
MES_Repository preview image

1 collaborator

Patarakin_m Evgeny Patarakin (Author)


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;; Models with user - which has administrative function they don't patrucipate in creation, but they organize space - School-Leader

extensions [nw csv table rnd] ;; расширение - показать как именно они используются

directed-link-breed  [bonds bond] ; Links between gamers

;; patches-own [pagenum]

breed [users user]  ;; порода участников - авторы и редакторы сценариев
breed [balls ball]  ;; breed of object - scenarious that are created by users

turtles-own [
  nearest-neighbor   ;; closest one of our flockmates

users-own [
agentname   ;; ID of user
  School   ;; School of user - Eeach user linked with only one school
  Age      ;; Age of use - how we can use it ?
  Gender   ;; How we can use gender in this model   - выбираются по тому, насколько они близки
  User_Subj  ;; List of disciplins this user has teach


  region_point ;; place of birth

balls-own [
 Ball_Subj  ;; Subject of page - maded by first user who create this page
  pagenum ;; ID of Page
  impuls ;; impuls - after creation or reuse
  Gender  ;; for affinity

links-own [weight]

globals [
 ;; wikihistory ;
  wikilog ;  log file - creating & reusing of scenarious
  pages ;; перечень созданных страниц - мы используем число элементов в списке при присваивании имени новому сценарию


;;; Очистили,  закрыли и обнулили все,

to setup
clear-all ;
   set-default-shape users "person" ;
  set-default-shape balls "circle" ;
 ;;   set-default-shape users "circle" ;
   set-default-shape bonds "default" ;
 ;; set wikihistory [] ;
  set wikilog [] ;
  set pages [] ; исходно пустой список

  let R 8
  let teachers_in_school round (Pl_number / ((R - 1) ^ 2))

  let SBJ ["Math" "Literature" "Russian" "Biology" "Chemistry" "Informatics" "Geography" "Astronomy"]

  let N_SBJ [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]  ;; сколько  будет

   let weights [ 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.05]
      let s_pairs (map list SBJ weights)
     let n_pairs (map list N_SBJ weights)
 ;;   type first rnd:weighted-one-of-list n_pairs [ [p] -> last p ]

    ask patches with [pxcor mod R = 0 and pycor mod R = 0]
    1 + random   ;; - if we think that there is different quantity of teachers
    teachers_in_school [
    set color white
    set size 1
    set agentname who
    set region_point patch-here

    set action 0  ;; action 0 - ничего

      set User_Subj map first rnd:weighted-n-of-list
      first rnd:weighted-one-of-list n_pairs [ [p] -> last p ]
      s_pairs [ [s] -> last s ]

   ;;n-of (1 + (random length SBJ) ) SBJ   ;; What it means

    set Gender one-of  ["Female" "Male"]  ;; Пол агента - пока никак не используется, если мы не создадим сегрегацию или присоединение
    set Age one-of  n-values 50 [18 + random 50]
    set School remove "patch" word "School_N_"  region_point ;;;

  let B 16
    let balls_in_school round (B_number / 9)
          ask patches with [pxcor mod B = 0 and pycor mod B = 0]

  sprout-balls balls_in_school [
      set color blue
    set impuls 0
    set size 0.6
    set Ball_Subj 0 ;;

    set pagenum 0
   ;;    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
  ;; ht

to  find_empty_space
  ifelse not any? other users-here [stop]
  [rt 360 fd 0.5  find_empty_space]

to go
;;    if length reused > length created [stop]
;;  ask users with [ (any? balls-here )] [touch_ball one-of balls-here ]
  ask users with [not any? balls-here ] [ search_ball ]
  ask balls [
  ask users [find_empty_space]
 ;; update-Subjects-plot

to ball_move
  if any? users-here [
    ;; it is ball choice   ;;  А кого именно выбирает сценарий, если есть выбор из нескольких ???
    ;; affinity to Gender

    ifelse pagenum = 0
    let player one-of users-here ;; выбираем любого
      let newpage 1 + length pages
       set pages lput newpage pages
      set pagenum  newpage ;;
      set Ball_Subj one-of [User_Subj] of player ;;
      set Gender [Gender] of player ;;
      set wikilog lput (se [who] of player pagenum "create" [School] of player Ball_Subj ) wikilog
      set heading [heading] of player
      set color green
      st ;; show created scenario
         fd ball_shift ;; как далеко уходит сценарий от автора? - свойство самого сценария - регулируется в системе. Если

   let player one-of users-here

     ifelse not Subj_Segregation
          [ set wikilog lput (se [who] of player pagenum "reuse" [School] of player Ball_Subj) wikilog ]

      ifelse not member? Ball_Subj  [User_Subj] of player  [ ]   ;; если есть предпочтение по предмету, то с чужим автором связь не образуется
             [ set wikilog lput (se [who] of player pagenum "reuse" [School] of player Ball_Subj) wikilog ]


        set heading [heading] of player
      set color orange
         fd ball_shift

to search_ball
  if count balls
  ;; with [member? Ball_Subj [User_Subj] of myself  ]
  in-cone vision 360 > 0

  [ let myball one-of balls
    ;; with [member? Ball_Subj [User_Subj] of myself  ]
    in-cone vision 360
set heading towards myball
    if distance region_point <  stay_school [ fd 0.5 ]
    if distance myball < 0.5 [move-to myball]


;; user scenario action school subject

to save_log
set wikilog fput (se  "user" "scenario" "action" "school_user" "subject" ) wikilog
 let exp1 (word "experiments/netlogo" experiments ".csv")
  csv:to-file exp1 wikilog

;; Just use csv:to-file "/path/to/myfile.csv" my-data!

;;  Данные по созданию и использованию объектов

to-report reused
report filter [ [?1] -> "reuse" = item 2 ?1 ] wikilog

to-report created
report filter [ [?1] -> "create" = item 2 ?1 ] wikilog


to logs_to_sociogram
;; ask balls [ht]
 ;; ask users [set color red]
  ;; пока связи идут только от редакторов к автору статьи
  foreach reused [ [?1] ->
    let friend1 item 0 ?1
    let p1 item 1 ?1
    let friend2 first first filter [ [??1] -> (p1 = item 1 ??1) and ("create" = item 2 ??1) ] wikilog
    if friend1 != friend2 [
    ask user friend1 [ create-bond-to turtle friend2 ]


 ;; repeat 8 [layout-spring  users links 1 5 7 ]


to update-School-plot
  set-current-plot "Users Schools"
  let counts table:counts [ School ] of users
  let schools sort table:keys counts
  let n length schools
  set-plot-x-range 0 n
  let step 0.05 ; tweak this to leave no gaps
  (foreach schools range n [ [s i] ->
    let y table:get counts s
    let c hsb (i * 360 / n) 50 75
    create-temporary-plot-pen s
    set-plot-pen-mode 1 ; bar mode
    set-plot-pen-color c
    foreach (range 0 y step) [ _y -> plotxy i _y ]
    set-plot-pen-color black
    plotxy i y
    set-plot-pen-color c ; to get the right color in the legend


to update-Subjects-plot
  set-current-plot "Scenarious Subjects"
  let counts table:counts [ Ball_Subj ] of balls with [Ball_Subj != 0]
  let b-sbj sort table:keys counts
  let n length b-sbj
  set-plot-x-range 0 n
  let step 0.05 ; tweak this to leave no gaps
  (foreach b-sbj range n [ [s i] ->
    let y table:get counts s
    let c hsb (i * 360 / n) 50 75
    create-temporary-plot-pen s
    set-plot-pen-mode 1 ; bar mode
    set-plot-pen-color c
    foreach (range 0 y step) [ _y -> plotxy i _y ]
    set-plot-pen-color black
    plotxy i y
    set-plot-pen-color c ; to get the right color in the legend

;; распределение участников по числу дисциплин, сценарии для которых они создают

to update-n_u_plot
    set-current-plot "User_N_Subjects"
  clear-plot ;
  set-current-plot-pen "Pen1"
  histogram [length User_Subj] of users
 ;; set-histogram-num-bars number

;; распределение участников-агентов по числу связей, которые к ним идут от других участников

to leaders_distribution
 let max-in max [count my-in-links] of users
  set-current-plot   "Leaders"
    clear-plot ;
  set-current-plot-pen "L2"
  set-plot-x-range 0 max-in
set-plot-y-range 0 count users
set-histogram-num-bars max-in

  histogram [count my-in-links] of users

;;; распределение участников-агентов по числу связей, которые идут от  них к другим участникам

to follower_distribution
   let max-out max [count my-out-links] of users
    set-current-plot   "Followers"
    clear-plot ;
  set-current-plot-pen "F2"
    set-plot-x-range 0 max-out
  set-histogram-num-bars max-out
  histogram [count my-out-links] of users

;; histogram map first wikilog

There is only one version of this model, created over 4 years ago by Evgeny Patarakin.

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MES_Repository.png preview Preview for 'MES_Repository' over 4 years ago, by Evgeny Patarakin Download

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