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Default-person Arthur Hjorth (Author)


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Model group LS426-2012 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by group members (LS426-2012)
Model was written in NetLogo 5.0RC7 • Viewed 329 times • Downloaded 27 times • Run 0 times
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extensions [gogo]
breed [suns sun]
breed [cells cell]
breed [rays ray]
breed [growturtles growturtle]

cells-own [auxins]
rays-own [power]
;growturtles-own [dx dy]

  theGrowTurtle ;; a turtle that helps me calculate the direction that the plant grows in
  theSun ;; the sun
  initLeftLevel ;initial level of light on the left
  initRightLevel ;for right

to initiateGogo
  ;set usb-port user-one-of "Select a port:" gogo:ports
  set usb-port "/dev/tty.usbmodem411"
  gogo:open usb-port
  repeat 5
  [ if not gogo:ping
    [ user-message "The GoGo Board is not responding." ] ]
  gogo:talk-to-output-ports [ "a" "b" "c" "d" ]

to-report calibrateSensors ;measures the average light level in the room
 let calbLeftList []
 let calbRightList []
 repeat 3 [
   set calbLeftList (lput (gogo:sensor 1) calbLeftList)
   set calbRightList (lput (gogo:sensor 2) calbRightList)
   wait 0.1
 let leftLevel mean calbLeftList
 let rightLevel mean calbRightList
 report list leftLevel rightLevel

to setup
  ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
  set lastLeftLevel first calibrateSensors
  set lastRightLevel last calibrateSensors
  create-growturtles 1 [hide-turtle set size 5 set shape "default" set heading 0]
  set theGrowTurtle one-of growturtles
  set-default-shape turtles "circle"
  ;; create plant
  create-cells 25 [
    set heading 0 
    set pen-size 10
    set xcor (5 - random 10) set ycor -16 
    set color green 
    set auxins 200
;  ask cells [create-links-with other cells]
;  layout-spring cells links 5 2 1
  ;; create sun
  create-suns 1 [
    set size 5
    set color yellow

  ;; set theSun 
  set theSun one-of suns
  ; @todo remove this when the sun moves dynamically
  ask theSun [set ycor 14]

to go
  if ticks mod 5 = 0 [positionSun]
  ;; @todo implement positionSun to dynamically change position of sun relative to light sensor input
;  positionSun
  ask theSun [ shootRays ]
  ask rays [ moveRays ]
  ask rays [ checkRayCollision ]

  if ticks > 35[
  ask cells with [auxins > 0] [ move ]  

  ;; end if all cells out of auxins
  if sum [auxins] of cells < 0 [stop]

to positionSun
;  @todo change to reflect relative light 
  let currentLeftLevel first calibrateSensors ;gets the current light value from sensors
  let currentRightLevel last calibrateSensors
  let leftLevelDif lastLeftLevel - currentLeftLevel
  let rightLevelDif lastRightLevel - currentRightLevel
  set lastLeftLevel currentLeftLevel
  set lastRightLevel currentRightLevel
  let maxPoint 600 ;this is to filter abnormal sensor values (sometimes gives values up to 50000)
  if (currentLeftLevel > 0) and (currentRightLevel > 0) and (currentLeftLevel < maxPoint) and (currentRightLevel < maxPoint) [
    let totalLevel (currentLeftLevel + currentRightLevel)
    let sensorRatio (currentLeftLevel / currentRightLevel)
    show sensorRatio
    if sensorRatio > 2 [set sensorRatio 2]
    ask theSun [set xcor (14 - (sensorRatio * 14))]

to calculateDirection
  setxy mean [xcor] of cells mean [ycor] of cells

  let deltaX 0
  let deltaY 0
  ask cells 
    set deltaX [xcor] of myself - (xcor + (sin heading) * auxins / 200)
    set deltaY [ycor] of myself - (ycor + (cos heading) * auxins / 200)
;  show deltaY
  if abs deltaY > .01 [show deltaY set heading atan deltaX deltaY]

to shootRays
  hatch-rays 15 [set heading 90 + random 180 
    set shape "default" 
    set size .5 
    ; @todo change to reflect sum of light from sensors
    set power 20]

to moveRays
  fd 1
  if xcor > 15 or xcor < -15 or ycor < -15

to checkRayCollision
  if any? cells-here
    set size 10
    ;; var for calling cell
    let aCell one-of cells-here
    ;; subtract the power of the sunray from my auxins count 
    ask aCell[
      set auxins auxins - [power] of myself
      set color color - 10

to move
  set heading [heading] of theGrowTurtle
  fd auxins / 300
  set auxins auxins - 2

There is only one version of this model, created almost 13 years ago by Arthur Hjorth.

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