Competing Technologies (iPhone vs Blackberry) v4
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breed [customers customer] turtles-own [group-pref phantom-group-pref tech-pref influence-by-marketing friends contract-time] globals [ iphone-resources blackberry-resources tech-iphone tech-blackberry iphone-upgrade-cost blackberry-upgrade-cost marketing-percentage-iphone patches-sum current-turtle-size current-friend-status growth-rate cost-of-marketing iphone-marketing-spending iphone-tech-spending blackberry-marketing-spending blackberry-tech-spending iphone-spent-on-marketing blackberry-spent-on-marketing iphone-spent-on-tech blackberry-spent-on-tech iphone-tech-next-stage blackberry-tech-next-stage iphone-marketing-next-stage blackberry-marketing-next-stage ] to setup clear-all initialize-variables set-default-shape customers "circle" create-customers initial-customers [ ifelse random 100 < initial-iphone-percent [ set color orange ][ set color magenta ] create-helper ] ask turtles [ create-links ] ask patches [ set pcolor 5 ] setup-marketing reset-ticks end to go set-go-variables set-marketing-variable add-resources spend-resources change-turtle-size update-friends-status update-growth-rate add-customers update-contracts-and-remake-decision-if-expired tick end to update-growth-rate ; this procedure updates the growth rate based on an inverse exponential function ifelse inverse-exp-growth? [ ifelse e ^ (ticks / maximum-new-adoptors) > maximum-new-adoptors [ set growth-rate maximum-new-adoptors ][ set growth-rate int (e ^ (ticks / maximum-new-adoptors)) ] ][ set growth-rate 1 ] end to add-customers ; introduce customers to the world based on the function given by update-growth-rate if ticks mod growth-rate = 0 [ create-customers 1 [ create-helper create-links set-phone-choice ] ] end to update-contracts-and-remake-decision-if-expired ; turtle proceture -- updates when their contract expires, and remakes their decision if expired ask customers [ ifelse contract-time = 0 [ set-phone-choice set contract-time 4 * 356 ][ set contract-time contract-time - 1 ] ] end to add-resources ; give each company an income based on the amount of customers they have set iphone-resources iphone-resources + count turtles with [color = orange] set blackberry-resources blackberry-resources + count turtles with [color = magenta] end ; this procedure also updates tech and marketing levels for both companies, after spending both company's income ; if the income is not enough to pay for a technology upgrade, the company still puts money towards it, but only ; gets the point after it has put enough money towards it ; this procedure also increases the technology cost as it updates to spend-resources ifelse random (iphone-tech-spending + iphone-marketing-spending) < iphone-marketing-spending [ set iphone-spent-on-marketing iphone-spent-on-marketing + iphone-resources if iphone-spent-on-marketing > iphone-marketing-next-stage [ if any? patches with [pcolor != 109] [ ask one-of patches with [pcolor != 109] [ set pcolor pcolor + 1 set iphone-resources iphone-resources - cost-of-marketing ] ] set iphone-marketing-next-stage iphone-marketing-next-stage + cost-of-marketing ] ][ set iphone-spent-on-tech iphone-spent-on-tech + iphone-resources if iphone-spent-on-tech > iphone-tech-next-stage [ set tech-iphone tech-iphone + 1 set iphone-tech-next-stage iphone-tech-next-stage + cost-of-marketing + tech-iphone * 300 ] ] set iphone-resources 0 ifelse random (blackberry-tech-spending + blackberry-marketing-spending) < blackberry-marketing-spending [ set blackberry-spent-on-marketing blackberry-spent-on-marketing + blackberry-resources if blackberry-spent-on-marketing > blackberry-marketing-next-stage [ if any? patches with [pcolor != 100] [ ask one-of patches with [pcolor != 100] [ set pcolor pcolor - 1 set blackberry-resources blackberry-resources - cost-of-marketing ] ] set blackberry-marketing-next-stage blackberry-marketing-next-stage + cost-of-marketing ] ][ set blackberry-spent-on-tech blackberry-spent-on-tech + blackberry-resources if blackberry-spent-on-tech > blackberry-tech-next-stage [ set tech-blackberry tech-blackberry + 1 set blackberry-tech-next-stage blackberry-tech-next-stage + cost-of-marketing + tech-blackberry * 300 ] ] set blackberry-resources 0 end to setup-marketing ; this sets the initial random gradient marketing environment on setup ask one-of patches [ set pcolor 104 ask-neighbors ] end to ask-neighbors ; this is a recursive procedure for patches let my-color pcolor ask neighbors [ if pcolor = 5 [ ifelse random 10 < 5 [ ifelse my-color + 1 > 109 [ set pcolor 109 ][ set pcolor my-color + 1 ] ][ ifelse my-color - 1 < 100 [ set pcolor 100 ][ set pcolor my-color - 1 ] ] ask-neighbors ] ] end to set-phone-choice ; turtles use this procedure to decide which which preference they will consider when choosing a phone let sum-of-preference group-pref + tech-pref + influence-by-marketing let r random sum-of-preference ifelse r < group-pref [ set-according-to-neighbors ][ ifelse r < tech-pref + group-pref [ set-according-to-tech ][ set-according-to-marketing ] ] end to set-according-to-neighbors ; this procedure is called if turtles prefer what their friends use over other preferences ifelse any? friends [ let blackberry-neighbors 0 let iphone-neighbors 0 ask friends [ ifelse color = orange [ set iphone-neighbors iphone-neighbors + 1 ][ set blackberry-neighbors blackberry-neighbors + 1 ] ] let r blackberry-neighbors + iphone-neighbors ifelse random r < iphone-neighbors [ set color orange ][ set color magenta ] ][ ifelse random tech-pref + influence-by-marketing < tech-pref [ set-according-to-tech ][ set-according-to-marketing ] ] end to set-according-to-tech ; this procedure is called if turtles prefer technology use over other preferences ifelse tech-blackberry < tech-iphone [ set color orange ][ set color magenta ] end to set-according-to-marketing ; this procedure is called if turtles are more susceptible to marketing over other preferences ifelse random 10 <= pcolor - 100 [ set color orange ][ set color magenta ] end to create-links ; this is a turtle procedure which sets a random amount of friends for each turtle if random 100 < 40 [ set friends min-n-of random 15 turtles [distance myself] ] end to initialize-variables ; initialize variables at setup set patches-sum count patches set iphone-resources 0 set blackberry-resources 0 set tech-blackberry 0 set tech-iphone 0 set current-turtle-size turtle-size set current-friend-status 999 set cost-of-marketing 3000 set iphone-spent-on-marketing 0 set blackberry-spent-on-marketing 0 set iphone-spent-on-tech 0 set blackberry-spent-on-tech 0 set iphone-tech-next-stage cost-of-marketing set blackberry-tech-next-stage cost-of-marketing set iphone-marketing-next-stage cost-of-marketing set blackberry-tech-next-stage cost-of-marketing end to create-helper ; this sets up the variables required whenever a customer is introduced into the world--mostly personal preference variables setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size turtle-size set friends no-turtles set group-pref random-normal 10 3 set phantom-group-pref group-pref set tech-pref random-normal 10 3 set influence-by-marketing random-normal 10 3 set contract-time 4 * 356 end to set-go-variables ; this procedure updates spending for companies, and is updated every tick set iphone-marketing-spending percentage-spent-on-marketing-iphone set iphone-tech-spending 100 - percentage-spent-on-marketing-iphone set blackberry-marketing-spending percentage-spent-on-marketing-blackberry set blackberry-tech-spending 100 - percentage-spent-on-marketing-blackberry end to change-turtle-size ; this procedure updates the size of turtles, and is called at every tick if current-turtle-size != turtle-size [ set-turtle-size set current-turtle-size turtle-size ] end to set-turtle-size ; ; this is a helper procedure used by change-turtle-size ask turtles [ set size turtle-size ] end to update-friends-status ; this procedure updates the status of friends, and is called at every tick if current-friend-status != friends? [ ifelse friends? [ set-back-group ][ set-group-zero ] set current-friend-status friends? ] end to set-group-zero ; this is a helper procedure used by update-friends-status ask turtles [ set group-pref 0 ] end to set-back-group ; this is a helper procedure used by update-friends-status ask turtles [ set group-pref phantom-group-pref ] end to set-marketing-variable ; this procedure updates the the percentage of marketing influence iphone has in the world. let iphone-sum 0 ask patches [ set iphone-sum iphone-sum + pcolor - 100 ] set marketing-percentage-iphone iphone-sum / (9 * patches-sum) end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 12 years ago by Felix Hu.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
EECS 372 Proposal.pdf | Original Project Proposal | almost 12 years ago, by Felix Hu | Download | |
FelixHu_June2.docx | word | June 2nd Progress Report | almost 12 years ago, by Felix Hu | Download |
FelixHu_May20.docx | word | May 20th Progress Report | almost 12 years ago, by Felix Hu | Download |
FelixHu_May27.docx | word | May 27th Progress Report | almost 12 years ago, by Felix Hu | Download |
Final Report.docx | word | Final Report | almost 12 years ago, by Felix Hu | Download |
Hu_Felix_Slam.pptx | powerpoint | Slam Powerpoint Presentation | almost 12 years ago, by Felix Hu | Download |
poster.ppt | Poster | almost 12 years ago, by Felix Hu | Download |