USA Mass shooting model (NetLogo 6.04)
Model was written in NetLogo 6.0.4
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globals [i objects] ;; service variables are i, objects breed [humans human] breed [guns gun] breed [shots shot] breed [stressors stressor] humans-own [psycho ;; boolean hasgun ;; boolean alive ;; boolean drive ;; boolean age life_span stress_list ;; Memory for stressors. Psycho has the memory, normal humans has't it memory_size ] stressors-own [value] to setup clear-all create-ordered-shots 10 [set size turt_size set shape "star" set color black] ;; create shots figures create-ordered-humans quantity [ set size turt_size set shape "person" ;; set label who set age random 75 ;; population of different ages humans. They are alive now, not just born. set life_span random-normal 75 6 set hasgun false set alive true set drive false set stress_list [] set memory_size 3 ifelse (random 100000 < PsychoPer100000) [set psycho true set color blue write "Psycho" show who] [set psycho false set color green] setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] create-ordered-guns quantity * GunHumanRatio [ set color white set size turt_size set shape "gun1" setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] write "Psycho" ;; {------OBSERVER------} show count humans with [psycho];; {------OBSERVER------} show "---------------- setup done ------------------" reset-ticks end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to go ask humans with [alive] [lt random Stoch_Motion_Speed fd random 2 * Stoch_Motion_Speed] ;;; move it stochasticaly!!! ask guns [lt random Stoch_Motion_Speed fd random 2 * Stoch_Motion_Speed] ;;; move it stochasticaly!!! create-stressors quantity * StressorsHumanRatio ;;; generation stressor factor as breed [ set color red setxy random-xcor random-ycor set value random 1000 set hidden? not StressorsVisible ] HasGun? HasDrive? Fire!!! tick generation ;; new humans ask humans [set age age + 1] ask humans with [alive and age > life_span] [die] ;; corpses don't die ))) ask stressors [die] if (ticks = 10000 or count humans with [alive] = 0) [stop] end ;----------------------------------------------- to HasGun? ;; Is there a gun next to human? ask humans [ ifelse (count guns in-radius GunRadius) > 0 [set hasgun true] [set hasgun false] ] end to HasDrive? ask humans [ let vp sum [value] of stressors in-radius StressRadius ifelse length stress_list < memory_size [set stress_list lput vp stress_list ] [set stress_list remove 0 stress_list set stress_list lput vp stress_list] ifelse psycho [ ifelse (sum stress_list > ShootingLevel) [set drive true][set drive false] ] [ ifelse (last stress_list > ShootingLevel) [set drive true][set drive false] ] ] end to Fire!!! ask humans with [drive and alive and age > 11] ;;;; [psycho and alive and age > 15 and drive] OLD version [ if hasgun and random 100 < 33 [ let vpx xcor let vpy ycor set objects count other humans in-radius FireRadius if objects > 0 [ set i 0 while [i < min list objects 10] ;; we have 10 shots figures only [ ask shot i [set color yellow set xcor vpx + random i set ycor vpy - random i] show "Boo-bookh!!!" set i i + 1 ] ask other humans in-radius FireRadius [set alive false set color red] set alive false ;; now psycho is dead write "Ticks, Shooter's age, victims, Psycho?" write ticks write age write objects show psycho stop ] ] ] end to generation let v count humans with [alive and age > 15 and age < 46] create-ordered-humans random-normal (v * TickReprRatio% / 100 ) (v / 20) [ set size turt_size set shape "person" set age 0 set life_span random-normal 75 6 set hasgun false set alive true set drive false set stress_list [] set memory_size 3 ifelse (random 100000 < PsychoPer100000) [set psycho true set color blue write "Psycho" show who] [set psycho false set color green] setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] end
There is only one version of this model, created about 5 years ago by Ivan Smarzhevskiy.
Attached files
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USA Mass shooting model (NetLogo 6.04).png | preview | Preview for 'USA Mass shooting model (NetLogo 6.04)' | about 5 years ago, by Ivan Smarzhevskiy | Download |
This model does not have any ancestors.
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Ivan Smarzhevskiy
Model running
The model runs very slowly on the web (with the number of agents (people) of the order of 10,000). It is recommended to download the model.
Posted about 5 years ago