
Lion preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Rodrigo Reis (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 6.3.0 • Viewed 53 times • Downloaded 3 times • Run 0 times
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breed [lions lion]
breed [hyenas hyena]

lions-own [ energy]
hyenas-own [ energy]

;celulas castanhas(pequeno porte) 0% a 20%
;celulas vermelhas(grande porte)  0% a 10%
;Apos alimento de grande porte ser comido vira pequeno porte
;Quando pequeno porte for comido vira celula vazia(celula preta)
;Energia ingestida pelo alimentos pode configurar entre 1 e 50

;células azuis, aleatoriamente posicionadas aleatoriamente entre 0 e 5.

; Os alimentos de pequeno porte devem reaparecer aleatoriamente
;no ambiente de tal forma a que os níveis configurados se mantenham semelhantes ao longo
;da simulação.

to setup

to go

to spawn-animals
  create-lions start-lions-count [
    set color orange ; You can set their color or other properties
    set energy 100   ; Set initial energy level
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor ; Set initial position randomly
    set shape "lion" ; Assign the lion sprite
    set size 1.7

  create-hyenas start-hyenas-count [
    set color yellow ; You can set their color or other properties
    set energy 80  ; Set initial energy level
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor ; Set initial position randomly
    set shape "wolf" ; Assign the hyena sprite
    set size 1.5

to spawn-food
  let max-small-food count(patches) * percentage-small-food / 100
  let max-big-food count(patches) * percentage-big-food / 100

  ;seleciona aleatoriamente no max-patches da patches
  ask n-of max-small-food patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor brown]
  ask n-of max-big-food patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor red]
  ask n-of blue-cell-count patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor blue]

to regenerate-food
  let max-small-food count(patches) * percentage-small-food / 100
  let max-big-food count(patches) * percentage-big-food / 100
  let empty-patches patches with [pcolor = black] ; guarda todas patches com cor preta

  ;Regenerar alimento de pequeno porte
  let current-small-food count patches with [pcolor = brown]
  if(current-small-food < max-small-food)
    let num-to-regen max-small-food - current-small-food
    ask n-of num-to-regen empty-patches [set pcolor brown]

  let current-big-food count patches with [pcolor = red]
  ; Regenerar alimento de grande porte
  if(current-big-food < max-big-food)
    let num-to-regen max-big-food - current-big-food
    ask n-of num-to-regen empty-patches [set pcolor red]

There is only one version of this model, created over 1 year ago by Rodrigo Reis.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Lion.png preview Preview for 'Lion' over 1 year ago, by Rodrigo Reis Download

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