Maze Generator 1
Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1
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patches-own [ xxx ] to setup clear-all ;; set sides with starting turtles ask patches with [count neighbors != 8] [ set xxx 1 ] ask patches with [pxcor = min-pxcor + 1] [set pcolor white] ask patches with [pxcor = max-pxcor - 1] [set pcolor white] ;; set top and bottom white ask patches with [pycor = max-pycor or pycor = min-pycor] [ set pcolor white ] clean-corners setup-start-finish ;set start and finish ;; sprout turtles ask n-of edges (patches with [pcolor = white]) [ sprout 1 [ set color blue facexy -1 * pxcor pycor fd 1 ] ] reset-ticks end to setup-start-finish ask patches with [pxcor = max-pxcor and pycor = Right-Height] [ set pcolor red ask neighbors [ set pcolor black ] ask patch-at 0 2 [ set pcolor white ] ask patch-at 0 -2 [ set pcolor white ] ] ask patches with [pxcor = min-pxcor and pycor = Left-Height] [ set pcolor red ask neighbors [ set pcolor black ] ask patch-at 0 2 [ set pcolor white ] ask patch-at 0 -2 [ set pcolor white ] ] end to clean-corners ask patches with [pycor = max-pycor and pxcor = max-pxcor ] [ set pcolor black ] ask patches with [pycor = max-pycor and pxcor = min-pxcor ] [ set pcolor black ] ask patches with [pycor = min-pycor and pxcor = max-pxcor ] [ set pcolor black ] ask patches with [pycor = min-pycor and pxcor = min-pxcor ] [ set pcolor black ] end to go ;; die if neighbors ask turtles [ if count turtles-on neighbors > 0 [ die ] ] ;; turn if facing edge ask turtles [ if patch-ahead 1 = nobody or patch-left-and-ahead 45 1 = nobody or patch-right-and-ahead 45 1 = nobody [ rt 180 ] ] ;; die if facing white ask turtles [ if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = white or [pcolor] of patch-left-and-ahead 45 1 = white or [pcolor] of patch-right-and-ahead 45 1 = white or [pcolor] of patch-left-and-ahead 90 1 = white or [pcolor] of patch-right-and-ahead 90 1 = white [ die ] ] ;; move ask turtles [ set pcolor white set xxx 1 downhill4 xxx ask patch-left-and-ahead 135 1 [ set xxx 1 ] ask patch-right-and-ahead 135 1 [ set xxx 1 ] ] ;; sprout turtles ask n-of edges (patches with [pcolor = white]) [ sprout 1 [ set color blue let yyy random 4 if yyy > 2.5 [ set heading 0 ] if yyy > 1.5 and yyy < 2.5 [ set heading 90 ] if yyy > 0.5 and yyy < 1.5 [ set heading 180 ] if yyy > -0.5 and yyy < 0.5 [ set heading 270 ] ifelse patch-ahead 1 = nobody [ rt 180 fd 1] [ fd 1] ] ] tick end to kill ask turtles [ die ] ask patches with [ pcolor = red ] [ask neighbors4 [ set pcolor black ] ] end to-report edges if Difficulty = "Easy" [ report count patches with [count neighbors != 8] - 6 ] if Difficulty = "Medium" [ report max-pycor / 3 ] if Difficulty = "Hard" [ report 1 ] end
There are 3 versions of this model.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Maze Generator 1.png | preview | Preview for 'Maze Generator 1' | over 5 years ago, by Benjamin Menashe | Download |
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