Child of vampires
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;;creating the breeds, i can know refer to them ;; associating an agent (resistance and soif) breed [humans human] breed [vampires vampire] humans-own [struggle? resistance hum-energy wall-turn-check breeding-random ] vampires-own [soif bat-energy wall-turn-check pity ] to building-draw ;; Use the mouse to draw buildings. if mouse-down? [ ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor [ set pcolor grey ]] end to setup clear-all setup-patches set-default-shape humans "person" ; set color humans "blue" setup-individuals reset-ticks ;set vampires end to setup-patches ifelse humans-food-mortality-model? [ask patches [ set pcolor black ] ask n-of initial-food-patches patches [ set pcolor green ]] [ask patches [ set pcolor black ]] end to setup-individuals create-humans initial-nb-humans [ set size 1 set resistance random-normal initial-resistance-mean 1 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color white set struggle? false set hum-energy hum-energy + 5 ] create-vampires initial-number-vampires [ set size 1 set soif random-normal initial-soif-mean 1 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set bat-energy bat-energy + 50 set color red] end to go ifelse humans-food-mortality-model? [ ask humans [eat-food] ask vampires [ rt random-float 50 - random-float 50 fd 1 set bat-energy bat-energy - 1 if any? humans-here [ hunt-humans? ; hunt-humans ] if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 != black [wall] ] ask humans [ rt random-float 50 - random-float 50 fd 1 set hum-energy hum-energy - 1 ] ask humans [ eat-food] ask humans [reproduce] ask humans [check-death-humans] ask vampires [check-death-vampires] regrow-grass tick ] [ ask vampires [ rt random-float 50 - random-float 50 fd 1 set bat-energy bat-energy - 1 if any? humans-here [ hunt-humans?] ; if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 != grey ; [wall] ] ask humans [ rt random-float 50 - random-float 50 fd 1 ] ask humans [reproduce2] ask vampires [check-death-vampires] tick ] end to hunt-humans? set pity random 10 ;ifelse pity < vampirification-probability ; [ if any? humans-on patch-here [hunt-humans]] ; [if any? humans-on patch-here ; [ hatch-vampires 1 ; [set bat-energy bat-energy + 10 ; ]]] if pity < vampirification-probability [if any? humans-on patch-here [hunt-humans]] if pity > vampirification-probability [ hatch-vampires 1 [set bat-energy bat-energy + 50 ]] end to eat-food ask humans [ if pcolor = green [ set pcolor black set hum-energy hum-energy + 10 ] ifelse show-energy? [ set label hum-energy set label-color red] [ set label "" ] ] end to hunt-humans let hunted one-of (humans-here );with [not struggle?]) if hunted != nobody [ ; ask hunted [ set struggle? true ] ; ifelse soif > [ resistance ] of hunted ask hunted [ die ] set bat-energy bat-energy + 10 ] ; [ ; if soif != [ resistance ] of hunted [ die ] ; ] ;] end to create-vampires? create-vampires 1 [ set size 1 set soif random-normal initial-soif-mean 1 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color red] end to reproduce set breeding-random random 10 ifelse breeding-random < breeding-probabilities [ask humans [ if hum-energy > 50 [ set hum-energy hum-energy - 50 hatch 1 [ set hum-energy 50 ] ]]] [ ask humans [ rt random-float 50 - random-float 50 fd 1 set hum-energy hum-energy - 1]] end to reproduce2 set breeding-random random 10 ifelse breeding-random < breeding-probabilities [ask humans [ hatch 1 [ set hum-energy 50 ] ]] [ ask humans [ rt random-float 50 - random-float 50 fd 1 ]] end to check-death-humans ask humans [ if hum-energy <= 0 [ die ] ] end to check-death-vampires ask vampires [ if bat-energy <= 0 [ die ] ] ifelse show-energy? [ set label bat-energy ] [ set label "" ] end to regrow-grass ask patches with [pcolor = black] [ if random 100 < food-regeneration [ set pcolor green ] ] end to wall ;; Turn agent away from wall set wall-turn-check random 10 if wall-turn-check >= 6 [wall-right-turn] if wall-turn-check <= 5 [wall-left-turn] end to wall-right-turn ;;Generate a random degree of turn for the wall sub-routine. rt 170 end to wall-left-turn ;;Generate a random degree of turn for the wall sub-routine. lt 170 end
There is only one version of this model, created over 6 years ago by noe rehspringer.
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