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Default-person Sruthi Koneru (Author)
Default-person Cathy Ye (Advisor)
Default-person Lila Saloranta (Advisor)


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Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1 • Viewed 171 times • Downloaded 19 times • Run 0 times
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turtles-own [ energy ]
breed [fishes fish]
breed [fishermen boat3]
breed [drones drone]

to go
  ask fishes [
    if pcolor = green [
      set pcolor blue
      set energy energy + 5
    ifelse show-energy?
    [ set label energy ]
    [ set label "" ]
   ask fishes [
    right random 360
    forward 1
    set energy energy - 1
  ask fishermen [
    right random 360
    forward 1
    set energy energy - 1
  ask drones
    right random 360
    forward 1

to setup
   create-fishes 10 [set color white]
  create-fishermen 20
    set shape "fishermen"
    set color 0
    set size 2; easier to see
    set energy 10
  ask patches [set pcolor blue]
  create-drones 50 [set color grey set shape "drone"]

to reproduce
  ask fishes [
    if energy > 100 [
      set energy energy - 100
      hatch 1 [set energy 100]
  ask fishermen [
    if energy > 1 [
      set energy energy - 100
      hatch 10 [set energy 100]

to death
    if energy < 0 [die]

to regrow-kelp
  ask patches [
    if random 100 < 50 [set pcolor green]

to eat-fishes ; fishermen procedure
  let prey one-of fishes-here ;grab a random fishes

There are 4 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Sruthi Koneru over 3 years ago Catherine Ye, Lila Saloranta, Sruthi Koneru Download this version
Sruthi Koneru over 3 years ago Catherine Ye, Lila Saloranta, Sruthi Koneru Download this version
Sruthi Koneru over 3 years ago this is it Download this version
Sruthi Koneru over 3 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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