Rumors on Your Network
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extensions [ nw ] turtles-own [ ;; facebook data id name centrality ;; infection variables infected? heard-from ] directed-link-breed [tests test] links-own [ weight ] to load-graph clear-all ;; Hard-code your path if you don't want to get prompted every time: ;; let filename user-file "/path/to/your-network.graphml" let filename user-file if (filename != false) [ nw:load-graphml filename [ set infected? false set shape "circle" ] nw:set-context turtles links ] let no-of-components length (sentence nw:weak-component-clusters) ifelse no-of-components > 0 [let degrees-separated 360 / no-of-components let counter 0 foreach nw:weak-component-clusters [ let biggest-component-size max map [count ?] nw:weak-component-clusters if count ? != biggest-component-size [ask turtle-set ? [die]] ] reset-ticks ] [ user-message "No network was loaded, please try again." ] end to remove-most-central ask max-one-of turtles [ count my-links ] [ die ] nw:set-context turtles links end to update-layout layout-spring turtles links 0.2 .1 1 end to toggle-labels ;; if any have a label, turn off all labels ifelse any? turtles with [label != ""] [ ask turtles [set label ""] ] [ let the-number-of-turtles count turtles * (100 - label-threshold) / 100 ask max-n-of the-number-of-turtles turtles [size] [set label name] ] end to calc-centrality if centrality-measure = "random" [ ask turtles [set size random 14 + 1] stop ] if centrality-measure = "reset-size" [ ask turtles [set centrality 1 set size 1] stop ] if centrality-measure = "degree-centrality" [ ask turtles [set centrality count my-links] ask turtles [set size 10 * (normalize centrality min [centrality] of turtles max [centrality] of turtles)] stop ] let the-task (word "set centrality nw:" centrality-measure) ask turtles [run the-task] ask turtles [set size 10 * (normalize centrality min [centrality] of turtles max [centrality] of turtles)] end ;; -------------------------------- ;; ;; New code for the infection logic ;; ;; -------------------------------- ;; globals [ max-infections ;; number of people that you can infect points ;; number of points current-payoff last-infected ] to setup clear-all-plots ask turtles [ set infected? false set label "" set color white set size 3 ] ask links [ set thickness 1 set color grey ] set last-infected nobody ;; set current pay off to 100 set current-payoff 100 ;; this is the maximum number of turtles the user can ;; infect before the model runs set max-infections 5 reset-ticks end to undo ask last-infected [ set infected? false set color white set current-payoff 100 ] show (word [name] of last-infected " did not hear the rumor!") end to touch-infect let the-patch patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor if mouse-down? and any? [turtles-here] of the-patch [ ask one-of [turtles-here] of the-patch [infect-me-initially] stop ] end to go tick infect ;; count down on current-payoff to keep track of points set current-payoff current-payoff * .9 ;; if all infected, stop if all? turtles [ infected? ] [ stop ] wait 2 end to infect ask turtles with [ infected? ] [ ;; infect at probability .5 ask link-neighbors with [ not infected? ] [ if random-float 100 < chance-of-spread [ set heard-from myself ask link-with myself [ set color pink set thickness 1 ] infect-me ] ] ] end ;; initial infection procedures to infect-by-centrality ifelse centrality-measure = "random" [ ask one-of turtles with [ not infected? ] [infect-me-initially] ] [ calc-centrality ask max-one-of turtles with [ not infected? and centrality != false] [ centrality ] [ infect-me-initially ] ] end to infect-by-name let the-named-turtles turtles with [member? person-name name and not infected?] if count the-named-turtles > 10 [ user-message "There are too many people with that name. Be more specific." stop ] if count the-named-turtles > 1 [ let the-name user-one-of "Which person do you want to tell?" [name] of the-named-turtles ask one-of turtles with [name = the-name][infect-me-initially] ] if count the-named-turtles = 1 [ ask the-named-turtles [infect-me-initially] ] if count the-named-turtles = 0 [ user-message (word "Either there is no person named \"" person-name "\" or they already heard the rumor.") ] end to update-color ifelse infected? [ set color red ] [ set color blue ] end to infect-me-initially ifelse count turtles with [ infected? ] < max-infections [ infect-me set heard-from "you" set points 0 show (word "You told " name " the rumor!") ] [ user-message "You have already told five people. Start the model now." ] end to infect-me set infected? true set color red set size 3 set points points + current-payoff set last-infected self end ; this normalizes a number to-report normalize [value the-min the-max] set the-min ifelse-value (the-min = 0) [.001] [the-min] let normalized (value - the-min) / (the-max - the-min) report normalized end to kill-smaller-components let the-component [] foreach nw:weak-component-clusters [ if length ? > length the-component [set the-component ?] ] set the-component (turtle-set the-component) show count the-component ask turtles with [not member? self the-component] [die] end ;; turtle procedure to show-centralities show (word "Name: " name ", degree: " count my-links ", betweenness: " nw:betweenness-centrality ", closeness: " nw:closeness-centrality ", eigenvector:" nw:eigenvector-centrality ", page-rank: " nw:page-rank) end ;; THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES ONLY WORK AFTER THE RUMOR MODEL HAS RUN ITS COURSE ;; turtle procedure that shows who a turtle heard it all from to-report show-rumor-path let rumor-path (list) report (word name " heard it from " reduce word show-rumor rumor-path) end ;; helper procedure for above procedure to-report show-rumor [rumor-path] if heard-from != nobody[ set rumor-path lput (word [name] of heard-from ", who heard it from ") rumor-path report [show-rumor rumor-path] of heard-from ] report lput " you!" rumor-path end ;; turtle procedure that returns a LIST (rather than string like the procedures above) of who told whom to-report the-rumor-path-list let rumor-path (list self) report show-rumor-list rumor-path end ;; helper for above to-report show-rumor-list [rumor-path] ifelse heard-from != "you" [ set rumor-path lput heard-from rumor-path report [show-rumor-list rumor-path] of heard-from ] [ report rumor-path ] end ;; observer procedure that breaks apart the graph and reconstructs a graph based on who heard the rumor from whom. to illustrate-rumor-paths ;; resize all turtles ask turtles [set size 3 set label ""] ;; only do this if we have run the model and all turtles have it the rumor if any? turtles with [not infected?] [ user-message "You can't do this until you have run the model." stop ] ;; get all the rumor paths let the-rumor-paths [the-rumor-path-list] of turtles ask links [die] ;; iterate over them foreach the-rumor-paths [ let the-rumor ? ;; ask the last turtle in each rumor list to show their name - that is the person that the learner told initially ask last the-rumor [set label name] ;; build links while [length the-rumor >= 2][ ask item 1 ? [create-link-to item 0 ?] set the-rumor butfirst the-rumor ] ] end ;; this reports those who only heard the rumor but never told anyone to-report last-to-hear report turtles with [count my-out-links = 0] end ;; this reports those that heard it from the those who were intitially told to-report first-to-hear report turtle-set [out-link-neighbors] of initially-infected end ;; this reports those that heard it from the learner to-report initially-infected report turtles with [count my-in-links = 0] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Layouts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to redo-layout [ forever? ] repeat ifelse-value forever? [ 1 ] [ 50 ] [ layout-spring turtles links 1 (80 / 1) (1 / 1) display if not forever? [ wait 0.005 ] ] end to layout-once redo-layout false end to spring-forever redo-layout true end
There is only one version of this model, created over 10 years ago by David Weintrop.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
dweintrop.graphml | data | GraphML Example | over 10 years ago, by David Weintrop | Download |
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