Capture the Flag
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Model was written in NetLogo 4.1pre5
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$Id: Capture the Flag.nlogo 40967 2008-09-09 19:44:01Z everreau $
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globals [ min-grade ] breed [ students student ] breed [ flags flag ] breed [ arrows arrow ] students-own [ user-id step-size jail-timer turbo-timer my-goal seen-goal? my-arrows ] arrows-own [ my-goal ] patches-own [ goal? elevation ] to startup setup hubnet-set-client-interface "COMPUTER" [] hubnet-reset end to setup cp cd clear-output set-default-shape flags "flag" set-default-shape arrows "arrow" set release-the-hounds? false ask flags [ die ] ask arrows [ die ] ask patches [ set goal? false ] ;; even out the colors in case somebody logged out let color-difference count students with [color = red] - count students with [color = blue] if color-difference > 1 [ ask n-of floor (color-difference / 2) turtles with [color = red] [ set color blue ] ] if color-difference < -1 [ ask n-of floor abs (color-difference / 2) turtles with [color = blue] [ set color red ] ] ask patches [ set elevation random-float 10 ] repeat 10 [ diffuse elevation 0.5 ] ask patches with [pycor > 0] [ set pcolor scale-color blue elevation 0 40 ] ask patches with [pycor < 0] [ set pcolor scale-color red elevation 0 40 ] set min-grade min [ my-min-grade ] of patches ask one-of patches with [ pycor > max-pxcor - 10 ] [ sprout-flags 1 [ set color blue ht ] set goal? true ask students with [color = blue ] [ set my-goal myself ] ] ask one-of patches with [ pycor < min-pxcor + 10 ] [ sprout-flags 1 [ set color red ht ] set goal? true ask students with [color = red ] [ set my-goal myself ] ] ask students [ hubnet-clear-overrides user-id set step-size default-step-size set jail-timer 0 set turbo-timer 0 move-to one-of patches with [shade-of? pcolor [color] of myself] hubnet-send-follow user-id self vision hubnet-send-override user-id flags "hidden?" [false] hubnet-send-override user-id self "shape" ["default halo"] set heading one-of [0 90 180 270] set seen-goal? false create-arrow self my-goal color ] end to create-arrow [root g c] set my-arrows no-turtles hatch-arrows 1 [ ht set my-goal g set color c move-arrow hubnet-send-override [user-id] of myself self "hidden?" [ false ] ask root [ set my-arrows (turtle-set my-arrows myself) ] ] end to move-arrow move-to myself face my-goal fd distance my-goal * 9 / world-width end to-report my-min-grade report min [ elevation - [elevation] of myself ] of neighbors4 end ;; ;; Runtime Procedures ;; to go every speed [ listen-clients display ask students [ set jail-timer jail-timer - 1 if jail-timer > 0 [ hubnet-send-override user-id self "label" [jail-timer] ] if jail-timer = 0 [ hubnet-clear-override user-id self "label"] if turbo-timer > 0 [ set turbo-timer turbo-timer - step-size if turbo-timer <= 0 [ set jail-timer round ( turbo-length * turbo-rest-fraction / step-size ) set step-size default-step-size ] ] if jail-timer <= 0 [ move ] ask my-arrows [ move-arrow ] ] if game-over? [ stop ] ] end to move if release-the-hounds? [ let dist step-size + grade let next-patch patch-ahead dist if next-patch != nobody [ if not any? link-neighbors and [distance [my-goal] of myself] of next-patch < puppy-guarding-radius [ rt 180 ] ] fd dist tag grab-flag return-flag-to-base send-location if not seen-goal? [ let other-goal one-of patches in-radius 9 with [goal? and not shade-of? [color] of myself pcolor ] if other-goal != nobody [ set seen-goal? true create-arrow self other-goal ifelse-value (color = red) [blue][red] ] ] ] end to-report grade let p patch-ahead 1 if p = patch-here [ set p patch-ahead 1.5 ] if p = nobody [ report 0 ] report ([elevation] of p - elevation) * (step-size - min-step-size) / min-grade end to-report game-over? let over? false ask students with [any? link-neighbors and goal? and shade-of? pcolor color] [ user-message (word user-id " has won the game for " ifelse-value (color = blue) ["blue"]["red"]) set over? true ] report over? end ;; ;; HubNet Procedures ;; to listen-clients while [ hubnet-message-waiting? ] [ hubnet-fetch-message ifelse hubnet-enter-message? [ create-new-student ] [ ifelse hubnet-exit-message? [ remove-student ] [ ask students with [user-id = hubnet-message-source] [ execute-command hubnet-message-tag ] ] ] ] end to create-new-student create-students 1 [ set seen-goal? false set heading one-of [0 90 180 270] set user-id hubnet-message-source set step-size default-step-size set color ifelse-value (count students with [color = red] > count students with [color = blue])[blue][red] send-location move-to one-of patches with [shade-of? pcolor [color] of myself] hubnet-send-follow user-id self vision hubnet-send-override user-id flags "hidden?" [ false ] hubnet-send-override user-id self "shape" [ "default halo" ] set my-goal one-of patches with [goal? and shade-of? pcolor [color] of myself ] create-arrow self my-goal color ] end to remove-student ask students with [user-id = hubnet-message-source] [ ask my-arrows [ die ] die ] end to execute-command [command] if jail-timer > 0 or turbo-timer > 0 [ stop ] if command = "right" [ rt 90 stop ] if command = "left" [ lt 90 stop ] if command = "turbo" [ set turbo-timer turbo-length set step-size (step-size * turbo-speed) ] end to send-location ;; student procedure hubnet-send user-id "location" (word "(" pxcor "," pycor ")") end to grab-flag ;; student procedure if not any? my-links [ let my-flag one-of flags-here with [color != [color] of myself and not any? link-neighbors] if my-flag != nobody [ ask my-flag [ move-to myself ] create-link-with my-flag [ hide-link tie ] if goal? [ let goal patch-here ask students [ hubnet-send-override user-id goal "pcolor" [pcolor + 4.5] ] ] ] ] end to return-flag-to-base let my-flag one-of flags-here with [color = [color] of myself and not any? link-neighbors] if my-flag != nobody [ ask my-flag [ move-to one-of patches with [goal? and shade-of? [color] of myself pcolor] ] ] end to tag ;; student procedure if shade-of? pcolor color [ let opponent one-of students-here with [color != [color] of myself] if opponent != nobody [ ask opponent [ go-to-jail ] set jail-timer 20 ] ] end to go-to-jail ;; student procedure ask link-neighbors [ move-to one-of patches in-radius (puppy-guarding-radius + 1) with [distance [patch-here] of myself > puppy-guarding-radius] ] ask my-links [ die ] move-to one-of patches with [pycor = 0] set jail-timer 100 send-location end
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