missiles 0 set attack-complete? false update-protection-status update-visualizations reset-ticks end to setup-globals set city-size 1 ask patches [ set coverage-intensity 0 set damage-level 0 ] end to setup-cities ; Create cities with random locations and values create-cities num-cities [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size city-size set shape "circle" set color blue set value 10 + random 90 ; Random value between 10-100 set protected? false set label (value) ] end to setup-batteries ask batteries [die] ; Clear any existing batteries (ifelse defender-strategy = "highest-value" [ ; Create a list of cities sorted by decreasing value let sorted-cities sort-on [(- value)] cities create-batteries num-batteries [ ; Place each battery at one of the highest-value cities let target-city item (who mod length sorted-cities) sorted-cities move-to target-city initialize-battery ] ] defender-strategy = "max-coverage" [ create-batteries num-batteries [ ; For each battery, find the position that maximizes the total value of covered cities let best-position max-one-of patches [ ; Sum the values of all cities within range of this position sum [value] of cities in-radius battery-range ] move-to best-position initialize-battery ; If batteries overlap too much, adjust position while maintaining good coverage while [any? other batteries in-radius (battery-range / 3)] [ let alternative-position max-one-of patches with [ not any? batteries in-radius (battery-range / 3) ][ sum [value] of cities in-radius battery-range ] if alternative-position != nobody [move-to alternative-position] ] ] ] defender-strategy = "choke-points" [ ; First identify strategic points that cover multiple cities let strategic-points patches with [ count cities in-radius battery-range >= 2 ; Points covering at least 2 cities ] create-batteries num-batteries [ ifelse any? strategic-points [ ; Find the strategic point that protects the highest total city value let best-point max-one-of strategic-points [ sum [value] of cities in-radius battery-range ] move-to best-point ; Remove this point and surrounding area from consideration ask strategic-points in-radius (battery-range / 2) [ set strategic-points strategic-points with [self != myself] ] ][ ; If no good strategic points left, fall back to highest-value strategy let target-city max-one-of cities [value] move-to target-city ] initialize-battery ] ] defender-strategy = "distributed" [ create-batteries num-batteries [ ; First try to cover uncovered cities let uncovered-cities cities with [ not any? batteries in-radius battery-range ] ifelse any? uncovered-cities [ ; Instead of checking each uncovered city, select from top valuable ones let target-city max-one-of (up-to-n-of 5 uncovered-cities) [value] move-to target-city ][ ; Instead of checking all patches, only check near cities let potential-positions patches with [ any? cities in-radius battery-range and not any? batteries in-radius (battery-range / 2) ] ifelse any? potential-positions [ let target-position max-one-of (up-to-n-of 10 potential-positions) [ count cities in-radius battery-range with [ count batteries in-radius battery-range < 2 ] ] move-to target-position ][ ; If no good positions found, just move to highest value city move-to max-one-of cities [value] ] ] initialize-battery ] ] defender-strategy = "mixed" [ ; Split total batteries among strategies let remaining-batteries num-batteries let base-strategies ["highest-value" "max-coverage" "choke-points" "distributed"] foreach base-strategies [strategy -> if remaining-batteries > 0 [ ; Allocate some batteries to this strategy let strategy-batteries ceiling (remaining-batteries / (length base-strategies)) set remaining-batteries remaining-batteries - strategy-batteries if strategy = "highest-value" [ let sorted-cities sort-on [(- value)] cities create-batteries strategy-batteries [ let target-city item (who mod length sorted-cities) sorted-cities move-to target-city initialize-battery ] ] if strategy = "max-coverage" [ create-batteries strategy-batteries [ let best-position max-one-of patches [ sum [value] of cities in-radius battery-range ] move-to best-position initialize-battery while [any? other batteries in-radius (battery-range / 3)] [ let alternative-position max-one-of patches with [ not any? batteries in-radius (battery-range / 3) ][ sum [value] of cities in-radius battery-range ] if alternative-position != nobody [move-to alternative-position] ] ] ] if strategy = "choke-points" [ let strategic-points patches with [ count cities in-radius battery-range >= 2 ] create-batteries strategy-batteries [ ifelse any? strategic-points [ let best-point max-one-of strategic-points [ sum [value] of cities in-radius battery-range ] move-to best-point ask strategic-points in-radius (battery-range / 2) [ set strategic-points strategic-points with [self != myself] ] ][ let target-city max-one-of cities [value] move-to target-city ] initialize-battery ] ] if strategy = "distributed" [ create-batteries strategy-batteries [ let uncovered-cities cities with [ not any? batteries in-radius battery-range ] ifelse any? uncovered-cities [ let target-city max-one-of uncovered-cities [value] move-to target-city ][ let target-position max-one-of patches [ count cities in-radius battery-range with [ count batteries in-radius battery-range < 2 ] ] move-to target-position ] initialize-battery ] ] ] ] ] ) end ; Helper procedure to set up individual battery properties to initialize-battery set shape "triangle" set color red set size 2 set remaining-interceptors num-interceptors end to update-protection-status ; Reset protection status for all cities ask cities [ set protected? false ] ; Mark cities as protected if they are within range of any battery with interceptors ask cities [ let city-batteries batteries in-radius battery-range if any? city-batteries [ if sum [remaining-interceptors] of city-batteries > 0 [ set protected? true set color green ] ] ] end to go if not attack-complete? [ ; Only launch attack if not already done launch-attack while [any? missiles] [ move-missiles intercept-missiles destroy-cities update-protection-status update-visualizations update-plots1 tick ] set attack-complete? true ; Set flag when attack is done ] end to launch-attack (ifelse attacker-strategy = "highest-value" [ ; Target the most valuable cities first let high-value-targets sort-on [(- value)] cities let missiles-remaining num-missiles foreach high-value-targets [target1 -> ; Stop if we run out of missiles if missiles-remaining > 0 [ create-missiles 1 [ setup-missile target1 set missiles-remaining missiles-remaining - 1 ] ] ] ] attacker-strategy = "spread-attack" [ ; Distribute missiles evenly across as many cities as possible let num-targets min list num-missiles count cities let target-cities n-of num-targets cities foreach sort target-cities [target1 -> create-missiles 1 [ setup-missile target1 ] ] ] attacker-strategy = "minimal-breach" [ ; Find a valuable target and concentrate enough missiles to overwhelm its defenses let target1 max-one-of cities [ value * (1 + count batteries in-radius battery-range) ; Consider both value and defense ] if target1 != nobody [ ; Calculate missiles needed to overwhelm defenses let defending-batteries batteries with [distance target1 <= battery-range] let total-interceptors sum [remaining-interceptors] of defending-batteries let missiles-needed min list (total-interceptors + 1) num-missiles ; Launch concentrated attack repeat missiles-needed [ create-missiles 1 [ setup-missile target1 ] ] ] ] attacker-strategy = "concentrated" [ let primary-target max-one-of cities [value] if primary-target != nobody [ let nearby-cities cities with [ distance primary-target <= battery-range / 2 and self != primary-target ] ; Create list of all potential targets let target-list (list primary-target) if any? nearby-cities [ set target-list sentence target-list (sort-on [(- value)] nearby-cities) ] ; Distribute missiles among targets let missiles-per-target ceiling (num-missiles / length target-list) foreach target-list [target-city -> let missiles-to-create min list missiles-per-target (num-missiles - count missiles) repeat missiles-to-create [ create-missiles 1 [ setup-missile target-city ] ] ] ] ] attacker-strategy = "mixed" [ let strategies ["highest-value" "spread-attack" "minimal-breach" "concentrated"] let remaining-missiles num-missiles ; Randomly assign missiles to different strategies while [remaining-missiles > 0] [ let current-strategy one-of strategies let missiles-for-strategy 1 + random (min list remaining-missiles (num-missiles / 2)) set remaining-missiles remaining-missiles - missiles-for-strategy ; Apply the chosen strategy for this subset of missiles if current-strategy = "highest-value" [ let high-value-targets sort-on [(- value)] cities foreach high-value-targets [target1 -> if missiles-for-strategy > 0 [ create-missiles 1 [ setup-missile target1 set missiles-for-strategy missiles-for-strategy - 1 ] ] ] ] if current-strategy = "spread-attack" [ let num-targets min list missiles-for-strategy count cities let target-cities n-of num-targets cities foreach sort target-cities [target1 -> if missiles-for-strategy > 0 [ create-missiles 1 [ setup-missile target1 set missiles-for-strategy missiles-for-strategy - 1 ] ] ] ] if current-strategy = "minimal-breach" [ let target1 max-one-of cities [ value * (1 + count batteries in-radius battery-range) ] if target1 != nobody [ let defending-batteries batteries with [distance target1 <= battery-range] let total-interceptors sum [remaining-interceptors] of defending-batteries let missiles-needed min list (min list (total-interceptors + 1) missiles-for-strategy) missiles-for-strategy repeat missiles-needed [ create-missiles 1 [ setup-missile target1 ] ] set missiles-for-strategy missiles-for-strategy - missiles-needed ] ] if current-strategy = "concentrated" [ let primary-target max-one-of cities [value] if primary-target != nobody [ let nearby-cities cities with [ distance primary-target <= battery-range / 2 and self != primary-target ] let target-list (list primary-target) if any? nearby-cities [ set target-list sentence target-list (sort-on [(- value)] nearby-cities) ] let missiles-per-target ceiling (missiles-for-strategy / length target-list) foreach target-list [target-city -> let missiles-to-create min list missiles-per-target missiles-for-strategy repeat missiles-to-create [ create-missiles 1 [ setup-missile target-city ] ] set missiles-for-strategy missiles-for-strategy - missiles-to-create ] ] ] ] ] ) end ; Helper procedure for missile setup to setup-missile [target-city] setxy random-xcor max-pycor set target target-city ifelse random 2 = 0 [ setxy random-xcor max-pycor ] ; top of screen [ setxy max-pxcor random-ycor ] ; right side set target target-city set color orange set size 1 set shape "arrow" set intercepted? false set xcor xcor + random 10 - 5 ; Add some randomness to launch position end to move-missiles ask missiles [ face target forward 1 if show-damage? [ ask patches in-radius 0.5 [ set pcolor orange - 2 ] ] ] end to intercept-missiles ask batteries [ let nearby-missiles missiles in-radius battery-range foreach sort nearby-missiles [ m -> if remaining-interceptors > 0 and not [intercepted?] of m [ if random-float 1 < intercept-prob [ ask m [ set intercepted? true set total-intercepted-missiles total-intercepted-missiles + 1 ; Track successful interceptions ; Create explosion effect ask patches in-radius 1 [ set pcolor yellow ] die ] ] set remaining-interceptors remaining-interceptors - 1 ] ] ] end to destroy-cities ask missiles [ if distance target < 1 [ ; target is single turtle not agentset ask target [ set color red set protected? false set damage-level damage-level + 1 ask patches in-radius (city-size * 2) [ set pcolor red set damage-level damage-level + 1 ] ] die ] ] end to update-visualizations ; Clear previous visualizations ask patches [ set coverage-intensity 0 if not show-damage? [set pcolor black] ] ; Update battery coverage visualization with smoother gradients if show-coverage? [ ask batteries [ let curr-battery self ask patches in-radius battery-range [ let dist distance curr-battery let intensity (1 - (dist / battery-range)) * 2 set coverage-intensity coverage-intensity + intensity set pcolor scale-color blue coverage-intensity 2 0 ] ] ] ; Update damage visualization with smoother gradients if show-damage? [ ask cities [ ifelse protected? [ set color green ][ ifelse damage-level > 0 [ set color scale-color red damage-level 5 0 set label (word "V:" value " D:" damage-level) ][ set color blue ] ] ; Show damage radius with smooth gradient if damage-level > 0 [ ask patches in-radius (city-size * 3) [ let dist distance myself let dmg-intensity (1 - (dist / (city-size * 3))) * damage-level if dmg-intensity > 0 [ set pcolor scale-color red dmg-intensity 5 0 ] ] ] ] ] ; Draw range indicators for batteries with smooth edges ask batteries [ ; Display remaining interceptors set label (word remaining-interceptors " IM") set label-color white ] ; Update display for missiles and effects ask missiles [ set color orange ] end ; Basic value reporters to-report total-city-value report sum [ifelse-value (damage-level = 0) [value] [0]] of cities end to-report protected-value report sum [ifelse-value (protected?) [value] [0]] of cities end to-report protection-percentage ifelse total-city-value > 0 [ report (protected-value / total-city-value) * 100 ] [ report 0 ] end ; Strategic effectiveness reporters to-report city-value-survival-ratio ifelse initial-total-value > 0 [ report precision ((total-city-value / initial-total-value) * 100) 2 ] [ report 0 ] end to-report defense-efficiency ; Measures how efficiently interceptors are being used let total-initial-interceptors (num-batteries * num-interceptors) let used-interceptors total-initial-interceptors - sum [remaining-interceptors] of batteries ifelse used-interceptors > 0 [ report precision ((total-intercepted-missiles / used-interceptors) * 100) 2 ] [ report 0 ] end to-report defense-coverage-ratio ; Measures what percentage of total city value is under SAM coverage let total-value sum [value] of cities let covered-value sum [value] of cities with [any? batteries in-radius battery-range] ifelse total-value > 0 [ report precision ( (covered-value / total-value) * 100) 2 ] [ report 0 ] end to-report value-loss-percentage ; Measures percentage of total value lost to successful attacks ifelse initial-total-value > 0 [ report ((initial-total-value - total-city-value) / initial-total-value) * 100 ] [ report 0 ] end to-report intercept-success-rate ; Measures percentage of missiles successfully intercepted let total-launched count missiles + count missiles with [intercepted?] ifelse total-launched > 0 [ report (count missiles with [intercepted?] / total-launched) * 100 ] [ report 0 ] end to-report defense-saturation ; Measures how close batteries are to being overwhelmed let avg-interceptors mean [remaining-interceptors] of batteries report (avg-interceptors / 20) * 100 ; 20 is initial interceptor count end to-report attack-concentration ; Measures how concentrated the attack is let targeted-cities length remove-duplicates [target] of missiles ifelse count missiles > 0 [ report (targeted-cities / count missiles) * 100 ] [ report 0 ] end to-report high-value-targeting-ratio ; Measures focus on high-value targets let top-value max [value] of cities let targeted-value mean [value] of cities with [any? missiles with [target = myself]] ifelse top-value > 0 [ report (targeted-value / top-value) * 100 ] [ report 0 ] end to update-plots1 set-current-plot "Total Cities Value" set-current-plot-pen "Total" plot total-city-value set-current-plot-pen "Protected" plot protected-value set-current-plot "Protection Metrics" set-current-plot-pen "Protection %" plot protection-percentage set-current-plot-pen "Value Loss %" plot value-loss-percentage set-current-plot "Battle Status" set-current-plot-pen "Active Missiles" plot count missiles set-current-plot-pen "Interceptors Left" plot sum [remaining-interceptors] of batteries set-current-plot-pen "Success Rate" plot intercept-success-rate end
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