Chaos Fractal Toolkit

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Uri_dolphin3 Uri Wilensky (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 4.1pre1 • Viewed 510 times • Downloaded 53 times • Run 1 time
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$Id: Chaos Fractal Toolkit.nlogo 39714 2008-05-01 18:14:18Z tisue $


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This section could point out any especially interesting or unusual features of NetLogo that the model makes use of, particularly in the Procedures tab. It might also point out places where workarounds were needed because of missing features.


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Click to Run Model

breed [ squares square ]
breed [ outlines outline ]
breed [ points point ]

squares-own [ my-size half-size my-rotation-angle reflection-matrix rotation-matrix scale-matrix xadjustment yadjustment ]

globals [ function-list ]

to setup
  set-default-shape squares "square 4"
  set-default-shape outlines "square 3"
  set function-list []
  create-outlines 1 [
    setxy .5 .5
    set size 1.44
  create-points 100 [ setxy 0 0 set size .010001 ]

to iterate-sierpinski
  let random-function random 3
  if( random-function = 0 ) [
    setxy ( .5 * xcor ) + ( 1 / 2 )
          ( .5 * ycor ) + ( 0 )
  if( random-function = 1 ) [
    setxy ( .5 * xcor ) + ( 0 )
          ( .5 * ycor ) + ( 0 )
  if( random-function = 2 ) [
    setxy ( .5 * xcor ) + ( 1 / 4 )
          ( .5 * ycor ) + ( sqrt(3) / 4 )

to iterate-quint
  let random-function random 5
  if( random-function = 0 ) [
    setxy ( ( 1 / 3 ) * xcor ) + ( 0 )
          ( ( 1 / 3 ) * ycor ) + ( 0 )
  if( random-function = 1 ) [
    setxy ( ( 1 / 3 ) * xcor ) + ( 2 / 3 )
          ( ( 1 / 3 ) * ycor ) + ( 0 )
  if( random-function = 2 ) [
    setxy ( ( 1 / 3 ) * xcor ) + ( 1 / 3 )
          ( ( 1 / 3 ) * ycor ) + ( 1 / 3 )
  if( random-function = 3 ) [
    setxy ( ( 1 / 3 ) * xcor ) + ( 0 )
          ( ( 1 / 3 ) * ycor ) + ( 2 / 3 )
  if( random-function = 4 ) [
    setxy ( ( 1 / 3 ) * xcor ) + ( 2 / 3 )
          ( ( 1 / 3 ) * ycor ) + ( 2 / 3 )

to iterate-leaves
  let random-function random 7
  if( random-function = 0 ) [
    setxy ( ( 1 / 3 ) * x ) + ( 2 / 3 )
          ( ( 1 / 3 ) * ycor ) + ( 0 )
  if( random-function > 0 and random-function < 3 ) [
    ;setxy ( ( sqrt(2) / 2 ) * ( sqrt(2) / 3 ) * xcor - ( sqrt(2) / 2 ) * ( sqrt(2) / 3 ) * ycor ) + ( 1 / 3 )
    ;      ( ( sqrt(2) / 2 ) * ( sqrt(2) / 3 ) * xcor + ( sqrt(2) / 2 ) * ( sqrt(2) / 3 ) * ycor ) + ( 0 )
    setxy ( ( 2 / 6 ) * xcor - ( 2 / 6 ) * ycor + ( 1 / 3 ) )
          ( ( 2 / 6 ) * xcor + ( 2 / 6 ) * ycor + 0 )
  if( random-function > 2 and random-function < 7 ) [
    setxy ( ( 2 / 3 ) * xcor ) + ( 1 / 3 )
          ( ( 2 / 3 ) * ycor ) + ( 1 / 3 )

to iterate-problem-a
  let random-function random 11
  if( random-function >= 0 and random-function < 4 ) [ ;; lower left box
    setxy ( ( 1 / 2 ) * xcor ) + ( 0 )
          ( ( 1 / 2 ) * ycor ) + ( 0 )
  if( random-function >= 4 and random-function < 8 ) [ ;; upper right rotated box
    setxy ( - ( 1 / 2 ) * ycor ) + ( 1 )
          ( ( 1 / 2 ) * xcor ) + ( 1 / 2 )
  if( random-function = 8 ) [
    setxy ( ( 1 / 4 ) * xcor ) + ( 1 / 2 )
          ( ( 1 / 4 ) * ycor ) + ( 0 )
  if( random-function = 9 ) [
    setxy ( ( 1 / 4 ) * xcor ) + ( 3 / 4 )
          ( ( 1 / 4 ) * ycor ) + ( 0 )
  if( random-function = 10 ) [
    setxy ( - ( 1 / 4 ) * ycor ) + ( 1 )
          ( ( 1 / 4 ) * xcor ) + ( 1 / 4 )

to iterate-problem-b
  let random-function random 3
  if( random-function = 0 ) [ ;; large box
    setxy ( - ( 1 / 2 ) * ycor ) + ( 1 / 2 )
          ( ( 1 / 2 ) * xcor ) + ( 1 / 2 )
  if( random-function = 1 ) [
    setxy ( ( 1 / 2 ) * xcor ) + ( 0 )
          ( ( 1 / 2 ) * ycor ) + ( 0 )
  if( random-function = 2 ) [
    setxy ( ( 1 / 2 ) * xcor ) + ( 1 / 2 )
          ( ( 1 / 2 ) * ycor ) + ( 0 )

to-report x
  report xcor

to move-squares
  if mouse-down? [
    let candidate min-one-of squares [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor]
    if [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor] of candidate < 1 [
      ask candidate [ set color red ]
      while [mouse-down?] [
        ;; If we don't force the display to update, the user won't
        ;; be able to see the turtle moving around.
        ;; The SUBJECT primitive reports the turtle being watched.
        ask candidate [ setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor ]
      ask candidate [ set color white ]
      ask candidate [ check-bounds ]

to check-bounds ;; square procedure
  if( ( xcor - half-size ) < 0 ) [ set xcor half-size ]
  if( ( xcor + half-size ) > 1 ) [ set xcor 1 - half-size ]
  if( ( ycor - half-size ) < 0 ) [ set ycor half-size ]
  if( ( ycor + half-size ) > 1 ) [ set ycor 1 - half-size ]

to delete-squares
  if( mouse-down? and any?( squares ) ) [
    let candidate min-one-of squares [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor]
    if [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor] of candidate < 1 [
      ask candidate [ die ]

to create-fractal ;; point procedure
  if( function-list = [] ) [
    set function-list ifs-list
  let random-function random-float 1
  let counter 0
  let right-function []
  while [ counter < length function-list ] [
    if( random-function < item 0 ( item counter function-list ) ) [
      set right-function item counter function-list
    set counter counter + 1
  reflect-point ( item 1 right-function )
  rotate-point  ( item 2 right-function )
  scale-point ( item 3 right-function )
  ;; moves from original square position
  set xcor xcor + item 4 right-function
  set ycor ycor + item 5 right-function
;  set xcor ( item 1 right-function * xcor ) + ( item 2 right-function * ycor ) + ( item 5 right-function )
;  set ycor ( item 3 right-function * xcor ) + ( item 4 right-function * ycor ) + ( item 6 right-function )

to reflect-point [ my-reflection-matrix ] ;; this reflects and resets inside original square
  set xcor ( item 0 my-reflection-matrix * xcor ) + ( item 1 my-reflection-matrix * ycor ) + item 4 my-reflection-matrix
  set ycor ( item 2 my-reflection-matrix * xcor ) + ( item 3 my-reflection-matrix * ycor ) + item 5 my-reflection-matrix

to rotate-point [ my-rotation-matrix ]
  set xcor ( item 0 my-rotation-matrix * xcor ) + ( item 1 my-rotation-matrix * ycor ) + item 4 my-rotation-matrix
  set ycor ( item 2 my-rotation-matrix * xcor ) + ( item 3 my-rotation-matrix * ycor ) + item 5 my-rotation-matrix

to scale-point [ my-scale-matrix ] ;; scales down original square area
  set xcor ( item 0 my-scale-matrix * xcor ) + ( item 1 my-scale-matrix * ycor )
  set ycor ( item 2 my-scale-matrix * xcor ) + ( item 3 my-scale-matrix * ycor )

to-report ifs-list
  let iterated-function-list [] ;; list of lists
  let total-area-of-squares ( sum [ my-size ] of squares )
  let prob-counter 1
  ask squares [
    ;; scale, then reflect, then correct
;    let entry-a ( item 0 scale-matrix * item 0 reflection-matrix ) + ( item 2 scale-matrix * item 1 reflection-matrix )
;    let entry-b ( item 1 scale-matrix * item 0 reflection-matrix ) + ( item 3 scale-matrix * item 1 reflection-matrix )
;    let entry-c ( item 0 scale-matrix * item 2 reflection-matrix ) + ( item 2 scale-matrix * item 3 reflection-matrix )
;    let entry-d ( item 1 scale-matrix * item 2 reflection-matrix ) + ( item 3 scale-matrix * item 3 reflection-matrix )
    ;;set half-size my-size / 2
    ;; list elements: probability determined by ratio of area,
    ;;                rotation matrix a b c d
    ;;                x ( my xcor - half my size )
    ;;                y ( my ycor - half my size )
    set iterated-function-list lput ( list ( prob-counter ) reflection-matrix rotation-matrix scale-matrix ( xcor - half-size ) ( ycor - half-size ) ) iterated-function-list
    ;;item 0 : prob counter
    ;;item 1 : reflection matrix
    ;;item 2 : rotation matrix
    ;;item 3 : scale matrix
    ;;item 4 : xcor of bottom left corner
    ;;item 5 : ycor of bottom left corner
    set prob-counter ( prob-counter - ( my-size / total-area-of-squares ) )
  report iterated-function-list

There are 9 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Uri Wilensky almost 15 years ago Chaos Fractal Toolkit Download this version
Uri Wilensky almost 15 years ago random stuff for testing Download this version
Uri Wilensky almost 15 years ago random stuff for testing Download this version
Uri Wilensky almost 15 years ago random stuff for testing Download this version
Uri Wilensky almost 15 years ago random stuff for testing Download this version
Uri Wilensky almost 15 years ago random stuff for testing Download this version
Uri Wilensky almost 15 years ago random stuff for testing Download this version
Uri Wilensky almost 15 years ago random stuff for testing Download this version
Uri Wilensky almost 15 years ago random stuff for testing Download this version

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