Fruit Tree Growth in Different Soil pH Using GoGo Board Rev 2

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Nobita_square Brian Young (Author)


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extensions [gogo]

globals [
  serial-port   ;; different on different operating systems

breed [apples apple]
breed [blueberries blueberry]
breed [kiwis kiwi]
breed [mangoes mango]

apples-own [ energy phFactor]
blueberries-own [ energy phFactor]
kiwis-own [ energy phFactor]
mangoes-own [ energy phFactor]

to setup
  set serial-port user-one-of "Select a port:" gogo:ports
  gogo:open serial-port
  repeat 5
  [ if not gogo:ping
    [ user-message "The GoGo Board is not responding." ] ]
  gogo:talk-to-output-ports [ "a" "b" "c" "d" ]
  set-current-plot "Sensors"
  set-default-shape apples "circle"
  create-apples apple-seed [
    set color red
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set phFactor 5.75
    ifelse (abs ((gogo:sensor 1 - 345) / -10 - phFactor) < 1) [ set energy 20] [set energy 10]
  set-default-shape blueberries "circle"
  create-blueberries blueberry-seed [
    set color blue
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set phFactor 4.5
    ifelse (abs ((gogo:sensor 1 - 345) / -10 - phFactor) < 1) [ set energy 20] [set energy 10]
  set-default-shape kiwis "circle"
  create-kiwis kiwi-seed [
    set color green
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set phFactor 6.75
    ifelse (abs ((gogo:sensor 1 - 345) / -10 - phFactor) < 1) [ set energy 20] [set energy 10]
  set-default-shape mangoes "circle"
  create-mangoes mango-seed [
    set color orange
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set phFactor 6.75
    ifelse (abs ((gogo:sensor 1 - 345) / -10 - phFactor) < 1) [ set energy 20] [set energy 10]

to gogo-ping
  [ if not gogo:ping
    [ user-message "Unable to ping GoGo Board." ] ]
  [ user-message error-message ]

to go
  if not any? turtles [ stop ]
  ask turtles
  [ move
    death ]

to grow-water-and-nutrients
  ask patches [
    if pcolor = black [
      if random-float 1000 < nutrients-grow-rate
        [ set pcolor brown ]
      if random-float 1000 < water-grow-rate
        [ set pcolor cyan ]
  ] ]

to move  ;; move procedure
  rt random 50
  lt random 50
  fd 1
  ;; moving takes some energy
  set energy energy - 0.5

to eat-water  ;; water absorb procedure
  ;; gain "water-energy" by eating water
  if pcolor = cyan
  [ set pcolor black
    set energy energy + water-energy ]

to eat-nutrients  ;; nutrient absorb procedure
  ;; gain "nutrient-energy" by eating nutrients
  if pcolor = brown
  [ set pcolor black
    set energy energy + nutrient-energy ]

to reproduce     ;; growth procedure
  ;; give birth to a new fruit, but it takes lots of energy
  let factor phFactor
  if energy > birth-threshold
    [ set energy energy / 2
      hatch 1 [ 
        fd 1 
        ifelse (abs ((gogo:sensor 1 - 345) / -10 - phFactor) < 1) [ set energy 10 + pHadvantage] [set energy 10]
        ] ]

to death     ;; apple procedure
  ;; die if you run out of energy
  if energy < 0 [ die ]

;;; plotting procedures

to setup-plot
  set-current-plot "Populations"
  set-plot-y-range 0 100

to plot-sensor-value [ plot-sensor ]
 if plot-sensor != "none"
   set-current-plot-pen plot-sensor
   if plot-sensor = "sensor 1"
       [ plot (gogo:sensor 1) ]
   if plot-sensor = "sensor 2"
       [ plot (gogo:sensor 2) ]
   if plot-sensor = "sensor 3"
       [ plot (gogo:sensor 3) ]
   if plot-sensor = "sensor 4"
       [ plot (gogo:sensor 4) ]
   if plot-sensor = "sensor 5"
       [ plot (gogo:sensor 5) ]
   if plot-sensor = "sensor 6"
       [ plot (gogo:sensor 6) ]
   if plot-sensor = "sensor 7"
       [ plot (gogo:sensor 7) ]
   if plot-sensor = "sensor 8"
       [ plot (gogo:sensor 8) ]

to do-plot
  set-current-plot "Populations"
  set-current-plot-pen "water"
  plot count patches with [pcolor = cyan] / 4
  set-current-plot-pen "nutrients"
  plot count patches with [pcolor = brown] / 4
  set-current-plot-pen "apples"
  plot count apples
  set-current-plot-pen "blueberries"
  plot count blueberries
  set-current-plot-pen "kiwis"
  plot count kiwis
  set-current-plot-pen "mangoes"
  plot count mangoes
  set-current-plot "Sensors"
  plot-sensor-value plot-sensor-1

There is only one version of this model, created almost 14 years ago by Brian Young.

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