testing encoding - again :)
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This is a model that explores the indeterminacy of the concept of 'public good'.
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Comments and Questions
;; Interpreting Congestion Charge ;; ;; This model is based on Michael Freeden's example from ;; The purpose of this model is to show the ambiguity of political concepts such as 'public goods' ;; and the interpretation of policies. ;; TODOS: price sensitivity globals [ global-pollution-per-day ;; pollution variable travel-time-added ;; traffic congestion, how congested is traffic. ;; this variable adds itself to a vehicle's travel time average-travel-time ;; average travel time calculated per day per person yesterdays-travel-time-added ;; the average travel time added per vehicle yesterday ;; this is key in people's decision making process for whether they want ;; to go by car or bus. turtles-driving ;; number of turtles driving on any day median-income-drivers ;; the median income of turtles who drive median-income-bussers ;; the median income of turtles who take the bus cars ;; number of cars busses ;; number of busses median-income-preference-met ;; median income for those whose transport preference was met median-income-preference-not-met ;; median income for those whose transport preference was not met turtles-preference-met ;; number of people whose prefernces are met turtles-preference-not-met ;; number of people whose preferences are not met ] turtles-own [ income ;; income level of turtle, 1-100 car-love ;; how much the person wants to drive their car, 1-100 willing-to-wait ;; how willing the person is to spend extra time on travelling by car ;; rather than travelling by public transport, 1-100 wishes-to-drive? ;; would this person ideally drive today? can-afford-to-drive? ;; can this person afford to drive today will-drive-today? ;; will this person actually drive today preference-met? ;; true if person travels by preferred medians ] ;;; ;;; SETUP PROCEDURES ;;; to setup ;; clean up reset-ticks clear-all ;; create population create-turtles population [ ;; setting shape person set shape "person" ;; placing randomly on map in unoccupied location move-to one-of patches with [any? other turtles-here = false] ;; setting income randomly (will be changed as part of gini coefficient implementation) set income random 99 color-turtle set car-love random 99 set willing-to-wait random 99 ;; adding 1 to all turtle properties to avoid divide by zero errors. Look up how to set a range for random and correct this. set income income + 1 set car-love car-love + 1 set willing-to-wait willing-to-wait + 1 ] end to go ;; switch over yesterdays time travel set yesterdays-travel-time-added travel-time-added ;; ask all turtles to decide on going by car or not ask turtles [decide] ;; calculate number of cars and busses calc-vehicles ;; calculate the time delay created by number of cars calculate-delay-created ;; calculate median incomes for respectively drivers and non-drivers calculate-median-incomes ;; calculate how many turtles traveled by their preferred medians calculate-preference-met ;; calculate median income for those who traveled by preferred and those who did not. calculate-median-preference-met calc-pollution end to calc-vehicles set cars count turtles with [will-drive-today? = true] / avg-passengers-per-car set busses count turtles with [will-drive-today? = false] / avg-passengers-per-bus end to calculate-median-incomes if any? turtles with [will-drive-today? = true] [ set median-income-drivers median [income] of turtles with [will-drive-today? = true] ] if any? turtles with [will-drive-today? = false] [ set median-income-bussers median [income] of turtles with [will-drive-today? = false] ] end to calculate-preference-met set turtles-preference-met (count turtles - count turtles with [wishes-to-drive? = true and will-drive-today? = false]) set turtles-preference-not-met population - turtles-preference-met end to calculate-median-preference-met ;; if clause to avoid null pointer exc if any? turtles with [(wishes-to-drive? = true and will-drive-today? = true) or wishes-to-drive? = false] [ set median-income-preference-met median [income] of turtles with [(wishes-to-drive? = true and will-drive-today? = true) or wishes-to-drive? = false] ] ;; if clause to avoid null pointer exc if any? turtles with [wishes-to-drive? = true and will-drive-today? = false] [ set median-income-preference-not-met median [income] of turtles with [wishes-to-drive? = true and will-drive-today? = false] ] end to color-turtle ;; coloring people per income ;; dark red for lowest quartile, pink for next, light blue for next, dark blue for highest quartile if income <= 25 [ set color 13 ] if income > 25 and income <= 50 [ set color 16 ] if income > 50 and income <= 75 [ set color 95 ] if income > 75 [ set color 105 ] end to calc-pollution ;; calculates pollution by multiplying pollution per car with no of cars and ditto for busses set global-pollution-per-day cars * pollution-per-car + busses * pollution-per-bus end to calculate-delay-created ;; calculates delay created by finding sum of vehicles. All vehicles cause same amount of delay which probably isn\\t true... set travel-time-added cars + busses end to decide ;; turtle procedure. Decide on whether to drive that day or not. would-prefer-car can-afford-to-drive will-drive end to would-prefer-car ;; this determines if the turtle would ideally drive ifelse (car-love - (yesterdays-travel-time-added / willing-to-wait)) > 0 [ set wishes-to-drive? true ] [ set wishes-to-drive? false ] end to can-afford-to-drive ;; this determines if the turtle can afford to drive. This needs to be tweaked to take into ;; consideration feedback effect from congestion charge lowering price of public transp ifelse congestion-charge-cost / 2 > income [ set can-afford-to-drive? false ] [ set can-afford-to-drive? true ] end to will-drive ;; this determines if the turle will actually drive ifelse wishes-to-drive? and can-afford-to-drive? [ set will-drive-today? true set shape "car" ] [ set will-drive-today? false set shape "bus" ] end
There is only one version of this model, created about 13 years ago by Arthur Hjorth.
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