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1 collaborator

Patarakin_m Evgeny Patarakin (Author)


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breed [pages page] ;
breed [users user] ;
directed-link-breed [pagelinks pagelink] ;
directed-link-breed [uplinks uplink]

users-own [impact readlist researching reading writing  editing  success status knowledge co-editors] ;
pages-own [history text_size last_edit is_about] ;
uplinks-own [edits] 
globals [Things_list] ;;

to setup
 ca ;
;; ask patches [set pcolor white ]
  set-default-shape users "person" 
  set-default-shape pages "circle" ;
set Things_list n-values Objects [?]

   create-users N_Users
    set size 1.5
    set status "user+"
    fd 1 + random max-pycor set heading random 360
    set impact [] ;   
    set readlist [] ; 
    set knowledge [] ; 
    set co-editors lput [who] of self  [] ; 
    set reading 1 ;
     set writing 1 ;
     set editing 1 ;
     set researching 1 ;
     set success reduce + (se reading writing editing researching)
  layout-circle users (world-width / 4 ) 
  reset-timer ;
  reset-ticks ;

to go

;;   show se length remove-duplicates  agency-to-knol  pages length Things_list
     if length remove-duplicates  pages-to-knol agency-to-list  pages  = length Things_list  [stop]
ask  probablyfirst sort-by [[success] of ?1 >  [success] of ?2 ] users [ gowrite] ;
 collab_diagram ;

to  gowrite
  run last probablyfirst act-by-success  shuffle (list list researching "researh_thing" list reading  "read_page" list  writing  "write_page" list  editing   "edit_page" )
;; if ActChoice = "ProBest" [ run last probablyfirst act-by-success  shuffle (list list researching "researh_thing" list reading  "read_page" list  writing  "write_page" list  editing   "edit_page" ) ]
;; if ActChoice = "Best" [run last first act-by-success shuffle (list list researching "researh_thing" list reading  "read_page" list  writing  "write_page" list  editing   "edit_page" ) ]
;;if ActChoice = "ProList" [run one-of shuffle (se n-values researching  ["researh_thing"] n-values reading  ["read_page"]  n-values writing  ["write_page"] n-values  editing   ["edit_page"] )]
    set success reduce + (se reading writing editing researching) ;

to researh_thing
let newknol one-of Things_list
if  member? newknol  knowledge  [set researching (researching - 0) stop]
set knowledge lput newknol knowledge 
 set researching (researching + 0)

to read_page
 if count pages = 0 [ set reading (reading - 0) stop]
let readknol probablyfirst pages-by-edit-time  agency-to-list  pages ;
if member? [is_about]  of page readknol knowledge [ set reading (reading - 0) stop]
 set readlist lput readknol readlist
 set knowledge lput [is_about] of page readknol knowledge ;
 set reading reading + 0

;; ______ ____ __ ____ __ ____ ________ _ _____
;; ___ __ ______ - _____ _________ ________ _ ______. ____ __ ___ __ _____ ____, ___ ___ ___ ________ is_about __ __ _________ ______ _ ________ ______ knowledge
;; ________ _ ______ _____ _ _____ _______ ________ __ _______________, __ ___ ______ _ ______ __________ ______ _________ ___ _____________ ________ 

to write_page
 let unwrited filter [not member? ? pages-to-knol readlist] knowledge ;
;; ____ _ ____ ____ ______, _______ _ _____ __ __ ______ _______, _ __ ___________ ____________ _ _ ___ ____ ___ __ _____
 if empty? unwrited    [  
  ;; set writing (writing - 1) ;; ___ _______ _____ __________
    set writing 0  ;; ___ _______ _____ ________ __________

set writing (writing + WritingCarma)
;;set writing WritingCarma
  hatch 1 
      set breed pages 
      ; setxy 0 0
        set is_about one-of unwrited
      set last_edit timer
      set text_size 0.4
      set size text_size
     ;; set label is_about
      create-uplink-from myself ;;
      ask uplink [who] of myself [who] of self [set edits 1 set label edits]
      set history lput [who] of myself [] 
      ask myself [
             set impact lput [who] of myself impact ;; _____ impact - _____ ________ _ ________ _______, _______ ____ ____________
              set readlist lput [who] of myself readlist ;


to edit_page 
   let my_own_preference_list []
;; set my_own_preference_list   (se  pages-by-edit-time  readlist  pages-by-edit-time  agency-to-list pages with [ member? (first history) [co-editors] of myself]   ) 
set my_own_preference_list   pages-by-edit-time  agency-to-list pages with [ not member? (last history) [co-editors] of myself]   

 ;; ___ ______ ______ _______, _______ _____ __________ _____________
 ;; ___ ________, _______ ________ __ ________________ __ _______ ______________ pages-by-edit-time  readlist  + 
 ;; agency-to-list pages with [ member? (first history) [co-editors] of myself] impact = ________
  if  empty? my_own_preference_list   [ set editing (editing - 1) stop]     
     let temp_page probablyfirst  my_own_preference_list 
   if timer - [last_edit] of page temp_page  < 0.5  [ 
   ;;  set editing (editing - 1) 
   set editing 0
  set editing editing + EditingCarma ;; 
 ;; set editing EditingCarma ;;     
    ask page temp_page 
           ifelse is-link? uplink [who] of myself [who] of self  [ ask uplink [who] of myself [who] of self [set edits edits + 1 set label edits]]
             [ create-uplink-from myself ask uplink [who] of myself [who] of self [set edits 1 ] ]
             set text_size text_size + 0.2
                           set size text_size    
                            set last_edit timer         
           ;;   set color [color] of myself
              set history lput [who] of myself history 
              ask myself [
                set impact lput [who] of myself impact 
                                        set co-editors  remove-duplicates se [history] of myself co-editors

to collab_diagram
 repeat 1 [layout-spring (turtle-set  pages users ) uplinks 1 1 0.2 ]
;; Agentset converted to the list

to-report agency-to-list [agency]
 report [who] of agency

;; list converted to the agentset of pages

to-report list-to-pages [list1]
  report pages with [ member? [who] of self list1]

to-report pages-to-knol [list1]
  report [is_about] of list-to-pages list1;

to-report agency-to-knol [agency]
  report [is_about] of agency

; to-report agency-by-success [agency]
; report sort-by [reduce + (se reading writing editing researching) ?1 > reduce + (se reading writing editing researching) ?2 ] agency
; end
;;;  ____________ _______ ;;;
;; __ _______ ______ ________, __ __________ ______, __ __________ backlinks

to-report pages-by-edit-time [list1]
  report sort-by  [ [last_edit] of page ?1 > [last_edit] of page ?2] list1

to-report pages-by-size [list1]
  report sort-by  [ [text_size] of page ?1 > [text_size] of page ?2] list1

to-report pages-by-in-links [list1]
  report sort-by  [ [count my-in-links] of page ?1 > [count my-in-links] of page ?2] list1

to-report pages-by-out-links [list1]
  report sort-by  [ [count my-out-links] of page ?1 > [count my-in-links] of page ?2] list1

to-report act-by-success [list1]
  report sort-by [ first ?1 > first ?2 ] list1

to-report party_colors
  report one-of [15 25 45  55 65 75 85 95 105 125 ] 

;;; ;;;;

to-report probablyfirst [list1]
if empty? bf list1 [ report first list1 ]
if random 2 > 0 [report first list1]
set list1 but-first list1
report probablyfirst list1

to-report DeadendPages
  ;; The following pages do not link to other pages
  report pages with [count my-out-links = 0] 

to-report LonelyPages
 ;; The following pages are not linked from or transcluded into other pages
  report pages with [count my-in-links = 0] 

to-report StrangePages
  ;; The following pages are not linked from or do not link to other pages
  report (turtle-set DeadendPages LonelyPages)

to-report SameThingPage
   report pages with [count other pages with [is_about = [is_about] of myself ] > 0] ;

to-report UnicalPage
  ; ________, _______ ______ __ _____ ____
  report pages with [count other pages with [is_about = [is_about] of myself ] = 0] ;

to-report Co-editingPage
   report pages with [count my-in-uplinks > 1 ] 

to-report CoEditors
  report count users with [length co-editors > 1]

;;;     Plotting    ;;;

to update-plot
 set-current-plot "Plot"
;;  set-plot-y-range 0 count users
 ;;set-current-plot-pen "pages"
 ;; plot count pages
 ;;set-current-plot-pen "dublicate"
;;  plot  count SameThingPage

;;set-current-plot-pen "unic"
;; plot  count UnicalPage
;; set-current-plot-pen "_______"
;; plot  length Things_list - length remove-duplicates  pages-to-knol agency-to-list  pages 
set-current-plot-pen "CoEditPages"
 plot  count Co-editingPage
set-current-plot-pen "CoEditors"
 plot  CoEditors
 set-current-plot "Gimpacts"
 set-plot-x-range 0 count users
   set-plot-y-range 0  1 + [success] of  max-one-of users [success]  
      set-current-plot-pen "IM"
  histogram  [success] of users

There is only one version of this model, created almost 13 years ago by Evgeny Patarakin.

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