PPHPC - Predator-Prey for High-Performance Computing
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predator prey model
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Tagged by Nuno Fachada about 9 years ago
Model was written in NetLogo 5.1.0
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globals [ sheep-count ;; how many sheep are there? wolves-count ;; how many wolves are there? grass-alive ;; how much alive grass there is sheep-energy ;; mean sheep energy wolves-energy ;; mean wolf energy grass-countdown ;; mean grass countdown maxwho ;; youngest agent to date ] ;; Sheep and wolves are both breeds of turtle. breed [sheep a-sheep] ;; sheep is its own plural, so we use "a-sheep" as the singular. breed [wolves wolf] turtles-own [energy] ;; both wolves and sheep have energy patches-own [countdown] ;; patches have a countdown variable for grass ;; Initialization to setup clear-all ;; Set random number generator seed random-seed rngseed ;; show-params ask patches [ ifelse random 2 = 1 [ set countdown 1 + random grass-regrowth-time ;; initialize grass grow clocks randomly set pcolor brown ] [ set countdown 0 set pcolor green ] ] set-default-shape sheep "sheep" create-sheep initial-number-sheep ;; create the sheep, then initialize their variables [ set color white set size 1 ;; easier to see set label-color blue - 2 set energy 1 + random (2 * sheep-gain-from-food) setxy random-pxcor random-pycor ] set-default-shape wolves "wolf" create-wolves initial-number-wolves ;; create the wolves, then initialize their variables [ set color black set size 1 ;; easier to see set energy 1 + random (2 * wolf-gain-from-food) setxy random-pxcor random-pycor ] gather-stats display-labels reset-ticks end ;; Simulation loop to go ;; 1 - Agent movement ask turtles [ move set energy energy - 1 if energy < 1 [ die ] ;; if energy dips below zero, die ] ;; 2 - Grow food ask patches [ grow-grass ] ;; 3 - Act ask turtles [ ifelse is-a-sheep? self [ ;; is a sheep eat-grass reproduce sheep-reprod-thres sheep-reprod-prob ] [ ;; is a wolf catch-sheep reproduce wolf-reprod-thres wolf-reprod-prob ] ] ;; 4 - Gather stats gather-stats display-labels ;; New iteration tick ;; Time to stop? if ticks = iterations [ stop ] end to gather-stats set maxwho max [who] of sheep set sheep-count count sheep set wolves-count count wolves set grass-alive count patches with [countdown <= 0] if show-energy? [ ifelse sheep-count > 0 [ set sheep-energy mean [energy] of sheep ] [ set sheep-energy 0 ] ifelse wolves-count > 0 [ set wolves-energy mean [energy] of wolves ] [ set wolves-energy 0 ] set grass-countdown mean [countdown] of patches ] end to move ;; turtle procedure let direction random 5 if direction < 4 [ set heading 90 * direction fd 1 ] end to eat-grass ;; sheep procedure ;; sheep eat grass, turn the patch brown if pcolor = green [ set pcolor brown ask patch-here [set countdown grass-regrowth-time] set energy energy + sheep-gain-from-food ;; sheep gain energy by eating ] end to reproduce [ reprod-thres reprod-prob ] ;; turtle procedure if energy > reprod-thres [ if random 100 < reprod-prob [ ;; throw "dice" to see if you will reproduce let energy_offspring int (energy / 2) set energy energy - energy_offspring ;; divide energy between parent and offspring hatch 1 [ ;; hatch an offspring which stays in the same place set energy energy_offspring ] ] ] end to catch-sheep ;; wolf procedure let prey one-of sheep-here with [ who <= maxwho ] ;; grab a random sheep, cannot be a newly born sheep if prey != nobody ;; did we get one? if so, [ ask prey [ die ] ;; kill it set energy energy + wolf-gain-from-food ] ;; get energy from eating end to grow-grass ;; patch procedure ;; countdown on brown patches: if reach 0, grow some grass if pcolor = brown [ set countdown countdown - 1 if countdown <= 0 [ set pcolor green set countdown 0 ] ] end to display-labels if show-energy? [ ask wolves [ set label energy ] ask sheep [ set label energy ] ] end to show-params print word " INIT_SHEEP = " initial-number-sheep print word " SHEEP_GAIN_FROM_FOOD = " sheep-gain-from-food print word " SHEEP_REPRODUCE_THRESHOLD = " sheep-reprod-thres print word " SHEEP_REPRODUCE_PROB = " sheep-reprod-prob print word " INIT_WOLVES = " initial-number-wolves print word " WOLVES_GAIN_FROM_FOOD = " wolf-gain-from-food print word "WOLVES_REPRODUCE_THRESHOLD = " wolf-reprod-thres print word " WOLVES_REPRODUCE_PROB = " wolf-reprod-prob print word " GRASS_RESTART = " grass-regrowth-time print word " GRID_X = " world-width print word " GRID_Y = " world-height print word " ITERS = " iterations end ; Copyright 1997 Uri Wilensky. All rights reserved. ; Copyright 2015 Nuno Fachada. All rights reserved. ; The full copyright notice is in the Information tab.
There is only one version of this model, created about 9 years ago by Nuno Fachada.
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