Turtles trapped by letters

Turtles trapped by letters preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Nida Fatima (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 6.0.2 • Viewed 173 times • Downloaded 8 times • Run 0 times
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breed [nidas nida]
nidas-own[ trapped? count-down

to setup
  ask patches
  [set pcolor white]
  create-nidas 24
  [set color green
  set  trapped? false
  setxy random-xcor random-ycor
  set size 10]

to setupname

to setN

 let x  -105
  let y   50
   ask patches with [pxcor > x - 10 and pxcor < x + 10 and pycor > y - 20 and pycor < y + 20]
    set pcolor red
  let xi  -105
  let yi  0
  ask patches with [pxcor > xi - 10 and pxcor < xi + 10 and pycor > yi - 25 and pycor < yi + 25]
    set pcolor red
  let xiiii  -190
  let yiiii  50
   ask patches with [pxcor > xiiii - 10 and pxcor < xiiii + 10 and pycor > yiiii - 20 and pycor < yiiii + 20]
    set pcolor red
  let xiiiii  -190
  let yiiiii 0
  ask patches with [pxcor > xiiiii - 10 and pxcor < xiiiii + 10 and pycor > yiiiii - 25 and pycor < yiiiii + 25]
    set pcolor red

  let a  -150
  let b   20
   ask patches with [pxcor > a - 10 and pxcor < a + 10 and pycor > b - 13 and pycor < b + 13]
   set pcolor red

 let ai  -165
  let bi   55
   ask patches with [pxcor > ai - 10 and pxcor < ai + 10 and pycor > bi - 12 and pycor < bi + 12]
   set pcolor red
 let aii  -135
  let bii   -10
   ask patches with [pxcor > aii - 10 and pxcor < aii + 10 and pycor > bii - 13 and pycor < bii + 13]
  set pcolor red

to setI

 let x  -55
  let y   40
   ask patches with [pxcor > x - 10 and pxcor < x + 10 and pycor > y - 20 and pycor < y + 20]
    set pcolor red
  let xi  -55
  let yi  0
  ask patches with [pxcor > xi - 10 and pxcor < xi + 10 and pycor > yi - 20 and pycor < yi + 20]
    set pcolor red
  let xii -55
  let yii  65
  ask patches with [pxcor > xii - 30 and pxcor < xii + 30 and pycor > yii - 5 and pycor < yii + 5]
    set pcolor red
  let xiii -55
  let yiii  -25
  ask patches with [pxcor > xiii - 30 and pxcor < xiii + 30 and pycor > yiii - 5 and pycor < yiii + 5]
    set pcolor red

to setD

 let x  30
  let y   40
   ask patches with [pxcor > x - 10 and pxcor < x + 10 and pycor > y - 20 and pycor < y + 20]
    set pcolor red
  let xi  30
  let yi  0
  ask patches with [pxcor > xi - 10 and pxcor < xi + 10 and pycor > yi - 20 and pycor < yi + 20]
    set pcolor red
  let xii 30
  let yii  65
  ask patches with [pxcor > xii - 30 and pxcor < xii + 40 and pycor > yii - 5 and pycor < yii + 5]
    set pcolor red
  let xiii 30
  let yiii  -25
  ask patches with [pxcor > xiii - 30 and pxcor < xiii + 40 and pycor > yiii - 5 and pycor < yiii + 5]
    set pcolor red
  let xiiii  65
  let yiiii  40
   ask patches with [pxcor > xiiii - 10 and pxcor < xiiii + 10 and pycor > yiiii - 20 and pycor < yiiii + 20]
    set pcolor red
  let xiiiii  65
  let yiiiii  0
  ask patches with [pxcor > xiiiii - 10 and pxcor < xiiiii + 10 and pycor > yiiiii - 20 and pycor < yiiiii + 20]
    set pcolor red

to setA

 let x  100
  let y   40
   ask patches with [pxcor > x - 10 and pxcor < x + 10 and pycor > y - 20 and pycor < y + 20]
    set pcolor red
  let xi  100
  let yi  -10
  ask patches with [pxcor > xi - 10 and pxcor < xi + 10 and pycor > yi - 20 and pycor < yi + 20]
    set pcolor red
  let xii 100
  let yii  65
  ask patches with [pxcor > xii - 10 and pxcor < xii + 55 and pycor > yii - 5 and pycor < yii + 5]
    set pcolor red
  let xiii 100
  let yiii  15
  ask patches with [pxcor > xiii - 10 and pxcor < xiii + 55 and pycor > yiii - 5 and pycor < yiii + 5]
    set pcolor red
  let xiiii  145
  let yiiii   40
   ask patches with [pxcor > xiiii - 10 and pxcor < xiiii + 10 and pycor > yiiii - 20 and pycor < yiiii + 20]
    set pcolor red
  let xiiiii  145
  let yiiiii  -10
  ask patches with [pxcor > xiiiii - 10 and pxcor < xiiiii + 10 and pycor > yiiiii - 20 and pycor < yiiiii + 20]
    set pcolor red

to go
  ask nidas
  ifelse pcolor != red
 To wander

  lt random 10
  rt random 10
  fd 2
  ask patches   in-cone  20 5
      set pcolor yellow

to trap
  set count-down count-down - 1   ;decrement-timer
  set label "trapped"
  set trapped? true
  ;lt random 360
  ;rt random 360

  if count-down = 0
      set label ""

to reset-count-down
  set count-down ticks

to move-random-insideletter ;So, from there onwards the turtles are now going to remain within the letter they are in.
                            ;they MUST not move out of the letter. They should move randomly within the letter ONLY.

    set heading random 360
  fd 2
  fd -2

to-report get-trapped

report  count nidas with [ trapped? = true]

to-report get-untrapped

report  count nidas with [ trapped? = false]

There is only one version of this model, created almost 6 years ago by Nida Fatima.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Turtles trapped by letters.png preview Preview for 'Turtles trapped by letters' almost 6 years ago, by Nida Fatima Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

This model does not have any descendants.