State of Matter-Water

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Screen_shot_2018-02-02_at_12.53.50_pm lin xiang (Author)


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turtles-own [step solid core mylink watched]
patches-own [occupied tt-here]
globals [  ]

to setup

create-turtles number-of-molecules
[set color red
 set size 2
 set shape "molecule water"
 set step 0.2
 set solid false
 set core false
 set mylink 0
 set watched false
 setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]



to check-turtles-here
  ask patches
  [ifelse any? turtles-here
    [set occupied true set pcolor 2 ]
    [set occupied false set pcolor 0]
   if count neighbors with [occupied = true] >= 5 [set occupied true set pcolor 2]
    set tt-here count turtles-here]

   diffuse pcolor 1

to go

  ifelse mean [step] of turtles > 0.02
  [ melt
  [ set-core
    if random 100 < 50 [crystalization]
    if not any? turtles with [solid = false] [move-1]



to move
  ask turtles with [solid = false]
    [ifelse step <= 0 [user-message "The molecules cannot be cooled any more." stop]
    [fd step
      rt random-float 360]

to attraction
  ask turtles [
    let a-close-molecule one-of other turtles in-radius 9
    if a-close-molecule != nobody
     [face a-close-molecule
      fd 0.1
      rt random-float 360


to repulsion
   ask turtles [
    let a-close-molecule one-of other turtles in-radius 1.2
    if a-close-molecule != nobody
     [face a-close-molecule
      fd -0.3
      rt random-float 360


to set-core
  if not any? turtles with [core = true]
  [ask one-of turtles with [solid = false and abs xcor < max-pxcor - 2 and abs ycor < max-pycor - 2  ]
      set core true
      set solid true


to melt
  ask turtles
    [set solid false set core false set mylink 0]

to move-1
  ask turtles
    [ifelse step <= 0 [user-message "The molecules cannot be cooled any more." stop]
      rt random-float 5]

to crystalization
  ask turtles with [core = true]
  mylink = 0
  [let partner min-one-of turtles with [solid = false] [distance myself]
   if partner != nobody [
     ask partner [
      move-to myself set heading [heading] of myself
      fd -1.1 set heading heading + 180
      set core true  set solid true set mylink mylink + 1

      set mylink mylink + 1]]

   mylink = 1
   [let partner-1 min-one-of turtles with [solid = false] [distance myself]
    if partner-1 != nobody [
     ask partner-1 [
       move-to myself set heading [heading] of myself
       set mylink mylink + 1]]

   mylink = 2
   [let partner-2 min-one-of turtles with [solid = false] [distance myself]
    if partner-2 != nobody [
     ask partner-2 [
       move-to myself set heading [heading] of myself
       set mylink mylink + 1
       if mylink >= 3
        [set core false


to set-heading-1
  set heading heading + 60
  ifelse not any? other turtles-on patch-ahead 1.1
  [fd 1.1 set core true  set solid true set mylink mylink + 1 detect-boundray
  ;set color cyan
  [set heading heading - 120
    ifelse not any? other turtles-on patch-ahead 1.1
    [fd 1.1
     set core true  set solid true set mylink mylink + 1 detect-boundray

    [face patch 0 0 fd random 6 set heading random 360]]

to set-heading-2
  set heading heading - 60
  ifelse not any? other turtles-on patch-ahead 1.1
  [fd 1.1
   set core true  set solid true set mylink mylink + 1 detect-boundray

  [face patch 0 0 fd random 6 set heading random 360]

to detect-boundray
  if abs xcor >= max-pxcor - 1 or abs ycor >= max-pycor - 1 [set mylink 3 set core false]

There are 3 versions of this model.

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lin xiang almost 4 years ago Fix info typos Download this version
lin xiang almost 5 years ago adjust the visual Download this version
lin xiang almost 5 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
State of Matter-Water.png preview Preview for 'State of Matter-Water' almost 5 years ago, by lin xiang Download

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