Social Pressure and Protection Motivation
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undirected-link-breed [friends friend] undirected-link-breed [locals local] globals [ average_smoking_attitude average_security_desire average_conformity_desire average_hedonism_desire count_change_environment count_maladaptive_behavior count_adaptive_behavior count_adjust count_do_nothing objective_severity n_smokers n_non_smokers n_casuals ] turtles-own [ smoking_attitude health_status security_desire conformity_desire hedonism_desire people_nearby avg_peer_attitude avg_local_attitude avg_perceived_attitude intrinsic_rewards extrinsic_rewards severity vulnerability response_efficacy self_efficacy response_cost threat_appraisal coping_appraisal days_since_env_change ] friends-own [connection_strength] locals-own [connection_strength] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; SETUP ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Creates agents, initiates their desires, friends and pmt variables. to setup ca random-seed seed set objective_severity 0.64 ;relative value calculated from statista data set count_change_environment 0 set count_maladaptive_behavior 0 set count_adaptive_behavior 0 set count_do_nothing 0 set count_adjust 0 let total_people_percent conformity_people + hedonism_people + security_people let n_conformity_people int( (conformity_people / total_people_percent) * n_people ) + 1 let n_hedonism_people int( (hedonism_people / total_people_percent) * n_people ) + 1 let n_security_people int( (security_people / total_people_percent) * n_people ) + 1 if (n_security_people + n_conformity_people + n_hedonism_people < n_people) [ let dif n_people - ( n_security_people + n_conformity_people + n_hedonism_people ) set n_conformity_people n_conformity_people + dif ] crt n_conformity_people [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set shape "face neutral" set conformity_desire (70 + (random (100 - 70))) / 100 set security_desire (40 + (random (60 - 40))) / 100 set hedonism_desire (40 + (random (60 - 40))) / 100 ] crt n_hedonism_people [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set shape "face happy" set conformity_desire (40 + (random (60 - 40))) / 100 set security_desire (0 + (random (30 - 0))) / 100 set hedonism_desire (70 + (random (100 - 70))) / 100 ] crt n_security_people [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set shape "face sad" set conformity_desire (40 + (random (60 - 40))) / 100 set security_desire (70 + (random (100 - 70))) / 100 set hedonism_desire (0 + (random (30 - 0))) / 100 ] ask turtles [ set avg_peer_attitude 0 set intrinsic_rewards 0 set extrinsic_rewards 0 set severity 0 set vulnerability 0 set response_efficacy 0 set self_efficacy 0 set response_cost 0 set threat_appraisal 0 set coping_appraisal 0 set days_since_env_change 0 set people_nearby nobody create-friends-with n-of number_of_friends other turtles init_health_status init_smoking_attitude ; initializes smoking_attitude set_color_for_turtles ] ask friends [ init_friend ] calculate_average_smoking_attitude show-label watch-one reset-ticks end ; Initiates the health status of an agent as a random value [0,100] to init_health_status set health_status (1 + (random (100 - 1))) / 100 end ; Initiates smoking attitude of an agent depending on their security and hedonism desire to init_smoking_attitude set smoking_attitude ((1 - security_desire) * hedonism_desire) ifelse (smoking_attitude > 0.5)[ set n_smokers n_smokers + 1 ] [set n_non_smokers n_non_smokers + 1] end ; Sets the color of a turtle based on their smoking attitude to set_color_for_turtles (ifelse ( smoking_attitude >= 0.75) [set color red ] (smoking_attitude < 0.75 and smoking_attitude > 0.25) [set color orange] [set color green] ) end ; Sets the connection strength between agents to init_friend ifelse static? = true [ set connection_strength 1 ] [ set connection_strength ( 80 + (random (120 - 80))) / 100 ] set color red set thickness connection_strength / 4 end ; Shows labels on links in interface to show-label if label? = true [ ask turtles [set label who] ask links [ set label precision connection_strength 3 ]] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; EXPERIMENT ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Executes the model for one tick to go ;print (word "================================== tick # "ticks" ==================================") ask turtles [ move connect_to_locals ] ask locals[ set color green set connection_strength 1 set thickness connection_strength / 4 ] ask turtles [ calculate_local_pressure calculate_social_pressure let friends_count count friend-neighbors let locals_count count local-neighbors let neighbors_count (friends_count + locals_count) ifelse (neighbors_count < 1 ) [ set avg_perceived_attitude smoking_attitude ] [ set avg_perceived_attitude ((avg_peer_attitude * (friends_count / neighbors_count)) + (avg_local_attitude * (locals_count / neighbors_count))) set avg_perceived_attitude avg_perceived_attitude * pressure_modifier ] protection_motivation ] calculate_average_smoking_attitude calculate_average_security_desire calculate_average_conformity_desire calculate_average_hedonism_desire show-label watch-one behavior tick end ; Runs the model for "ticks_to_run" times to start loop [ if ticks >= ticks_to_run [stop] go ] end ; Executes the agent behavior depending on the calculated threat and coping appraisal to behavior ask turtles [ ; raucher (ifelse ( smoking_attitude >= 0.5)[ ; raucherfreunde (ifelse ( abs( smoking_attitude - avg_perceived_attitude) <= change_rate or smoking_attitude >= 0.98) [ set count_do_nothing count_do_nothing + 1 ] ;nichtraucherfreunde (coping_appraisal > threat_appraisal ) [ set count_adaptive_behavior count_adaptive_behavior + 1 update_desires ] (threat_appraisal > coping_appraisal) [ set count_maladaptive_behavior count_maladaptive_behavior + 1 ifelse (days_since_env_change >= min_stay and abs( smoking_attitude - avg_perceived_attitude) >= contact_termination ) [ change_environment set days_since_env_change 0 ] [ set days_since_env_change days_since_env_change + 1 update_desires ] ] ) ] ; nichtraucher (smoking_attitude <= 0.5) [ (ifelse ( abs( smoking_attitude - avg_perceived_attitude) <= change_rate or smoking_attitude <= 0.02) [ set count_do_nothing count_do_nothing + 1 ] (coping_appraisal > threat_appraisal ) [ ifelse (days_since_env_change >= min_stay and abs( smoking_attitude - avg_perceived_attitude) >= contact_termination) [ change_environment set days_since_env_change 0 ] [ set days_since_env_change days_since_env_change + 1 update_desires ] ] (threat_appraisal > coping_appraisal ) [ set count_maladaptive_behavior count_maladaptive_behavior + 1 update_desires ] ) ] ) let oldcolor color set_color_for_turtles if (color != oldcolor and color = red) [ ifelse oldcolor = orange [set n_casuals n_casuals - 1][ set n_non_smokers n_non_smokers - 1] ;print (word who " turned red") set n_smokers n_smokers + 1 ] if (color != oldcolor and color = green) [ ifelse oldcolor = orange [set n_casuals n_casuals - 1][ set n_smokers n_smokers - 1] ;print (word who " turned green") set n_non_smokers n_non_smokers + 1 ] if (color != oldcolor and color = orange) [ ifelse oldcolor = red [set n_smokers n_smokers - 1][ set n_non_smokers n_non_smokers - 1] set n_casuals n_casuals + 1 ] ] show-label watch-one end ; Moves the agent for the specified distance to move fd moving_distance rt random 360 end ; Connects the agent to locals when distance is < 6 to connect_to_locals let turt_self self let turt_local self if (people_nearby != nobody) [ ask people_nearby [ if distance turt_self >= 6 [ if local-with turt_self != nobody [ ask local-with turt_self[die] ] set turt_local self let turt_local_set nobody if people_nearby != nobody [ ask people_nearby [if self != turt_self [set turt_local_set (turtle-set turt_local_set self)]] set people_nearby turt_local_set ] ] ] ] let people_near_agent nobody if turt_local != turt_self [ ask people_nearby [ if self != turt_local [set people_near_agent (turtle-set people_near_agent self)] ] set people_nearby people_near_agent ] let friendships friend-neighbors let near_turtles other turtles with [distance turt_self < 6 and not member? self friendships] ask near_turtles [create-local-with turt_self] set people_nearby (turtle-set people_nearby near_turtles) end ; Calculates social pressure based on smoking attitude of friends to calculate_social_pressure let my_friends friend-neighbors let turt self let avg_smoking_attitude 0 let connections count my_friends ifelse connections > 0 [ ask my_friends [ let connectivity 0 ask friend-with turt [set connectivity connection_strength] set avg_smoking_attitude (avg_smoking_attitude + (smoking_attitude * connectivity)) ] set avg_peer_attitude (avg_smoking_attitude / connections) if avg_peer_attitude > 1 [set avg_peer_attitude 1] ] [set avg_peer_attitude 0] end ; Calculates social pressure based on smoking attitude of locals to calculate_local_pressure let my_locals local-neighbors let turt self let avg_smoking_attitude 0 let connections count my_locals ifelse connections > 0 [ ask my_locals [ set avg_smoking_attitude (avg_smoking_attitude + smoking_attitude) ] set avg_local_attitude (avg_smoking_attitude / connections) ] [set avg_local_attitude 0] end ; Calculates values for adaptive and maladaptive response to protection_motivation calculate_threat_appraisal calculate_coping_appraisal end ; Calculates values for maladaptive response to calculate_threat_appraisal calculate_intrinsic_rewards calculate_extrinsic_rewards init_severity init_vulnerability set threat_appraisal ((intrinsic_rewards + extrinsic_rewards) / 2) - ((severity + vulnerability) / 2) end ; Calculates values for adaptive response to calculate_coping_appraisal calculate_response_efficacy calculate_self_efficacy calculate_response_cost set coping_appraisal ((response_efficacy + self_efficacy) / 2) - response_cost end ; Sets the intrinsic rewards (agents smoking attitude) to calculate_intrinsic_rewards set intrinsic_rewards smoking_attitude end ; Sets the extrinsic rewards (social pressure) to calculate_extrinsic_rewards set extrinsic_rewards avg_perceived_attitude end ; Initiates severity componentn based on conformity desire, security desire and objective severity to init_severity set severity (objective_severity + ((1 - conformity_desire) * (security_desire - objective_severity))) end ; Initiates vulnerability based on health status and security desire to init_vulnerability set vulnerability 1 - (health_status + (security_desire - health_status) * health_status) end ; Calculates the response efficacy based on smoking attitude, vulnerability and severity to calculate_response_efficacy set response_efficacy smoking_attitude * ((vulnerability + severity) / 2) end ; Calculates self efficacy (case: smoking attitude and social pressure both high or low --> higher self efficacy than if only one high) to calculate_self_efficacy (ifelse ((smoking_attitude > 0.5) and (avg_perceived_attitude > 0.5)) or ((smoking_attitude <= 0.5) and (avg_perceived_attitude <= 0.5)) [ set self_efficacy 1 - ((smoking_attitude + avg_perceived_attitude) / 2) ] (smoking_attitude > 0.5) and (avg_perceived_attitude <= 0.5) [ set self_efficacy 1 - smoking_attitude ] (smoking_attitude <= 0.5) and (avg_perceived_attitude > 0.5) [ set self_efficacy 1 - avg_perceived_attitude ] ) end ; Calculates response cost based on smoking attitude and a by conformity desire discounted social pressure to calculate_response_cost set response_cost (smoking_attitude + (conformity_desire * avg_perceived_attitude)) / 2 end ; Adjusts desires of an agent towards the group mean to update_desires set count_adjust count_adjust + 1 let group_mean_hedonism 0 let group_mean_security 0 let group_mean_smoking_attitude 0 let friend_turtles friend-neighbors let local_turtles local-neighbors ask friend_turtles [ set group_mean_hedonism group_mean_hedonism + hedonism_desire set group_mean_security group_mean_security + security_desire set group_mean_smoking_attitude group_mean_smoking_attitude + smoking_attitude ] ask local_turtles [ set group_mean_hedonism group_mean_hedonism + hedonism_desire set group_mean_security group_mean_security + security_desire set group_mean_smoking_attitude group_mean_smoking_attitude + smoking_attitude ] ; assumption: desires are more resistent to change than attitudes, thus for desires we take change_rate^2 ifelse (count friend_turtles + count local_turtles) > 0 [ set group_mean_hedonism group_mean_hedonism / (count friend_turtles + count local_turtles) set group_mean_security group_mean_security / (count friend_turtles + count local_turtles) set group_mean_smoking_attitude group_mean_smoking_attitude / (count friend_turtles + count local_turtles) set hedonism_desire hedonism_desire + (change_rate * (group_mean_hedonism - hedonism_desire)) set security_desire security_desire + (change_rate * (group_mean_security - security_desire)) set smoking_attitude smoking_attitude + (change_rate * (group_mean_smoking_attitude - smoking_attitude)) ] [ set hedonism_desire hedonism_desire set security_desire security_desire set smoking_attitude smoking_attitude ] end ; Lets an agent change environment by cutting ties with friends or locals with a too different smoking attitude to change_environment set count_change_environment count_change_environment + 1 let friend_turtles friend-neighbors ifelse count friend_turtles > 0 [ let turt self let smoking_attitude_of_turt smoking_attitude let local_turtles local-neighbors let move_away false ask local_turtles [ if abs(smoking_attitude_of_turt - smoking_attitude) > contact_termination [ set move_away true ] ] if move_away = true [ ask my-locals [die] fd 12 rt random 360 ] let friends_deleted nobody ask friend_turtles [ if abs(smoking_attitude_of_turt - smoking_attitude) > contact_termination [ ask friend-with turt [die] set friends_deleted (turtle-set friends_deleted self) ] ] if friends_deleted != nobody [ let other_friends other turtles with [not member? self friends_deleted] let number_of_deleted_friends count friends_deleted let number_of_other_friends count other_friends ifelse number_of_other_friends >= number_of_deleted_friends [ ask n-of number_of_deleted_friends other_friends [ create-friend-with turt ask friend-with turt [init_friend] ] ] [ ask n-of number_of_other_friends other_friends [ create-friend-with turt ask friend-with turt [init_friend] ] ] let current_locals local-neighbors ask friend-neighbors [ if member? self current_locals [ask local-with turt [die]] ] ] ] [ create-friends-with n-of number_of_friends other turtles ask my-friends [ init_friend ] ] set count_change_environment (count_change_environment + 1) end ; Calculates the average smoking attitude of all turtles to calculate_average_smoking_attitude let sum_of_attitudes 0 let num_turtles count turtles ask turtles [ set sum_of_attitudes (sum_of_attitudes + smoking_attitude) ] set average_smoking_attitude (sum_of_attitudes / num_turtles) end ; Calculates the average security desire of all turtles to calculate_average_security_desire let security_sum 0 let num_turtles count turtles ask turtles [ set security_sum (security_sum + security_desire) ] set average_security_desire (security_sum / num_turtles) end ; Calculates the average conformity desire of all turtles to calculate_average_conformity_desire let conformity_sum 0 let num_turtles count turtles ask turtles [ set conformity_sum (conformity_sum + conformity_desire) ] set average_conformity_desire (conformity_sum / num_turtles) end ; Calculates the average hedonism desire of all turtles to calculate_average_hedonism_desire let hedonism_sum 0 let num_turtles count turtles ask turtles [ set hedonism_sum (hedonism_sum + hedonism_desire) ] set average_hedonism_desire (hedonism_sum / num_turtles) end ; Highlights one agent in the interface to watch-one if watch? = true [ watch turtle 0 ] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 1 year ago by V K.
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