Covid-19 How quarantine flatten the curve?
Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1
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globals[ borders? ] breed [actors actor] actors-own[ days ] breed [borders border] to setup clear-all reset-ticks clear-plot set borders? FALSE (ifelse senario = "base" [ ask n-of (count patches with [pcolor = black] * population / 100) patches [ sprout-actors 1 [ set shape "person" set color white ] ] ask one-of actors [set color red] ] senario = "communities" or senario = "communities and borders" [ create-borders 10 [ setxy 0 0 set heading one-of [90 270] ] ask borders [ repeat 4 [ repeat sqrt (count patches) [ set pcolor grey fd 1 ] rt 90 repeat sqrt (count patches) + sqrt (count patches) / 4 [ set pcolor grey fd 1 ] ] ] if sqrt (count patches) > 20 [ ask borders [ setxy sqrt(sqrt(count patches)) sqrt(sqrt(count patches)) repeat 4 [ repeat sqrt (count patches) [ set pcolor grey fd 1 ] rt 90 repeat sqrt (count patches) + sqrt (count patches) / 4 [ set pcolor grey fd 1 ] ] ] ] create-borders 1 [ setxy sqrt(count patches) / 2 sqrt(count patches) / 2 set heading 90 ] ask border 10 [ repeat 2 [ repeat sqrt (count patches) [ fd 1 set pcolor grey ] rt 90 ] ] ask borders [die] ask n-of (count patches with [pcolor = black] * population / 100) patches with [pcolor = black] [ sprout-actors 1 [ set shape "person" set color white ] ] ask one-of actors [set color red] ] [stop] ) end to go ;if not any? actors with [color = white] [stop] if not any? actors with [color = red] [stop] travel infect if count actors with [color = red] / count actors > close-when [ close-borders ] ;not-live cure tick end to travel ask n-of (count actors-on patches with [pcolor = black] * travel-rate / 1000) actors-on patches with [pcolor = black] [ setxy 0 0 ] ask patch 0 0 [ ask actors-here [ if not any? patches with [not any? turtles-here and pcolor = black] [stop] move-to one-of patches with [not any? turtles-here and pcolor = black] ] ] end to infect ask actors with [color = red] [ ask neighbors [ ask actors-here with [color = white] [ if random 100 <= infection-rate [set color red] ] ] ] end to close-borders if not borders? [ if senario = "communities and borders" [ ask n-of number-of-borders patches with [pcolor = black] [ set pcolor yellow ] repeat close-borders-law [ ask patches with [pcolor = yellow] [ ask neighbors with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor yellow] ] ] set borders? TRUE ] ] end to not-live ask actors with [color = red] [ set days days + 1 if random 100 <= days - 30 [ if random 100 < 20 [die] ] ] end to cure if ticks > 10 [ ask actors with [color = red] [ if random 100 < cure-rate [ if random 100 < 50 [ set color green ] ] ] ] end
There are 2 versions of this model.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
corona experiment-table.csv | data | 100 runs of 2 scenarios | almost 5 years ago, by Vsevolod Suschevskiy | Download |
corona.nlogo | background | .nlogo but without zip | almost 5 years ago, by Vsevolod Suschevskiy | Download |
Covid-19 How quarantine flatten the curve?.png | preview | Preview for 'Covid-19 How quarantine flatten the curve?' | almost 5 years ago, by Vsevolod Suschevskiy | Download |
This model does not have any ancestors.
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Vsevolod Suschevskiy
This model has two modes: the virus spread from infected (red) to neighneighbors8. When somebody was infected, after 20 ticks it could be cured with a cure-rate% 1. communities, where agents with the probability of travel rate/10 could move 2. same communities, but when close-when of a population infected, some communities prohibit travelling
Posted almost 5 years ago
Rassoul Mahiny
The zip file is corrupt! (Question)
Hi, I tried several times to download and run the model, but it didn't work! The zip file is corrupt. Would you please take a look and see what is wrong? Best, Rassoul
Posted almost 5 years ago
Vsevolod Suschevskiy
Rassoul Mahiny,
For some reason, I could not download the file too. However, If you will press Ren in NetLogo Web tab, and at the upper-right corner click on export: NetLogo, it supposes to work. Sorry for a bad zip file, but I don't know how to fix that problem on my own.
Posted almost 5 years ago
Rassoul Mahiny
The zip file is corrupt!
Thanks so much. The way you suggested, namely copying from the web version worked! Cheers Rassoul
Posted almost 5 years ago
Pradeesh K V
Description of the model
It will be very helpful if you provide a detailed description of the model under the 'Info' tab. Thanks.
Posted almost 5 years ago