Influencing the use of reusable dishes
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Model was written in NetLogo 6.3.0
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to setup clear-all ;; clear any existing elements and start from the beginning ask patches [set pcolor white] ;; blank background create-turtles 1 [ ;; create the "restaurant" set shape "house" set color 74 set size 3 setxy 0 10 ] create-turtles num-people-using-reusable [ ;; create 14 people, because 14 out of 67 people always use reusable dishes setxy random-ycor random-ycor set shape "person" set color green ] create-turtles num-people-not-using-reusable [ ;; create 53 people, because 53 out of 67 peole never or sometimes use reusable dishes setxy random-ycor random-ycor set shape "person" set color black ] reset-ticks end to go ask turtles with [shape = "person"] [ ;; all people are moving around the model set heading random 360 forward 1 if color = green [move-to patch 0 10 ;; if a person has the color pink then move to the restaurant and set color green, because reusable dishes were used setxy random-xcor random-ycor] ;; then set coordinates random again if any? other turtles-here with [color = black] ;; if there a people with the color black on the same patch, then change color to green, because turtle was influenced [set color green] ] tick ;; a step has gone by end
There is only one version of this model, created over 1 year ago by Johanna Helmreich.
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