MIHS - Cell Culture Model
Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1
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;; cell model globals [#-cells #-O2 O2-target-level #-nutrients #-CO2 #-CO2-generated interval] patches-own [cell? aerobic? energy O2-absorbed nutrients-absorbed] breed [xO2 O2] breed [xCO2 CO2] breed [nutrients nutrient] to setup clear-all ask patches [set pcolor white] ;; create a white background setup-cells ;; randomly identify starting-number-cells patches as cells ;; set up molecule shapes, starting numbers, etc. set #-CO2 0 set #-CO2-generated 0 set-default-shape xCO2 "molecule carbon dioxide" ;; generate starting O2 set-default-shape xO2 "molecule oxygen" set O2-target-level 100 * (O2-concentration / 21) setup-O2 ;; generate starting nutrients set-default-shape nutrients "hex" setup-nutrients reset-ticks end to setup-cells ;; generate cells by selecting random patches and setting cell? to true ;; if using anaerobic cells, randomly determine whether aerobic? is true or false ;; repeat until the correct number of cells has been generated set #-cells 0 while [#-cells < starting-number-cells] [ ;; select a random patch - if it is not already a cell, make it a cell ask patch random-pxcor random-pycor [if cell? = 0 [ become-cell set #-cells #-cells + 1 ] ] ] end to become-cell ;; check for aerobic? - needs to be added set cell? 1 set aerobic? 1 ;; change when anaerobes added set energy 100 set pcolor gray end to setup-O2 set #-O2 O2-target-level create-xO2 #-O2 [ set color blue setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] end to setup-nutrients set #-nutrients 1000 * (starting-nutrient-level / 100) create-nutrients #-nutrients [ set color green set size 0.5 setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] end ;; to go ;; molecules move randomly with a speed that depends on temperature ;; O2 and nutrient molecules are "absorbed" by cells as they pass through patches ;; metabolism of clls converts 1 O2 and 1 nutrient into x energy and 1 CO2 (waste) ;; the number of such transformations [per tick?] depends on O2/nutrients collected ;; and temperature ;; for energy conversion, "x" = 6 for aerobic cells; x = 2 for anaerobic (but no O2 needed) ;; when cells accumulate enough energy, they reproduce by turning random adjacent patch ;; into a cell ;; cells consume 1 energy [each tick?] to survive; if energy <= 0, cell dies ;; at a frequency determined by culture-change-frequency, CO2 are removed and nutrients added ;; O2 molecules are constantly added whenever to maintain the O2-concentration to go if #-cells <= 0 [stop] ask turtles [move] set #-CO2-generated 0 ask patches [metabolize] add-CO2 ask patches [reproduce] add-O2 ;; replenish O2 replace-culture-medium ;; periodically replace culture medium tick end to move right random 30 left random 30 forward 1 end to metabolize ;; absorb nutrients, generate energy and create wastes ;; only cells metabolize if cell? = 1 [ ;; consume energy and check for cell death set energy energy - 1 if energy <= 0 [cell-death] absorb-O2 ;; absorb O2 and nutrients absorb-nutrients ;; consume 1 O2 and 1 nutrient to create energy and waste if nutrients-absorbed > 0 [ set nutrients-absorbed nutrients-absorbed - 1 ifelse aerobic? = 1 and O2-absorbed > 0 [ set O2-absorbed O2-absorbed - 1 set energy energy + 60 set #-CO2-generated #-CO2-generated + 1 ] [set energy energy + 20] ] ] end to cell-death set cell? 0 ;; set aerobic? = 0 set pcolor white set energy 0 set O2-absorbed 0 set nutrients-absorbed 0 set #-cells #-cells - 1 set #-CO2-generated #-CO2-generated + 1 end to absorb-O2 ; cell procedure let available-O2 one-of xO2-here ; grab a random O2 molecule if available-O2 != nobody [ ask available-O2 [die] set #-O2 #-O2 - 1 set O2-absorbed O2-absorbed + 1 ] end to absorb-nutrients ; cell procedure let available-nutrients one-of nutrients-here ; grab a random nutrient molecule if available-nutrients != nobody [ ask available-nutrients [die] set #-nutrients #-nutrients - 1 set nutrients-absorbed nutrients-absorbed + 1 ] end to add-CO2 if #-CO2-generated > 0 [ create-xCO2 #-CO2-generated [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color red set size 1 ] ] set #-CO2 #-CO2 + #-CO2-generated set #-CO2-generated 0 end to add-O2 if #-O2 < O2-target-level * 0.9 [ let new-O2 (O2-target-level - #-O2) create-xO2 new-O2 [ set color blue setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] set #-O2 #-O2 + new-O2 ] end to reproduce ;; only cells reproduce if cell? = 1 and energy >= 200 [ ;; if enough energy generated, divide in two ;; check for empty adjacent patch if any? neighbors with [cell? = 0] [ ;; use up energy for cell division set energy energy - 80 ;; create a new cell in an adjacent patch set energy (energy / 2) ask one-of neighbors with [cell? = 0] [become-cell] set #-cells #-cells + 1 ] ] end to replace-culture-medium ;; check to see if it is time to replace the culture medium if medium-change-frequency > 0 and ticks > 10 and ticks mod (2500 / (medium-change-frequency * 10)) <= 1 and (ticks - interval) > 10 [ ;; prevent "double" changes ask patches [set pcolor black] ;; set patches to gray during culture medium change ask xO2 [die] set #-O2 0 add-O2 ask xCO2 [die] set #-CO2 0 ask nutrients [die] setup-nutrients ask patches [ ;; reset patch pcolors to normal ifelse cell? = 1 [ set pcolor gray] [set pcolor white] ] set interval ticks ] end
There is only one version of this model, created about 3 years ago by Larry Bencivengo.
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MIHS - Cell Culture Model.png | preview | Preview for 'MIHS - Cell Culture Model' | about 3 years ago, by Larry Bencivengo | Download |
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