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The simulation model was built for studying resource management in the clouds, focusing on how service placement strategies, service auto-migration, and server consolidation affect the overall performance of homogeneous and heterogeneous clouds, with regard to energy consumption, resource utilization, service-level agreement violation, and many other aspects that are important to cloud service providers and researchers.
Global Configurations
"rack-space": The capacity of each server rack. The parameter determines how many servers can be installed in a rack. RANGE: [8 - 36]; INCREMENT: [1]; DEFAULT: [12]
"total-racks": The total number of racks in the datacenter. In conjunction with the rack-space, the maximum number of servers can be determined by rack-space * total-racks, maximized at 1296. RANGE: [1 - 36]; INCREMENT: [1]; DEFAULT: [8]
"simulation-time-unit": This parameter specifies the unit of one 'tick', measured in miniute. For example, 5 indicates that every simulation tick represents a 5 minutes time elapsed. More importantly, it implies that all status of the elements in the datacenter will be updated every 5 minutes. It can be configured from 1 minute to 24 hours (1440 minutes). RANGE: [1 - 1440]; INCREMENT: [1]; DEFAULT: [5]
"total-services": A user can specify a number of services to be deployed in the datacenter. However, not all the services will be deployed at once. The number of services to be sent to the datacenter for deployment will be jointly determined with the service-generation-speed parameter. VALUE: [ POSITIVE INTEGER ]
"service-lifetime": Each service will have a lifetime randomly drawn from a Gaussian distribution in the range specified here. RANGE: [ MIN MAX ]
"rand-seed": To ensure the resutls from a simulation are reproducible, a random seed can be specified here. If the value of the random seed is greater than zero, the simulation result will be tied to the seed while keeping all other configurations intact. If the same seed was used in another run, the "same" results would be produced. However, to also allow randomness across multiple runs, the seed can be set to zero or a negative value, so that for each run, a pseudo-random seed will be used. VALUE: [ INTEGER ]
Service Configurations
"cpu-usage-dist", "mem-usage-dist", "net-usage-dist": For each service, three types of resources are considered, i.e., CPU, Memory and Network Bandwidth. At runtime, the usage of each type of resource will be drawn from a Beta distribution on a per 'tick' basis. This process will be performed for each individual service.
"mem-access-ratio": This parameter determines how frequently the service's memory is being accessed. This is an important factor to be considered during service migration, as the size of the busy memory (jointly with the available source-to-destination bandwidth) will influence speed of service migration. For each service, the ratio can be drawn from a given Beta distribution. RANGE: [ ALPHA BETA ]
"service-generation-speed": It determines how many services will be generated in one simulation unit, i.e., how many concurrent services need to be deployed in the datacenter. It is an important factor for the evaluation of the efficiency of schedulers and placement algorithms in terms of scalability and speed. RANGE: [1 - 500]; INCREMENT: [5]; DEFAULT: [50]
"service-history-length": Each running service will cache a number of historical resource usage information (CPU, MEM, and NET). The values will be used for some advanced decision-making processes. A longer list may provide better forecast accuracy but slows down the simulation process. VALUE: [ POSITIVE INTEGER ]
"service-submission-strategy": When a service is first created, it needs to be assigned a SCHEDULER. There are two strategies implemented in the simulation so far: closest and resource-pattern-matching.
closest strategy: a service will be assigned a SCHEDULER who is physically closest to it.
resource-pattern-matching strategy: This is only applied to a datacenter that contains heterogeneous servers. In a heterogeneous cloud, servers have different configurations. The goal of this strategy is to maximize the overall resource utilization of the datacenter. Let R(a) denotes a tuple representing the three types of resource of a SERVICE, a; and R(s) denotes a tuple representing the available resources of the rack under the management of a SCHEDULER, s, the best match is determined by: [ min{ max{R(a)/R(s)} - min{R(a)/R(s)} } ]
"service-placement-algorithm": The service placement algorithms are the core in studying resource optimization in the cloud. There are currently five placement algorithms implemented: random, first-fit, balanced-fit, max-utilization, and min-power. Depending on the objectives set out for the cloud, algorithms shall be selected accordingly.
random: When a SERVICE has arrived at a SCHEDULER, the scheduler will find a random SERVER for the deployment of the service, with the following constraints: (1) the hosting server has sufficient resources for the service; (2) the deployment of the service will not make the server entering the "OVERLOAD" mode. Technically, a blind random placement is never encouraged in real environments, it is thus only provided as a baseline for comparison with other thoughtful algorithms.
first-fit: the first-fit) algorithm is one of the simplest algorithms used in resource optimization and application scheduling. The _first-fit in the simulator is a three-step process: (i) sort servers in the rack in an ascending order (ii) place service(s) on the first server with sufficient resources in the list, if the server could not meet the conditions, move on to the next one in the list, and so on. (iii) if a server has been found, ask the service to move to the server, otherwise, place the service back to the 'service submission zone'.
balancedfit: One of the important factors in measuring resource utilization is the resource fragmentation. In a cloud environment, servers often have different configurations, as well as services whose configurations vary largely depending on their types and/or user preferences. A careless placement might create small resource fragments that could not be used further. For instance, if two servers have the configurations Rc(s1) = {1000, 800, 100} and Rc(s2) = { 1000, 1000, 500}, i.e., the installed resources of the server (CPU, MEM and NET); and a service with the configuration Rc(a) = {500, 500, 100} to be deployed. If _a was deployed on s1, the remaining resources on s1 would be R'c(s1) = {500, 300, 0}; and for s2, R'c(s2) = {500, 500, 400}. Obviously, the former deployment makes s1 unavailable for future service placement as it has no bandwidth resources left. In comparison, the latter placement makes both the s1 and s2 available for future service deployment. The steps involved in the balanced fit are outlined below: (i) Since different types of resources are often measured in different units, comparing different types of resources makes no sense. Comparing normalized values or ratios would be reasonable. Furthermore, normalization can be challenging as there is no single reference value across heterogeneous servers and types of services. Thus, to calculate ratios, the resource tuples for the service (requested resources) and candidate server (currently available resources), Rc(a) and (Rc(s) - Ro(s)), need to be firstly collected. Note that Ro(.) indicates the currently occupied resources. (ii) For each candidate server, calculate the ratios of the resources, i.e., Rc(a)/(Rc(s) - Ro(s)). (iii) Identify the smallest distance between the ratios of the resources of all the candidate servers, i.e., min{ max{ Rc(a)/(Rc(s) - Ro(s) } - min{ Rc(a)/(Rc(s) - Ro(s) } }. (iv) Deploy the service on the server, which has the smallest resource distance, otherwise, resubmit the service to the 'service submission zone' if no servers could be found.
max-utilization: This placement algorithm minimizes the residual resources of the server after the service deployment. I.e., given the physical and currently occupied resources of server, Rc(s) and Ro(s), and the requested resources from the service, Rc(a) that is to be deployed, the algorithm tries to find a server with minimum residual as follows: min{ sum(1 - (Ro(s) + Rc(a))/Rc(s)) }, for all s in S.
min-power: This algorithm tries to place a service to a server so that the resulting placement will have a minimum increase of energy consumption in the datacenter.
"staged-evaluation": This parameter is used in conjunction with the service-placement-algorithm. When a scheduler evaluates servers for a service placement, it may find any servers in the rack (or datacenter) that can satisfy the resource requirements of the service, hence the 1-staged evaluation, or it can first evaluate all active servers, i.e., the servers with status = ON, READY, or IDLE. If no satisfactory servers can be found, it will find a server with status = OFF. In this case, a fixed penalty point (the 'server-cold-start-delay') will be given to the service who is the first one using the server, hence the 2-staged evaluation. Lastly, a scheduler can also evaluate all the running servers (i.e., status = ON or READY) at first, then moves on to IDLE servers (i.e., status = IDLE), and lastly tries with the OFF servers, hence the 3-staged evaluation.
Scheduler Configurations
"scheduler-queue-capacity": Each scheduler has its capacity specified by the parameter. It is reserved to study queuing effects in the cloud. RANGE: [10 - 100]; INCREMENT: [1]; DEFAULT: [50]
"scheduler-history-length": This value indicates how much historical information a scheduler will cache, so that some decisions could be made based on the statistics collected here. Caching more information, i.e., the CPU, MEM and NET usage, can potentially support a more accurate decision making, but on the other hand, it may slow down the simulation significantly and result in a much bigger memory footprint. RANG: [0, 200]; INCREMENT: [5]; DEFAULT; [5]
"server-standby-strategy": A SCHEDULER is responsible for managing servers in the rack. A scheduler decides when a server should be switched off to save energy or switched on for an upcoming service deployment. The current implementation maintains a fixed number of standby servers, all-on or all-off. Adaptive strategies are still in the TO-DO list.
Server Configurations
"server-cpu-utilization-threadhold", "server-mem-utilization-threadhold", "server-net-utilization-threadhold": These parameters specify the under-utilization and over-utilization thresholds, which will be used for determining whether a server consolidation and/or an auto-migration process will be triggered.
"server-model": In general, different models of servers may have different default OEM configurations and energy consumption patterns. To simulate a heterogeneous datacenter environment, several pre-built servers (coded from 0 to 8) can be selected. The model of the server can be specified in the server-model global variable. For example, using servers of Model 1, 2, 3 in the simulation can be specified as: [1 2 3]. The detailed server specifications and their associated code can be found in the Server Specifications section.
"datacenter-level-heterogeneity?": This switch indicates whether multiple server models will be allowed in the cloud. If it's switched off, the default server (coded 1) will be used, regardless of the servers specified in the server-model. If a specific server is needed in the simulation, enable this parameter and specify the specific server in the servermodel. For example, if the cloud contains only the Dell PowerEdge R6515 servers, this can be configured as: _datacenter-level-heterogeneity? = ON and server-model = [6].
"rack-level-heterogeneity?": If this switch is on and the server-model contains multiple servers, each rack will contain servers with different configurations. This switch only works when the datacenter-level-heterogeneity? is switched on.
"consolidation?": This switch tells the simulator whether under-utilized servers should be consolidated, i.e., migrate all services out of the servers, so that the server can be switched off to save energy.
"consolidation-interval": Consolidation is an expensive process. It is not recommended to perform server consolidation frequently. Each tick in this sliding bar indicates a 'simulation-time-unit'. RANGE: [1 - 1440]; INCREMENT: [1]; DEFAULT: [12]
"server-consolidation-strategy": When trying to consolidate a server, all services will be migrated out or not at all. When migrating services out of a server, target servers must first be identified. The target server can be a server in the same rack (within-rack) or on other racks in the datacenter (within-datacenter). Technically, migrating within a rack would be preferred as the network traffic would be kept local. On the other side, there may not be many servers that can be used in the rack. It is about balancing between better optimization and minimizing burden on cloud network.
"power-estimation-method": This parameter is mainly used with the min-power placement algorithm. It is used to estimate energy consumption of a server if a given service was placed on it. The estimation can be based on the following statistics:
- max: The max ops value the service has experienced in its cached history.
- mean: The average ops of the service in its cached history.
- median: The median ops of the service in its cached history.
- configured: The initially configured ops of the service, i.e., 'ops-cnf'.
- linear-regression: Reserved
"show-migr-move?": If enabled, service migration movement will be displayed. This visualization will not affect the accuracy of any calculations. The moving objects are a different breed of agents that only for visualization purpose.
"auto-migration?: When a server enters the OVERLOAD mode, the server will migrate some services out automatically, if this switch is enabled.
"auto-migration-strategy": When migrating services out of a server due to over-utilization, it is only necessary to migrate some services out until the server is back to a normal status. Thus, which services should be migrated depends on the objectives of the system. In the simulation, two strategies have been implemented:
least migration time: A service migration time is generally determined by the P2P network bandwidth, memory footprint, and memory dirtying rate (i.e., how frequent the service's memory is being accessed). The preference list for services to be migrated out is a list of services sorted in ascending order according the values in the above factors. The service in the first place of the list will be migrated out. If the server is still over-utilized, then the second service will be moved out, so on and so forth.
leas migration number: In this case, the service with the most aggressive resource demand will be migrated out first.
"power-model-method: As mentioned above, servers with different specifications may exhabit different patterns of energy consumption. Thus, we need to build an energy consumption model for each model of servers. Additionally, to evaluate the accuracy of different models, a stepwise-simple-linear-regression, simplelinearregression, QuadraticPolynomial, and _Cubic-Polynomial energy consumption models have been built for each model of servers, based on the data collected from The accuracy and other statistics associated with the models can be found in the publication.
Server Specifications
Random Server [ CODE: 0; CPU: Rand(2M ~ 10M ops); RAM: Rand(64 ~ 512GB) ]
HP ProLiant DL110 Gen10 Plus [ CODE: 1; CPU: Intel Xeon Gold 6314U @2.30GHz; RAM: 64GB ]
Lenovo ThinkSystem SR655 [ CODE: 2; CPU: AMD EPYC 7763 @2.45GHz; RAM: 128GB ]
Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX2530 M6 [ CODE: 3; CPU: Intel Xeon Platinum 8380 @2.30GHz; RAM: 256GB ]
New H3C Technologies H3C UniServer R4900 G5 [ CODE: 4; CPU: Intel Xeon Platinum 8380 @2.30GHz; RAM: 256GB ]
Inspur Corporation Inspur NF8480M6 [ CODE: 5; CPU: Intel Xeon Platinum 8380HL @2.90GHz; RAM: 384GB ]
Dell Inc. PowerEdge R6515 [ CODE: 6; CPU: AMD EPYC 7702P @2.00GHz; RAM: 64GB ]
LSDtech L224S-D/F/V-1 [ CODE: 7; CPU: Intel Xeon Gold 6136 @3.00GHz; RAM: 196GB ]
ASUSTeK Computer Inc. RS700A-E9-RS4V2 [ CODE: 8; CPU: AMD EPYC 7742 @2.25GHz; RAM: 256GB ]
Display Related
"Show Trace": Display the service migration path in the display.
"Show Server Label": Display the server ID (the server index in the rack).
"Show Server Model: Display the model code of servers.
"Show Scheduler Label: Display the ID of schedulers.
"Show Service Label: Display the agent ID of services.
"Show Service Attempt: Display how many times a service has been tried to deploy in the cloud.
If you have found this software helpful in your research, please consider citing the preprint published at TechRxiv, IEEE.
Dong, D. (2023). An Agent-based Simulation Modeling for Studying Resource Management in the Clouds. TechRxiv.
Comments and Questions
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ____ ;; ;; / ___| _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ ;; ;; \___ \| | | | '_ \| '_ \| | | | ;; ;; ___) | |_| | | | | | | | |_| | ;; ;; |____/ \__,_|_| |_|_| |_|\__, | ;; ;; |___/ v1.02 (rc) ;; ;; Dapeng Dong ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; extensions [ py ] ;; globals [ ;;--Layout Related----------------------------------------------------------;; ;; The height of the service submission zone in the world. service-submission-zone-height ;; The height of the space for placing the SCHEDULER nodes in the world. svr-scheduler-placement-zone-height ;; The height of the delay zone between the 'service submission zone' ;; and the 'scheduler zone'. This zone is used for adding some random ;; factors to the submission of services. When services are created ;; in the 'service submission zone', each of which will be assigned a ;; default moving speed. This creates an effect that services will not ;; arrive at scheduler nodes at the same time. service-submission-delay-zone-height ;; The default width of the separation line in the world. def-sepa-line-width ;; The height for the gaps between different types of objects. def-gap-width ;; Used for tracing the coordinates of objects. current-top-cord current-bottom-cord ;; Display agents' information show-server-label? show-server-model? show-scheduler-label? show-service-label? show-service-attempt? ;;--Service Related--------------------------------------------------------;; sys-services-waiting service-method-ct-delay service-method-vm-delay service-lifetime-max service-lifetime-min service-mem-access-ratio-beta-alpha service-mem-access-ratio-beta-beta service-cpu-usage-dist-random? service-cpu-usage-dist-beta-alpha service-cpu-usage-dist-beta-beta service-mem-usage-dist-random? service-mem-usage-dist-beta-alpha service-mem-usage-dist-beta-beta service-net-usage-dist-random? service-net-usage-dist-beta-alpha service-net-usage-dist-beta-beta ;;--Server Related--------------------------------------------------------;; server-standby-factor server-cold-start-delay server-cpu-underutil-threshold server-cpu-overutil-threshold server-mem-underutil-threshold server-mem-overutil-threshold server-net-underutil-threshold server-net-overutil-threshold ;;--System Related--------------------------------------------------------;; sys-random-seed ;;--Global Reporter-------------------------------------------------------;; sys-current-active-servers ;; Current active servers sys-current-active-svr-ops-util ;; CPU utilization of CURRENT active servers sys-current-active-svr-mem-util ;; MEM utilization of CURRENT active servers sys-current-active-svr-net-util ;; NET utilization of CURRENT active servers sys-accumulated-service-ops-sla-vio ;; Accumumulated CPU SLA violation sys-accumulated-service-mem-sla-vio ;; Accumumulated MEM SLA violation sys-accumulated-service-net-sla-vio ;; Accumumulated NET SLA violation sys-current-service-ops-sla-vio ;; Current CPU SLA violation sys-current-service-mem-sla-vio ;; Current MEM SLA violation sys-current-service-net-sla-vio ;; Current NET SLA violation sys-current-service-completed sys-service-rejection-counter ;; The total number of services that can't be deployed in the cloud sys-service-reschedule-counter ;; The total number of services that have been re-tried for their deployment. sys-current-service-delay-due-to-server-cold-start sys-current-service-delay-due-to-deployment-method sys-accumulated-service-delay-due-to-server-cold-start sys-accumulated-service-delay-due-to-deployment-method sys-current-migration-event-due-to-consolidation sys-current-migration-event-due-to-auto-migration sys-accumulated-migration-event-due-to-consolidation sys-accumulated-migration-event-due-to-auto-migration sys-service-lifetime-total sys-power-consumption-total sys-accumulated-delay-from-vm sys-accumulated-delay-from-ct sys-accumulated-delay-from-svr-cold-start ] ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;;--Breeds--------------------------------------------------------------------;; breed [ servers server ] breed [ schedulers scheduler ] breed [ services service ] breed [ vis-agents vis-agent ] ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;; vis-agents-own [ from-svr to-svr moving-speed ] ;; services-own [ id host ;; The ID of its current hosting server ops-cnf mem-cnf net-cnf ops-now mem-now net-now ops-prev mem-prev net-prev ops-sla mem-sla net-sla ops-hist mem-hist net-hist method life-time access-ratio moving-speed status delay-counter attempt ] ;; servers-own [ id ;; The server index in the rack rack ;; Rack id, it is the same as its corresponding Scheduler's id model ;; Different models have different specifications. ;; Status of a server can be 'REPAIR', 'IDLE', 'READY', 'OVERLOAD, and ;; 'OFF'. When a server is created, its status is set to 'OFF'. status ops-phy mem-phy net-phy ;; The phyically installed the resources of the server. ops-now mem-now net-now ;; The currently used resources. ops-rsv mem-rsv net-rsv ;; The reserved resources for incoming services. ops-hist mem-hist net-hist ;; The resource usage history on this server. power ;; Current energy consumed. base-power ;; The energy consumption when it is ON but no running services. ] ;; schedulers-own [ id ;; Rack id capacity ;; A queue size that will be used in the future development ops-hist mem-hist net-hist ] ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;; to setup clear-all py:setup py:python (py:run "import numpy as np" ;;"from sklean.linear_model import LinearRegression" ) ifelse rand-seed <= 0 [ set sys-random-seed new-seed random-seed sys-random-seed py:set "simu_seed" abs(sys-random-seed) ] [ random-seed rand-seed py:set "simu_seed" abs(rand-seed) ] py:run "np.random.seed(simu_seed)" ;;--Layout Related----------------------------------------------------------;; set service-submission-zone-height 4 set svr-scheduler-placement-zone-height 4 set service-submission-delay-zone-height 3 set def-sepa-line-width 1 set def-gap-width 1 set current-top-cord max-pycor set current-bottom-cord min-pycor set show-server-label? true set show-server-model? true set show-scheduler-label? true set show-service-label? true set show-service-attempt? true ;;--Service Related---------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 5 seconds, converted to 'sumulation-time-unit' set service-method-ct-delay 5 / (simulation-time-unit * 60) ;; 15 seconds, converted to 'sumulation-time-unit' set service-method-vm-delay 15 / (simulation-time-unit * 60) set service-lifetime-max max (read-from-string service-lifetime) set service-lifetime-min min (read-from-string service-lifetime) py:set "service_mem_access_ratio_beta_alpha" (first (read-from-string mem-access-ratio)) py:set "service_mem_access_ratio_beta_beta" (last (read-from-string mem-access-ratio)) ifelse (first (read-from-string cpu-usage-dist)) != 0 or (last (read-from-string cpu-usage-dist)) = 0 [ set service-cpu-usage-dist-random? true py:set "service_cpu_usage_dist_beta_alpha" (first (read-from-string cpu-usage-dist)) py:set "service_cpu_usage_dist_beta_beta" (last (read-from-string cpu-usage-dist)) ] [ set service-cpu-usage-dist-random? false ] ifelse (first (read-from-string mem-usage-dist)) != 0 or (last (read-from-string mem-usage-dist)) != 0 [ set service-mem-usage-dist-random? true py:set "service_mem_usage_dist_beta_alpha" (first (read-from-string mem-usage-dist)) py:set "service_mem_usage_dist_beta_beta" (last (read-from-string mem-usage-dist)) ] [ set service-mem-usage-dist-random? false ] ifelse (first (read-from-string net-usage-dist)) != 0 and (last (read-from-string net-usage-dist)) != 0 [ set service-net-usage-dist-random? false py:set "service_net_usage_dist_beta_alpha" (first (read-from-string net-usage-dist)) py:set "service_net_usage_dist_beta_beta" (last (read-from-string net-usage-dist)) ] [ set service-net-usage-dist-random? true ] ;;--Server Related----------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Server cold booting delay is fixed at 15 seconds, measured in 'simulation-time-unit'. set server-cold-start-delay 15 / (simulation-time-unit * 60) set server-cpu-overutil-threshold ((max (read-from-string server-cpu-utilization-threshold)) / 100) set server-cpu-underutil-threshold ((min (read-from-string server-cpu-utilization-threshold)) / 100) set server-mem-overutil-threshold ((max (read-from-string server-mem-utilization-threshold)) / 100) set server-mem-underutil-threshold ((min (read-from-string server-mem-utilization-threshold)) / 100) set server-net-overutil-threshold ((max (read-from-string server-net-utilization-threshold)) / 100) set server-net-underutil-threshold ((min (read-from-string server-net-utilization-threshold)) / 100) (ifelse server-standby-strategy = "adaptive" [ set server-standby-factor 2 ] server-standby-strategy = "all-off" [ set server-standby-factor 0 ] server-standby-strategy = "all-on" [ set server-standby-factor 1 ] ;; Ensure at least 10% of the servers in the rack is switched ON and so on. server-standby-strategy = "10%-on" [ set server-standby-factor 0.1 ] server-standby-strategy = "20%-on" [ set server-standby-factor 0.2 ] server-standby-strategy = "30%-on" [ set server-standby-factor 0.3 ] server-standby-strategy = "40%-on" [ set server-standby-factor 0.4 ] server-standby-strategy = "50%-on" [ set server-standby-factor 0.5 ] ) ;;--System Related----------------------------------------------------------;; set sys-service-rejection-counter 0 set sys-service-reschedule-counter 0 set sys-current-active-servers 0 set sys-current-active-svr-ops-util 0 set sys-current-active-svr-mem-util 0 set sys-current-active-svr-net-util 0 set sys-power-consumption-total 0 initialize-datacenter if total-services < service-generation-speed [ set service-generation-speed total-services ] generate-client-services service-generation-speed set sys-services-waiting total-services - service-generation-speed reset-ticks end ;; ;; to go tick ;; Track how many client services are in the service pool. To maintain the ;; concurrency value of the service submission events, i.e., keeping the ;; number of services specified by 'service-generation-speed', new ;; services need to be continuously added to the service pool until all the ;; services are submitted. if sys-services-waiting > 0 [ let services-in-the-pool count services-on patches with [pcolor = blue + 1] if sys-services-waiting > 0 and services-in-the-pool < service-generation-speed [ let more-services (service-generation-speed - services-in-the-pool) if more-services > sys-services-waiting [ set more-services sys-services-waiting ] generate-client-services more-services set sys-services-waiting (sys-services-waiting - more-services) ] ] ;; Ask all the services to perform their routines. update-services-status ;; Update schedulers' routines. update-scheduler-status ;; Server status will be updated on every tick of the simulation. update-servers-status ;; Consolidation events only occur when ;; 1. at least two servers are busy, ;; 2. the scheduled interval ('consolidation-interval') is reached, and ;; 3. the 'consolidation?' switch is ON. if (count servers with [status = "ON"]) > 1 and (ticks mod consolidation-interval) = 0 and consolidation? [ consolidate-servers ] ;; Update visual movement of service migration. update-vis-agents-status if not any? services [ ask servers [ set status "OFF" set color white set power 0 reset-server self ] ask vis-agents [ die ] print-summary stop ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; During the simulation, services' status are updated on a ;; per 'tick' basis. On each update (tick), the lifetime of each service will ;; be reduced by 1. At the same time, the resource usage of each service will ;; be updated (the distribution on the resource usage follows a Beta ;; distribution). ;; In principle, each update of the resource usage should be in range ;; [0, ops/mem/net-cnf], i.e., it can't exceed the resources initially ;; configured (ops/mem/net-cnf) at the deployment time of the service, ;; neither a service can consume negative resources. However, it can become ;; complicated when multiple services are being deployed on the same server ;; at different times. For example, when Service-1 was 'SCHEDULED' to run ;; on Server-1 at Time-1, the required resources of Service-1 would first be ;; reserved on Server-1. When Service-1 arrives at Server-1, its resource ;; usage will be updated and, more importantly, the updated resource usage ;; would very likely be smaller than the initially configured resources. ;; If at Time-2 (e.g., after Service-1 has already started running on ;; Server-1), Service-2, had been scheduled to run on the same server ;; (Server-1), then during the scheduling process, the scheduler must ;; ensure that the Server-1 has sufficient resources for the deployment of ;; the Service-2, more specifically, this is determined by the condition: ;; (currently occupied resources of Server-1 + currently reserved resources of ;; Server-1 + the configured resources of Service-2) is greater or equal to ;; (the physically installed resources of Server-1). ;; In this equation, the 'currently occupied resources of Server-1' varies ;; from time to time. In this very specific example, it is only the current ;; resource usage of Service-1, since it is the only service running on the ;; server. If we further assume that (1) the total physical memory of ;; Server-1 is 2GB, (2) the current updated memory resource usage of ;; Service-1 is only a half of its requested memory (e.g., mem-now = 0.5, ;; mem-cnf = 1), and (3) the requested memory of Service-2 is 1.5GB (i.e., ;; mem-cnf = 1.5). Based on the information assumed above, Server-1 would be ;; an eligible candidtate for the deployment of Service-2. When Service-2 ;; starts running on Server-1,both services (Service 1 and 2) will update ;; their resource usage at the same time. Thus, it is possible when, ;; at Time-3, both services had updated their memory resource usage to ;; 1GB (Service-1) and 1.2GB (Service-2), respectively. However, the total ;; requested memory, at this moment, has exceeded the physical memory capacity ;; of Server-1. If this happens, the performance of the two ;; services will be degenerate. To compensate, both Service-1/2's ;; lifetime will be extended (i.e., requires more time to complete their ;; tasks). The aforementioned phenomenon will occur more frequently after ;; server consolidations are performed. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; None ;;============================================================================;; to update-services-status ask services [ ;; When a service has reacheed the end of its lifetime, or it has been ;; rejected three times, it dies. if life-time <= 0 [ set sys-current-service-completed sys-current-service-completed + 1 die ] if attempt > 2 [ set sys-service-rejection-counter sys-service-rejection-counter + 1 die ] ;; Update the visual movement of services during submission and scheduling ;; processes. (ifelse ;; When a service is on its way to the designated scheduler. status = "OFFLINE" [ ;; Check if it has arrived at the scheduler ifelse distance-nowrap scheduler host > 0.5 [ face-nowrap scheduler host fd moving-speed ] [ ;; If arrived, change its status to "SUBMITTED". When a scheduler ;; sees a service with "SUBMITTED" status, the scheduler will ;; find a suitable server for the service. move-to scheduler host set status "SUBMITTED" set moving-speed 0 ] ] ;; If a scheduler sees a service with a status 'SUBMITTED', ;; the scheduler will find a suitable server for the deployment of the ;; service, and the status of the service is then changed to 'SCHEDULED', ;; followed by moving the service to its designated server. status = "SCHEDULED" [ ifelse distance-nowrap server host > 0.5 [ face-nowrap server host fd moving-speed ] [ ;; If the service has arrived at its designated server, ;; its status will be changed to "DEPLOYED". move-to server host set status "DEPLOYED" set color orange set moving-speed 0 ] ] ;; If a server is thought to be under- or over-utilized, all or some of ;; the running services will be migrated to other servers. On the same ;; server, if a service is identified as a migrant, the service will ;; create a replica. The original service will be moved to the ;; migrating destination server immediately, and its status will be changed ;; to 'DEPLOYED' with no further delays. The replica will stay on ;; the same server. This replica will occupy the same amount of resources ;; as of the migrating service, except for the net resource, which will be ;; set to the amount of network bandwidth required for migration (partially ;; determined by the memory access rate * mem-now). ;; Additionally, the replica will be given a lifetime according to the ;; migration delay. After the lifetime has reached, the replicas will die ;; quietly. The process reflect the real-world situation in which a service ;; migrating to another server, it occupies some reserouces on both ;; source and destinatin servers, until the migration process is completed. ;; In addition, to visualize the migration process i.e., the ;; 'show-migr-move?' = TRUE, a vis-agent agent will be created to show ;; the movement on the display. However, any visualization related agents ;; will be categorized into a diffent breed, thus they do not get ;; involved in any calculation of resources. ;; NOTE: during migration, the resource utilizations of replicas will ;; maintain static. The process is implemented in detail in the ;; 'migrate-services' procedure. Here we just updated the status of the ;; replicas. status = "MIGRATING" [ set life-time life-time - 1 ] ;; When a server receives a service, the server will change the status ;; of the service to "RUNNING". ;; Update the service status and resource usages if they are 'RUNNING'. ;; Note that resource usage freezes for replicas of migrants. status = "RUNNING" [ ;; The lifetime of the service. It decreases on a per-tick basis. set life-time life-time - 1 ;; During the runtime of the service, the runtime resources used may be ;; lower than the 'configured', but it should not be more than the ;; configured resources. The resource update follows either a Gaussian or ;; Beta distribution. let res-req-now 0 ifelse service-cpu-usage-dist-random? [ set res-req-now (py:runresult "np.random.rand()" * ops-cnf) ] [ set res-req-now (py:runresult "np.random.beta(service_cpu_usage_dist_beta_alpha, service_cpu_usage_dist_beta_beta)" * ops-cnf) ] set ops-prev ops-now ;; Cache the previous resource usage. This will be used to calculate SLA violation. set ops-now round res-req-now ifelse service-mem-usage-dist-random? [ set res-req-now (py:runresult "np.random.rand()" * mem-cnf) ] [ set res-req-now (py:runresult "np.random.beta(service_mem_usage_dist_beta_alpha, service_mem_usage_dist_beta_beta)" * mem-cnf) ] set mem-prev mem-now set mem-now round res-req-now ifelse service-net-usage-dist-random? [ set res-req-now (py:runresult "np.random.rand()" * net-cnf) ] [ set res-req-now (py:runresult "np.random.beta(service_net_usage_dist_beta_alpha, service_net_usage_dist_beta_beta)" * net-cnf) ] set net-prev net-now set net-now round res-req-now ;; Saving the resource histories for resource forecast set ops-hist fput ops-now ops-hist set mem-hist fput mem-now mem-hist set net-hist fput net-now net-hist if (length ops-hist) > service-history-length [ ;; A circular list, expensive operations set ops-hist remove-item service-history-length ops-hist set mem-hist remove-item service-history-length mem-hist set net-hist remove-item service-history-length net-hist ] ] ) ifelse show-trace? [ pendown ] [ penup ] ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; If there is any migrating services, its associated visualization agent, ;; i.e., vis-agent, will be updated on the display. When a vis-agent has ;; reached its destination server, it dies quietly. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; none ;;============================================================================;; to update-vis-agents-status ;;show (word "num of vis-agents:" (count vis-agents)) ask vis-agents [ ifelse distance-nowrap server to-svr > 1.2 [ face-nowrap server to-svr fd moving-speed ] [ die ] ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Servers' status is updated every 'tick'. When calculating servers' status, ;; only the 'ops/mem/net-now' are used. Note that the 'ops/mem/net-rsv' ;; are not actually consumed resources, but reserved. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; None ;;============================================================================;; to update-servers-status set sys-current-service-ops-sla-vio 0 set sys-current-service-mem-sla-vio 0 set sys-current-service-net-sla-vio 0 let pow-temp 0 ;; Clear the reserved resources for the new services that are about ;; running on the server. ask servers [ let newly-arrived-services services-here with [status = "DEPLOYED"] if count newly-arrived-services > 0 [ set ops-rsv ops-rsv - (sum [ops-cnf] of newly-arrived-services) set mem-rsv mem-rsv - (sum [mem-cnf] of newly-arrived-services) set net-rsv net-rsv - (sum [net-cnf] of newly-arrived-services) ask newly-arrived-services [ set status "RUNNING" ] ] ;; Update the available resources of the server based on the current ;; resource usage of the running services. If the requested resources ;; are greater than the physical resources installed on the server, ;; a violation of SLA will be recorded and the 'ops/mem/net-now' will ;; be capped at the maximum of the physical resources installed, i.e., ;; 'ops/mem/net-phy'. In addition, services requesting for resources ;; that can't be allocated will be penalized by extending their ;; life-time, to reflect the service performance degeneration. ;; This will be accumulated from the calculations of all ;; types of resources. let running-services services-here with [ status = "RUNNING" or status = "MIGRATING" ] ifelse (count running-services) > 0 [ ;; For ops shortage ;; We only care about the actual usage of the resoruces. The ;; 'ops-rsv' are reserved resources. They are not acutally used, ;; thus 'ops-rsv' is not taking part in this calculation. let sum-val sum ([ops-now] of running-services) let diff (sum-val - ops-phy) ifelse diff > 0 [ set ops-now ops-phy let res-diff [] let res-min 999999999 ask running-services [ let service-res-diff (ops-now - ops-prev) if res-min > service-res-diff [ set res-min service-res-diff ] set res-diff lput (list who service-res-diff) res-diff ] let res-diff-scale apply-penalty res-diff (diff / ops-phy) ((abs res-min) + 10) foreach res-diff-scale [ x -> ask service (first x) [ set ops-sla (last x) set life-time life-time + ops-sla set sys-current-service-ops-sla-vio sys-current-service-ops-sla-vio + ops-sla set sys-accumulated-service-ops-sla-vio sys-accumulated-service-ops-sla-vio + ops-sla ] ] ] [ set ops-now sum-val ] ;; For mem shortage set sum-val sum [mem-now] of running-services set diff (sum-val - mem-phy) ifelse diff > 0 [ set mem-now mem-phy let res-diff [] let res-min 999999999 ask running-services [ let service-res-diff (mem-now - mem-prev) if res-min > service-res-diff [ set res-min service-res-diff ] set res-diff lput (list who service-res-diff) res-diff ] let res-diff-scale apply-penalty res-diff (diff / mem-phy) ((abs res-min) + 10) foreach res-diff-scale [ x -> ask service (first x) [ set mem-sla (last x) set life-time life-time + mem-sla set sys-current-service-mem-sla-vio sys-current-service-mem-sla-vio + mem-sla set sys-accumulated-service-mem-sla-vio sys-accumulated-service-mem-sla-vio + mem-sla ] ] ] [ set mem-now sum-val ] ;; For net shortage set sum-val sum [net-now] of running-services set diff (sum-val - net-phy) ifelse diff > 0 [ set net-now net-phy let res-diff [] let res-min 999999999 ask running-services [ let service-res-diff (net-now - net-prev) if res-min > service-res-diff [ set res-min service-res-diff ] set res-diff lput (list who service-res-diff) res-diff ] let res-diff-scale apply-penalty res-diff (diff / net-phy) ((abs res-min) + 10) foreach res-diff-scale [ x -> ask service (first x) [ set net-sla (last x) set life-time life-time + net-sla set sys-current-service-net-sla-vio sys-current-service-net-sla-vio + net-sla set sys-accumulated-service-net-sla-vio sys-accumulated-service-net-sla-vio + net-sla ] ] ] [ set net-now sum-val ] ] [ set ops-now 0 set mem-now 0 set net-now 0 ] ;; Update server status indicator (ifelse (ops-now / ops-phy) > server-cpu-overutil-threshold or (mem-now / mem-phy) > server-mem-overutil-threshold or (net-now / net-phy) > server-net-overutil-threshold [ set status "OVERLOAD" set color red ] ops-now > 0 or mem-now > 0 or net-now > 0 [ set status "ON" set color green ] (ops-now + ops-rsv) = 0 and (mem-now + mem-rsv) = 0 and (net-now + net-rsv) = 0 and (status = "ON" or status = "OVERLOAD") [ set status "IDLE" set color blue ] ) (ifelse status = "REPAIR" [ set color grey reset-server self set power 0 ] status = "OFF" [ set color white reset-server self set power 0 ] ) if status != "OFF" and status != "REPAIR" [ set power calc-energy-consumption ops-now model set pow-temp pow-temp + power ] ] set sys-power-consumption-total sys-power-consumption-total + ((pow-temp * simulation-time-unit) / (60 * 1000)) let actsvr servers with [status = "ON" or status = "OVERLOAD"] set sys-current-active-servers count actsvr if sys-current-active-servers > 0 [ set sys-current-active-svr-ops-util (sum [ops-now] of actsvr) / (sum [ops-phy] of actsvr) set sys-current-active-svr-mem-util (sum [mem-now] of actsvr) / (sum [mem-phy] of actsvr) set sys-current-active-svr-net-util (sum [net-now] of actsvr) / (sum [net-phy] of actsvr) ] if auto-migration? [ ask servers with [ status = "OVERLOAD" ] [ auto-migrate self ] ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Calculate energy consumption based on the CPU utilization. ;;--PARAMETERS------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; 'the-ops-now' : the amounts of computing power used now. ;; 'the-svr-model' : the model of the hosting server. ;;============================================================================;; to-report calc-energy-consumption [ the-ops-now the-svr-model ] let energy 0 (ifelse power-model-method = "stepwise-simple-linear-regression" [ set energy calc-power-consumption-stepwise the-ops-now the-svr-model ] power-model-method = "simple-linear-regression" [ set energy calc-power-consumption-simple the-ops-now the-svr-model ] power-model-method = "quadratic-polynomial" [ set energy calc-power-consumption-quadratic the-ops-now the-svr-model ] power-model-method = "cubic-polynomial" [ set energy calc-power-consumption-cubic the-ops-now the-svr-model ] ) report energy end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Generate services and initialize their status. ;;--PARAMETERS------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; 'amount' : the number of services to be generated. ;;============================================================================;; to generate-client-services [ amount ] ask n-of amount patches with [ pcolor = blue + 1 ] [ sprout-services 1 [ set shape "circle" set color yellow set size 0.7 ;; Each service has a different lifetime. set life-time random (service-lifetime-max - service-lifetime-min) + service-lifetime-min set sys-service-lifetime-total sys-service-lifetime-total + life-time ;; Allowing services to have different configurations. If this ;; is not needed, use a single value in the following lists. set ops-cnf one-of (list 25000 50000 100000 150000 200000);; ssj-ops set mem-cnf one-of (list 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384) ;; MB set net-cnf one-of (list 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000) ;; MBps ;; The 'method' specifies how a service will be depoyed. ;; It can be 'VM' (VIRTUAL-MACHINE), 'CT' (CONTAINER) or ;; 'BM' (BARE-METAL). Each deployment method is associated with a different ;; deployment delay. set method one-of (list "BM" "VM" "CT") ;; When a service has just started running, it is assumed that the ;; service will consume the same amount of resources as of the ;; requested resources. set ops-now ops-cnf set mem-now mem-cnf set net-now net-cnf set ops-hist [] set ops-hist fput ops-cnf ops-hist set mem-hist [] set mem-hist fput mem-cnf mem-hist set net-hist [] set net-hist fput net-cnf net-hist ;; The memory access ratio (aka, memory dirtying rate) determines how ;; busy the system memory is being accessed, i.e., the amounts of system ;; memory that are frequently accessed. This will affect the efficiency of ;; service live migration. set access-ratio py:runresult "np.random.beta(service_mem_access_ratio_beta_alpha, service_mem_access_ratio_beta_beta)" ;; The strategies for sending a service to a scheduler node. ;; Strategy 1: send a service to its closest scheduler node. ;; Strategy 2: send a service to a rack on which the requested resources ;; match resource usage pattern of the servers. If a datacenter contains ;; homogeneous servers, the pattern will be calculated based on currently ;; available resources on the rack (aggregated). (ifelse service-submission-strategy = "closest" [ set host [who] of (min-one-of schedulers [distance myself]) ] service-submission-strategy = "resource-pattern-matching" [ set host (calc-resource-pattern self) ] ) ;; Calculate the initial moving speed from the service pool to ;; the designated scheduler node. set moving-speed (random-float 0.6) + 0.05 set status "OFFLINE" set attempt 0 set delay-counter 0 ;; The delays caused by the server cold start. ] ] end ;; ;; ;;############################################################################;; ;; START: Scheduler Related ;;############################################################################;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Update scheduler. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; None ;;============================================================================;; to update-scheduler-status ask schedulers [ ;; The history of the total resources requested from the rack is recorded. ;; This information is used for the server standby strategy. ;;update-rack-resource-request-history ;; Apply server standby strategy selected from the global variable ;; 'server-standy-strategy'. apply-server-standby-strategy (servers with [rack = [id] of myself]) ;; Initial service placement let submitted-services services-here with [status = "SUBMITTED"] if (count submitted-services) > 0 [ let the-server-set servers with [ rack = [id] of myself ] ask submitted-services [ let candidate find-server the-server-set self ifelse candidate != nobody [ set host ([who] of candidate) set status "SCHEDULED" set moving-speed ((distance-nowrap candidate) / 8) (ifelse method = "VM" [ set sys-accumulated-delay-from-vm sys-accumulated-delay-from-vm + service-method-vm-delay ] method = "CT" [ set sys-accumulated-delay-from-ct sys-accumulated-delay-from-ct + service-method-ct-delay ] ) ] [ resubmit-service self ] ] ] ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Each scheduler is responsible for controlling a number of servers and some ;; of the servers will be set in standby mode. When a server is in a standby ;; mode, it will be switched on and its status will be set to 'IDLE'. The ;; rationale behind the use of a standby strategy is that switching a server ;; from 'OFF' to 'ON' will incur a delay by the cold start process. To avoid ;; such a delay and to improve user experience, each rack should maintain a ;; number of 'IDLE' servers ready for service deployment. On the ;; other hand, although servers are in the 'IDLE' mode, they still consume ;; electricity. This somehow needs to be balanced between power consumption ;; and system response time. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-servers': ;; A list of servers belonging to the rack. ;;============================================================================;; to apply-server-standby-strategy [ the-servers ] (ifelse server-standby-factor = 1 ;; All ON [ ask the-servers with [status = "OFF"] [ set status "IDLE" ] ] server-standby-factor = 0 ;; All OFF [ ask the-servers with [status = "IDLE"] [ set status "OFF" ] ] server-standby-factor < 1 [ let num-off-svrs count (the-servers with [status = "OFF"]) let should-be-idle round (server-standby-factor * rack-space) let are-idle count (the-servers with [status = "IDLE"]) let need-to-be-idle should-be-idle - are-idle (ifelse need-to-be-idle > 0 ;; Need to be IDLE [ if need-to-be-idle > num-off-svrs [ set need-to-be-idle num-off-svrs ] ;; Not enought off servers left ask up-to-n-of need-to-be-idle the-servers with [status = "OFF"] [ set status "IDLE" set color blue reset-server self] ] need-to-be-idle < 0 ;; Need to be OFF [ ask up-to-n-of (abs need-to-be-idle) the-servers with [status = "IDLE"] [ set status "OFF" set color white set power 0 reset-server self] ] ) ] ) end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; If no suitable servers can be found, resubmit the service, i.e., send it ;; back to the service pool to a random place and increate the global counter ;; 'sys-service-reschedule-counter' by 1. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-service': ;; The service to be placed back in the service submission pool. ;;============================================================================;; to resubmit-service [ the-service ] ask the-service [ move-to one-of patches with [ pcolor = blue + 1 ] set attempt attempt + 1 set sys-service-reschedule-counter sys-service-reschedule-counter + 1 set status "OFFLINE" (ifelse service-submission-strategy = "closest" [ set host [who] of (min-one-of schedulers [distance myself]) ] service-submission-strategy = "resource-pattern-matching" [ set host (calc-resource-pattern self) ] ) set moving-speed ((distance-nowrap scheduler host) / 8) set color yellow - attempt set label attempt ] end ;; ;; ;;############################################################################;; ;; END: Scheduler Related ;;############################################################################;; ;; ;; ;;############################################################################;; ;; START: Placement Algorithms ;;############################################################################;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Find a server depending on the staged-evaluation selected. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-server-set' : the set of servers that may be used for the deployment ;; of 'the-service'. ;; 'the-service' : the service that is to be deployed. ;;============================================================================;; to-report find-server [ the-server-set the-service ] (ifelse staged-evaluation = "1" [ report (one-staged-placement the-server-set the-service) ] staged-evaluation = "2" [ report (two-staged-placement the-server-set the-service) ] staged-evaluation = "3" [ report (three-staged-placement the-server-set the-service) ] [ report nobody ] ) end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; When a service has arrived at a scheduler, the scheduler will try to ;; identify a server that is not in 'REPAIR'. It will select a server from ;; the 'the-server-set' with sufficient resources for the deployment of the ;; 'the-service'. The actual selection of the server is based on the ;; service placement algorithm specified in the 'service-placement-algorithm' ;; dropdown list. If no suitable servers can be found, the 'the-service' will ;; be sent back to the service submission pool by its corresponding scheduler. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-server-set' : a list of all possible candidate servers. ;; 'the-service' : the service to be deployed. ;;============================================================================;; to-report one-staged-placement [ the-server-set the-service ] let server-set the-server-set with [who != ([host] of the-service) and status != "REPAIR"] let candidate (find-candidate server-set the-service) ifelse candidate != nobody [ reserve-server-resources candidate the-service report candidate ] [ report nobody ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; When a service has arrived at a scheduler, the scheduler will first try to ;; identify an active server, i.e., servers that are in the 'ON' or 'READY' ;; or 'IDLE' mode. It will select a server from the list of active servers with ;; sufficient resources for the deployment of the service. If no suitable ;; servers can be found, the scheduler will try with the 'OFF' servers. ;; The two-step process will improve the overall server utilization. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-server-set' : a list of all possible candidate servers. ;; 'the-service' : the service to be deployed. ;;============================================================================;; to-report two-staged-placement [ the-server-set the-service ] ;; Don't use servers with status = "OVERLOAD". Placing a service on an ;; overloaded server will incur performance degenerate. let server-set the-server-set with [ who != ([host] of the-service) and (status = "ON" or status = "READY" or status = "IDLE") ] let candidate find-candidate server-set the-service if candidate = nobody [ set server-set the-server-set with [ who != ([host] of the-service) and status = "OFF" ] set candidate find-candidate server-set the-service ] ifelse candidate != nobody [ reserve-server-resources candidate the-service report candidate ] [ report nobody ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; When a service has arrived at a scheduler, the scheduler will first try ;; with busy servers, i.e., servers that are in 'ON' or 'READY' mode. It ;; will then select a server from the busy servers with sufficient ;; resources for the deployment of the service. If no suitable ;; server can be found, the scheduler will try with the 'IDLE' servers, if ;; still unsuccessful, it will try with the 'OFF' servers. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-server-set' : a list of all possible candidate servers. ;; 'the-service' : the service to be deployed. ;;============================================================================;; to-report three-staged-placement [ the-server-set the-service ] let server-set the-server-set with [ who != ([host] of the-service) and (status = "ON" or status = "READY") ] let candidate find-candidate server-set the-service if candidate = nobody [ set server-set the-server-set with [ who != ([host] of the-service) and status = "IDLE" ] set candidate find-candidate server-set the-service if candidate = nobody [ set server-set the-server-set with [ who != ([host] of the-service) and status = "OFF" ] set candidate find-candidate server-set the-service ] ] ifelse candidate != nobody [ reserve-server-resources candidate the-service report candidate ] [ report nobody ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; From the given server set, find a suitable server for the service ;; deployment based on the placement algorithm selected. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-server-set' : a list of all possible candidate servers. ;; 'the-service' : the service to be deployed. ;;============================================================================;; to-report find-candidate [ the-server-set the-service ] let candidate nobody (ifelse service-placement-algorithm = "random" [ set candidate find-random-server the-server-set the-service ] service-placement-algorithm = "first-fit" [ set candidate find-first-fit-server the-server-set the-service ] service-placement-algorithm = "balanced-fit" [ set candidate find-balanced-fit-server the-server-set the-service ] service-placement-algorithm = "max-utilization" [ set candidate find-max-utilization-server the-server-set the-service ] service-placement-algorithm = "min-power" [ set candidate find-min-power-server the-server-set the-service ] ) report candidate end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; When a service has arrived at a scheduler, the scheduler will select a ;; server from its rack, as long as the server has sufficient resources for ;; the deployment of the service. ;; The algorithm disregards the status of servers. It is not recommended but ;; only used for a simple comparison with other algorithms. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-server-set' : a list of all possible candidate servers. ;; 'the-service' : the service to be deployed. ;;============================================================================;; to-report find-random-server [ the-server-set the-service ] let candidate one-of the-server-set with [ who != [host] of the-service and ((ops-now + ops-rsv + ([ops-cnf] of the-service)) / ops-phy) < server-cpu-overutil-threshold and ((mem-now + mem-rsv + ([mem-cnf] of the-service)) / mem-phy) < server-mem-overutil-threshold and ((net-now + net-rsv + ([net-cnf] of the-service)) / net-phy) < server-net-overutil-threshold ] report candidate end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; When a service has arrived at a scheduler, the scheduler will firstly ;; sort all servers based on their Agent ID in an ascending order, then search ;; for a suitable server in the sored list in order. The same process repeats ;; for all the services and the search order is always from the smallest Agent ;; ID to the largest Agent ID, regardless of the status of the servers. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-server-set' : a list of all possible candidate servers. ;; 'the-service' : the service to be deployed. ;;============================================================================;; to-report find-first-fit-server [ the-server-set the-service ] let candidates the-server-set with [ who != [host] of the-service and ((ops-now + ops-rsv + ([ops-cnf] of the-service)) / ops-phy) < server-cpu-overutil-threshold and ((mem-now + mem-rsv + ([mem-cnf] of the-service)) / mem-phy) < server-mem-overutil-threshold and ((net-now + net-rsv + ([net-cnf] of the-service)) / net-phy) < server-net-overutil-threshold ] report (min-one-of candidates [ who ]) end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; The objective of the algorithm is to find a suitable server for ;; 'the-service', so that the placement of the service will results in a ;; balanced resources across all types (CPU/MEM/NET) of the server. ;; As a greedy algorithm, it will not guarantee a global optimal ;; solution, however activities in a datacenter change overtime, finding ;; a global optimal solution for NOW in such a dynamic system will not ensure ;; the optimality of the solution LATER, thus such a greedy algorithm may be ;; preferred. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-server-set' : a list of all possible candidate servers. ;; 'the-service' : the service to be deployed. ;;============================================================================;; to-report find-balanced-fit-server [ the-server-set the-service ] let candidates the-server-set with [ who != [host] of the-service and ((ops-now + ops-rsv + ([ops-cnf] of the-service)) / ops-phy) < server-cpu-overutil-threshold and ((mem-now + mem-rsv + ([mem-cnf] of the-service)) / mem-phy) < server-mem-overutil-threshold and ((net-now + net-rsv + ([net-cnf] of the-service)) / net-phy) < server-net-overutil-threshold ] ifelse count candidates > 0 [ let svr-id -1 let max-resource-distance 1 ask candidates [ let ops-ratio ((ops-now + ops-rsv + [ops-cnf] of the-service) / ops-phy) let mem-ratio ((mem-now + mem-rsv + [mem-cnf] of the-service) / mem-phy) let net-ratio ((net-now + net-rsv + [net-cnf] of the-service) / net-phy) let max-res-ratio max (list ops-ratio mem-ratio net-ratio) let min-res-ratio min (list ops-ratio mem-ratio net-ratio) let res-diff max-res-ratio - min-res-ratio if res-diff < max-resource-distance [ set max-resource-distance res-diff set svr-id who ] ] report (server svr-id) ] [ report nobody ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; This procedure is used for all Max-Utilization-Fit family algorithms. The ;; objective of the algorihtm is to find a suitable server for 'the-service', ;; so that the placement of the service on the server will result in a balanced ;; resources across all types (cpu/mem/net), with an additional condition ;; that the residual resources of the server are minimized. As a greedy ;; algorithm, it will not guarantee a global optimal solution. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-server-set' : a list of all possible candidate servers. ;; 'the-service' : the service to be deployed. ;;============================================================================;; to-report find-max-utilization-server [ the-server-set the-service ] let candidates the-server-set with [ who != [host] of the-service and ((ops-now + ops-rsv + ([ops-cnf] of the-service)) / ops-phy) < server-cpu-overutil-threshold and ((mem-now + mem-rsv + ([mem-cnf] of the-service)) / mem-phy) < server-mem-overutil-threshold and ((net-now + net-rsv + ([net-cnf] of the-service)) / net-phy) < server-net-overutil-threshold ] ifelse count candidates > 0 [ let svr-id -1 let min-resource-distance 3 ask candidates [ let ops-ratio ((ops-now + ops-rsv + ([ops-cnf] of the-service)) / ops-phy) let mem-ratio ((mem-now + mem-rsv + ([mem-cnf] of the-service)) / mem-phy) let net-ratio ((net-now + net-rsv + ([net-cnf] of the-service)) / net-phy) let sum-residual (reduce + (list (1 - ops-ratio) (1 - mem-ratio) (1 - net-ratio))) if sum-residual < min-resource-distance [ set min-resource-distance sum-residual set svr-id who ] ] report (server svr-id) ] [ report nobody ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Experimental, not used. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-server-set' : a list of all possible candidate servers. ;; 'the-service' : the service to be deployed. ;;============================================================================;; to-report find-max-utilization-with-resource-balancing-server [ the-server-set the-service ] let candidates the-server-set with [ who != [host] of the-service and ((ops-now + ops-rsv + ([ops-cnf] of the-service)) / ops-phy) < server-cpu-overutil-threshold and ((mem-now + mem-rsv + ([mem-cnf] of the-service)) / mem-phy) < server-mem-overutil-threshold and ((net-now + net-rsv + ([net-cnf] of the-service)) / net-phy) < server-net-overutil-threshold ] ifelse count candidates > 0 [ let svr-id -1 let min-resource-distance 4 ask candidates [ let ops-ratio ((ops-now + ops-rsv + ([ops-cnf] of the-service)) / ops-phy) let mem-ratio ((mem-now + mem-rsv + ([mem-cnf] of the-service)) / mem-phy) let net-ratio ((net-now + net-rsv + ([net-cnf] of the-service)) / net-phy) let sum-residual (reduce + (list (1 - ops-ratio) (1 - mem-ratio) (1 - net-ratio))) let max-res-residual max (list (1 - ops-ratio) (1 - mem-ratio) (1 - net-ratio)) let min-res-residual min (list (1 - ops-ratio) (1 - mem-ratio) (1 - net-ratio)) let res-residual-diff max-res-residual - min-res-residual let res-diff sum-residual + res-residual-diff if res-diff < min-resource-distance [ set min-resource-distance res-diff set svr-id who ] ] report (server svr-id) ] [ report nobody ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; This procedure is used for all 'Min-Power-Fit' family algorithms. The ;; objective of this procedure is to find a suitable server for 'the-service', ;; so that the placement of the service on the server will result in minimum ;; energy consumption increase. Note that each type of servers has its own ;; energy consumption model. The energy consumption of servers were modeled ;; based on the data collected from ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-server-set' : a list of all possible candidate servers. ;; 'the-service' : the service to be deployed. ;;============================================================================;; to-report find-min-power-server [ the-server-set the-service ] let candidates the-server-set with [ who != [host] of the-service and ((ops-now + ops-rsv + ([ops-cnf] of the-service)) / ops-phy) < server-cpu-overutil-threshold and ((mem-now + mem-rsv + ([mem-cnf] of the-service)) / mem-phy) < server-mem-overutil-threshold and ((net-now + net-rsv + ([net-cnf] of the-service)) / net-phy) < server-net-overutil-threshold ] ifelse count candidates > 0 [ let min-power 999999999 let svr-id -1 ask candidates [ let sum-ops 0 ifelse power-estimation-method = "configured" [ set sum-ops (([ops-cnf] of the-service) + ops-now) ] [ set sum-ops (get-resource-statistics ([ops-hist] of the-service) + ops-now) ] let potential-energy-consumption 0 let now-energy-consumption 0 (ifelse power-model-method = "stepwise-simple-linear-regression" [ ;; An in time calculation for better accuracy set now-energy-consumption calc-power-consumption-stepwise ops-now model set potential-energy-consumption calc-power-consumption-stepwise sum-ops model ] power-model-method = "simple-linear-regression" [ set now-energy-consumption calc-power-consumption-simple ops-now model set potential-energy-consumption calc-power-consumption-simple sum-ops model ] power-model-method = "quadratic-polynomial" [ set now-energy-consumption calc-power-consumption-quadratic ops-now model set potential-energy-consumption calc-power-consumption-quadratic sum-ops model ] power-model-method = "cubic-polynomial" [ set now-energy-consumption calc-power-consumption-cubic ops-now model set potential-energy-consumption calc-power-consumption-cubic sum-ops model ] ) let power-diff potential-energy-consumption - now-energy-consumption if power-diff < min-power [ set min-power power-diff set svr-id who ] ] report (server svr-id) ] [ report nobody ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Calculate statistics from the cached resource usage information. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-history' : a number of resource usage data points collected over time ;; for each service or server. ;;============================================================================;; to-report get-resource-statistics [ the-history ] (ifelse power-estimation-method = "max" [ report (max the-history) ] power-estimation-method = "mean" [ report (mean the-history) ] power-estimation-method = "median" [ report (median the-history) ] power-estimation-method = "linear-regression" [ ifelse length the-history < 3 [ report (mean the-history) ] [ ;; To minimize the library dependency, we leave this for later ;; major releases. report 0 ] ] ) end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Once a service has been scheduled to run on a server, the scheduler will ;; first reserve the amounts of resources requested by the service, i.e., the ;; 'ops/mem/net-cnf', on the server. The resource reservation is necessary ;; and vitally important. Since services using different deployment methods ;; move to servers at a different speed, plus services are generated at different ;; time, it is possible that lately scheduled services may arrive at the server ;; sooner than the services that were scheduled earlier. To ensure the server ;; has sufficient resources for services arriving at different speeds, all ;; reservations must be done at the scheduling time. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-server' : resources for 'the-service' to be reserved on 'the-server'. ;; 'the-service' : the service contains the information about the resources to ;; be reserved on the server. ;;============================================================================;; to reserve-server-resources [ the-server the-service ] ask the-server [ if status = "OFF" [ ask the-service [ set delay-counter delay-counter + server-cold-start-delay ] set sys-accumulated-delay-from-svr-cold-start sys-accumulated-delay-from-svr-cold-start + server-cold-start-delay ] ;; Setting a server in 'READY' mode will prevent the server from being ;; switched off by the 'server standby stragegy' (controlled by schedulers). if status = "IDLE" or status = "OFF" [ set status "READY" set color blue set power base-power ] set ops-rsv ops-rsv + [ops-cnf] of the-service set mem-rsv mem-rsv + [mem-cnf] of the-service set net-rsv net-rsv + [net-cnf] of the-service ] end ;; ;; ;;############################################################################;; ;; END: Placement Algorithms ;;############################################################################;; ;; ;; ;;############################################################################;; ;; START: Server Consolidation ;;############################################################################;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Consolidating servers in a datacenter to minimize the total power ;; consumption and to maximize the overall resource utilization. ;; The main mechanism used for server consolidation is live-migration. In ;; general, a live-migration can be performed easily for virtual machines or ;; containers. In this simulator, live-migrations are allowed for all virtual ;; machine, container, and bare-metal deployment of services. ;; Additionally, from a technical point of view, live-migration may only be ;; possible when processor architectures of the hosting server and ;; targeting server are compatible. However, in this version of the simulator, ;; migrations between heterogeneous processor architectures are allowed. ;; NOTE: migration of services shall start from over-utlized servers first, ;; then followed by under-utilized servers, due to the following reasons: ;; 1. it is more important to maintain servers' performance than ;; saving energy or maximizing resource utilization; ;; 2. after migrating services off of the over-utilized servers, the number ;; of under-utilized servers could be reduced, thus avoid unnecessary ;; calculations. Note that service migraitons are expensive operations, ;; in terms of service performance degeneration and large network bandwidth ;; consumption. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; none ;;============================================================================;; to consolidate-servers if server-consolidation-strategy = "within-datacenter" or server-consolidation-strategy = "within-rack" [ consolidate-underutilized-servers ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Migrating services out of under-utilized servers. A constituent ;; under-utilzed server must exhibit the following characteristics: ;; 1. the server must not be in 'OFF', 'IDLE', 'READY', or 'OVERLOAD' mode ;; 2. resource utilization of the server must under the threshold ;; specified by the global variable ;; 'server-cpu/mem/net-utilization-threshold' ;; 3. all services on the under-utilized servers must be in the 'RUNNING' ;; mode, i.e., if there is any service that is undergo a migration ;; process, the server will not be considered as an under-utilized server. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; None ;;============================================================================;; to consolidate-underutilized-servers let under-util-svrs servers with [ status = "ON" and (all? services-here [status = "RUNNING"]) and ((ops-now + ops-rsv) / ops-phy) <= server-cpu-underutil-threshold and ((mem-now + mem-rsv) / mem-phy) <= server-mem-underutil-threshold and ((net-now + net-rsv) / net-phy) <= server-net-underutil-threshold ] if (count under-util-svrs) > 0 [ foreach (list under-util-svrs) [ svr -> ask svr [ ;; Special attention must be paid here. When migrating services out of a ;; server, the services could be re-placed on a server that was originally ;; identified as an under-utilized server, however, the placement might ;; make the server a 'normal' server, which should not be considered as a ;; candidate server for consolidation anymore, thus the re-check. if status = "ON" and (all? services-here [status = "RUNNING"]) and ((ops-now + ops-rsv) / ops-phy) <= server-cpu-underutil-threshold and ((mem-now + mem-rsv) / mem-phy) <= server-mem-underutil-threshold and ((net-now + net-rsv) / net-phy) <= server-net-underutil-threshold [ ;; For each service here, find a sutiable target server. let migr-list [] let service-count count services-here let keep-searching? true ask services-here [ ;; Identify a suitable server if keep-searching? [ let the-server-set [] (ifelse server-consolidation-strategy = "within-datacenter" [ set the-server-set servers with [ ;; The 'ops/mem/net-cnf' could be changed to other values. who != ([host] of myself) and (any? services-here with [status = "RUNNING"]) and ((ops-now + ops-rsv + [ops-cnf] of myself) / ops-phy) <= server-cpu-underutil-threshold and ((mem-now + mem-rsv + [mem-cnf] of myself) / mem-phy) <= server-mem-underutil-threshold and ((net-now + net-rsv + [net-cnf] of myself) / net-phy) <= server-net-underutil-threshold ] ] server-consolidation-strategy = "within-rack" [ set the-server-set servers with [ who != ([host] of myself) and rack = ([rack] of svr) and (any? services-here with [status = "RUNNING"]) and ((ops-now + ops-rsv + [ops-cnf] of myself) / ops-phy) <= server-cpu-underutil-threshold and ((mem-now + mem-rsv + [mem-cnf] of myself) / mem-phy) <= server-mem-underutil-threshold and ((net-now + net-rsv + [net-cnf] of myself) / net-phy) <= server-net-underutil-threshold ] ] ) ;; If no suitable server could be found for this service, ;; terminate the entire process for the server. Otherwise, ;; reserve resources on the server and mark the service for ;; batch migration. ifelse (count the-server-set) > 0 [ ;; Reserve resources on the server. let candidate find-server the-server-set self ;; Add it to the migr-list set migr-list lput (list who ([who] of candidate)) migr-list set service-count service-count - 1 ] [ set keep-searching? false ] ] ] ;; If not all the services could find a target server, the entire ;; process needs to be rolled back, otherwise, trigger the migration ;; process. ifelse service-count = 0 [ ;; Migrate services foreach migr-list [ x -> ;;show (word "migr-list: " (first x) " " (last x)) migrate-service (first x) (last x) ] set sys-current-migration-event-due-to-consolidation (length migr-list) set sys-accumulated-migration-event-due-to-consolidation sys-accumulated-migration-event-due-to-consolidation + sys-current-migration-event-due-to-consolidation ] [ ;; Roll back foreach migr-list [ x -> ask server (last x) [ set ops-rsv ops-rsv - ([ops-cnf] of service (first x)) set mem-rsv mem-rsv - ([mem-cnf] of service (first x)) set net-rsv net-rsv - ([net-cnf] of service (first x)) ;; When reserving resources on 'IDLE' or 'OFF' servers, the status ;; of the server will be changed to 'READY', thus the rolling back ;; process here is needed. if (ops-rsv = 0 and mem-rsv = 0 and net-rsv = 0 and ops-now = 0 and mem-now = 0 and net-now = 0) [ set status "IDLE" ] ;; When reserving resources on 'IDLE' or 'OFF' servers, the status of the server will ] ] ] ] ] ] ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Calculating service migration related metrics including time, ;; required bandwidth, and migration speed for visualization. This will be ;; based on the current available network bandwidth between the source and destination, and the ;; destination, and the size of the busy memory, which can be jointly ;; determined by the size of the currently used memory (i.e., mem-now) and ;; the memory access rate specified by the service attribute 'access-ratio'. ;; The is also the life time for the replicas of migrants. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-service' : the migranting service. ;; 'the-dest-svr' : the destination server for the migranting service. ;;============================================================================;; to-report calc-migr-metrics [ the-service the-dest-svr ] let mem-footprint ([mem-now * access-ratio] of the-service) let hosting-svr server ([host] of the-service) let available-bw-current-svr ([net-phy - net-now - net-rsv] of hosting-svr) let available-bw-dest-svr ([net-phy - net-now - net-rsv] of the-dest-svr) let max-bw-for-the-service ([net-cnf] of the-service) ;; This the maximum possible network bandwidth that can be used for the ;; migration of the service. let p-to-p-bw min (list available-bw-current-svr available-bw-dest-svr max-bw-for-the-service) if p-to-p-bw <= 10 [ set p-to-p-bw 10 ] ;; The time is in second, but converted to 'simulation-time-unit'. ;; The time is also the life-time of the replicas of the migrating ;; service. let time-needed ((mem-footprint / p-to-p-bw) / (simulation-time-unit * 60)) let migr-speed 1 if show-migr-move? [ let dist-to-dest (distancexy [xcor] of the-dest-svr [ycor] of the-dest-svr) ;; show (word "src-dest svrs distance: " dist-to-dest) ;; A simplified sigmod function for computational efficiency let a-factor dist-to-dest * time-needed ifelse a-factor > 5 [ set migr-speed 1.0 + 0.4 ] [ set migr-speed (1 / (1 + (exp a-factor)) + 0.4)] ] report (list time-needed p-to-p-bw migr-speed) end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Migrating a single service to its destination server. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-service-id' : the agent ID of the migrant. ;; 'the-dest-svr-id' : the agent ID of the desination server. ;;============================================================================;; to migrate-service [ the-service-id the-dest-svr-id ] let the-service (service the-service-id) let the-dest-svr (server the-dest-svr-id) let the-host-svr (server ([host] of the-service)) let migr-metrics calc-migr-metrics the-service the-dest-svr ;; show (word "migr metrics: " migr-metrics) ifelse (item 0 migr-metrics) <= simulation-time-unit [ ;; Calculate the energy consumed by the replica on the current hosting server. let ops-t1 ([ops-now] of the-host-svr) let ops-t2 (([ops-now] of the-service) + ([ops-now] of the-host-svr)) calc-power-with-fraction-time-unit ops-t1 ops-t2 ([model] of the-host-svr) ] [ ask the-service [ ;; This hatched service will inherits all the property of 'the-service'. ;; It stays on the current hosting server until dies. hatch-services 1 [ set xcor ([xcor] of the-host-svr) set ycor ([ycor] of the-host-svr) set life-time (item 0 migr-metrics) set status "MIGRATING" ;; indicating this is a service moving out of the server. set net-now (item 1 migr-metrics) ;; This is the network bandwidth used to migrate the service ] ] ] ;; Move the service to the destination server ask the-service [ if show-migr-move? [ hatch-vis-agents 1 [ set color cyan set xcor ([xcor] of myself) set ycor ([ycor] of myself) set shape "circle 2" set color orange set size 1 set to-svr the-dest-svr-id set from-svr [who] of the-host-svr set moving-speed (item 2 migr-metrics) ] ] move-to the-dest-svr set host ([who] of the-dest-svr) set status "DEPLOYED" ;; This ensures the server frees the reserved resources for the service. ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; When a service has less than one 'simulation-time-unit', the calculation ;; of the energy consumption for the service will be treated specially. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-ops-t1' : the 'ops-now' of the server without the service. ;; 'the-ops-t2' : the 'ops-now of the server with the service. ;; 'the-svr-model': the model of the server. ;;============================================================================;; to calc-power-with-fraction-time-unit [ the-ops-t1 the-ops-t2 the-svr-model ] let power-prev calc-energy-consumption the-ops-t1 the-svr-model let power-post calc-energy-consumption the-ops-t2 the-svr-model let diff power-post - power-prev ;; show (word "Energy consumed by migrant replicas with a fraction of lift-time: " diff) set sys-power-consumption-total sys-power-consumption-total + ((diff * simulation-time-unit) / (60 * 1000)) end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Migrating services out of the over-utilized servers. A constituent ;; over-utilized server is a server on which any of the CPU/MEM/NET resource ;; utilization is above a threshold specified by the global variable ;; 'server-cpu/mem/net-utilization-threshold'. In addition, the server must ;; not have any reserved resources, i.e., ops/mem/net-rsv. The reason behind ;; this is that reserved resources are for those (1) services that are ;; migrating to other servers, or (2) newly scheduled services that are on ;; their way to the server. Additionally, no services running on the server ;; should have 'MIGR-OUT' status. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-server' : a server that has status = 'OVERLOAD'. ;;============================================================================;; to auto-migrate [ the-server ] ask the-server [ let current-svr-ress (list ops-now mem-now net-now) let svr-phy-ress (list ops-phy mem-phy net-phy) ;; We should not consider services with status = 'MIGRATING', ;; as they are flowing out or in. let running-services services-here with [ status = "RUNNING" ] let sorted-services [] (ifelse auto-migration-strategy = "least-migration-time" [ set sorted-services (sort-on [mem-now * access-ratio] running-services) ] auto-migration-strategy = "least-migration-number" [ let ops-ratio ops-now / ops-phy let net-ratio net-now / net-phy let mem-ratio mem-now / mem-phy let max-res (max (list ops-ratio net-ratio mem-ratio)) (ifelse ;; we consider the mem the last ops-ratio = max-res [ set sorted-services (sort-on [ops-now] running-services) ] net-ratio = max-res [ set sorted-services (sort-on [net-now] running-services) ] mem-ratio = max-res [ set sorted-services (sort-on [mem-now] running-services) ] ) ] ) let utilization-thresholds (list server-cpu-overutil-threshold server-mem-overutil-threshold server-net-overutil-threshold) let continue? true let event-counter 0 foreach sorted-services [ x -> if continue? [ let service-res-list (list ([ops-now] of x) ([mem-now] of x) ([net-now] of x)) let now-level (map / current-svr-ress svr-phy-ress) let now-cmp (map < now-level utilization-thresholds) ;; pay attention to this ifelse (not (reduce and now-cmp)) [ let the-server-set [] set the-server-set servers with [ who != ([host] of x) and ((ops-now + ops-rsv + [ops-cnf] of x) / ops-phy) <= server-cpu-underutil-threshold and ((mem-now + mem-rsv + [mem-cnf] of x) / mem-phy) <= server-mem-underutil-threshold and ((net-now + net-rsv + [net-cnf] of x) / net-phy) <= server-net-underutil-threshold ] if server-consolidation-strategy = "within-rack" [ let rack-id [rack] of (server ([host] of x)) set the-server-set the-server-set with [rack = rack-id] ] let candidate find-server the-server-set x if candidate != nobody [ set current-svr-ress (map - current-svr-ress service-res-list) migrate-service [who] of x [who] of candidate set event-counter event-counter + 1 ] ] [ set continue? false ] ] ] set sys-current-migration-event-due-to-auto-migration event-counter set sys-accumulated-migration-event-due-to-auto-migration sys-accumulated-migration-event-due-to-auto-migration + event-counter ] end ;; ;; ;;############################################################################;; ;; END: Server Consolidation ;;############################################################################;; ;; ;; ;;############################################################################;; ;; START: Utility Functions ;;############################################################################;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; When services requiring more resources but their requests can't be satisfied ;; by the underlying hosting server, the performance of the services will be ;; affected. In this case, all services on the server will be penalized based ;; on how much total excessive resources were requested. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-res-diff' : this input is a list that contains the differences ;; between the currently used resources (ops/mem/net-now) ;; and the previous resource usage (ops/mem/net-prev) of ;; each running service on the server. ;; 'the-ext-unit' : it is a normalized amounts of units that have exceeded ;; the available physical resources of the server. It is ;; calculated as follows: (sum(ops/mem/net) of all running ;; services - the resources occupied by the services who ;; are migrating out of the server - the total available ;; resources of the server) divided by the total available ;; resources of the server. ;; 'the-res-min' : this input indicates the minimum value of 'the-res-diff'. ;;============================================================================;; to-report apply-penalty [ the-res-diff the-ext-unit the-res-min ] let res-diff-scale [] let sum-diff 0 foreach the-res-diff [ x -> let scaler (the-res-min + last x) set res-diff-scale lput (list (first x) scaler) res-diff-scale set sum-diff sum-diff + scaler ] let res-diff-scaled-unit [] foreach res-diff-scale [ x -> set res-diff-scaled-unit lput (list (first x) ((last x) * the-ext-unit / sum-diff)) res-diff-scaled-unit ] report res-diff-scaled-unit end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Each service is assigned to one of the schedulers, conditioning on the ;; configuration set out for the datacenter. ;; ;; Scenario 1: ;; The datacenter contains heterogeneous resources/configurations, specifed ;; by the global variable 'datacenter-level-heterogeneity? = ON', each ;; rack also has mixed types of servers specified by the global variable ;; 'rack-level-heterogeneity? = OFF', and the 'resource-pattern-matching' ;; strategy is selected from the 'service-submission-strategy' dropdown list, ;; then the service will be assigned to a scheduler with the best matching ;; scores. The two tuples are then the required resources of the ;; service and the available resource of the rack, respectively. ;; ;; Scenario 2: ;; The datacenter contains heterogeneous resources/configurations specified by ;; the global variable 'datacenter-level-heterogeneity? = ON', each rack has ;; only one type of servers specified by 'rack-level-heterogeneity? = OFF', ;; and the 'resource-pattern-matching' strategy is selected from the ;; 'service-submission-strategy', then the service will be assigned to a ;; scheduler with the best matching scores. The two tuples are then ;; the required resources of the service and the configured resources of one ;; of the servers in the rack, respectively. ;; ;; Scenario 3: ;; The datacenter contains homogeneous resources/configurations specified by ;; 'datacenter-level-heterogeneity? = OFF'. In this case the ;; 'rack-level-heterogeneity?'and the 'service-submission-strategy' will not ;; be evaluated. The service to scheduler assignment will fallback to the ;; 'closest' strategy, i.e., send the service to its closest scheduler measured ;; by the distance between the service and a scheduler. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-service' : the service to be assigned to one of the available ;; schedulers. ;;============================================================================;; to-report calc-resource-pattern [ the-service ] let suggested-candidate-id -1 (ifelse not datacenter-level-heterogeneity? [ set suggested-candidate-id [who] of (min-one-of schedulers [distance the-service]) ] [ let min-score 1 ;; The smaller, the better ask schedulers [ let rack-id id let matching-score 1 ifelse rack-level-heterogeneity? [ set matching-score calc-resource-pattern-matching-score ;; The function (list ([ops-cnf] of the-service) ([mem-cnf] of the-service) ([net-cnf] of the-service)) ;; The first input to the function calc-servers-available-resources (servers with [ rack = rack-id ]) ;; The second input to the function ] [ let any-svr one-of servers with [ rack = rack-id ] set matching-score calc-resource-pattern-matching-score ;; The funciton (list ([ops-cnf] of the-service) ([mem-cnf] of the-service) ([net-cnf] of the-service)) ;; The first input to the function (list ([ops-phy] of any-svr) ([mem-phy] of any-svr) ([net-phy] of any-svr)) ;; The second input to the function ] if matching-score < min-score [ set min-score matching-score set suggested-candidate-id who ] ] ] ) report suggested-candidate-id end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Calculate the current total available resources of a given rack. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-server-set' : a set of servers in a given rack. ;;============================================================================;; to-report calc-servers-available-resources [ the-server-set ] let sum-ops 0 let sum-mem 0 let sum-net 0 ask the-server-set [ set sum-ops (sum-ops + (ops-phy - ops-now - ops-rsv)) set sum-mem (sum-mem + (mem-phy - mem-now - mem-rsv)) set sum-net (sum-net + (net-phy - net-now - net-rsv)) ] report (list sum-ops sum-mem sum-net) end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Reset server status when setting it to 'IDLE' or 'OFF' or first created. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-server' : a server. ;;============================================================================;; to reset-server [ the-server ] ask the-server [ set ops-now 0 set mem-now 0 set net-now 0 set ops-rsv 0 set mem-rsv 0 set net-rsv 0 set ops-hist 0 set mem-hist 0 set net-hist 0 ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; This procedure quantifies the difference between different types of ;; resources with different sizes and scales. ;; Given two resource tuples 'the-service--ress (CPU, MEM, NET) and ;; the total available resources of the rack (aCPU, aMEM, aNET), the pattern ;; matching score is calculated as follows: ;; max(CPU/aCPU, MEM/aMEM, NET/aNET) - min(CPU/aCPU, MEM/aMEM, NET/aNET') ;; The rationale behind this method is that if the difference between the ;; ratio of different types of resources are close to each other, it will ;; indicate the resources of different types are used more evenly. ;; The procedure is mainly used to find a suitable scheduler for a newly ;; generated service. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-service-ress' : a list that contains the required resources of the ;; service. ;; 'the-rack-ress' : a list that contains the aggregated available ;; resources of the rack. ;;============================================================================;; to-report calc-resource-pattern-matching-score [ the-service-ress the-rack-ress ] let norm-tuple (map / the-service-ress the-rack-ress) report (max norm-tuple - min norm-tuple) end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; At each 'tick', each server will update its power consumption. The power ;; consumed by a server is determined by the total 'ops' consumed at the ;; moment, i.e., the 'ops-now'. ;; Depending on the manufacture and the model, each server may have a different ;; energy consumption pattern. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-workload' : the total computing power used at the moment. ;; 'the-model' : the server model. ;;============================================================================;; to-report calc-power-consumption-stepwise [ the-workload the-model ] ;; Benchmark information were collected from let power-consumption 0 (ifelse the-model = 1 ;; HP Enterprise ProLiant DL110 Gen10 Plus [ (ifelse ;; CPU Utilization 100% ~ 90% the-workload >= 2996610 [ set power-consumption (0.00006841 * the-workload + 72.001) ] ;; CPU Utilization 90% ~ 80% the-workload >= 2663920 [ set power-consumption (0.00014127 * the-workload - 146.3391) ] ;; CPU Utilization 80% ~ 70% the-workload >= 2323252 [ set power-consumption (0.00010861 * the-workload - 59.3287) ] ;; CPU Utilization 70% ~ 60% the-workload >= 1991168 [ set power-consumption (0.000066248 * the-workload + 39.0885) ] ;; CPU Utilization 60% ~ 50% the-workload >= 1662976 [ set power-consumption (0.000051799 * the-workload + 67.8596) ] ;; CPU Utilization 50% ~ 40% the-workload >= 1330630 [ set power-consumption (0.000039116 * the-workload + 88.9513) ] ;; CPU Utilization 40% ~ 30% the-workload >= 997346 [ set power-consumption (0.00003601 * the-workload + 93.0902) ] ;; CPU Utilization 30% ~ 20% the-workload >= 668831 [ set power-consumption (0.000039572 * the-workload + 89.533 ) ] ;; CPU Utilization 20% ~ 10% the-workload >= 331877 [ set power-consumption (0.000038581 * the-workload + 90.1959 ) ] ;; CPU Utilization 10% ~ 0% the-workload >= 0 [ set power-consumption (0.000026817 * the-workload + 94.1) ] ) ] the-model = 2 ;; Lenovo Global Technology ThinkSystem SR655 [ (ifelse the-workload >= 5520918 [ set power-consumption (0.000053905 * the-workload - 101.6066) ] the-workload >= 4875441 [ set power-consumption (0.000037182 * the-workload - 9.2777) ] the-workload >= 4287820 [ set power-consumption (0.000020421 * the-workload + 72.437) ] the-workload >= 3672211 [ set power-consumption (0.000016244 * the-workload + 90.3483) ] the-workload >= 3069128 [ set power-consumption (0.000016581 * the-workload + 89.1094) ] the-workload >= 2453590 [ set power-consumption (0.000016246 * the-workload + 90.1391) ] the-workload >= 1839277 [ set power-consumption (0.000016278 * the-workload + 90.0596) ] the-workload >= 1229720 [ set power-consumption (0.000018046 * the-workload + 86.8086) ] the-workload >= 613931 [ set power-consumption (0.000017538 * the-workload + 87.4326) ] the-workload >= 0 [ set power-consumption (0.000073624 * the-workload + 53.0) ] ) ] the-model = 3 ;; Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX2530 M6 [ (ifelse the-workload >= 6814856 [ set power-consumption (0.00010672 * the-workload - 228.2503) ] the-workload >= 6047198 [ set power-consumption (0.000071646 * the-workload + 10.7395) ] the-workload >= 5292424 [ set power-consumption (0.000084794 * the-workload - 68.7637) ] the-workload >= 4535904 [ set power-consumption (0.000058161 * the-workload + 72.187) ] the-workload >= 3781094 [ set power-consumption (0.000045044 * the-workload + 131.6827) ] the-workload >= 3031768 [ set power-consumption (0.000037367 * the-workload + 160.7122) ] the-workload >= 2279204 [ set power-consumption (0.000034549 * the-workload + 169.2568) ] the-workload >= 1516364 [ set power-consumption (0.000035394 * the-workload + 167.3297) ] the-workload >= 758504 [ set power-consumption (0.000035627 * the-workload + 166.9771) ] the-workload >= 0 [ set power-consumption (0.000083058 * the-workload + 131.0) ] ) ] the-model = 4 ;; New H3C Technologies Co. Ltd. H3C UniServer R4900 G5 [ (ifelse the-workload >= 7329609 [ set power-consumption (0.000084383 * the-workload - 77.4948) ] the-workload >= 6523038 [ set power-consumption (0.0001463 * the-workload - 531.3096) ] the-workload >= 5705607 [ set power-consumption (0.000070954 * the-workload - 39.8356) ] the-workload >= 4893456 [ set power-consumption (0.000049252 * the-workload + 83.9879) ] the-workload >= 4075795 [ set power-consumption (0.000042805 * the-workload + 115.5355) ] the-workload >= 3255610 [ set power-consumption (0.000028042 * the-workload + 175.7047) ] the-workload >= 2445686 [ set power-consumption (0.000030867 * the-workload + 166.5088) ] the-workload >= 1634538 [ set power-consumption (0.000033286 * the-workload + 160.5925) ] the-workload >= 813621 [ set power-consumption (0.000038981 * the-workload + 151.2844) ] the-workload >= 0 [ set power-consumption (0.000078661 * the-workload + 119.0) ] ) ] the-model = 5 ;; Inspur Corporation Inspur NF8480M6 [ (ifelse the-workload >= 10444641 [ set power-consumption (0.0001007 * the-workload - 155.7673) ] the-workload >= 9274428 [ set power-consumption (0.00010425 * the-workload - 192.9011) ] the-workload >= 8127807 [ set power-consumption (0.00012907 * the-workload - 423.0959) ] the-workload >= 6973093 [ set power-consumption (0.00008487 * the-workload - 63.8029) ] the-workload >= 5799377 [ set power-consumption (0.000065604 * the-workload + 70.54) ] the-workload >= 4643659 [ set power-consumption (0.000058838 * the-workload + 109.7769) ] the-workload >= 3480205 [ set power-consumption (0.000045554 * the-workload + 171.4627) ] the-workload >= 2317053 [ set power-consumption (0.000039548 * the-workload + 192.3659) ] the-workload >= 1159866 [ set power-consumption (0.000038887 * the-workload + 193.8958) ] the-workload >= 0 [ set power-consumption (0.00011639 * the-workload + 104.0) ] ) ] the-model = 6 ;; Dell Inc. PowerEdge R6515 [ (ifelse the-workload >= 5527289 [ set power-consumption (0.000021775 * the-workload + 97.6435) ] the-workload >= 4907530 [ set power-consumption (0.000017749 * the-workload + 119.8971) ] the-workload >= 4289422 [ set power-consumption (0.000021032 * the-workload + 103.7852) ] the-workload >= 3681028 [ set power-consumption (0.000021368 * the-workload + 102.3448) ] the-workload >= 3056053 [ set power-consumption (0.000019201 * the-workload + 110.3214) ] the-workload >= 2459905 [ set power-consumption (0.000013419 * the-workload + 127.9893) ] the-workload >= 1840829 [ set power-consumption (0.000017768 * the-workload + 117.2914) ] the-workload >= 1224553 [ set power-consumption (0.000017849 * the-workload + 117.1428) ] the-workload >= 613770 [ set power-consumption (0.000026196 * the-workload + 106.9218) ] the-workload >= 0 [ set power-consumption (0.00011161 * the-workload + 54.5) ] ) ] the-model = 7 ;; LSDtech L224S-D/F/V-1 [ (ifelse the-workload >= 2073591 [ set power-consumption (0.00011173 * the-workload + 175.317) ] the-workload >= 1841179 [ set power-consumption (0.00013769 * the-workload + 121.4945) ] the-workload >= 1612999 [ set power-consumption (0.00018845 * the-workload + 28.034) ] the-workload >= 1380996 [ set power-consumption (0.00015517 * the-workload + 81.7103) ] the-workload >= 1154911 [ set power-consumption (0.00012827 * the-workload + 118.8592) ] the-workload >= 924044 [ set power-consumption (0.00011262 * the-workload + 136.9351) ] the-workload >= 692791 [ set power-consumption (0.00010811 * the-workload + 141.1046) ] the-workload >= 462327 [ set power-consumption (0.000091121 * the-workload + 152.8725) ] the-workload >= 229125 [ set power-consumption (0.000077186 * the-workload + 159.3147) ] the-workload >= 0 [ set power-consumption (0.00020076 * the-workload + 131.0) ] ) ] the-model = 8 ;; ASUSTeK Computer Inc. RS700A-E9-RS4V2 [ (ifelse the-workload >= 10583175 [ set power-consumption (0.000026811 * the-workload + 116.2591) ] the-workload >= 9385781 [ set power-consumption (0.000023384 * the-workload + 152.5218) ] the-workload >= 8227893 [ set power-consumption (0.000024182 * the-workload + 145.0334) ] the-workload >= 7055617 [ set power-consumption (0.00002815 * the-workload + 112.3818) ] the-workload >= 5878359 [ set power-consumption (0.00001444 * the-workload + 209.1145) ] the-workload >= 4698054 [ set power-consumption (0.000020334 * the-workload + 174.4711) ] the-workload >= 3528516 [ set power-consumption (0.000022231 * the-workload + 165.5576) ] the-workload >= 2352022 [ set power-consumption (0.00001445 * the-workload + 193.014) ] the-workload >= 1176164 [ set power-consumption (0.000025513 * the-workload + 166.9922) ] the-workload >= 0 [ set power-consumption (0.00007737 * the-workload + 106.0) ] ) ] [ ;; Random Servers. Power consumption is assumed to increase with workloads linearly. ;; The model is based on Dell PowerEdge R6515 server using simple linear regression. if the-workload >= 0 [ set power-consumption (0.000023346 * the-workload + 94.5591) ] ] ) report power-consumption end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Simple Linear Regression Model ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-workload' : the total computing power used at the moment. ;; 'the-model' : the server model. ;;============================================================================;; to-report calc-power-consumption-simple [ the-workload the-model ] ;; Benchmark information were collected from let power-consumption 0 (ifelse the-model = 1 ;; HP Enterprise ProLiant DL110 Gen10 Plus [ set power-consumption (72.37 + 0.00006076 * the-workload) ] the-model = 2 ;; Lenovo Global Technology ThinkSystem SR655 [ set power-consumption (70.66 + 0.00002313 * the-workload) ] the-model = 3 ;; Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX2530 M6 [ set power-consumption (125.2 + 0.00005361 * the-workload) ] the-model = 4 ;; New H3C Technologies Co. Ltd. H3C UniServer R4900 G5 [ set power-consumption (106.7 + 0.00005369 * the-workload) ] the-model = 5 ;; Inspur Corporation Inspur NF8480M6 [ set power-consumption (85.69 + 0.00007339 * the-workload) ] the-model = 6 ;; Dell Inc. PowerEdge R6515 [ set power-consumption (94.56 + 0.00002335 * the-workload) ] the-model = 7 ;; LSDtech L224S-D/F/V-1 [ set power-consumption (131.0 + 0.0001285 * the-workload) ] the-model = 8 ;; ASUSTeK Computer Inc. RS700A-E9-RS4V2 [ set power-consumption (149.0 + 0.00002409 * the-workload) ] [ ;; Random Servers. Power consumption is assumed to increase with workloads linearly. ;; The model is based on Dell PowerEdge R6515 server using simple linear regression. if the-workload >= 0 [ set power-consumption (0.000023346 * the-workload + 94.5591) ] ] ) report power-consumption end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Quadratic Model ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-workload' : the total computing power used at the moment. ;; 'the-model' : the server model. ;;============================================================================;; to-report calc-power-consumption-quadratic [ the-workload the-model ] ;; Benchmark information were collected from let power-consumption 0 (ifelse the-model = 1 ;; HP Enterprise ProLiant DL110 Gen10 Plus [ set power-consumption (99.59 + 0.000006182 * the-workload + 0.00000000001642 * (the-workload ^ 2)) ] the-model = 2 ;; Lenovo Global Technology ThinkSystem SR655 [ set power-consumption (72.45 + 0.00002118 * the-workload + 0.0000000000003178 * (the-workload ^ 2)) ] the-model = 3 ;; Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX2530 M6 [ set power-consumption (158.0 + 0.00002481 * the-workload + 0.000000000003803 * (the-workload ^ 2)) ] the-model = 4 ;; New H3C Technologies Co. Ltd. H3C UniServer R4900 G5 [ set power-consumption (155.0 + 0.00001405 * the-workload + 0.000000000004869 * (the-workload ^ 2)) ] the-model = 5 ;; Inspur Corporation Inspur NF8480M6 [ set power-consumption (156.5 + 0.00003258 * the-workload + 0.000000000003526 * (the-workload ^ 2)) ] the-model = 6 ;; Dell Inc. PowerEdge R6515 [ set power-consumption (79.69 + 0.00003951 * the-workload - 0.000000000002637 * (the-workload ^ 2)) ] the-model = 7 ;; LSDtech L224S-D/F/V-1 [ set power-consumption (141.6 + 0.00009763 * the-workload + 0.00000000001344 * (the-workload ^ 2)) ] the-model = 8 ;; ASUSTeK Computer Inc. RS700A-E9-RS4V2 [ set power-consumption (137.4 + 0.00003067 * the-workload - 0.0000000000005613 * (the-workload ^ 2)) ] [ ;; Random Servers. Power consumption is assumed to increase with workloads linearly. ;; The model is based on Dell PowerEdge R6515 server using simple linear regression. if the-workload >= 0 [ set power-consumption (0.000023346 * the-workload + 94.5591) ] ] ) report power-consumption end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Cubic Polynomial Model ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; 'the-workload' : the total computing power used at the moment. ;; 'the-model' : the server model. ;;============================================================================;; to-report calc-power-consumption-cubic [ the-workload the-model ] ;; benchmark information were collected from let power-consumption 0 (ifelse the-model = 1 ;; HP Enterprise ProLiant DL110 Gen10 Plus [ set power-consumption (94.47 + 0.00003075 * the-workload - 0.000000000003008 * (the-workload ^ 2) + 0.000000000000000003904 * (the-workload ^ 3)) ] the-model = 2 ;; Lenovo Global Technology ThinkSystem SR655 [ set power-consumption (57.96 + 0.00005883 * the-workload - 0.00000000001581 * (the-workload ^ 2) + 0.000000000000000001757 * (the-workload ^ 3)) ] the-model = 3 ;; Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX2530 M6 [ set power-consumption (138.5 + 0.00006557 * the-workload - 0.00000000001031 * (the-workload ^ 2) + 0.000000000000000001243 * (the-workload ^ 3)) ] the-model = 4 ;; New H3C Technologies Co. Ltd. H3C UniServer R4900 G5 [ set power-consumption (124.4 + 0.00007396 * the-workload - 0.00000000001445 * (the-workload ^ 2) + 0.000000000000000001583 * (the-workload ^ 3)) ] the-model = 5 ;; Inspur Corporation Inspur NF8480M6 [ set power-consumption (130.1 + 0.00006889 * the-workload - 0.000000000004712 * (the-workload ^ 2) + 0.0000000000000000004750 * (the-workload ^ 3)) ] the-model = 6 ;; Dell Inc. PowerEdge R6515 [ set power-consumption (66.12 + 0.00007478 * the-workload - 0.00000000001774 * (the-workload ^ 2) + 0.000000000000000001644 * (the-workload ^ 3)) ] the-model = 7 ;; LSDtech L224S-D/F/V-1 [ set power-consumption (139.7 + 0.0001108 * the-workload - 0.00000000000161 * (the-workload ^ 2) + 0.000000000000000004365 * (the-workload ^ 3)) ] the-model = 8 ;; ASUSTeK Computer Inc. RS700A-E9-RS4V2 [ set power-consumption (120.1 + 0.00005418 * the-workload - 0.000000000005828 * (the-workload ^ 2) + 0.0000000000000000002999 * (the-workload ^ 3)) ] [ ;; Random Servers. Power consumption is assumed to increase with workloads linearly. ;; The model is based on Dell PowerEdge R6515 server using simple linear regression. if the-workload >= 0 [ set power-consumption (0.000023346 * the-workload + 94.5591) ] ] ) report power-consumption end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Show IDs of all servers. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; None ;;============================================================================;; to show-server-label ifelse show-server-label? [ ask servers [ set label id ] set show-server-label? false ] [ ask servers [ set label "" ] set show-server-label? true ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Show the model of all servers. This is useful when heterogeneous hardware ;; are used in the simulation. ;;--PARAMETERS------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; None ;;============================================================================;; to show-server-model ifelse show-server-model? [ ask servers [ set label model ] set show-server-model? false ] [ ask servers [ set label "" ] set show-server-model? true ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Show IDs of all schedulers. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; None ;;============================================================================;; to show-scheduler-label ifelse show-scheduler-label? [ ask schedulers [ set label id ] set show-scheduler-label? false ] [ ask schedulers [ set label "" ] set show-scheduler-label? true ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Show IDs of all services. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; None ;;============================================================================;; to show-service-label ifelse show-service-label? [ ask services [ set label who set label-color blue - 1 ] set show-service-label? false ] [ ask services [ set label "" ] set show-service-label? true ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Show the number of deployment attempts of all services. This is only ;; useful when the cloud is over crowded. ;;--PARAMETERS----------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; None ;;============================================================================;; to show-service-attempt ifelse show-service-attempt? [ ask services [ set label attempt set label-color blue - 1 ] set show-service-attempt? false ] [ ask services [ set label "" ] set show-service-attempt? true ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; At the end of the simulation, print a summary of the resutls, especially ;; for those recorded global counters. ;;--PARAMETERS------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; None ;;============================================================================;; to print-summary print "==Summary of Results ==========================================================" print "|-- Applications --------------------------------------------------------------" print (word "| Total Number of Services : " total-services) print (word "| Average Service Lifetime (Hour) : " (precision ((sys-service-lifetime-total + sys-accumulated-service-ops-sla-vio + sys-accumulated-service-mem-sla-vio + sys-accumulated-service-net-sla-vio) * simulation-time-unit / (total-services * 60)) 4)) print (word "| Accumulated Number of Migrations (Consolidation) : " sys-accumulated-migration-event-due-to-consolidation) print (word "| Accumulated Number of Migrations (Auto Migration) : " sys-accumulated-migration-event-due-to-auto-migration) print (word "| SLA Violation due to Computing Power Shortage : " (precision round sys-accumulated-service-ops-sla-vio 4)) print (word "| SLA Violation due to Memory Shortage : " (precision round sys-accumulated-service-mem-sla-vio 4)) print (word "| SLA Violation due to Network Bandwidth Shortage : " (precision round sys-accumulated-service-net-sla-vio 4)) print (word "| Total Number of Rescheduled Services : " sys-service-reschedule-counter) print (word "| Total Number of Rejected Services : " sys-service-rejection-counter) print "|-- Servers -------------------------------------------------------------------" print (word "| Total Number of Servers : " (rack-space * total-racks)) print (word "| Total Computing Power Installed (million of ssj-ops): " (precision ((sum [ops-phy] of servers) / 1000000) 4)) print (word "| Total Memory Installed (GB) : " (precision ((sum [mem-phy] of servers) / 1024) 4)) print (word "| Total Network Bandwidth Installed (GBps) : " (precision ((sum [net-phy] of servers) / 1024) 4)) print "|-- Systems ------------------------------------------------------------------" print (word "| Accumulated Power Consumption (Unit) : " (precision (sys-power-consumption-total) 4)) print "==Summary of Results ==========================================================" end ;;############################################################################;; ;; END: Utility Functions ;;############################################################################;; ;; ;; ;;############################################################################;; ;; START: Datacentre Initial Configurations ;;############################################################################;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; The initialization of a datacenter is required when configurations of the ;; simulation have been changed. ;;--PARAMETERS------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; None ;;============================================================================;; to initialize-datacenter build-service-submission-zone deploy-scheduler-nodes deploy-server-nodes end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Creating a service submission zone in the simulation world. ;; Reserving three lines of patches on the top of the world. This place will be ;; used as service submission pool. All newly generated services will be ;; initially placed in this area. The number of patches in this area ;; defines the maximum number of concurrent services that can be submitted ;; at a time. This concurrency is controlled by the global variable ;; 'service-generation-speed'. ;;--PARAMETERS------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; None ;;============================================================================;; to build-service-submission-zone set current-top-cord (current-top-cord - service-submission-zone-height) ask patches with [ pycor > current-top-cord ] [ set pcolor blue + 1 ] set current-top-cord (current-top-cord - service-submission-delay-zone-height - def-sepa-line-width) ask patches with [ pycor = current-top-cord ] [ set pcolor grey ] set current-top-cord (current-top-cord - def-gap-width * 2) end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Creating and placing scheduler nodes. The number of schedulers is determined ;; by the number of racks, i.e., each rack will have a dedicated scheduler. ;;--PARAMETERS------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; None ;;============================================================================;; to deploy-scheduler-nodes let gap ((max-pxcor - 2 - total-racks * 3) / total-racks) let idx 1 let x-cord (gap / 2 + 1) repeat total-racks [ create-schedulers 1 [ set shape "computer server" set ycor current-top-cord set xcor x-cord set color green set size 3 set id idx set capacity scheduler-queue-capacity set ops-hist [] set ops-hist fput 0 ops-hist set mem-hist [] set mem-hist fput 0 mem-hist set net-hist [] set net-hist fput 0 net-hist ] set idx idx + 1 set x-cord (x-cord + gap + 3) ] set current-top-cord current-top-cord - 2 ask patches with [ pycor = current-top-cord ] [ set pcolor grey ] end ;; ;; ;;============================================================================;; ;; Deploying servers in the datacenter. The number of servers are jointly ;; determined by the global variables: 'rack-space' and 'total-racks'. ;;--PARAMETERS------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; None ;;============================================================================;; to deploy-server-nodes let server-models read-from-string server-model let svr-icon-size 2 let h-gap ((max-pxcor - 2 - total-racks * 3) / total-racks) let v-gap ((current-top-cord - 2 - rack-space * 3) / rack-space) let svr-x-cord (h-gap / 2 + 1) let rack-idx 1 let the-svr-model 1 ;; Use server model 1 as default if not empty? server-model [ set the-svr-model first server-models ] repeat total-racks [ let svr-y-cord current-top-cord - 3 if datacenter-level-heterogeneity? and (not empty? server-models) [ set the-svr-model one-of server-models ] let rack-svr-count 0 repeat rack-space [ set rack-svr-count rack-svr-count + 1 if datacenter-level-heterogeneity? and rack-level-heterogeneity? and (not empty? server-models) [ set the-svr-model one-of server-models ] create-servers 1 [ set shape "container" set xcor svr-x-cord set ycor svr-y-cord set size svr-icon-size set id rack-svr-count set rack rack-idx set model the-svr-model set status "OFF" set color white (ifelse ;; Benchmark information were collected from model = 1 [ set ops-phy 3318199 set mem-phy 65536 set net-phy 50000 set base-power 94.1 ] model = 2 [ set ops-phy 6114552 set mem-phy 131072 set net-phy 2000 set base-power 53 ] model = 3 [ set ops-phy 7573884 set mem-phy 262144 set net-phy 4000 set base-power 131 ] model = 4 [ set ops-phy 8135458 set mem-phy 262144 set net-phy 4000 set base-power 119 ] model = 5 [ set ops-phy 11556864 set mem-phy 393216 set net-phy 1000 set base-power 104 ] model = 6 [ set ops-phy 6124305 set mem-phy 65536 set net-phy 2000 set base-power 54.5 ] model = 7 [ set ops-phy 2297344 set mem-phy 200704 set net-phy 2000 set base-power 131 ] model = 8 [ set ops-phy 11702137 set mem-phy 262144 set net-phy 2000 set base-power 106 ] [ set ops-phy 3318199 set mem-phy 65536 set net-phy 50000 set base-power 94.1 ] ) reset-server self ] set svr-y-cord (svr-y-cord - v-gap - 3) ] set svr-x-cord (svr-x-cord + h-gap + 3) set rack-idx rack-idx + 1 ] end ;; ;; ;;############################################################################;; ;; END: Datacentre Initial Configurations ;;############################################################################;;
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