Sex-ratio Equilibrium_v1
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;; sexual reproduction (XX-XY type) and growth model ;; turtles-own [ partner carrying? male-child-chance gestation age gender ] ;;set-up pupulation of males and females to setup ca crt ini-number [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set shape "male" set size 3 set gender "male" set color green set male-child-chance random-normal ini-average-male-child-chance 0.1 set age 0 set partner nobody set carrying? false ] ask n-of round ( ini-sex-ratio * ini-number ) turtles [ set color blue set shape "female" set size 3 set gender "female" set male-child-chance 0 ] reset-ticks end to go if not any? turtles [stop] check-if-dead move search-a-partner reproduce tick end to move ask turtles [ rt random 60 lt random 60 fd 1 ] end to search-a-partner let male-turtles turtles with [gender = "male"] ask male-turtles [ set partner one-of (other turtles-here with [gender = "female" and not carrying?]) if partner = nobody [stop] ifelse [partner] of partner != nobody [ set partner nobody stop ;; just in case two males find the same partner ] [ ifelse random-float 1 < mating-chance [ ask partner [ set partner myself set carrying? true set color orange ;; color oragne indicates carrying female set male-child-chance [male-child-chance] of myself ;; sex of a child is determined by male-child-chance (determined by father) ] ] [ set partner nobody ] ] ] end to reproduce let female-turtles turtles with [gender = "female"] ask female-turtles [ if carrying? [ ifelse gestation = gestation-period [ ;; genstation- period is 9 months. when it's over, a female produces a child and starts afrest and can have a new partner. set gestation 0 set carrying? false set color green set partner nobody repeat litter-size [ ifelse random-float 1 < male-child-chance [ ;; sex of a child is determined by male-child-chance (determined by father) hatch 1 [ set gender "male" set shape "male" set color green set male-child-chance random-normal male-child-chance 0.1 set age 0 ] ][ hatch 1 [ set gender "female" set color blue set male-child-chance 0 set age 0 ] ] ] ][ set gestation gestation + 1 ] ] ] end to check-if-dead ask turtles [ ifelse random-float longevity < age [ die ][ set age age + 1 ] ] end to-report female-percentage ifelse any? turtles [ report ( count turtles with [gender = "female"] / count turtles ) * 100 ] [ report 0 ] end to-report average-male-child-chance ifelse any? turtles with [gender = "male"] [ report mean [male-child-chance] of turtles with [gender = "male"] ] [ report 0 ] end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 9 years ago by Sugat Dabholkar.
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