Carbon Cycle Model

Carbon Cycle Model preview image

5 collaborators

Default-person Miguel Taruc (Author)
Redpanda Joshua Abraham (Author)
Evan Laufer (Author)
Rowen Banton (Author)
Amit Grewal (Author)


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globals [
  lithosphere               ;to set up lithosphere
  atmosphere                ;to set up atmosphere
  hydrosphere               ;to set up hydrosphere
  litho-carbon              ;amount of carbon in lithosphere
  atmo-carbon               ;amount of carbon in atmosphere
  hydro-carbon              ;amount of carbon in hydrosphere
  bio-carbon                ;amount of carbon in biomass
  fossil-carbon             ;amount of carbon in fossils fuels
  ppm                       ;used for calculating ppm
  gigaton-carbon            ;amount carbon in atmosphere in gigatons
  ppm-old                   ;used for calculating ppm
  ppm-new                   ;ppm carbon in atmosphere
  gigaton-change            ;change in atmospheric carbon
  scenario-increase         ;used for registering an increase in human emissions over time
  scenario-decrease         ;used for registering a decrease in human emissions over time
  est-global-temp           ;the estimated global average temperature worldwide

breed [carbons carbon]
breed [plants plant]
breed [outliners outliner]

to set-up                   ;sets up world

to setup-volcano            ;sets up volcano
  crt 1 
    set shape "volcano"
    set size 16
    setxy -1 3
    set heading 0

to setup-world                                                                    ;create spheres 
  set atmosphere max-pycor - 32
  set lithosphere max-pxcor - 32
  ask patches [                                                                   ;first layer to make lithosphere
    if pxcor <= lithosphere + 10 [ 
      set pcolor scale-color brown pycor -30 10] ]
    ask patch -6 -14 [set plabel word "Lithosphere Res: " initial-litho-carbon
    set plabel-color white]
  ask patches [                                                                   ;add a line for plants 
    if pycor = 0
    [set pcolor green] ]
  ask patches [                                                                   ;thickens line of plants
    if pycor = -1 
    [ set pcolor green]]
  ask patches [                                                                   ;thickens line of plants
    if pycor = 1
    [set pcolor green] ] 
  ask patches [                                                                   ;second layer to make hydrosphere
    if pxcor > lithosphere + 10 
    [set pcolor scale-color blue pycor -32 10] 
  ask patch -15 11 [set plabel word "Biomass Carbon: " initial-bio-carbon
    set plabel-color black]
  ask patch 31 -14 [set plabel word "Hydrosphere Res: " initial-hydro-carbon
    set plabel-color white]
  ask patches [                                                                   ;last layer to make atmosphere
    if pycor > atmosphere 
    [set pcolor scale-color sky pycor 32 0]
      set atmo-carbon 817
    ask patch 10 29 [set plabel word "Atmosphere Res: " atmo-carbon
    set plabel-color white]
  ask patch -6 -29 [set plabel word "Fossil Carbon: " initial-fossil-carbon]
 crt 1 [set shape "smokestack" set size 7 set color gray setxy -14 2]
  ask patch -26 5 [sprout-plants 1 [set size 9
      set color green
      set shape "tree border"] ] 
  set initial-hydro-carbon 44000                                                  ;sets default initial carbon amounts
  set initial-bio-carbon 550        
  set initial-litho-carbon 2300
  set initial-fossil-carbon 10000

 set ppm-new (0.074131 * (e ^ (0.0042584 * (2008 + (ticks / 12)))))               ;sets initial ppm to show before simulation starts

to setup-res                                                                      ;sets up colors of reservoirs and sun
  ask patches [if pycor < -25 and pxcor <= 10  [set pcolor 31]]
  ask patches [if pycor > 25 [set pcolor black]]

 crt 1 [set shape "sun" setxy -26 29 set color yellow set size 7]

to go                        ;carries out the functions of the simulation
  ask carbons [fd 2]
  wait .1

to initial-setup                            ;initial setup before go
  if ticks = 0 [
  set hydro-carbon initial-hydro-carbon
  set bio-carbon initial-bio-carbon
  set litho-carbon initial-litho-carbon
  set fossil-carbon initial-fossil-carbon

to human-emission                                         ;visually sets up the flow of human emissions into the atmosphere reservoir
  if ticks mod 12 = 0 [ ask patch -15 4 [
    sprout-carbons round (emission-multiplier + .49)[
      set shape "carbon arrow"
      set color orange
      set heading -20 + random 40 ] ] 
  ask carbons [
    if pcolor = white - 1

to respiration                                            ;visually sets up the flow from biomass reservoir to atmosphere reservoir
  if ticks mod 2 = 0 [ ask patch -25 8 [
    sprout-carbons 1 [
      set shape "carbon arrow"
      set color blue
      set heading 0 + random 30] ] 
  ask carbons [
    if pcolor = black

to photosynthesis                                         ;visually sets up the flow from atmosphere reservoir to biomass reservoir
  ask patch -31 25 [
    sprout-carbons 1[
      set shape "carbon arrow"
      set color green
      set heading 160 + random 20]
  ask carbons [if pcolor = green

to soil-carbon                                            ;visually sets up the flow from biomass reservoir to lithosphere reservoir
  ask patch -24 -3 [
    sprout-carbons 2[
      set shape "carbon arrow"
      set color brown + 2
      set heading 160 + random 20] 
  ask carbons [if pcolor = 33 or pcolor = 33.25

to decomposition                                          ;visually sets up the flow from lithosphere reservoir to atmosphere reservoir
  if ticks mod 2 = 0 [ ask patch -23 4 [
    sprout-carbons 1 [
      set shape "carbon arrow"
      set color brown - 2
      set heading 5 + random 20] ] 
  ask carbons [
    if pcolor = black

to air-exchange                                           ;visually sets up the flow from atmosphere reservoir to hydrosphere reservoir
  if ticks mod 4 = 0 [ask patch 15 25
    [sprout-carbons 3 [
      set shape "carbon arrow"
      set color white
      set heading 175 + random 5] ]
  ask carbons [
    if pycor <= -12

to sea-exchange                                           ;visually sets up the flow from hydrosphere reservoir to atmosphere reservoir
  if ticks mod 4 = 0 [ask patch 30 1
    [sprout-carbons 3 [
      set shape "carbon arrow"
      set color blue + 2
      set heading -10 + random 10] ] 
  ask carbons [
    if pcolor = black

to scenario                                                                                           ;registers variation due to activation of scenarios
  ifelse scenario-increase = true and ticks mod (per * 12) = 0
  [set emission-multiplier (emission-multiplier + increase-or-decrease-by)]
  [ifelse scenario-decrease = true and (emission-multiplier - 0.1) > 0 and ticks mod (per * 12) = 0
    [set emission-multiplier (emission-multiplier - increase-or-decrease-by)]
    [set emission-multiplier emission-multiplier]
  if scenario-decrease = true and (emission-multiplier - increase-or-decrease-by) < 0
    [set emission-multiplier 0] 

to calculations                                                                                       ;formulas used to calculate increase of carbon in ppm in the resevoirs 
  set ppm (0.074131 * (e ^ (0.0042584 * (2008 + (ticks / 12))))) 
  set ppm-old (0.074131 * (e ^ (0.0042584 * (2008 + (ticks - 1) / 12)))) 
  set gigaton-change ((ppm - ppm-old) * 2.13)                                                         ;calculates gigaton-change over time
  set gigaton-carbon (ppm-old * 2.13)
  set ppm-new (ppm-old + ((gigaton-change * (emission-multiplier - 1)) / 2.13) ) 
  set est-global-temp (ppm-new + 948.83) / 90.787                                                     ;temperature calculation

to update-values                                                                                      ;updates the value of carbon in Gt for all labels
  set atmo-carbon round (gigaton-carbon + (gigaton-change * (emission-multiplier)))
  set hydro-carbon hydro-carbon + (((2 / 9) * gigaton-change))                                        ;distributes carbon 
  set litho-carbon litho-carbon + (((3 / 9) * gigaton-change))
  set bio-carbon bio-carbon + (((0 / 9) * gigaton-change))
  set fossil-carbon fossil-carbon - (gigaton-change * emission-multiplier)

to update-labels                                                                                      ;adds lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, fossil, and biomass patch labels 
  ask patch -6 -14 [set plabel word "Lithosphere Res: " round litho-carbon]
  ask patch 31 -14 [set plabel word "Hydrosphere Res: " round hydro-carbon]
  ask patch 10 29 [set plabel word "Atmosphere Res: " round atmo-carbon]
  ask patch -6 -29 [set plabel word "Fossil Carbon: " round fossil-carbon]
  ask patch -15 11 [set plabel word "Biomass Carbon: " round bio-carbon]

to erupt                                                                                              ;creates an eruption from the volcano
  ask patch -1 7 [ sprout-carbons 1 [                                                                 ;creates a smoke cloud
      set shape "cloud"
      set size 7
      set color gray - 2
      set heading 0
    ] ]
  set gigaton-carbon gigaton-carbon + .00001                                                          ;adds miniscule amount of carbon to atmosphere

to add-algae                                                                                          ;generates algae on the surface of the hydrosphere
  ask n-of 4 patches with [(pycor = 0 or pycor = 1) and pxcor >= 11][                                 ;four algae plants
          sprout-plants 1                                                                             ;random places on a specific y cord
            set color green
            set shape "plant small border"
            set size 4 

;Created by: 

;Amit Grewal Tracy High School 
;Evan Laufer San Ramon Valley High School 
;Joshua Abraham Tracy High School 
;Miguel Taruc Tracy High School 
;Rowen Banton Monte Vista High School
;LLNL Computational Modeling TRA Level 3

There is only one version of this model, created over 10 years ago by Miguel Taruc.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Carbon Cycle Model.png preview Preview for 'Carbon Cycle Model' over 10 years ago, by Miguel Taruc Download

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