Neuron Model

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1 collaborator

Default-person Brendan Frick (Author)


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Model group MAM-2015 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by group members (MAM-2015)
Model was written in NetLogo 5.2.0 • Viewed 346 times • Downloaded 27 times • Run 0 times
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breed [ions ion]

globals [

ions-own[charge classifier location]

patches-own[voltage-gate voltage-inactivate voltage-close direction gate state selectivity]

to setup
  ask patches [set pcolor black]
  ;;; Constants
  set physical-repel-distance .5
  set ionic-interaction-distance 3
  set physical-repel-force -.3
  set ionic-interaction-force .1
  set temperature 20
  ;;; Ionic sizes proportionate  
  set k-size (1.38 / 2)
  set na-size (1.02 / 2)
  set ca-size (1 / 2)
  set cl-size (1.81 / 2)
  ;; Draw cell
  set cell-radius 30
  ;; Draw ions
  make-ions "ext" "k" ext-conc-potassium * 3.0
  make-ions "ext" "na" ext-conc-sodium * 3.0
  make-ions "ext" "ca" ext-conc-calcium * 3.0
  make-ions "ext" "cl" ext-conc-chlorine * 3.0
  make-ions "int" "k" int-conc-potassium * 3.0
  make-ions "int" "na" int-conc-sodium * 3.0
  make-ions "int" "ca" int-conc-calcium * 3.0
  make-ions "int" "cl" int-conc-chlorine * 3.0
  ;; Update membrane potential

;; Moves cells, updates potential and states, sweeps cell

to go
  ask turtles[
;; Turtle
;;;moves turtles

to move

;; Turtle  
;;;; Moves away from turtles that are nearly touching. Simulates collision

to physical-repulsion
  ; Select a random neighbor that is too close and move away from it
  let too-near one-of other turtles in-radius physical-repel-distance with [location = [location] of myself]
  if too-near != nobody 
    face too-near
    fd physical-repel-force
    if ([pcolor] of patch-here) != color and ([pcolor] of patch-here) != black
      bk physical-repel-force

;;; Picks in range ion and reacts accordingly
;;; Excerts force on other ion

to ionic-attract-repel
  ; Select a random neighbor and interact with it
  let near one-of other ions in-radius ionic-interaction-distance with [location = [location] of myself]
  if near != nobody
    face near
    fd ionic-interaction-force * (charge * (0 - ([charge] of near))) * .5 
    ask near[ fd ionic-interaction-force * (charge * (0 - ([charge] of near))) * .5]
    if ([pcolor] of patch-here) != color and ([pcolor] of patch-here) != black
      bk ionic-interaction-force * (charge * (0 - ([charge] of near)))

;; Turtle
;;;; Patches pull in turtles. Simulates ionic gradient. Increases permeability of cell

to patches-pull
  let membrane one-of patches in-radius 3 with [pcolor = [color] of myself]
  if membrane != nobody
    face membrane
    fd 1    

;;;;Goes through membrane if selectivity parameters match, turtle is on neighbor, and patch state is open

to membrane-pass
  ;; Select all transmembrane patchesb
  let membrane ([neighbors] of patch-here) with [pcolor mod 10 = 6]
  if any? membrane
    let chosen one-of membrane with [selectivity = [classifier] of myself or (selectivity = "none")]
    if chosen != nobody
      face patch-at 0 0 
      ifelse location = "ext"
        if ([direction] of chosen) = "in" and ([state] of chosen) = "open"
          set location "int"
          fd 2
        if ([direction] of chosen) = "out" and ([state] of chosen) = "open"
          set location "ext"
          bk 2 
;; turtle
;;;; Moves randomly to the cell membrane

to random-move
  face patch-at 0 0
  right random 180
  left random 180
  let temp -.7
  if location = "ext"
    set temp .7
  fd temp
  if ([pcolor] of patch-here) != color and ([pcolor] of patch-here) != black
    bk temp

;;Takes cells that 'hopped' membrane without going through channel and places them on their side

to sweep-cell
 ;; Check for cells that 'hopped' membrane
 ask turtles[
   ifelse location = "ext"
     if (distancexy 0 0) < cell-radius - 1
       setxy 0 0 
       right random 360
       forward cell-radius + 3 + random(10)
     if (distancexy 0 0) > cell-radius + 1
       setxy 0 0 
       right random 360
       forward random cell-radius 

;; Draws cell membrane and assigns channels to patches.

to draw-cell
  let i 0
  while [i < 720]
    let membrane_pot (patches with [(abs pxcor = (floor (abs ((cell-radius + 1) * (cos(i / 2)))))) and (abs pycor = (floor (abs ((cell-radius + 1) * (sin(i / 2)))))) or (abs pxcor = (ceiling (abs (cell-radius * (cos(i / 2)))))) and (abs pycor = (ceiling (abs (cell-radius * (sin(i / 2))))))])
    if membrane_pot != Nobody
      ask membrane_pot
        set pcolor white
      ;; Voltage-gated potassium channel
      if (random 100) < k-channel-density
        ask membrane_pot
          set pcolor green + 1        
          set selectivity "k"
          set voltage-gate 20
          set voltage-close -60
          set voltage-inactivate Nobody
          set gate ">"
          set state "closed"
          set direction "out"
      ;; Voltage-gated sodium channel
      if abs (random 100 - k-channel-density) < na-channel-density
        ask membrane_pot
          if pcolor = white 
            set pcolor violet + 1
            set selectivity "na"
            set voltage-gate (-60 + random(2))
            set voltage-close voltage-gate
            set voltage-inactivate (20)
            set gate ">"
            set state "closed"
            set direction "in"
      ;; Voltage-gated l calcium channel
      if abs random (100 - k-channel-density - na-channel-density) < l-ca-channel-density 
        ask membrane_pot
          if pcolor = white 
            set pcolor orange + 1
            set selectivity "ca" 
            set voltage-gate 5 + random(10)
            set voltage-inactivate Nobody
            set voltage-close Nobody
            set gate ">"
            set state "closed"
            set direction "in"
      ;; Voltage-gated t calcium channel
      if abs random (100 - k-channel-density - na-channel-density - l-ca-channel-density) < t-ca-channel-density
        ask membrane_pot
          if pcolor = white 
            set pcolor orange + 1
            set selectivity "ca" 
            set voltage-gate -20
            set voltage-inactivate Nobody
            set voltage-close -20
            set gate ">"
            set state "closed"
            set direction "in"
      ;; Leak K Channel
      if abs random (100 - k-channel-density - na-channel-density - l-ca-channel-density - t-ca-channel-density) < leak-k-channel-density
        ask membrane_pot
          if pcolor = white 
            set pcolor green + 1
            set selectivity "k" 
            set voltage-gate Nobody
            set voltage-inactivate Nobody
            set voltage-close Nobody
            set gate ">"
            set state "open"
            set direction "out"
      ;; Inward Rectifying (Nephron cells)
      if random (100 - k-channel-density - na-channel-density - l-ca-channel-density - t-ca-channel-density - leak-k-channel-density) < inward-k-channel-density
        ask membrane_pot
          if pcolor = white 
            set pcolor green + 1
            set selectivity "k" 
            set voltage-gate -65 + random(10)
            set voltage-inactivate Nobody
            set voltage-close -50 + random(10)
            set gate "<"
            set state "closed"
            set direction "in"
    set i (i + 1)

;;Creates ions with location classifiers and number of ions

to make-ions[loc class conc]
  ifelse loc = "ext"
      right random 360
      forward (cell-radius + 3 + random(10))
      set shape "circle"
      set classifier class
      set location loc
      ifelse class = "k"
        set charge 1
        set color green
        set size k-size
        ifelse class = "na"
          set charge 1
          set color violet
          set size na-size
          ifelse class = "ca"
            set charge 2
            set color orange
            set size ca-size
            set charge -1
            set color yellow
            set size cl-size      
      right random 360
      forward random cell-radius
      set shape "circle"
      set classifier class
      set location loc
      ifelse class = "k"
        set charge 1
        set color green
        set size k-size
        ifelse class = "na"
          set charge 1
          set color violet
          set size na-size
          ifelse class = "ca"
            set charge 2
            set color orange
            set size ca-size
            set charge -1
            set color yellow
            set size cl-size

;; Changes patch states (open, closed, inactive) basded on voltage gating properties

to update-vg-channel-states
    ask patches with [pcolor != black][
      if pcolor mod 10 = 6 and (voltage-gate != Nobody)
        ifelse gate = ">"
          if state = "closed"
            if membrane-potential > voltage-gate
              set state "open"  
          if state = "open"
            if membrane-potential < voltage-close
              set state "closed"
            if voltage-inactivate != Nobody
              ;let prob abs (voltage-inactivate - membrane-potential)
              ;if random (prob * 100) < 1 [set state "inactive"]
              if membrane-potential > voltage-inactivate[set state "inactive"]
          if state = "inactive"
            if membrane-potential < voltage-close
              set state "closed"
        ;; Else
          if state = "closed"
            if membrane-potential < voltage-gate
              set state "open"  
          if state = "open"
            if membrane-potential > voltage-close
              set state "closed"
            if voltage-inactivate != Nobody
              let prob abs (voltage-inactivate - membrane-potential)
              if membrane-potential > voltage-inactivate[set state "inactive"]
          if state = "inactive"
            if membrane-potential > voltage-close
              set state "closed"

;; Calculates membrane potential

to update-membrane-potential
  let K-out count turtles with [classifier = "k" and location = "ext"]
  let K-in count turtles with [classifier = "k" and location = "int"]
  let Na-out count turtles with [classifier = "na" and location = "ext"]
  let Na-in count turtles with [classifier = "na" and location = "int"]
  let Ca-out count turtles with [classifier = "ca" and location = "ext"]
  let Ca-in count turtles with [classifier = "ca" and location = "int"]
  let Cl-out count turtles with [classifier = "cl" and location = "ext"]
  let Cl-in count turtles with [classifier = "cl" and location = "int"]
  ;;(8.314 * (273.15 + temperature) / 96485)
    set membrane-potential (65 * (ln( (K-in + Na-in + (2 * Ca-in) + Cl-out) / (K-out + Na-out + (2 * Ca-out) + Cl-in))))
    set membrane-potential "error"

There is only one version of this model, created almost 9 years ago by Brendan Frick.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
BrendanFrick_June1_v3.txt word Progress Report 3 almost 9 years ago, by Brendan Frick Download
BrendanFrick_May18.docx word Progress Report 1 almost 9 years ago, by Brendan Frick Download
BrendanFrick_May25_v2.txt word Progress Report 2 almost 9 years ago, by Brendan Frick Download
NetLogo Neuron Model.pptx powerpoint Poster Slam almost 9 years ago, by Brendan Frick Download
Neuron Model.png preview Preview for 'Neuron Model' almost 9 years ago, by Brendan Frick Download
Neuron-BrendanFrick.pdf pdf Report almost 9 years ago, by Brendan Frick Download
Neuron.pptx powerpoint Poster almost 9 years ago, by Brendan Frick Download
Proposal.docx word Proposal almost 9 years ago, by Brendan Frick Download

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