Chaos Game Regular polygon of any size

Chaos Game Regular polygon of any size preview image

1 collaborator

Rng_avatar Ronald Paul Ng (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 6.3.0 • Viewed 65 times • Downloaded 5 times • Run 0 times
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globals [turtleX
         newXcor  ; the new xcor which the turtle will go to
         newYcor  ; the new ycor which the turtle will go to
         turtleDistance ; thd distance the turtle has to travel

to setup
  ;; with the worldLength, excessLength and octogonSide length set up, these data will be used
  ;; in defining the points of the octogon

  set worldLength max-pxcor  ;; that being the size of the world

  crt 2 [
          set color white
          set size 10]
  ask turtle 0 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor
  ask turtle 1 [setxy 0 0
                face patch 0 160


to go

  find-new-position ;use tutle 1
  set turtlex  [xcor] of  turtle 0
  set turtley [ycor] of turtle 0
  ask patch turtlex turtley [set pcolor green]
  if ticks > max-ticks [stop]


to move-new-position

  ask turtle 0 [set turtleDistance distancexy newXcor newYcor
                             face patch newXcor newYcor
                             fd turtleDistance * factor ]
  ask patch newXcor newYcor [set pcolor green]

to find-new-position
  let random-turn random number-of-sides * (360 / number-of-sides)
  ask turtle 1 [rt (random-turn)
                fd 380]
    set newXcor  [xcor] of turtle 1
    set newYcor  [ycor] of turtle 1
  ask turtle 1 [setxy 0 0
                face patch 0 380]

There is only one version of this model, created over 1 year ago by Ronald Paul Ng.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Chaos Game Regular polygon of any size.png preview Preview for 'Chaos Game Regular polygon of any size' over 1 year ago, by Ronald Paul Ng Download

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