Default-person Models belonging to Sergio Rojas-Galeano

COVID-19 epidemics with Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions and zonal restraints preview image COVID-19 epidemics with Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions and zonal restraints
Sergio Rojas-Galeano covid-19, corona virus, epidemiology, lockdown, quarantine, covid-19, epidemiology, mass testing, social distancing, epidemics, non-pharmaceutical interventions, virus spread (No group) 135962545.79418382 over 4 years ago
Urban Pigeon-inspired Model for Unconstraint Optimisation preview image Urban Pigeon-inspired Model for Unconstraint Optimisation
Sergio Rojas-Galeano bio-inspired model, flocking model, meta-heuristic, optimization, swarm algorithm, unconstrained numerical optimization (No group) 134561282.73143137 over 4 years ago
Binary Optimisation with Urban Pigeon-inspired Model preview image Binary Optimisation with Urban Pigeon-inspired Model
Sergio Rojas-Galeano binary optimization, bio-inspired model, meta-heuristic, optimization, swarm algorithm (No group) 133335716.85144915 about 4 years ago
COVID-19 mitigation with personal habits and intermittent short lockdowns preview image COVID-19 mitigation with personal habits and intermittent short lockdowns
Sergio Rojas-Galeano covid-19, epidemiology, mass testing, social distancing, covid-19, personal habits, mask-wearing, hand-washing, intermittent lockdowns (No group) 116960752.18077472 over 3 years ago
Follow the Leader + Random Walk (FLW) Swarm Algorithm preview image Follow the Leader + Random Walk (FLW) Swarm Algorithm
Sergio Rojas-Galeano metaheuristic, optimisation, swarm artificial intelligence (No group) 77614226.50108315 over 2 years ago
FLW-HD: Optimisation based on Follow-the-Leader and random Walk in High Dimensions preview image FLW-HD: Optimisation based on Follow-the-Leader and random Walk in High Dimensions
Sergio Rojas-Galeano metaheuristic, optimisation, swarm algorithm (No group) 56623685.68839343 almost 2 years ago
CIAO: Collective Intelligence Algorithm for Optimization preview image CIAO: Collective Intelligence Algorithm for Optimization
Sergio Rojas-Galeano collective intelligence, metaheuristic, optimisation (No group) 9525093.83377848 4 months ago