Evolution of sustainability through monitoring and punishment GERMAN
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turtles-own [ harvestPref harvest-amount punisher? aware-of-who energy harvest punished? rs ] patches-own [ resource ] globals [ commons commonsResources harvestTraits ] to setup clear-all ask n-of Anzahl-Agenten patches [ sprout 1 [ set shape "circle" set size 0.8 set punished? false set aware-of-who [] set rs 0 ifelse random-float 100 < Prozent-Nachhaltige [set harvestPref "low"] ;; determine the harvest preference (high or low) [set harvestPref "high"] ifelse random-float 100 < Prozent-Bestrafer [set punisher? true] ;; determine the harvest preference (high or low) [set punisher? false] update-color ;; change the color of the agent on the basis of the strategy set energy Lebenshaltungskosten + 1] ] ask patches [ set resource Tragfähigkeit set pcolor scale-color brown resource 0 (Tragfähigkeit + 30) ] reset-ticks end ;;;;;;; Main routine ;;;;;; to go if count turtles = 0 [stop] ask turtles [ifelse harvestPref = "low" [set harvest-amount Erntemenge-nachhaltig] [ set harvest-amount Erntemenge-gierig] set aware-of-who [] harvesting ] sense-cheaters punish ask turtles [ set energy energy + harvest expend-energy reproduce death] ask patches [ regrow recolor] tick end to harvesting ifelse Strafe = "Ernte einmal aussetzen" [ifelse punished? = false [harvest-commons] [set harvest 0] ] [harvest-commons] set punished? false end to harvest-commons ;; from Waring et al., 2017 set harvest 0 ; define the patches withing the local Moore neighborhood on which the current agent may harvest. set Commons (patch-set neighbors patch-here) ;; set list of patches to harvest from to include all neighboring patches set commonsResources sum ([resource] of Commons) ;; sums all of the resources in my commons let commonsList sort-on [resource] Commons ;; sort the list by the amount of resource on the patch set commonsList reverse commonsList ;; reverse the sort list so it is largest to smallest ifelse commonsResources < harvest-amount ;; if the total commons are less than what the agent wants to harvest [ set harvest (commonsResources); - ( count myCommons * 0.1 )) ask Commons [ set resource 0 ] move-away ] [ while [harvest < harvest-amount][ ;; while you are still in need ;; harvest some resource from the neighborhood foreach commonsList [ ?1 -> ifelse [resource] of ?1 <= (harvest-amount - harvest) [set harvest (harvest + [resource] of ?1 ) ask ?1 [set resource 0] ] [ask ?1 [ set resource (resource - ([harvest-amount] of myself - [harvest] of myself)) ] set harvest harvest-amount ] ] ;; end foreach ] ;; end while ] ;; end second part of ifelse commonsResources end to move-away let next-patch max-one-of (neighbors with [not any? turtles-here]) [resource] if next-patch != nobody [move-to next-patch set energy energy - 1 ] end to sense-cheaters ask turtles with [punisher? = true] [ set harvest harvest - Kosten-Wahrnehmung let cheaters (turtles-on neighbors) with [harvestPref = "high"] set aware-of-who n-of ( Erkennungsgrad / 100 * count cheaters) cheaters ] end to punish ask turtles with [ harvestPref = "high" and punished? = false] [let punishers (turtles-on neighbors) with [ member? myself [aware-of-who] of self] if any? punishers [ set punished? true if Strafe = "töten"[die] if Strafe = "Strafgebühr zahlen" [set harvest harvest - Strafgebühr set punished? false ask turtles-on neighbors [set harvest harvest + (Strafgebühr / (count turtles-on neighbors) )] ] if Strafe = "verbannen" [move-to one-of patches with [not any? turtles-here and distance myself > 10 ]] ask punishers [ set harvest harvest - ( Kosten-Bestrafung / count punishers) ] ] ] end to expend-energy set energy energy - Lebenshaltungskosten end to reproduce let birthrate 0.001 * energy if random-float 1 < birthrate [ let destination one-of neighbors with [not any? turtles-here] if destination != nobody [ hatch 1 [ move-to destination set punished? false set aware-of-who [] mutate set energy ([energy] of myself / 2)] ] set energy (energy / 2) ] end ;; modify the children of agents according to the mutation rate to mutate ;; turtle procedure if random-float 100 < Mutationsrate [ ifelse harvestPref = "high" [set harvestPref "low"] [set harvestPref "high"] ] if random-float 100 < Mutationsrate [ ifelse punisher? = true [set punisher? false] [set punisher? true ] ] update-color end to update-color ifelse harvestPref = "low" [ ifelse punisher? = true [set color green ] [set color turquoise] ] [ ifelse punisher? = true [set color orange ] [set color red] ] end to death if energy <= 0 [ die ] if random-float 100 < Sterberate [ die ] end to regrow ifelse resource > 0 [set resource ceiling (resource + ((Wachstumsrate * resource) * (1 - (resource / Tragfähigkeit )))) ] [set resource 0.1 ] end to recolor set pcolor scale-color brown resource 0 (Tragfähigkeit + 30) end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 4 years ago by Susan Hanisch.
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Evolution of sustainability through monitoring and punishment GERMAN.png | preview | Preview for 'Evolution of sustainability through monitoring and punishment GERMAN' | almost 4 years ago, by Susan Hanisch | Download |
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