Child of Crowded Station

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1 collaborator

Default-person Ye Xue (Author)


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Child of model Crowded Station preview imageCrowded Station
Model group MAM-2016 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by everyone
Model was written in NetLogo 6.0-M5 • Viewed 325 times • Downloaded 47 times • Run 0 times
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links-own [ weight ]

breed [ bias-nodes bias-node ]
breed [ input-nodes input-node ]
breed [ output-nodes output-node ]
breed [ hidden-nodes hidden-node ]

turtles-own [
  activation     ;; Determines the nodes output
  err            ;; Used by backpropagation to feed error backwards

globals [
  epoch-error    ;; measurement of how many training examples the network got wrong in the epoch
  input-node-1   ;; keep the input and output nodes
  input-node-2   ;; in global variables so we can
  output-node-1  ;; refer to them directly


to setup
  ask patches [ set pcolor gray ]
  set-default-shape bias-nodes "bias-node"
  set-default-shape input-nodes "circle"
  set-default-shape output-nodes "output-node"
  set-default-shape hidden-nodes "output-node"
  set-default-shape links "small-arrow-shape"

to setup-nodes
  create-bias-nodes 1 [ setxy -4 6 ]
  ask bias-nodes [ set activation 1 ]
  create-input-nodes 1 [
    setxy -6 -2
    set input-node-1 self
  create-input-nodes 1 [
    setxy -6 2
    set input-node-2 self
  create-input-nodes 1 [
    setxy -6 4
    set input-node-3 self
  ask input-nodes [ set activation random 2 ]
  create-hidden-nodes 1 [ setxy 0 -2 ]
  create-hidden-nodes 1 [ setxy 0  2 ]
  create-hidden-nodes 1 [ setxy 0  4 ]
  ;create-hidden-nodes 1 [ setxy 3 -2 ]
  ;create-hidden-nodes 1 [ setxy 3  2 ]
  ;create-hidden-nodes 1 [ setxy 3  4 ]
  ask hidden-nodes [
    set activation random 2
    set size 1.5
  create-output-nodes 1 [
    setxy 7 0
    set output-node-1 self
    set activation random 2

;; connect input nodes with hidden nodes
;; connect bias-nodes with hidden nodes and output nodes
;; connect hidden nodes with output nodes

to setup-links
  connect-all bias-nodes hidden-nodes
  connect-all bias-nodes output-nodes
  connect-all input-nodes hidden-nodes ;with [xcor = 0]
  connect-all hidden-nodes output-nodes
  ;connect-all hidden-nodes with [xcor = 0] hidden-nodes with [xcor = 3]
  ;connect-all hidden-nodes with [xcor = 3] output-nodes

to connect-all [ nodes1 nodes2 ]
  ask nodes1 [
    create-links-to nodes2 [
      set weight random-float 1

;; color nodes

to recolor
  ask turtles [
    set color item (scale activation) [ black white red ]
  ask links [
    set thickness 0.05 * abs weight
    ifelse show-weights? [
      set label precision weight 4
    ] [
      set label ""
    ifelse weight > 0
      [ set color [ 255 0 0 196 ] ] ; transparent red
      [ set color [ 0 0 255 196 ] ] ; transparent light blue

to-report scale [input]
  ifelse input > 0.8
  [ report 2 ]
  [ ifelse input < 0.2 [ report 0 ] [ report 1 ] ]


to train
  set epoch-error 0
  repeat examples-per-epoch [
    ask input-node-1 [ set activation random 20 ]
    ask input-node-2 [ set activation random 20 ]
    ask input-node-3 [ set activation random 20 ]
  set epoch-error epoch-error / examples-per-epoch


to-report target-answer
  let a [ activation ] of input-node-1
  let b [ activation ] of input-node-2
  let c [ activation ] of input-node-3
  ;let s (a + b + c)

  ifelse (b <= a and b <= c)
  [ report 0.5 ]
    ifelse (a < b and a < c)
    [ report 0 ]
    [ report 1 ]
  ;; run-result will interpret target-function as the appropriate boolean operator
  ;report ifelse-value run-result
  ;  (word "a " target-function " b") [ 1 ] [ 0 ]


;; carry out one calculation from beginning to end

to propagate
  ask hidden-nodes [ set activation new-activation ]
  ask output-nodes [ set activation new-activation ]

;; Determine the activation of a node based on the activation of its input nodes

to-report new-activation  ;; node procedure
  report sigmoid sum [ [ activation ] of end1 * weight ] of my-in-links

;; changes weights to correct for errors

to backpropagate
  let example-error 0
  let answer target-answer
  ;print target-answer

  ask output-node-1 [
    ;; `activation * (1 - activation)` is used because it is the
    ;; derivative of the sigmoid activation function. If we used a
    ;; different activation function, we would use its derivative.
    ;print activation
    set err activation * (1 - activation) * (answer - activation)
    set example-error example-error + ((answer - activation) ^ 2)
  set epoch-error epoch-error + example-error

  ;; The hidden layer nodes are given error values adjusted appropriately for their
  ;; link weights
  ask hidden-nodes [
    set err activation * (1 - activation) * sum [ weight * [ err ] of end2 ] of my-out-links
  ask links [
    set weight weight + learning-rate * [ err ] of end2 * [ activation ] of end1


;; computes the sigmoid function given an input value and the weight on the link

to-report sigmoid [input]
  report 1 / (1 + e ^ (- input))

;; computes the step function given an input value and the weight on the link

to-report step [input]
  ifelse input > 0.8
  [ report 1 ]
  [ ifelse input < 0.2 [ report 0 ] [ report 0.5 ] ]
  ;report ifelse-value (input > 0.5) [ 1 ] [ 0 ]


;; test runs one instance and computes the output

to test
  let result result-for-inputs input-1 input-2 input-3
  set output step result
  let correct? ifelse-value (result = target-answer) [ "correct" ] [ "incorrect" ]
  user-message (word
    "The expected answer for " input-1 " " input-2 " " input-3 " is " target-answer ".\n\n"
    "The network reported " result ", which is " correct? ".")

to test-with [i1 i2 i3]
  let result result-for-inputs i1 i2 i3
  set output step result

to-report result-for-inputs [n1 n2 n3]
  ask input-node-1 [ set activation n1 ]
  ask input-node-2 [ set activation n2 ]
  ask input-node-3 [ set activation n3 ]
  print [ activation ] of one-of output-nodes
  report step [ activation ] of one-of output-nodes

There are 3 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Ye Xue over 8 years ago Final version Download this version
Ye Xue over 8 years ago version 1.1-new measure Download this version
Ye Xue over 8 years ago version 1.0 Download this version

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Parent: Crowded Station

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