Child of Party Model

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3 collaborators

Default-person Amy Ho (Author)
Default-person Jingyuan Liao (Team member)
Default-person Shuhan Jiang (Team member)


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globals [
  group-sites    ;; agentset of patches where groups are located
  boring-groups  ;; how many groups are currently single-sex

turtles-own [
  happy-male? ;; true or false

to setup
  set group-sites patches with [group-site?]
  set-default-shape turtles "person"
  create-turtles number [
    choose-sex                   ;; become a man or a woman
    set size 3                   ;; be easier to see
    set my-group-site one-of group-sites
    move-to my-group-site
  ask turtles [ update-happiness ]
  ask turtles [ spread-out-vertically ]

to go
  if all? turtles [happy-male? and happy-female?] ;; mod
    [ stop ]  ;; stop the simulation if everyone is happy
  ask turtles [ move-to my-group-site ]  ;; put all people back to their group sites
  ask turtles [ update-happiness ]
  ask turtles [ leave-if-unhappy ]
  ask turtles [
    set my-group-site patch-here

to update-happiness  ;; turtle procedure
  let total count turtles-here
  let same count turtles-here with [color = [color] of myself]
  let opposite (total - same)
  ;; you are happy if the proportion of people of the opposite sex
  ;; does not exceed your tolerance
  set happy-male? (opposite / total) <= (tolerance-male / 100) ;; mod
  set happy-female? (opposite / total) <= (tolerance-female / 100) ;; mod

to leave-if-unhappy  ;; turtle procedure
  if not happy-male? [ ;; mod
    set heading one-of [90 270]  ;; randomly face right or left
    fd 1                         ;; leave old group
  if not happy-female? [ ;; mod
    set heading one-of [90 270]  ;; randomly face right or left
    fd 1                         ;; leave old group

to find-new-groups
  display   ;; force display update so we see animation
  let malcontents turtles with [not member? patch-here group-sites]
  if not any? malcontents [ stop ]
  ask malcontents [ fd 1 ]

to-report group-site?  ;; patch procedure
  ;; if your pycor is 0 and your pxcor is where a group should be located,
  ;; then you're a group site.
  ;; In this model (0,0) is near the right edge, so pxcor is usually
  ;; negative.
  ;; first figure out how many patches apart the groups will be
  let group-interval floor (world-width / num-groups)
    ;; all group sites are in the middle row
    (pycor = 0) and
    ;; leave a right margin of one patch, for legibility
    (pxcor <= 0) and
    ;; the distance between groups must divide evenly into
    ;; our pxcor
    (pxcor mod group-interval = 0) and
    ;; finally, make sure we don't wind up with too many groups
    (floor ((- pxcor) / group-interval) < num-groups)

to spread-out-vertically  ;; turtle procedure
  ifelse woman?
    [ set heading 180 ]  ;; face north
    [ set heading   0 ]  ;; face south
  fd 4                   ;; leave a gap
  while [any? other turtles-here] [
    if-else can-move? 2 [
      fd 1
    [ ;; else, if we reached the edge of the screen
      set xcor xcor - 1  ;; take a step to the left
      set ycor 0         ;; and move to the base a new stack
      fd 4

to count-boring-groups
  ask group-sites [
    ifelse boring?
      [ set plabel-color gray  ]
      [ set plabel-color white ]
  set boring-groups count group-sites with [plabel-color = gray]

to-report boring?  ;; patch procedure
  ;; To see whether this group is single sex, we collect the colors
  ;; of the turtles into a list, then remove all the duplicates
  ;; from the list.  If the result is a list with exactly one color
  ;; in it, then the group is single sex.
  report length remove-duplicates ([color] of turtles-here) = 1

to update-labels
  ask group-sites [ set plabel count turtles-here ]

;;; color procedures

;; Blue represents male, pink represents female. No stereotypes are meant
;; to be promoted. Simply change the colors right here if you'd like.

to choose-sex  ;; turtle procedure
  set color one-of [pink blue]

to-report woman?  ;; turtle procedure
  report color = pink

to-report man? ;; turtle procedure
 report color = blue

; Copyright 1997 Uri Wilensky.
; See Info tab for full copyright and license.

There is only one version of this model, created over 8 years ago by Amy Ho.

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