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turtles-own [points p-coop info1 info2 info3 info4 edu-attempt]
patches-own [edu-patches]

to setup

to go
  if (all? turtles [shape = "person graduate"]) [stop] ;; stop after all agents have education

to move-turtles
  ask turtles [
    right random 360
    forward 1]

to setup-patches ;; creates institution - a purple square in the center; these patches have edu-patches = true
  ask patches [ set pcolor black
  set edu-patches false]
  ask patches with [pxcor > -5 and pxcor < 5 and pycor > -5 and pycor < 5] [set edu-patches true]
  ask patches with [edu-patches] [ set pcolor violet ]

to setup-turtles
  create-turtles n-turtles
  ask turtles [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set color  blue
    set shape "person"
    set size 1.5]
  ask n-of (percent-red * n-turtles) turtles [
  set color red]

to get-info ;; sets up knowledge of turtles. You can control how many people get every piece of info via n-get-info
  ask turtles [
    set info1 0
    set info2 0
    set info3 0
    set info4 0]

  ask n-of (p-get-info-blue * count turtles with [color = blue]) turtles with [color = blue] [
    set info1 1]
  ask n-of (p-get-info-blue * count turtles with [color = blue]) turtles with [color = blue] [
    set info2 1]
  ask n-of (p-get-info-blue * count turtles with [color = blue]) turtles with [color = blue] [
    set info3 1]
  ask n-of (p-get-info-blue * count turtles with [color = blue]) turtles with [color = blue] [
    set info4 1]

  ask n-of (p-get-info-red * count turtles with [color = red]) turtles with [color = red] [
    set info1 1]
  ask n-of (p-get-info-red * count turtles with [color = red]) turtles with [color = red] [
    set info2 1]
  ask n-of (p-get-info-red * count turtles with [color = red]) turtles with [color = red] [
    set info3 1]
  ask n-of (p-get-info-red * count turtles with [color = red]) turtles with [color = red] [
    set info4 1]

to get-money ;; turtles play a game where no moves have a cost, but coop brings another person benefit
  ask turtles with [color = red][
    set points points + random get-money-red
  ask turtles with [color = blue][
    set points points + random get-money-blue

to get-edu ;; person can attemt to get edu; the more info they have, the higher the chances of getting it on a certain try
  ask patches with [edu-patches] [
    ask turtles-here [
    if points > cost-of-edu and shape = "person" [ ;; person can only attempt edu if they have the "money" and don't have edu yet
    set points points - cost-of-edu ;; they pay for edu
    set edu-attempt edu-attempt + 1 ;; I count attempts to get edu
    if color = blue and random-float 1 < p-seek-help-blue [
    if color = red and random-float 1 < p-seek-help-red [
    if info1 + info2 + info3 + info4 = 4[
        set shape "person graduate"
    if info1 + info2 + info3 + info4 = 3 [
        if random-float 1 < 0.5 [
          set shape "person graduate"
    if info1 + info2 + info3 + info4 = 2 [
        if random-float 1 < 0.25 [
          set shape "person graduate"
    if info1 + info2 + info3 + info4 = 1 [
        if random-float 1 < 0.125 [
          set shape "person graduate"
      if shape = "person" [ ;; if failed to achieve edu, 10% chance to get one of the infos filled (infos are filled in rising order)
        if random-float 1 < p-learn-from-fail [
          ifelse info1 = 0 [
            set info1 1
            ifelse info2 = 0 [
              set info2 1
              ifelse info3 = 0 [
                set info3 1
                set info4 1

to seek-help
  ask one-of turtles-on patches with [edu-patches] [
      ifelse info1 > [info1] of myself [
            ask myself [ set info1 1]
            ifelse info2 > [info2] of myself [
              ask myself [ set info2 1]
              ifelse info3 > [info3] of myself [
                ask myself [ set info3 1]
                ask myself [ set info4 1]

There are 3 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Anastasiia Kuznetsova over 1 year ago Trying to fix framing Download this version
Anastasiia Kuznetsova over 1 year ago Added notes for clarity Download this version
Anastasiia Kuznetsova over 1 year ago Initial upload Download this version

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