Modelling the extintion of Steller Sea Cow
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globals [ks kk ku kl kcatch rs ru rk ro rcatch catchers-start mu sea-urchins-start mu2 sea-otters-start zone land sea] ; le variabili globali che non possono variare, vengono dichiarate all'inizio del sistema. breed [seacows seacow] ; definisce un nuovo tipo di turtle: le seacows, il soggetto della caccia da parte dei predatori breed [catchers catcher]; definisce un nuovo tipo di turtle: i cacciatori, gli uomini bloccati sull'isola di Bering breed [sea-urchins sea-urchin]; definisce un nuovo tipo di turtle: i sea-urchins, rivali alle retine per il loro cibo di sostentamento, ovvero le kelps. breed [kelps kelp]; definisce un nuovo tipo di turtle: le kelps, cibo sia delle seacows che dei sea-urchins breed [sea-otters sea-otter]; catchers-own [n-of-preys]; le variabili proprie dei catchers, dei cacciatori. sea-urchins-own [n-of-preys]; la variabile dei sea-urchins to setup ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features, ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end ;; of the procedure.) __clear-all-and-reset-ticks set-default-shape seacows "seacow" ; definisce la forma che il programma deve utilizzare per rappresentare la seacow di steller (modificata dall'autore ed inserita) set-default-shape catchers "sailboat side"; definisce la forma che il programma deve utilizzare per rappresentare i cacciatori (presenta all'interno della Library del programma) set-default-shape sea-urchins "urchin"; this input defines the shape of the sea-urchins (modified by the autor and inserted in the library) set-default-shape kelps "kelp"; this input defines the shape of the kelp (modified by the author and inserted in the library) set-default-shape sea-otters "squirrel"; per la lontra è stta utilizzata la forma dello scoiattolo, già esistente nella libreria. la forma è stata ruotata di alcuni gradi per assomigliare alle lontre che sono sempre ruotate sul loro dorso. set catchers-start 30; set kcatch 65 set ks 2900; set kk 4000; set ku 4000; set rs 0.0135; set rk 0.0061; set ru 0.0015;ricci set ro 0.0020; lontre set rcatch 0.02631 set mu 0.60; mu represents the mortality of the catchers. this could be a realistic value because many people died for famine set mu2 0.65; mu2 mortalità dei ricci create-catchers catchers-start [ ; this input crates the turtle of the catchers and the value of start is declared before set color red; this input sets the color of the turtle set size 2;this input sets the size of the boat setxy random-xcor random-ycor; this inputs sets the position of the turtle in the space, but it's indifferent for that the position is decised randomly by the program. ] create-seacows ks [;this input creates the turtle of the seacows and the value k at the start that is 200 set color grey;this command sets the color for the turtle set size 3; this input sets the size, I've choose 3 bacause the seacows were bigger than the humans setxy random-xcor random-ycor; they used to live everywhere, it's indifferent if near the shore or in the deepest water, for that the program is setted on random ] ; ; if the switch "variable" is switched on this inputs reads the command in the firts brackets creating the kelps create-kelps Kk[;this procedure creates the kelp, with the value k2 setted above, the color green, the size and the position. set color green set size 1 setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] ; if the switch "variable2" of the Interface is switched on this inputs reads the command in the first brackets, otherwise the second. create-sea-urchins Ku[; this procedure creates the sea-urchins, with the value k3 setted next, the colorblack, the size and the position. set color magenta set size 0.5 setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] ifelse seaotters = true [set Kl 2500] [set Kl 0]; ; if the switch "variable" is switched on this inputs reads the command in the firts brackets creating the kelps create-sea-otters Kl [;this procedure creates the kelp, with the value k4 setted above, the color green, the size and the position. set color brown - 2 set size 1 setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] ask patches [ set pcolor blue ] end to go tick move-seacows; it makes move the seacows move-catchers; it makes move the cathcers move-kelps; it makes move the kelpe move-sea-urchins; it makes move the sea-urchins move-sea-otters; catch; the catch of the retine by the catchers and the catch of the kelpe by the sea-urchins and the seacows reproduce; the reprodcution of the catchers after the hunt reproduce2; the reproduction of the sea-urchins after the hunt reproduce3; do-plots; the value for the monitor in the page of the interface if ticks = 27 [stop]; ticks represents the time; this case occupied 27 years, every tick for a year end to move-seacows ; it makes moves the seacows in the screen, random in the space. fd 1 means 1 step forward ask seacows [ set heading random 360 fd 1 ] end to move-catchers; it makes moves the catchers, random in the space. fd 1 means 1 step fprward ask catchers [ set heading random 360 fd 1 set n-of-preys 0; it's own variable of the catchers. it means that every year is like a season of hunt ] end to move-kelps; it makes move kelpe, random in the screen. fd 1 means 1 step forward ask kelps [ set heading random 360 fd 1 ] end to move-sea-urchins; it makes move the sea-urchins, random in the space. fd 1 means 1 step forward ask sea-urchins [ set heading random 360 fd 1 ] end to move-sea-otters; it makes move the sea-urchins, random in the space. fd 1 means 1 step forward ask sea-otters [ set heading random 360 fd 1 ] do-plots end to catch ask catchers [ ifelse any? sea-urchins in-radius catch-distance [ let to-catch [who] of sea-urchins in-radius catch-distance foreach to-catch [ ask sea-urchin ? [die] set n-of-preys n-of-preys + 1 ] ] [ if any? sea-otters in-radius catch-distanceb [ let to-catch [who] of sea-otters in-radius catch-distanceb foreach to-catch [ ask sea-otter ? [die] set n-of-preys n-of-preys + 0.5 ] ] ] ] ask catchers [ if any? seacows in-radius catch-distance [ let to-catch [who] of seacows in-radius catch-distance foreach to-catch [ ask seacow ? [die] set n-of-preys n-of-preys + 2 ] ] if any? sea-otters in-radius catch-distanceb [ let to-catch [who] of sea-otters in-radius catch-distanceb foreach to-catch [ ask sea-otter ? [die] set n-of-preys n-of-preys + 0.5 ] ] ] ask catchers [ if any? sea-urchins in-radius catch-distance [ let to-catch [who] of sea-urchins in-radius catch-distance foreach to-catch [ ask sea-urchin ? [die] set n-of-preys n-of-preys + 1 ] ] ] ask seacows [ ; ask seacows if any? kelps in-radius catch-distance2; if there are some sea-urchins in their radius of catch distance (catch distance3) [ let to-catch [who] of kelps in-radius catch-distance3; and catch the kelpe in the radius foreach to-catch [ ask kelp ? [die] ] ] ] ask sea-urchins [ if any? kelps in-radius catch-distance3; [ let to-catch [who] of kelps in-radius catch-distance ; the sea foreach to-catch [ ; for each item "captured" ask kelp ? [die] ; ask to the turtle shaped like an alga to die set n-of-preys n-of-preys + 1 ; when a ] ] ] ask sea-otters [ ; ask seacows if any? sea-urchins in-radius catch-distance4; if there are some sea-urchins in their radius of catch distance (catch distance3) [ let to-catch [who] of sea-urchins in-radius catch-distance4; and catch the kelpe in the radius foreach to-catch [ ask sea-urchin ? [die] ] ] ] end to reproduce let new-seacows round (rs * count seacows * ( 1 - (count seacows) / ks)) create-seacows new-seacows [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color grey] let new-catchers round (kcatch * count catchers * ( 1 - (count catchers) / kcatch)) create-catchers new-catchers [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color red set size 1] ask catchers [ ; the probability to die for the catcher estimed by the mu if random 1001 / 1000 < mu [die] ] end to reproduce2 let new-kelps round (rk * count kelps * ( 1 - (count kelps) / kk)) create-kelps new-kelps [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color green] ask sea-urchins [ ;each sea-urchins creates as many copies of itself as half (n-of-preys/5) of the kelpe caught in season hatch round (n-of-preys / 4) [setxy random-xcor random-ycor] ] ask sea-urchins [ ; the probability to die for the sea urchin its evaluated by the mu if random 1001 / 1000 < mu2 [die] ] end to reproduce3 ifelse seaotters = true [ let new-sea-otters round (ro * count sea-otters * ( 1 - (count sea-otters) / kl)) create-sea-otters new-sea-otters [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color brown - 2 set size 2] ask catchers [ ; each catchers creates as many copies of itself as half (n-of-preys/1) of the sea-otters caught in season; the catcehrs' reproduction depenends on the hunt of the season hatch round (n-of-preys / 2) [setxy random-xcor random-ycor] ] ask catchers [ ; the probability to die for the catcher estimed by the mu if random 1001 / 1000 < mu [die] ] ] [let new-seaotters 0] end to do-plots set-current-plot "populations" ; plot of the two lead population: seacows and catchers set-current-plot-pen "seacow" ; this command defines the pen "seacows" colured in grey in the monitor in the interface plot count seacows set-current-plot-pen "catchers";this command defines the pen "catchers" colured in red in the monitor in the page Interface plot count catchers set-current-plot-pen "sea-urchins";this command defines the pen "sea-urchins" colured in black in the forst monitor in the page Interface plot count sea-urchins set-current-plot-pen "kelps"; this command defines the pen "kelpe" in the first page inteface, colured in green plot count kelps set-current-plot-pen "sea-otters" plot count sea-otters set-current-plot "status"; the monitor at the bottom of the page, the first dedicated to the population of retine and catchers, the second to the kelpe and the sea-urchins plotxy count seacows count catchers set-current-plot "status 2" plotxy count kelps count sea-urchins set-current-plot "status 3" plotxy count sea-otters count catchers plot count sea-otters end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 12 years ago by Laura Bonatesta.
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Modelling the extintion of Steller Sea Cow.png | preview | Preview for 'Modelling the extintion of Steller Sea Cow' | almost 12 years ago, by Laura Bonatesta | Download |
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