Migration-Land Systems Model
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extensions [ profiler ] globals [ middle-edge ; Two cell wide split between regions month year annual-rainfall-site-1 monthly-rainfall-site-1 annual-rainfall-site-2 monthly-rainfall-site-2 annual-rain-site1-drought annual-rain-site1-low annual-rain-site1-high enviro-function social-function landowned-function ownland-function conflict-function enviro-value-1 social-value-1 landowned-value-1 ownland-value-1 conflict-value-1 enviro-value-2 social-value-2 landowned-value-2 ownland-value-2 conflict-value-2 enviro-value-3 social-value-3 landowned-value-3 ownland-value-3 conflict-value-3 enviro-list social-list landowned-list ownland-list conflict-list ; Lists from 0 to 100 temp-list temp-score upper-bio elev-mean long-dist-moves-total ;;REKHA EDITS ; Used in standardizing the environmental index comfort-threshold migration-tracker tick-max-mig tick-50-mig ] patches-own [ elev soil-color soil-hue monthly-greenness annual-biomass current-biomass biomass-per-cell site-1? site-2? ; Site 1 and 2 could be set with a single binary, but this will be clearer. is-land? owned? core-conflict? near-conflict? conflict-score temp? temp-count ] breed [ people person ] breed [ temp a-temp ] people-own [ local-move-count distant-move-count social-network own-land ; Own-land is now a score of 1, 2 or 3, for low, medium, or high area-1? area-2? origin dist_move ;;;REKHA EDITS env-x social-x landowned-x ownland-x conflict-x env-y social-y landowned-y ownland-y conflict-y comfort-score contentedness-index offtake temp-content conf-loc site-awareness current-score best-local-score best-local-x best-local-y best-distant-score best-distant-x best-distant-y ] to setup clear-all setup-parms setup-landscape set annual-rain-site1-drought [400 420 380 350 310 305 280 350 380 405 410 425] set annual-rain-site1-low [197 231 208 199 198 247 230 250 224 228 249 224] set annual-rain-site1-high [646 585 574 537 624 635 634 604 580 578 626 618] get-annual-rainfall get-monthly-rainfall draw-production setup-people setup-parcels setup-conflict restore-defaults update-display test-to-hide-folks set migration-tracker [] profiler:start reset-ticks end to go ; Each tick is one month ... test-to-hide-folks manage-time if month = 1 [ get-annual-rainfall ] ; Also clears current-biomass (and so biomass-per-cell by extension) get-monthly-rainfall draw-production ; ENVIRONMENT score needs standardized, but the target is changing each month. I'm going to use mean + 2 * standard deviation as the upper limit for 100% ; That way, the score will be able to be near 100% regardless of the month let bio-mean mean [ current-biomass ] of patches with [ is-land? = TRUE ] let bio-sd standard-deviation [ current-biomass ] of patches with [ is-land? = TRUE ] set upper-bio bio-mean + ( 2 * bio-sd ) ask people [ ; Everyone decides whether or not to move each month, and they can move back and forth as they wish (although frequent movements would suggest things are out of balance) set dist_move 0 ;; REKHA EDITS ; First, current location feed-livestock get-independent-vars xcor ycor ; Get the x-axis values. Some will need scaled. get-dependent-vars ; Get the y-axis values. get-score set current-score temp-score ; Second, the local locations repeat 3 [ ; REKHA EDITS Site-awarenes replaced with 3 let x 0 let y 0 set best-local-score -999999 ifelse area-1? = TRUE [ ask one-of patches with [ site-1? = TRUE ] [ ; NOTE sites match set x pxcor set y pycor ] ] [ ask one-of patches with [ site-2? = TRUE ] [ set x pxcor set y pycor ] ] get-independent-vars x y ; Get the x-axis values. Some will need scaled. get-dependent-vars ; Get the y-axis values. get-score if temp-score > best-local-score [ set best-local-score temp-score set best-local-x x set best-local-y y ] ] ; Third, the distant location repeat Site-awareness [ let x 0 let y 0 set best-distant-score -999999 ifelse area-1? = TRUE [ ask one-of patches with [ site-2? = TRUE ] [ ; NOTE sites don't match set x pxcor set y pycor ] ] [ ask one-of patches with [ site-1? = TRUE ] [ set x pxcor set y pycor ] ] get-independent-vars x y ; Get the x-axis values. Some will need scaled. get-dependent-vars ; Get the y-axis values. get-score if temp-score > best-distant-score [ set best-distant-score temp-score set best-distant-x x set best-distant-y y ] ] migrate-decision ; The main integration procedure. ] let temp-mig count people with [origin = 1 and distant-move-count > 0] set migration-tracker lput temp-mig migration-tracker if year = 11 [stop] tick calc-summary ; profiler:stop ; print profiler:report ; stop end to calc-summary let tot-mig map [i -> i + 1] migration-tracker let tot-mig-enh lput (last tot-mig) tot-mig set tot-mig-enh remove-item 0 tot-mig-enh let temp-rate (map [[i j] -> (j - i) / (last tot-mig)] tot-mig tot-mig-enh) let max-rate max temp-rate set tick-max-mig position max-rate temp-rate + 1 let temp-mig-prop map [i -> i / (last tot-mig)] tot-mig let temp-50 map [i -> (i - 0.6)] temp-mig-prop let low [] foreach temp-50 [x -> ifelse x < 0 [set low lput 1 low] [set low lput x low]] set tick-50-mig position (min low) low end to feed-livestock ; Calculate offtake. Assuming each cell is 250 m on a side. set offtake Herd-size * ( ( ( 250 * 0.025 ) * 30 ) * 1000 ) ; Herd x 250 kg x 2.5% per day x 30 days x kg to g let per-cell-offtake offtake / 113 ; NOTE HARDWIRED VALUE THAT EQUALS IN-RADIUS 6. ; Going to try just removing biomass, and if the livestock don't get enough, that is ok, those animals will go hungry. ; IN-RADIUS 6 yields 113 patches. That is a large area - we'll try that. ask patches in-radius 6 [ set biomass-per-cell biomass-per-cell - per-cell-offtake if biomass-per-cell < 0 [ set biomass-per-cell 0 ] set current-biomass biomass-per-cell / ( 250 * 250 ) ] end to get-score set comfort-score ( enviro-weight * env-y ) + ( social-weight * social-y ) + ( landowned-weight * landowned-y ) + ( ownland-weight * ownland-y ) + ( conflict-weight * conflict-y) set temp-score comfort-score if Debug? = TRUE [ output-type who output-type " In area 1? " output-type area-1? output-type " In area 2? " output-type area-2? output-type " Comfort Score: " output-type precision comfort-score 1 output-type " Contentedness: " output-type precision contentedness-index 1 output-type " Env-Y: " output-type precision env-y 2 output-type " Social-Y: " output-type precision social-y 2 output-type " Land Owned-Y: " output-type precision landowned-y 2 output-type " Own Land-Y: " output-type precision ownland-y 2 output-type " Conflict-Y: " output-print precision conflict-y 2 ] end to migrate-decision ; SET THE MAXIMUM COMFORT SCORE to be able to calculate the deviation from the maximum score, to be incorporated into the contentedness score. ; set comfort-score = ( enviro-weight * env-y ) + ( social-weight * social-y ) + ( landowned-weight * landowned-y ) + ( ownland-weight * ownland-y ) + ( conflict-weight * conflict-y) let max-score ( enviro-weight * 100 ) + ( social-weight * 100 ) + ( landowned-weight * 100 ) + ( ownland-weight * 100 ) + ( conflict-weight * 100 ) ; Return the comfort score and x and y values to the local (current) position. These may change, but comfort-score is used and is only relevant locally, so it needs to be updated. get-independent-vars xcor ycor get-dependent-vars get-score if comfort-score < comfort-threshold [ set contentedness-index contentedness-index - ( max-score - comfort-score ) set temp-content contentedness-index ; type "CONTENTED: " type " CONTENTEDNESS INDEX " type contentedness-index type "Comfort threshold: " type Comfort-threshold type " MAX SCORE " type max-score type " COMFORT SCORE " print comfort-score ] ; People in great spots don't move, but their contentedness indices can plumet FAR below zero (e.g., -10,000). ; There should be some chance that people will move when they are in nice locations but have contentedness indices less than 0. if contentedness-index <= 0 [ ; MAY NOT MOVE if scores are not adequately high ifelse ( best-local-score > ( current-score + Short-migration-threshold ) ) or ( random-float 1.0 < 0.1 ) [ ; Move locally, within the site in question setxy best-local-x best-local-y right random 360 forward 0.5 set contentedness-index ( Contentedness-reset-multiplier * max-score ) set local-move-count local-move-count + 1 set size size + 0.2 ] [ if ( best-distant-score > ( current-score + Long-migration-threshold ) ) ; NO ... DON'T FORCE LONG-DISTANCE MIGRATION REGARDLESS OF CONTENTEDNESS-INDEX or ( random-float 1.0 < 0.05 ) [ setxy best-distant-x best-distant-y right random 360 forward 0.5 set area-1? not area-1? set area-2? not area-2? set contentedness-index ( Contentedness-reset-multiplier * max-score ) set distant-move-count distant-move-count + 1 set size size + 0.2 set dist_move 1 ] ] ] ; Update the X and Y values. The values are updated as movements are considered, and so can be out of balance relative to the current location. This isn't required, but will help align values stored with the local site. ; type "CONTENTED: CONFLICT " type conflict-y type " CONTENTEDNESS INDEX " type contentedness-index type " MAX SCORE " type max-score type " COMFORT SCORE " print comfort-score get-independent-vars xcor ycor get-dependent-vars get-score end to get-independent-vars [ x y ] let ex 0 let l 0 let c 0 ask patch x y [ ; set ex monthly-greenness * 0.3921 set ex ( current-biomass / upper-bio ) * 100.0 if ex > 100 [ set ex 100 ] ifelse x < middle-edge [ set l Land-owned-site-1 ] [ set l Land-owned-site-2 ] set c conflict-score ] set env-x ex set social-x social-network set landowned-x l if own-land = 1 [ set ownland-x 20 ] if own-land = 2 [ set ownland-x 50 ] if own-land = 3 [ set ownland-x 80 ] set conflict-x c end to get-dependent-vars set env-y item int ( env-x ) enviro-list set social-y item int ( social-x ) social-list set conflict-y item int ( conflict-x ) conflict-list set landowned-y item int ( landowned-x ) landowned-list set ownland-y item int ( ownland-x ) ownland-list if Debug? [ type "Xs Person: " type who type " Env: " type precision env-x 2 type " Social: " type precision social-x 2 type " Landowned: " type landowned-x type " Own land: " type ownland-x type " Conflict: " print conflict-x type "Ys Person: " type who type " Env: " type precision env-y 2 type " Social: " type precision social-y 2 type " Landowned: " type landowned-y type " Own land: " type ownland-y type " Conflict: " print conflict-y print " " ] end to-report alint [ var x ] ; NOTE...NOTE: Assuming linear connections between individual points in the curves let x1 floor x let y1 item x1 var let x2 ceiling x let y2 item x2 var let x-remain x - x1 ; Get remainder. It will aways be a fractional measure given that x2 - x1 is always 1. let y y1 + ( ( y2 - y1 ) * x-remain ) report y end to draw-production let per-meter 250 * 250 ask patches with [ is-land? = TRUE ] [ let c biomass-per-cell / per-meter set pcolor scale-color green c 0 600 ] end to manage-time set month month + 1 if month = 13 [ set month 1 set year year + 1 ] end to get-annual-rainfall ; Making use of Deshmukh (2008) A common relationship between precipitation and grassland peak biomass for East and Southern Africa. Af. Journal of Ecology 22:181-186. set annual-rainfall-site-1 random-normal Average-precipitation-Site-1 Precipitation-CV-Site-1 ;set annual-rainfall-site-1 item year annual-rain-site1-drought ;; REKHA EDITS if annual-rainfall-site-1 < 100 [ set annual-rainfall-site-1 100 ; Or set a higher minimum value? ... YES, setting a higher amount ] ifelse Use-the-same-climate-for-both-sites? = FALSE [ set annual-rainfall-site-2 random-normal Average-precipitation-Site-2 Precipitation-CV-Site-2 if annual-rainfall-site-2 < 100 [ set annual-rainfall-site-2 100 ; Or set a higher minimum value? ] ] [ set annual-rainfall-site-2 annual-rainfall-site-1 ] ask patches with [ is-land? = TRUE ] [ set current-biomass 0 ; Biomass is not held over between years. ; MODIFYING ANNUAL BIOMASS to incorporate the spatial texture. Using ELEV for that. This will include a hardwired stretch value if site-1? = TRUE [ set annual-biomass ( 8.4888 * annual-rainfall-site-1 - 195.768 ) / 10.0 ; Divide 10 to convert to g / m2 from kg / ha ] if site-2? = TRUE [ set annual-biomass ( 8.4888 * annual-rainfall-site-2 - 195.768 ) / 10.0 ; Divide 10 to convert to g / m2 from kg / ha ] let modifier elev / elev-mean * 1.0 set annual-biomass annual-biomass * modifier ] end to get-monthly-rainfall ; Brute force to determine seasonality. Coefficients should sum to 1.0 if month = 1 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-1 annual-rainfall-site-1 * 0.05 ] if month = 2 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-1 annual-rainfall-site-1 * 0.06 ] if month = 3 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-1 annual-rainfall-site-1 * 0.10 ] if month = 4 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-1 annual-rainfall-site-1 * 0.18 ] if month = 5 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-1 annual-rainfall-site-1 * 0.15 ] if month = 6 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-1 annual-rainfall-site-1 * 0.08 ] if month = 7 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-1 annual-rainfall-site-1 * 0.01 ] if month = 8 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-1 annual-rainfall-site-1 * 0.02 ] if month = 9 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-1 annual-rainfall-site-1 * 0.05 ] if month = 10 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-1 annual-rainfall-site-1 * 0.10 ] if month = 11 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-1 annual-rainfall-site-1 * 0.12 ] if month = 12 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-1 annual-rainfall-site-1 * 0.08 ] if month = 1 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-2 annual-rainfall-site-2 * 0.05 ] if month = 2 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-2 annual-rainfall-site-2 * 0.06 ] if month = 3 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-2 annual-rainfall-site-2 * 0.10 ] if month = 4 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-2 annual-rainfall-site-2 * 0.18 ] if month = 5 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-2 annual-rainfall-site-2 * 0.15 ] if month = 6 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-2 annual-rainfall-site-2 * 0.08 ] if month = 7 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-2 annual-rainfall-site-2 * 0.01 ] if month = 8 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-2 annual-rainfall-site-2 * 0.02 ] if month = 9 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-2 annual-rainfall-site-2 * 0.05 ] if month = 10 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-2 annual-rainfall-site-2 * 0.10 ] if month = 11 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-2 annual-rainfall-site-2 * 0.12 ] if month = 12 [ set monthly-rainfall-site-2 annual-rainfall-site-2 * 0.08 ] ask patches with [ is-land? = TRUE ] [ if month = 1 [ set current-biomass current-biomass + ( annual-biomass * 0.05 ) ] if month = 2 [ set current-biomass current-biomass + ( annual-biomass * 0.06 ) ] if month = 3 [ set current-biomass current-biomass + ( annual-biomass * 0.10 ) ] if month = 4 [ set current-biomass current-biomass + ( annual-biomass * 0.18 ) ] if month = 5 [ set current-biomass current-biomass + ( annual-biomass * 0.15 ) ] if month = 6 [ set current-biomass current-biomass + ( annual-biomass * 0.08 ) ] if month = 7 [ set current-biomass current-biomass + ( annual-biomass * 0.01 ) ] if month = 8 [ set current-biomass current-biomass + ( annual-biomass * 0.02 ) ] if month = 9 [ set current-biomass current-biomass + ( annual-biomass * 0.05 ) ] if month = 10 [ set current-biomass current-biomass + ( annual-biomass * 0.10 ) ] if month = 11 [ set current-biomass current-biomass + ( annual-biomass * 0.12 ) ] if month = 12 [ set current-biomass current-biomass + ( annual-biomass * 0.08 ) ] set biomass-per-cell current-biomass * 250 * 250 ; Assuming cells 250 m on a side. NOTE THE USE OF AN EXPLICIT SCALE ] end to update-display if Display-layer = "Soils" [ paint-landscape ] if Display-layer = "Owned lands" [ ask patches with [ owned? ] [ set pcolor hsb ( soil-color * 0.50 + 20 ) 70 99 ] ] if Display-layer = "Conflict zones" [ ask patches with [ conflict-score > 0 ] [ ; set pcolor hsb ( soil-color * 0.50 + 20 ) 70 ( 100 - conflict-score ) set pcolor hsb 0 70 conflict-score ] ] if Display-layer = "Production" [ ask patches with [ is-land? = TRUE ] [ set pcolor scale-color green current-biomass 0 600 ] ] end to test-to-hide-folks ifelse Hide-people? [ ask people [ set hidden? TRUE ] ] [ ask people [ set hidden? FALSE ] ] ask people [ set label "" ] if Show-local-moves? = TRUE [ set Show-distant-moves? FALSE ask people [ set label local-move-count ] ] if Show-distant-moves? = TRUE [ set Show-local-moves? FALSE ask people [ set label distant-move-count ] ] end to setup-people let S1 (Percent-of-people-in-Site-1 / 100) * 1000 let max-score ( enviro-weight * 100 ) + ( social-weight * 100 ) + ( landowned-weight * 100 ) + ( ownland-weight * 100 ) + ( conflict-weight * 100 ) set comfort-threshold ( max-score * Comfort-threshold-multiplier ) create-people S1 [ ; Can be made a variable set shape "circle" set size 2 set origin 1 setxy random-xcor random-ycor while [ site-1? = FALSE ] [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] set social-network random-normal social-network-mean social-network-sd if social-network < 0.0 [ set social-network 0.0 ] if social-network > 100.0 [ set social-network 100.0 ] set site-awareness random-normal site-awareness-mean site-awareness-sd if site-awareness < 0.0 [ set site-awareness 1] set color red + ( random 4 - 2) set local-move-count 0 set distant-move-count 0 set own-land 0 ; This is reset on a population basis below set area-1? TRUE set area-2? FALSE set contentedness-index ( Contentedness-reset-multiplier * max-score ) ] create-people 1000 - S1 [ ; Can be made a variable set shape "circle" set size 2 set origin 2 setxy random-xcor random-ycor while [ site-2? = FALSE ] [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] set social-network random-normal social-network-mean social-network-sd if social-network < 0.0 [ set social-network 0.0 ] if social-network > 100.0 [ set social-network 100.0 ] set color blue + ( random 4 - 2) set local-move-count 0 set distant-move-count 0 set own-land 0 ; This is reset on a population basis below set area-1? FALSE set area-2? TRUE set contentedness-index ( Contentedness-reset-multiplier * max-score ) ] let c int ( S1 * ( Percent-owning-land-site-1 / 100.0 ) ) ask n-of c people with [ area-1? = TRUE ] [ set own-land one-of [ 1 2 3 ] ] set c int ( (1000 - S1 ) * ( Percent-owning-land-site-2 / 100.0 ) ) ask n-of c people with [ area-2? = TRUE ] [ set own-land one-of [ 1 2 3 ] ] end to setup-conflict ; Making this specific to location just for simplicity using a brute-force approach. if Core-area-in-conflict-site-1 > 0 [ ask patches [ set core-conflict? FALSE set temp? FALSE set conflict-score 0 ] let core-cnt 0 let core-target ( Core-area-in-conflict-site-1 / 100.0 ) * count patches with [ site-1? = TRUE ] create-temp 1 [ setxy 290 100 ; START ON THE SITE-2 SO THAT TEMP? GETS SET BELOW. Important. while [ site-1? = FALSE ] [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set temp? TRUE ask neighbors with [ site-1? = TRUE ] [ set temp? TRUE ] ] ] while [ core-cnt < core-target ] [ ; Note that this limit is approximate. A few more cells may be owned than the math indicates ; Refresh the edges every 20 times edges expand ask patches with [ site-1? = TRUE and core-conflict? = TRUE ] [ let temp-cnt count neighbors with [ core-conflict? = FALSE ] ifelse temp-cnt > 0 [ set temp? TRUE ] [ set temp? FALSE ] ] repeat 20 [ if any? patches with [ temp? = TRUE ] [ ask one-of patches with [ temp? = TRUE ] [ set temp? FALSE set pcolor red ask neighbors with [ core-conflict? = FALSE and site-1? = TRUE ] [ ; Painting all neighbors, so may exceed limit, but not by too much. set core-conflict? TRUE set temp? TRUE set pcolor red ] ] ] ] set core-cnt count patches with [ core-conflict? = TRUE and site-1? = TRUE] ] ask patches with [ core-conflict? ] [ set conflict-score 100 ] ask temp [ die ] do-ring 100 do-ring 90 do-ring 80 do-ring 70 do-ring 60 do-ring 50 do-ring 40 do-ring 30 do-ring 20 do-ring 10 ] if Core-area-in-conflict-site-2 > 0 [ let core-cnt 0 let core-target ( Core-area-in-conflict-site-2 / 100.0 ) * count patches with [ site-2? = TRUE ] create-temp 1 [ setxy 10 100 ; START ON THE SITE-1 SO THAT TEMP? GETS SET BELOW. Important. while [ site-2? = FALSE ] [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set temp? TRUE ask neighbors with [ site-2? = TRUE ] [ set temp? TRUE ] ] ] while [ core-cnt < core-target ] [ ; Note that this limit is approximate. A few more cells may be owned than the math indicates ; Refresh the edges every 20 times edges expand ask patches with [ site-2? = TRUE and core-conflict? = TRUE ] [ let temp-cnt count neighbors with [ core-conflict? = FALSE ] ifelse temp-cnt > 0 [ set temp? TRUE ] [ set temp? FALSE ] ] repeat 20 [ if any? patches with [ temp? = TRUE ] [ ask one-of patches with [ temp? = TRUE ] [ set temp? FALSE set pcolor red ask neighbors with [ core-conflict? = FALSE and site-2? = TRUE ] [ ; Painting all neighbors, so may exceed limit, but not by too much. set core-conflict? TRUE set temp? TRUE set pcolor red ] ] ] ] set core-cnt count patches with [ core-conflict? = TRUE and site-2? = TRUE] ] ask patches with [ core-conflict? ] [ set conflict-score 100 ] ask temp [ die ] do-ring 100 do-ring 90 do-ring 80 do-ring 70 do-ring 60 do-ring 50 do-ring 40 do-ring 30 do-ring 20 do-ring 10 ] end to do-ring [ v ] let v2 v - 10 ask patches with [ conflict-score = v and sum [ conflict-score ] of neighbors < ( v * 8 ) ] [ ask neighbors with [ conflict-score < v and is-land? ] [ set conflict-score v2 set pcolor v - 5 ] ] repeat 2 [ ask patches with [ conflict-score = v2 and sum [ conflict-score ] of neighbors < ( v2 * 8 ) ] [ ask neighbors with [ conflict-score = 0 and is-land? ] [ set conflict-score v2 set pcolor v - 5 ] ] ] end to setup-landscape ; Set some initial conditions and values set middle-edge 150 ask patches [ set site-1? FALSE set site-2? FALSE ifelse pxcor >= middle-edge and pxcor <= middle-edge + 1 [ set pcolor white set is-land? FALSE ] [ set is-land? TRUE ] if pxcor < middle-edge [ set site-1? TRUE set site-2? FALSE] if pxcor > ( middle-edge + 1 ) [ set site-1? FALSE set site-2? TRUE] set owned? FALSE set temp? FALSE ] let n-bumps 0 let meander 3 let bumpiness 96 ask patches with [ is-land? = TRUE ] [ set elev 150 ] ; Now add small texture to the landscape set n-bumps int ( sqrt ( world-width * world-height ) * ( bumpiness * 0.004 ) ) ask n-of n-bumps patches with [ is-land? ] [ let bump-size 1 + max-pxcor * 0.001 * ( random-float bumpiness ) ask patches in-radius bump-size [ set elev elev + ( bump-size - ( distance myself ) ) ] ] ; Standarize elevation to be between 0 and 1, just for each of analyses let emin min [ elev ] of patches let emax max [ elev ] of patches ask patches with [ is-land? ] [ set elev ( elev - emin ) / ( emax - emin ) ] ; Calculate soil-color, now that the DEM is complete. Aim for drier yellow soils in the east, and darker richer soils in the west ask patches with [ is-land? ] [ let xer ( ( world-width - pxcor ) + int ( world-width / 2 ) ) / world-width ; Standardize the X position to a value between 0 and 1 ; Add soil-color related to topography, but trimmed to 0 to 1 set soil-color ( ( xer * 1.5 ) + elev ) / 2.5 ] ; Standarize AGAIN soil-color to be between 0 and 100, to make painting and modeling straightforward set emin min [ soil-color ] of patches set emax max [ soil-color ] of patches ask patches with [ is-land? ] [ set soil-color 100 - ( int ( ( soil-color - emin ) / ( emax - emin ) * 100.0 ) ) ] paint-landscape ; Save the RGB of the patches. NOTE that the HSB complexity is not relevant once colors are assigned to soil. ask patches with [ is-land? ] [ let temp-hsb extract-hsb pcolor set soil-hue item 0 temp-hsb ] set elev-mean mean [ elev ] of patches with [ is-land? = TRUE ] end to paint-landscape ask patches with [ is-land? ] [ set pcolor hsb ( soil-color * 0.50 + 20 ) 70 70 ] end to setup-parcels ; Do calculations to set limits to grow to and numbers of owners to grow. NOTE that people can live on owned land and not be designated initial owners. let num-owning-land ( count people with [ area-1? = TRUE ] ) * ( Percent-owning-land-site-1 / 100.0 ) ask n-of num-owning-land people with [ area-1? = TRUE ] [ set owned? TRUE ; Patch ] ; Initialize the patches occupied by owners as yellow and owned. ask patches with [ owned? = TRUE and site-1? = TRUE ] [ set pcolor yellow ask neighbors with [ site-1? = TRUE ] [ set temp? TRUE ] ] let total-patches-owned count patches with [ site-1? = TRUE ] * ( Land-owned-site-1 / 100.0 ) ; The limit to which to grown let own 0 while [ own < total-patches-owned ] [ ; Note that this limit is approximate. A few more cells may be owned than the math indicates ; Refresh the edges every 50 times edges expand ask patches with [ site-1? = TRUE and owned? = TRUE ] [ set temp-count count neighbors with [ owned? = FALSE and site-1? = TRUE ] ifelse temp-count > 0 [ set temp? TRUE ] [ set temp? FALSE ] ] repeat 50 [ ask one-of patches with [ temp? = TRUE ] [ set temp? FALSE set pcolor yellow ask neighbors with [ owned? = FALSE and site-1? = TRUE ] [ ; Painting all neighbors, so may exceed limit, but not by too much. set owned? TRUE set temp? TRUE set pcolor yellow ] ] ] set own count patches with [ site-1? = TRUE and owned? = TRUE ] ] ;******************************************************************************************************** ; Do calculations to set limits to grow to and numbers of owners to grow. NOTE that people can live on owned land and not be designated initial owners. set num-owning-land ( count people with [ area-2? = TRUE ] ) * ( Percent-owning-land-site-2 / 100.0 ) ask n-of num-owning-land people with [ area-2? = TRUE ] [ set owned? TRUE ; Patch ] ; Initialize the patches occupied by owners as yellow and owned. ask patches with [ owned? = TRUE and site-2? = TRUE ] [ set pcolor yellow ask neighbors with [ site-2? = TRUE ] [ set temp? TRUE ] ] set total-patches-owned count patches with [ site-2? = TRUE ] * ( Land-owned-site-2 / 100.0 ) ; The limit to which to grown set own 0 while [ own < total-patches-owned ] [ ; Note that this limit is approximate. A few more cells may be owned than the math indicates ; Refresh the edges every 50 times edges expand ask patches with [ site-2? = TRUE and owned? = TRUE ] [ set temp-count count neighbors with [ owned? = FALSE and site-2? = TRUE ] ifelse temp-count > 0 [ set temp? TRUE ] [ set temp? FALSE ] ] repeat 50 [ ask one-of patches with [ temp? = TRUE ] [ set temp? FALSE set pcolor yellow ask neighbors with [ owned? = FALSE and site-2? = TRUE ] [ ; Painting all neighbors, so may exceed limit, but not by too much. set owned? TRUE set temp? TRUE set pcolor yellow ] ] ] set own count patches with [ site-2? = TRUE and owned? = TRUE ] ] ; Paint the final image of owned lands paint-landscape ask patches with [ owned? ] [ set pcolor hsb ( soil-color * 0.50 + 20 ) 70 99 ] end to setup-parms set enviro-list [] set social-list [] set landowned-list [] set ownland-list [] set conflict-list [] set temp-list [] end to restore-defaults set-current-plot "Coefficients-1" clear-plot set-current-plot-pen "Environment" set enviro-function "Sigmoid" set enviro-value-1 0 set enviro-value-2 0 set enviro-value-3 0 ; Values aer not used plot-coefficient enviro-function enviro-value-1 enviro-value-2 enviro-value-3 set enviro-list temp-list set-current-plot-pen "Conflict" set conflict-function "Asymptotic" set conflict-value-1 100.0 set conflict-value-2 0.04 set conflict-value-3 0 ; Note asymptote is higher than end result. plot-coefficient conflict-function conflict-value-1 conflict-value-2 conflict-value-3 set conflict-list temp-list set-current-plot-pen "LandOwned" set landowned-function "Linear" set landowned-value-1 100 set landowned-value-2 -1.0 set landowned-value-3 0 plot-coefficient landowned-function landowned-value-1 landowned-value-2 landowned-value-3 set landowned-list temp-list set-current-plot "Coefficients-2" clear-plot set-current-plot-pen "Social" set social-function "Sigmoid" set social-value-1 0 set social-value-2 0 set social-value-3 0 ; Values aer not used plot-coefficient social-function social-value-1 social-value-2 social-value-3 set social-list temp-list set-current-plot-pen "OwnLand" let x 0 set temp-list [] while [ x < 33 ] [ set temp-list lput Low-owned-land temp-list set x x + 1 ] while [ x < 67 ] [ set temp-list lput Mid-owned-land temp-list set x x + 1 ] while [ x < 100 ] [ set temp-list lput High-owned-land temp-list set x x + 1 ] set ownland-list temp-list set x 0 while [ x < 100 ] [ let y item x ownland-list plotxy x y set x x + 1 ] set Focal-relationship "Environment" set Function-family enviro-function set Value-1 enviro-value-1 set Value-2 enviro-value-2 set Value-3 enviro-value-3 end to plot-coefficient [ c v1 v2 v3 ] let x -5.0 let y 0 set temp-list [] if c = "Sigmoid" [ while [ x < 5.0 ] [ set y ( 1 / ( 1 + exp ( -1 * x ) ) * 100 ) let tx int ( x * 10 + 50 ) plotxy tx y set temp-list lput y temp-list set x x + 0.1 ] ] ; Confirmed 101 entries in temp-list for SIGMOID, as needed, 0 to 100. set x 1 let d 1 ; v2 - v3 ; Shift the curve to the left or right to match the X intercept requested. Also need to add it to the X loop if c = "Asymptotic" [ while [ x <= ( 100 + d ) ] [ ; set y -1 * ( v1 * ( v2 - x ) ) / x ; V2 shapes the line, x3 is x intercept, x1 is asymptote ; REPLACING THIS WITH A DECAYING FUNCTION set y v1 * ( 1 - v2 ) ^ x let tx x - d if y >= 0 [ set temp-list lput y temp-list plotxy tx y ] set x x + 1 ] ] ; Confirmed 101 entries in temp-list for Asymptotic, as needed set x 0 set y 0 if c = "Linear" [ while [ x <= 100.0 ] [ set y v1 + v2 * x set temp-list lput y temp-list plotxy x y set x x + 1 ] ] ; Confirmed 101 entries in temp-list for Asymptotic, as needed set x -10 set y 0 if c = "Quadratic" [ while [ x < 10.0 ] [ set y ( v1 * x * x ) + v2 * x + v3 ; type x type " " print y let tx ( x + 10 ) * 5 set temp-list lput y temp-list plotxy tx y set x x + 0.2 ] ] ; Confirmed 101 entries in temp-list for Asymptotic, as needed end to update-function if Focal-relationship = "Environment" [ set-current-plot "Coefficients-1" clear-plot set-current-plot-pen "Environment" set enviro-function Function-family set enviro-value-1 Value-1 set enviro-value-2 Value-2 set enviro-value-3 Value-3 plot-coefficient enviro-function enviro-value-1 enviro-value-2 enviro-value-3 set enviro-list temp-list ; Plot the remaining entries. No need to recalculate, use existing lists set-current-plot-pen "Conflict" one-plot conflict-list set-current-plot-pen "Availland" one-plot landowned-list ] if Focal-relationship = "Conflict" [ set-current-plot "Coefficients-1" clear-plot set-current-plot-pen "Conflict" set conflict-function Function-family set conflict-value-1 Value-1 set conflict-value-2 Value-2 set conflict-value-3 Value-3 plot-coefficient conflict-function conflict-value-1 conflict-value-2 conflict-value-3 set conflict-list temp-list ; Plot the remaining entries. No need to recalculate, use existing lists set-current-plot-pen "Environment" one-plot enviro-list set-current-plot-pen "Availland" one-plot landowned-list ] if Focal-relationship = "Available Land" [ set-current-plot "Coefficients-1" clear-plot set-current-plot-pen "Available land" set landowned-function Function-family set landowned-value-1 Value-1 set landowned-value-2 Value-2 set landowned-value-3 Value-3 plot-coefficient landowned-function landowned-value-1 landowned-value-2 landowned-value-3 set landowned-list temp-list ; Plot the remaining entries. No need to recalculate, use existing lists set-current-plot-pen "Conflict" one-plot conflict-list set-current-plot-pen "Environment" one-plot enviro-list ] if Focal-relationship = "Environment" [ set-current-plot "Coefficients-2" clear-plot set-current-plot-pen "Social" set enviro-function Function-family set enviro-value-1 Value-1 set enviro-value-2 Value-2 set enviro-value-3 Value-3 ; Values aer not used plot-coefficient enviro-function enviro-value-1 enviro-value-2 enviro-value-3 set enviro-list temp-list ; Plot the remaining entries. No need to recalculate, use existing lists set-current-plot-pen "Ownland" one-plot conflict-list ] if Focal-relationship = "Owning land" [ set-current-plot "Coefficients-2" clear-plot set-current-plot-pen "Ownland" set ownland-function Function-family set ownland-value-1 Value-1 set ownland-value-2 Value-2 set ownland-value-3 Value-3 ; Values aer not used plot-coefficient ownland-function ownland-value-1 ownland-value-2 ownland-value-3 set ownland-list temp-list ; Plot the remaining entries. No need to recalculate, use existing lists set-current-plot-pen "Social" one-plot social-list ] end to one-plot [ lst ] let i 0 while [ i <= 100 ] [ let y item i lst plotxy i y set i i + 1 ] end to show-values if Focal-relationship = "Environment" [ set Function-family enviro-function set Value-1 enviro-value-1 set Value-2 enviro-value-2 set Value-3 enviro-value-3 ] if Focal-relationship = "Social network" [ set Function-family social-function set Value-1 social-value-1 set Value-2 social-value-2 set Value-3 social-value-3 ] if Focal-relationship = "Conflict" [ set Function-family conflict-function set Value-1 conflict-value-1 set Value-2 conflict-value-2 set Value-3 conflict-value-3 ] if Focal-relationship = "Available land" [ set Function-family landowned-function set Value-1 landowned-value-1 set Value-2 landowned-value-2 set Value-3 landowned-value-3 ] if Focal-relationship = "Owning land" [ set Function-family ownland-function set Value-1 ownland-value-1 set Value-2 ownland-value-2 set Value-3 ownland-value-3 ] end to force-2-to-1 set Average-precipitation-site-2 Average-precipitation-site-1 set Precipitation-CV-site-2 Precipitation-CV-site-1 set Land-owned-site-2 Land-owned-site-1 set Percent-owning-land-site-2 Percent-owning-land-site-1 set Core-area-in-conflict-site-2 Core-area-in-conflict-site-1 end to restore-slider-defaults set Precipitation-CV-site-2 30 set Long-migration-threshold 17 set Percent-owning-land-site-2 20 set Show-local-moves? false set Social-network-mean 24 set Display-layer "Conflict zones" set Show-distant-moves? false set LandOwned-weight 1 set High-owned-land 10 set Percent-of-people-in-Site-1 50 set Debug? false set Average-precipitation-site-1 230 set Land-owned-site-1 10 set Average-precipitation-site-2 400 set Social-weight 1 set Focal-relationship "Environment" set Herd-size 20 set Comfort-threshold-multiplier 0.39 set Conflict-weight 1 set Enviro-weight 1 set Social-network-sd 22 set Low-owned-land 10 set Short-migration-threshold 10 set Ownland-weight 1 set Core-area-in-conflict-site-1 3 set Contentedness-reset-multiplier 3.0 set Core-area-in-conflict-site-2 3 set Function-family "Sigmoid" set Mid-owned-land 90 set Site-awareness-mean 3 set Site-awareness-sd 0 set Value-1 0 set Hide-people? false set Value-2 0 set Use-the-same-climate-for-both-sites? false set Value-3 0 set Precipitation-CV-site-1 30 set Percent-owning-land-site-1 20 set Land-owned-site-2 25 end
There is only one version of this model, created about 2 years ago by Rekha Warrier.
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