Farm Irrigation

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Default-person Jaiveer Kothari (Author)


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 pmin-water-content ; min water content of patch its on in order to live
 pmax-water-content ; max water content of patch its on in order to live
 cur-water-content ; current water content of turtle

 pwater-content ; patche's water content

  avg-cur-water-content ;avg water content of patches
  total-water-used-in-irrgn ;total water used in irrigation
  total-killed-from-excess-water ;number of plants killed from excess water
  total-killed-from-less-water ;number of plants killed from less water
  total-water-used-by-crops ; total water used by crop
  total-water-on-farm ; total water content of farm
  time ; time in the simulation. = number of ticks
  efficiency ; outout measure
  crop-lifespan ; lifespan of current crop

to setup
  if crop-type = "maize" [ ; if maize crop set maize properties
    create-turtles num-plants [
      set shape "plant"
      setxy random-xcor random-ycor
      set crop-lifespan 1300
      set pmin-water-content 100 + random 10
      set pmax-water-content 700 + random 100
      set cur-water-content 300 + random 50
      set color green

  if crop-type = "peppers" [ ; if pepper crop set pepper properties
    create-turtles num-plants [
      set shape "plant"
      setxy random-xcor random-ycor
      set crop-lifespan 1500
      set pmin-water-content 100 + random 10
      set pmax-water-content 600 + random 100
      set cur-water-content 300 + random 100
      set color blue

  ;; rice
  if crop-type = "rice" [ ;set rice properties
    create-turtles num-plants [
      set shape "plant"
      setxy random-xcor random-ycor
      set crop-lifespan 1200
      set pmin-water-content 150 + random 15
      set pmax-water-content 800 + random 100
      set cur-water-content 400 + random 100
      set color red
  set total-water-on-farm 0
  ask patches [ ;get total water on farm
    set pwater-content 180 + random 40
    set total-water-on-farm total-water-on-farm + pwater-content
    set pcolor (39.9 - pwater-content / 100 )
  set abs-rate 3
  set abs-success 0
  set total-water-used-in-irrgn (sum [pwater-content] of patches)
  set total-killed-from-excess-water 0
  set total-killed-from-less-water 0
  set total-water-used-by-crops 0
  set time 0
  set efficiency 0 ;getter defined below

;; set arrangment or formation of crops based on input

to set-arrangement
  if arrangement = "rows" [setup-rows]
  if arrangement = "evenspread" [setup-es]

;; setup equally spaced rows

to setup-rows
  let num-rows 9 ; number of rows to create
  let total-turtles count turtles
  let x-spacing (max-pxcor - min-pxcor) / num-rows ;space between the rows

  ask turtles [
    foreach [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
      if who >= (? * total-turtles / (num-rows - 1)) and who < ((? + 1) * total-turtles / (num-rows - 1))[
        set xcor min-pxcor + x-spacing * (? + 1)

    set ycor (min-pycor + ((who mod (total-turtles / (num-rows - 1))) / (total-turtles / (num-rows - 1))) * max-pycor * 2)

;; set up turtles equally spead out equispread arrangment

to setup-es
  let num-rows 24
  let total-turtles count turtles
  let x-spacing (max-pxcor - min-pxcor) / num-rows

  ask turtles [

    foreach [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22]

      if who >= (? * total-turtles / (num-rows - 1)) and who < ((? + 1) * total-turtles / (num-rows - 1))[
        set xcor min-pxcor + x-spacing * (? + 1)

    set ycor (min-pycor + ((who mod (total-turtles / (num-rows - 1))) / (total-turtles / (num-rows - 1))) * max-pycor * 2)

to go

  if count turtles <= 1 [ stop ] ; if all plants dead
  if time >= crop-lifespan [ stop ] ;life cycle of crop finished

  diffuse pwater-content 0.1
  set time time + 1

; patches lose water to earth

to patches-lose-water ;; patch procedure
  if soil-type = "sand" [
    ask patches [
      set pwater-content pwater-content - 0.3
  if soil-type = "loam" [
    ask patches [
      set pwater-content pwater-content - 0.2
  if soil-type = "clay" [
    ask patches [
      set pwater-content pwater-content - 0.1

; check water at turtles patch. die accordingly

to check-water ;; turtle procedure
  ;; check if there is too much water on the turtle's patch
  ask turtles [
    let flag 0
    let y pmax-water-content
    ask patch-here [
      if pwater-content > y [
        set flag 1
    if flag = 1[
      set total-killed-from-excess-water total-killed-from-excess-water + 1



  ;; check if too little water for turtle
  ask turtles [
    let flag 0
    let x pmin-water-content
    ask patch-here [
      if pwater-content < x [
        set flag 1
    if flag = 1[
      set total-killed-from-less-water total-killed-from-less-water + 1

; turtles use the water they absorb

to use-water ;; turtle procedure
  ask turtles [
    set cur-water-content cur-water-content - abs-rate

; absorb water from soil

to absorb-water ;; turtle procedure
  ask turtles[
    set abs-success 0
    let abss 0
    ask patch-here[
      if pwater-content > abs-rate [

        set pwater-content pwater-content - abs-rate

        set abss 1
      set abs-success 1
    if abss = 1 [

      set cur-water-content cur-water-content + abs-rate
      set total-water-used-by-crops total-water-used-by-crops + abs-rate
    set abs-success 0
    set abss 0


to evaporation ;; patch procedure
  ask patches [
    ifelse pwater-content >= evaporation-rate [
      set pwater-content pwater-content - evaporation-rate
      set pwater-content 0

to irrigate
  if periodic [
    ;;; repeat the irrigation
    if ticks mod period = 0 [
      if irrigation-type = "drip" [drip-irrigation]
      if irrigation-type = "surface" [surf-irrigation]
      if irrigation-type = "channel" [channel-irrigation]

;; surface irrigation. add water to every patch

to surf-irrigation ;; patch procedure
  ;;; add water to every patch
  ask patches [
    set pwater-content pwater-content + irrigation-per-patch
    set total-water-used-in-irrgn total-water-used-in-irrgn + irrigation-per-patch

;; add water to those patches with turtles on them

to drip-irrigation ;; patch procedure
  ask patches [
    if count turtles-here > 0 [
      set pwater-content pwater-content + irrigation-per-patch
      set total-water-used-in-irrgn total-water-used-in-irrgn + irrigation-per-patch

;; add water in vertical lines

to channel-irrigation ;; patch procedure

  ask patches [
    let x-spacing (max-pxcor - min-pxcor) / 7 ;;9 channels

    if member? pxcor [0 4 7 11 14 -4 -7 -11 -14]
      set pwater-content pwater-content + irrigation-per-patch
      set total-water-used-in-irrgn total-water-used-in-irrgn + irrigation-per-patch

; calcualtes the irrigation efficiency

to get-eff
  set efficiency (total-water-used-by-crops / total-water-used-in-irrgn) * 100

;total water on farm is sum of pwaterc-content of patches

to get-total-water-on-farm
  set total-water-on-farm (sum [pwater-content] of patches)

;; scale the patch colors from light to dark brown based on water content

to recolor-patches ;; patch procedure
  ask patches [
    set pcolor (39.9 - pwater-content / 100 )

;getter function

to get-avg-cur-water-content
  if count turtles > 0 [
    set avg-cur-water-content (mean [cur-water-content] of turtles)

There are 6 versions of this model.

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Jaiveer Kothari over 8 years ago Final Project Latest Version Download this version
Jaiveer Kothari over 8 years ago Final Project Download this version
Jaiveer Kothari over 8 years ago version 4 Download this version
Jaiveer Kothari over 8 years ago version 3 Download this version
Jaiveer Kothari over 8 years ago Version 2 Download this version
Jaiveer Kothari over 8 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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JaiveerKothari-FinalProjectReport.pdf pdf Final Report over 8 years ago, by Jaiveer Kothari Download

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