Indicriminete Violence & Intelligence

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breed [villagers villager]
breed [soldiers soldier]
breed [rebels rebel]
breed [unfits unfit]
breed [deads dead]

globals [ ;; Global variables.

turtles-own[  ;; Turtle variables.


to setup
  set-default-shape villagers "person business"
  set-default-shape soldiers "person police"
  set-default-shape rebels "person soldier"
  set-default-shape unfits "person student"
  set-default-shape deads "person"

  ask patches [set pcolor grey - 3]

  create-villagers CIV [
    set color grey
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set age (random 101) / UNF
    if age < 1 [set breed unfits set color pink - 1]

  create-soldiers COIN [
    set color brown + 3
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set age -2
    set intelligence random 101

  create-rebels INS [
    set color brown + 2
  setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set age (random 101)

  ask turtles [set size 0.5]

to go              ;; the fun beginns

  set-default-shape villagers "person business"
  set-default-shape soldiers "person police"
  set-default-shape rebels "person soldier"
  set-default-shape unfits "person student"
  set-default-shape deads "person"

  ask villagers [
  forward 0.2
    let current-villager self
   let persuade  random count villagers + random 1000
    if persuade <  random count deads [ask rebels with [distance current-villager < 1] [soothe]]

  ask soldiers
    forward 0.1
    let current-soldier self
    let attack random 101
    if attack < 80 [ask rebels with [distance current-soldier < 1] [kill]]

    if any? deads in-radius .5
    if any? rebels in-radius 1
    [set intelligence intelligence + 10]


    if intelligence > 90 [ask unfits with [distance current-soldier < .1] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 80 and intelligence < 90 [ask unfits with [distance current-soldier < .2] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 70 and intelligence < 80 [ask unfits with [distance current-soldier < .3] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 60 and intelligence < 70 [ask unfits with [distance current-soldier < .4] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 50 and intelligence < 60 [ask unfits with [distance current-soldier < .5] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 40 and intelligence < 50 [ask unfits with [distance current-soldier < .6] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 30 and intelligence < 40 [ask unfits with [distance current-soldier < .7] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 20 and intelligence < 30 [ask unfits with [distance current-soldier < .8] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 10 and intelligence < 20 [ask unfits with [distance current-soldier < .9] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 0 and intelligence < 10 [ask unfits with [distance current-soldier < 1] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 90 [ask unfits with [distance current-soldier < .1] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 80 and intelligence < 90 [ask villagers with [distance current-soldier < .2] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 70 and intelligence < 80 [ask villagers with [distance current-soldier < .3] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 60 and intelligence < 70 [ask villagers with [distance current-soldier < .4] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 50 and intelligence < 60 [ask villagers with [distance current-soldier < .5] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 40 and intelligence < 50 [ask villagers with [distance current-soldier < .6] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 30 and intelligence < 40 [ask villagers with [distance current-soldier < .7] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 20 and intelligence < 30 [ask villagers with [distance current-soldier < .8] [kill]]
    if intelligence > 10 and intelligence < 20 [ask villagers with [distance current-soldier < .9] [kill]]
    if intelligence < 10 [ask villagers with [distance current-soldier < 1] [kill]]
    ;;if any? villagers in-radius (intelligence ^ -1 + .5) [ask unfits in-radius 1 [kill]]

  ask rebels [
    forward 0.2
    let current-rebel self
    let persuade random count rebels + random 1000
    if persuade < random count villagers [ask villagers with [distance current-rebel < (1 + count deads)] [radicalize]]
    let attack random 100
    if attack < 5 [ask soldiers with [distance current-rebel < 1] [kill]]

  ask unfits [
    fd 0.2

 ;;ask deads [                           ;;meet your ancestors
  ;;if count-down  < -2 [die]

  if (count rebels = 0) [stop]
  if (count soldiers = 0) [stop]

;; definitions

to decrement-timer
  set count-down count-down - 1

to intdown
  let current-soldier self
  ask current-soldier [set intelligence intelligence - 6]
  carefully [ask  up-to-n-of random 2 villagers [radicalize]] [print error-message]

to interact
 if any? villagers in-radius 1 [intup]
 if any? unfits in-radius 1 [intup]

to intup
  let current-soldier self
  ask current-soldier [set intelligence intelligence + 3]

to soothe
  set breed villagers
  set color grey

to radicalize
  set breed rebels
  set color brown + 1

to kill
  set breed deads
  set color black
  set age -2

to wander                 ;; Random movement for agents.
  set turn-check random 20
  if turn-check > 15
  if turn-check < 5
  ;if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = green
 ; [wall]

;to wall ;;  Turn agent away from wall
 ;   set wall-turn-check random 10
  ;  if wall-turn-check >= 6
   ; [wall-right-turn]
    ;if wall-turn-check <= 5

to wall-right-turn ;;Generate a random degree of turn for the wall sub-routine.
  rt 170

to wall-left-turn ;;Generate a random degree of turn for the wall sub-routine.
  lt 170

to right-turn ;;Generate a random degree of turn for the wander sub-routine.
  rt random-float 10

to left-turn   ;;Generate a random degree of turn for the wander sub-routine.
  lt random-float 10

to update-globals ;;Set globals to current values for reporters.
  set total-rebel (count rebels)
  set total-soldier (count soldiers)
  set total-villager (count villagers)
  set total-unfit (count unfits)
  set total-dead (count deads)

to do-plots                ;; Update monitors
  set-current-plot "#1"
  set-current-plot-pen "Insurgents" plot total-rebel
  set-current-plot-pen "COIN" plot total-soldier
  set-current-plot-pen "Civilians" plot total-villager
  set-current-plot-pen "Dead" plot total-dead
  set-current-plot "Unfit for Battle"
  set-current-plot-pen "Unfits" plot total-unfit

There are 2 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Stefan Baumgartner over 3 years ago Fixed some bugs and introduced more bugs to fix later Download this version
Stefan Baumgartner over 3 years ago Adaption to take intelligence into account [inflammatory model] Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
hearts and minds.jpg jpeg 1 over 3 years ago, by Stefan Baumgartner Download

Parent: indiscriminate violence| suppressive model

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