ANN Simulator Sandbox

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Larry_bencivengo Larry Bencivengo (Author)


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;; Artificial Neural Network Sandbox
;; by L. F. Bencivengo, Jr.  December 14, 2020

globals [OutputA OutputB  OutputC
         OutputI OutputII OutputIII
         Output1 Output2  Output3
         started? auto_Input_Pattern input#]

breed [Input_Neurons Input_Neuron]
breed [Hidden_Neurons Hidden_Neuron]
breed [Output_Neurons Output_Neuron]
turtles-own [threshold weight1 weight2 weight3 activation output]

directed-link-breed [axons-AI axon-AI]
directed-link-breed [axons-BII axon-BII]
directed-link-breed [axons-CIII axon-CIII]

;; BUTTONS: This section defines the function of each Interface Button

to setup
  ;; turn off auto_Input_Pattern
  set auto_Input_Pattern FALSE
  set input# 0
  ;; create neurons with current output = 0
  set-default-shape Input_Neurons "square 2"
  set-default-shape Hidden_Neurons "triangle 2"
  set-default-shape Output_Neurons "circle 2"
  ;; create axons that connect each neuron in the network
  set-default-shape axons-AI "axon-ai-0"
  set-default-shape axons-BII "axon-bii-0"
  set-default-shape axons-CIII "axon-ciii-0"
  ;; clear the ticks to disable Input Buttons
  set started? FALSE

to go
  ;; if just starting, reset ticks and enable Input Buttons
  if not started? [reset-ticks]
  set started? TRUE
  ;; if auto-input is clicked, run through the auto-input sequence
  ;; read values of weights and thresholds from sliders
  ;; update the activation and output of each neuron in the network
  ;; update the display to show any changes in neurons' output

to Input_A
  ;; change the current state of Input Neuron A
  ifelse OutputA = 0 [set OutputA 1] [set OutputA 0]
  ifelse OutputA = 0 [ask turtle 0 [set output 0]] [ask turtle 0 [set output 1]]

to Input_B
  ;; change the current state of Input Neuron B
  ifelse OutputB = 0 [set OutputB 1] [set OutputB 0]
  ifelse OutputB = 0 [ask turtle 1 [set output 0]] [ask turtle 1 [set output 1]]

to Input_C
  ;; change the current state of Input Neuron C
  ifelse OutputC = 0 [set OutputC 1] [set OutputC 0]
  ifelse OutputC = 0 [ask turtle 2 [set output 0]] [ask turtle 2 [set output 1]]

to reset_weights
  ;; reset the sliders for every neuron's weights and thresholds to the default value of 1
  set weightIA 1 set weightIB 1 set weightIC 1
  set thresholdI 1
  set weightIIA 1 set weightIIB 1 set weightIIC 1
  set thresholdII 1
  set weightIIIA 1 set weightIIIB 1 set weightIIIC 1
  set thresholdIII 1
  set weight1I 1 set weight1II 1 set weight1III 1
  set threshold1 1
  set weight2I 1 set weight2II 1 set weight2III 1
  set threshold2 1
  set weight3I 1 set weight3II 1 set weight3III 1
  set threshold3 1

;; PROCEDURES: This section defines the Procedures which control the model

to setup-Input_Neurons
  ;; turtle 0 is Input Neuron A
  create-Input_Neurons 1 [
    set size 3  set color grey
    set xcor -8  set ycor 12]
  ;; turtle 1 is Input Neuron B
  create-Input_Neurons 1 [
    set size 3  set color grey
    set xcor 0  set ycor 12]
  ;; turtle 2 is Input Neuron C
  create-Input_Neurons 1 [
    set size 3  set color grey
    set xcor 8  set ycor 12]

to setup-Hidden_Neurons
  ;; turtle 3 is Hidden Neuron I
  create-Hidden_Neurons 1 [
    set size 3  set color grey
    set xcor -8  set ycor 0]
  ;; turtle 4 is Hidden Neuron II
  create-Hidden_Neurons 1 [
    set size 3  set color grey
    set xcor 0  set ycor 0]
  ;; turtle 5 is Hidden Neuron III
  create-Hidden_Neurons 1 [
    set size 3  set color grey
    set xcor 8  set ycor 0]

to setup-Output_Neurons
  ;; turtle 6 is Output Neuron 1
  create-Output_Neurons 1 [
    set size 3  set color grey
    set xcor -8  set ycor -12]
  ;; turtle 7 is Output Neuron 2
  create-Output_Neurons 1 [
    set size 3  set color grey
    set xcor 0  set ycor -12]
  ;; turtle 8 is Output Neuron 3
  create-Output_Neurons 1 [
    set size 3  set color grey
    set xcor 8  set ycor -12]

to setup-synapses
  ;; create axons from each Input Neuron to each Hidden Neuron
  ask turtle 0 [create-axons-AI-to Hidden_Neurons]
  ask turtle 1 [create-axons-BII-to Hidden_Neurons]
  ask turtle 2 [create-axons-CIII-to Hidden_Neurons];; [set thickness 0.25 set color white]]
  ;; create axons from each Hidden Neuron to each Output Neuron
  ask turtle 3 [create-axons-AI-to Output_Neurons]
  ask turtle 4 [create-axons-BII-to Output_Neurons]
  ask turtle 5 [create-axons-CIII-to Output_Neurons]

to update-Input_Pattern
  ;; when auto_Input_Pattern = TRUE, runs through a sequence of input patterns
  ;; changing the pattern once every second
  ifelse input# = 8 [set input# 1] [set input# input# + 1]
    input# = 1 [ask turtle 0 [set output 0] ask turtle 1 [set output 0] ask turtle 2 [set output 0]
                set OutputA 0 set OutputB 0 set OutputC 0]
    input# = 2 [ask turtle 0 [set output 1] ask turtle 1 [set output 0] ask turtle 2 [set output 0]
                set OutputA 1 set OutputB 0 set OutputC 0]
    input# = 3 [ask turtle 0 [set output 0] ask turtle 1 [set output 1] ask turtle 2 [set output 0]
                set OutputA 0 set OutputB 1 set OutputC 0]
    input# = 4 [ask turtle 0 [set output 0] ask turtle 1 [set output 0] ask turtle 2 [set output 1]
                set OutputA 0 set OutputB 0 set OutputC 1]
    input# = 5 [ask turtle 0 [set output 1] ask turtle 1 [set output 1] ask turtle 2 [set output 0]
                set OutputA 1 set OutputB 1 set OutputC 0]
    input# = 6 [ask turtle 0 [set output 1] ask turtle 1 [set output 0] ask turtle 2 [set output 1]
                set OutputA 1 set OutputB 0 set OutputC 1]
    input# = 7 [ask turtle 0 [set output 0] ask turtle 1 [set output 1] ask turtle 2 [set output 1]
                set OutputA 0 set OutputB 1 set OutputC 1]
    input# = 8 [ask turtle 0 [set output 1] ask turtle 1 [set output 1] ask turtle 2 [set output 1]
                set OutputA 1 set OutputB 1 set OutputC 1]

to update-weights
  ;; read weights from slider values:
  ;; Ex. "weight1" is a neuron variable while "weightIA" is the value read from a slider
  ;; update Hidden Neuron weights
  ask turtle 3 [set weight1 weightIA set weight2 weightIB set weight3 weightIC set threshold thresholdI]
  ask turtle 4 [set weight1 weightIIA set weight2 weightIIB set weight3 weightIIC set threshold thresholdII]
  ask turtle 5 [set weight1 weightIIIA set weight2 weightIIIB set weight3 weightIIIC set threshold thresholdIII]
  ;; update Output Neuron weights
  ask turtle 6 [set weight1 weight1I set weight2 weight1II set weight3 weight1III set threshold threshold1]
  ask turtle 7 [set weight1 weight2I set weight2 weight2II set weight3 weight2III set threshold threshold2]
  ask turtle 8 [set weight1 weight3I set weight2 weight3II set weight3 weight3III set threshold threshold3]

to update-Hidden_Outputs
  ;; multiply the value of each input to a Hidden Neuron by the weight of its synapse
  ;; compare the weighted sum to the threshold to determine the neuron's output (0 or 1)
  ask turtle 3 [
    set activation (weight1 * OutputA + weight2 * OutputB + weight3 * OutputC)
    ifelse activation > threshold [set output 1] [set output 0]
    ifelse output = 1 [set OutputI 1] [set OutputI 0]
  ask turtle 4 [
    set activation (weight1 * OutputA + weight2 * OutputB + weight3 * OutputC)
    ifelse activation > threshold [set output 1] [set output 0]
    ifelse output = 1 [set OutputII 1] [set OutputII 0]
  ask turtle 5 [
    set activation (weight1 * OutputA + weight2 * OutputB + weight3 * OutputC)
    ifelse activation > threshold [set output 1] [set output 0]
    ifelse output = 1 [set OutputIII 1] [set OutputIII 0]

to update-Output_Outputs
  ;; multiply the value of each input to an Ouput Neuron by the weight of its synapse
  ;; compare the weighted sum to the threshold to determine the neuron's output (0 or 1)
  ask turtle 6 [
    set activation (weight1 * OutputI + weight2 * OutputII + weight3 * OutputIII)
    ifelse activation > threshold [set output 1] [set output 0]
    ifelse output = 1 [set Output1 1] [set Output1 0]
  ask turtle 7 [
    set activation (weight1 * OutputI + weight2 * OutputII + weight3 * OutputIII)
    ifelse activation > threshold [set output 1] [set output 0]
    ifelse output = 1 [set Output2 1] [set Output2 0]
  ask turtle 8 [
    set activation (weight1 * OutputI + weight2 * OutputII + weight3 * OutputIII)
    ifelse activation > threshold [set output 1] [set output 0]
    ifelse output = 1 [set Output2 1] [set Output2 0]

to update-display
  ;; changes each neuron's shape and color to display whether its output is 0 or 1
  ask Input_Neurons [
    ifelse output = 1
    [set shape "square" set color white ask my-out-links [set color white]]
    [set shape "square 2" set color grey ask my-out-links [set color grey]]
  ask Hidden_Neurons [
    ifelse output = 1
    [set shape "triangle" set color white ask my-out-links [set color white]]
    [set shape "triangle 2" set color grey ask my-out-links [set color grey]]
  ask Output_Neurons [
    ifelse output = 1
    [set shape "circle" set color white ask my-out-links [set color white]]
    [set shape "circle 2" set color grey ask my-out-links [set color grey]]

There is only one version of this model, created almost 4 years ago by Larry Bencivengo.

Attached files

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ANN Simulator Sandbox.png preview Preview for 'ANN Simulator Sandbox' almost 4 years ago, by Larry Bencivengo Download

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