Konza Consumers
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This model explores the stability of the consumer producer ecosystems in the Serengetti related to two primary consumers (Buffalo and Wildebeest) that have an overlapping range they graze in, for part of the year.
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Wolf Sheep Predation and Rabbits Weeds Grass are other examples of interacting predator/prey populations with different rules.
Based on ihub model in How Do Small Changes Make Big Impacts on Ecosystems?
This model is part of HS Ecosystems storyline, sponsored by funding from the Moore Foundation.
modified by Luisa Garcia, Pam Lucas and Peggy Schultz
If you mention this model or the NetLogo software in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below.
For the model itself:
- Novak, M. and Penuel, W. (2017). Serengetti Consumers model.
Please cite the NetLogo software as:
- Wilensky, U. (1999). NetLogo. http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Copyright 2015 Uri Wilensky.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
Commercial licenses are also available. To inquire about commercial licenses, please contact Uri Wilensky at uri@northwestern.edu.
Comments and Questions
globals [ bison-stride ;; how much a bison moves in each simulation step bison-size ;; the size of the shape for a bison bison-reproduce-age ;; age at which bison reproduces max-bison-age min-reproduce-energy-bison ;; how much energy, at minimum, bison needs to reproduce max-bison-offspring ;; max offspring a bison can have cattle-stride ;; how much a bison moves in each simulation step cattle-size ;; the size of the shape for a bison cattle-reproduce-age ;; age at which bison reproduces max-cattle-age min-reproduce-energy-cattle ;; how much energy, at minimum, bison needs to reproduce max-cattle-offspring ;; max offspring a bison can have max-grasses-energy ;; the maximum amount of energy a plant in a patch can accumulate grass-level ;; a measure of the amount of grass currently in the ecosystem grass-energy food-bison-eat food-cattle-eat rain-timer where-rain-band-is bison-color cattle-color grass-color dirt-color disease-age disease-color grazers rain-band-width coefficient-a sprout-delay-time region-boundaries speed-seasons rock-color bison-migrate? constant-simulation-length? cattle-migrate? ;;we changed this PS ;;We changed this ] breed [rocks rock] breed [grasses grass] breed [dividers divider] ;; dummy turtles that separate the view in regions breed [disease-markers disease-marker] ;; visual cue, red "X" that bison has a disease and will die breed [bison a-bison] breed [cattle a-cattle] breed [embers ember] ;; visual cue that a grass patch is on fire breed [disruptions disruption] ;; dummy turtles that record the disruption events breed [clouds cloud] breed [rain-lines rain-line] breed [rain-drops rain-drop] bison-own [ energy current-age max-age female? #-offspring ] cattle-own [ energy current-age max-age female? #-offspring ] patches-own [ fertile? plant-energy countdown region rain-level ] grasses-own [ ] embers-own [ current-age ] disease-markers-own [ current-age ] rain-drops-own [current-age] disruptions-own [ disruption-region ;; the region in which the disruption happened disruption-tick ;; the tick at which the disruption happened disruption-description ;; "infected bison", "added more bison" or "started a wild fire" ] to startup setup-regions 3 end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; setup procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup clear-all set constant-simulation-length? false set bison-size 1.4 set bison-stride 0.25 set bison-reproduce-age 100 set min-reproduce-energy-bison 200 set max-bison-offspring 2 set max-bison-age 500 set bison-color [180 90 90] set-default-shape bison "buffalo" ; set rock-color [216 212 196] set rock-color [216 212 196] set bison-migrate? false set cattle-migrate? false set cattle-size 1.4 set cattle-stride 0.25 set cattle-reproduce-age 100 set min-reproduce-energy-cattle 160 set max-cattle-offspring 2 set max-cattle-age 400 set cattle-color [110 110 140] set-default-shape cattle "wildebeest" set-default-shape rain-lines "line" set speed-seasons 4 set grass-level 0 set disease-age 20 set grass-energy 5 set rain-timer 0 set max-grasses-energy 200 set food-bison-eat 4.0 set food-cattle-eat 4.0 set rain-band-width 5 set coefficient-a 0.003 set grass-color green set dirt-color white set disease-color [0 0 0 120] set-default-shape disease-markers "new-circle" set-default-shape embers "fire" set-default-shape disruptions "empty" set sprout-delay-time 5 setup-regions 3 add-starting-grasses add-bison region-number-from-name add-bison-to-region add-cattle region-number-from-name add-cattle-to-region set grazers turtles with [breed = bison or breed = cattle] create-rain-lines 1 [ set color red set shape "rain-line" set size 35 set hidden? true] update-bison-fence reset-ticks set-rain-line-position ask patches [color-water-levels] end to add-starting-grasses ask patches [set fertile? false if region = 1 [set rain-level 1] if region = 2 [set rain-level 1] if region = 3 [set rain-level 1] ] add-grass-in-region 1 %-grassland-southern-region add-grass-in-region 2 %-grassland-central-region add-grass-in-region 3 %-grassland-northern-region ask grasses [visualize-grass] add-rocks end to add-grass-in-region [ which-region %-grassland ] let region-patches patches with [ region = which-region ] let n floor ((%-grassland / 100) * count region-patches) ask n-of n region-patches [ set fertile? true sprout 1 [ set breed grasses set color [10 100 10 75] set shape "square" set plant-energy max-grasses-energy / 2 ] ] ask patches [color-water-levels] end to add-more-bison [which-region] ifelse any? disruptions with [ disruption-region = which-region ] [ inform-user-about-max-disruptions which-region ] [ if bison-to-add > 0 [ add-bison which-region record-disruption which-region "added more bison" ] ] end to add-more-cattle [which-region] ifelse any? disruptions with [ disruption-region = which-region ] [ inform-user-about-max-disruptions which-region ] [ if cattle-to-add > 0 [ add-cattle which-region record-disruption which-region "added more cattle" ] ] end to add-bison [which-region] let region-patches patches with [ region = which-region ] create-bison bison-to-add [ ;; create the bison, then initialize their variables set color bison-color set size bison-size set energy (20 + (random (50)) ) ;; randomize starting energies set current-age 0 + random (max-bison-age) ;; start out bison at different ages set max-age max-bison-age set #-offspring 0 move-to one-of region-patches ] end to add-cattle [which-region] let region-patches patches with [ region = which-region ] create-cattle cattle-to-add [ ;; create the cattle, then initialize their variables set color cattle-color set size cattle-size set energy (20 + (random (50)) ) ;; randomize starting energies set current-age 0 + random (max-cattle-age) ;; start out bison at different ages set max-age max-cattle-age set #-offspring 0 move-to one-of region-patches ] end to visualize-rocks ask rocks [set hidden? not show-rocky-ground?] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; runtime procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to go if ticks >= 999 and constant-simulation-length? [ stop ] ask bison [ bison-live reproduce-bison ] ask cattle [ cattle-live reproduce-cattle ] set-rain-line-position if rainfall? [set rain-timer rain-timer + 1] ask patches [ color-water-levels if visualize-rain-drops? [add-rain-drops] grow-grass ] visualize-rocks ask grasses [visualize-grass] age-move-rain-drops age-and-spread-embers update-disease update-bison-fence tick end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; disruption procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to record-disruption [ which-region description ] create-disruptions 1 [ set disruption-region which-region set disruption-description description set disruption-tick ticks ] update-plots end to inform-user-about-max-disruptions [which-region] ask one-of disruptions with [ disruption-region = which-region ] [ let region-side item (which-region - 1) ["left" "right"] user-message (word "You are allowed only one disruption in each ecosystem every time you run the model.\n\n" "You have already " disruption-description " in the " region-side " ecosystem.") ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; disease procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to update-disease ask disease-markers [ set current-age (current-age + 1) if (ticks = 999 and constant-simulation-length?) [ ask in-link-neighbors [ die ] die ] ] infect-other-grazers end to infect-other-grazers if not vaccine? [ ask (turtle-set bison cattle) with [ has-disease? ] [ ask turtle-set one-of other bison-here with [ not has-disease? ] [ infect-this-grazer ] ask turtle-set one-of other cattle-here with [ not has-disease? ] [ infect-this-grazer ] ] ] end to infect-a-%-of-bison ;; procedure for removing a percentage of bison (when button is clicked) ; ifelse any? disruptions with [ disruption-region = which-region ] [ ; inform-user-about-max-disruptions which-region ; ] ; [ let number-bison count bison ask n-of floor (number-bison * %-bison-to-infect / 100) bison [infect-this-grazer] ; record-disruption which-region "infected bison" ; ] end to infect-this-grazer hatch-disease-markers 1 [ set current-age 0 set size 1.5 set color disease-color create-link-from myself [ tie ] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; fire procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to start-fire let current-grass-patches patches with [ fertile? and rain-level <= 1 and pycor = min-pycor and plant-energy >= (.25 * max-grasses-energy)] ask current-grass-patches [ set countdown sprout-delay-time set plant-energy 0 create-ember ] ; record-disruption which-region "started a wild fire" end to create-ember ;; patch procedure sprout 1 [ set breed embers set current-age (sprout-delay-time / 2) set color [255 0 0 255] set size 1.5 ] end to age-move-rain-drops ask rain-drops [ set heading 210 fd 0.05 set current-age (current-age - 1) if current-age <= 0 [ die ] let time-to-age-peak abs (current-age - 10) let trans-val (150 - round (time-to-age-peak * 15)) ; if trans-val > 255 or trans-val < 0 [set trans-val 255] ; show trans-val let color-string [] set color-string lput 0 color-string set color-string lput 0 color-string set color-string lput 150 color-string set color-string lput trans-val color-string set color color-string ] end to age-and-spread-embers ask embers [ set plant-energy 0 set countdown sprout-delay-time set current-age (current-age - 1) if current-age <= 0 [ die ] let my-region region ask neighbors4 with [ region = [ region ] of myself and fertile? and grass-energy > (max-grasses-energy / 4) and not any? embers-here ] [ create-ember ] let transparency round floor current-age * 255 / sprout-delay-time set color lput transparency [255 155 0] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; grazers procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to bison-live move-bison ifelse has-disease? [set energy (energy - 1.5)][set energy (energy - 1)] set current-age (current-age + 1) ;; age by 1.5 grazers-eat-grass food-bison-eat grazer-death end to cattle-live move-cattle ifelse has-disease? [set energy (energy - 1.5)][set energy (energy - 1)] set current-age (current-age + 1) grazers-eat-grass food-cattle-eat grazer-death end to move-bison head-towards-rains rt random 44 - random 44 let current-region region keep-in-region current-region bison-stride fd bison-stride end to move-cattle head-towards-rains rt random 44 - random 44 let current-region region keep-in-region current-region cattle-stride fd cattle-stride end to grazers-eat-grass [food-grazer-eats];; grazers procedurebisonbisonbisonbison ;; if there is enough grass to eat at this patch, the grazer eats it ;; and then gains energy from it. if plant-energy > food-grazer-eats [ ;; plants lose ten times as much energy as the gains (trophic level assumption) set plant-energy (plant-energy - (food-grazer-eats * 10)) set energy energy + food-grazer-eats * 1.25 ;; gain energy by eating ] ;; if plant-energy is negative, make it positive if plant-energy <= food-grazer-eats [ set countdown 5 ] end to grazer-death ;; a grazer dies when energy dips below zero (starvation), or it gets too old if (current-age > max-age) or (energy < 0) [ask out-link-neighbors [ die ] die] end to reproduce-bison ;; bison procedure let number-new-offspring (random (max-bison-offspring + 1)) ;; set number of potential offpsring from 1 to (max-bison-offspring) if (energy > ((number-new-offspring + 1) * min-reproduce-energy-bison) and current-age > bison-reproduce-age) [ set energy (energy - (number-new-offspring * min-reproduce-energy-bison)) ;;lose energy when reproducing --- given to children set #-offspring #-offspring + number-new-offspring ;; hatch an offspring set it heading off in a a random direction and move it forward a step hatch number-new-offspring [ set energy min-reproduce-energy-bison ;; split remaining half of energy amongst litter set current-age 0 set #-offspring 0 move-bison ] ] end to reproduce-cattle ;; bison procedure let number-new-offspring (random (max-cattle-offspring + 1)) ;; set number of potential offpsring from 1 to (max-bison-offspring) if (energy > ((number-new-offspring + 1) * min-reproduce-energy-cattle) and current-age > cattle-reproduce-age) [ set energy (energy - (number-new-offspring * min-reproduce-energy-cattle)) ;;lose energy when reproducing --- given to children set #-offspring #-offspring + number-new-offspring ;; hatch an offspring set it heading off in a a random direction and move it forward a step hatch number-new-offspring [ set energy min-reproduce-energy-cattle ;; split remaining half of energy amongst litter set current-age 0 set #-offspring 0 move-cattle ] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; grass procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; adjust the size of the grass to reflect how much food is in that patch to grow-grass ;; patch procedure set countdown (countdown - 1) ;; fertile patches gain 1 energy unit per turn, up to a maximum max-grasses-energy threshold if fertile? and countdown <= 0 [ set plant-energy (plant-energy + grass-growth-rate) if plant-energy > max-grasses-energy [ set plant-energy max-grasses-energy ] ] if not fertile? [ set plant-energy 0 ] if plant-energy < 0 [ set plant-energy 0 set countdown sprout-delay-time ] end to visualize-grass ifelse plant-energy >= 5 [ set size (plant-energy / max-grasses-energy) ] [ set size ((5 / max-grasses-energy) )] end to add-rocks ask patches with [ not fertile? ] [ sprout 1 [ set breed rocks set size 1 set shape "no-grass" set color [10 0 0 25] stamp die ] ] end to-report random-rock-color let r-min-color 150 let g-min-color 130 let b-min-color 130 let brighten random 20 let r-offset random 10 let g-offset random 10 let b-offset random 10 let color-list [] set color-list fput (r-min-color + brighten + r-offset) color-list set color-list fput (g-min-color + brighten + g-offset) color-list set color-list fput (b-min-color + brighten + b-offset) color-list report color-list end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; water / rain procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to set-rain-line-position ask rain-lines [set xcor lat-sin] update-water-levels end to update-water-levels let rain-line-pxcor [xcor] of one-of rain-lines let low-rain-value 0.5 let a .25 ask patches [ let distance-from-rain-line abs (pxcor - rain-line-pxcor) let rain-band-spread 9 let distance-to-edge-of-rain ((rain-band-width / 2) + rain-band-spread) let xd (distance-from-rain-line - (rain-band-width / 2)) let rain-at-xd (1 + (3 - (a * xd))) if (distance-from-rain-line <= (rain-band-width / 2)) [ set rain-level (4)] if (distance-from-rain-line > (rain-band-width / 2)) and (distance-from-rain-line <= (distance-to-edge-of-rain)) [ set rain-level rain-at-xd] if (distance-from-rain-line > (distance-to-edge-of-rain)) and (distance-from-rain-line <= (3 * distance-to-edge-of-rain)) [ set rain-level (1.4 - (xd - 11) * (1.4 / 22 )) ] if (distance-from-rain-line > (3 * distance-to-edge-of-rain)) [ set rain-level 0 ] ] end to color-water-levels let red-channel (255 - (rain-level * (255 - 150) / 4)) let green-channel (255 - (rain-level * (255 - 175) / 4)) let blue-channel (255 - (rain-level * (255 - 235) / 4)) let color-string [] set color-string lput red-channel color-string set color-string lput green-channel color-string set color-string lput blue-channel color-string set pcolor color-string end to add-rain-drops let non-linear-age 20 if random 100 < (round (rain-level) ^ 1.5) [ sprout 1 [set breed rain-drops set shape "drop" set color [0 0 150 70] set heading 0 bk 0.5 fd random-float 1 set heading 90 bk 0.5 fd random-float 1 set current-age 20 set size 0.4] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; REGION MANAGEMENT CODE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup-regions [ num-regions ] ; Store our region definitions globally for faster access: set region-boundaries calculate-region-boundaries num-regions ; Set the `region` variable for all patches included in regions: let region-numbers n-values num-regions [ n -> n + 1 ] (foreach region-boundaries region-numbers [ [boundaries region-number] -> ask patches with [ pxcor >= first boundaries and pxcor <= last boundaries ] [ set region region-number ] ]) add-dividers end to add-dividers set-default-shape dividers "block" ask patches with [ region = 0 ] [ sprout-dividers 1 [ set color gray + 2 set size 1.2 ] ] end to-report calculate-region-boundaries [ num-regions ] ; The region definitions are built from the region divisions: let divisions region-divisions num-regions ; Each region definition lists the min-pxcor and max-pxcor of the region. ; To get those, we use `map` on two "shifted" copies of the division list, ; which allow us to scan through all pairs of dividers ; and built our list of definitions from those pairs: report (map [ [d1 d2] -> list (d1 + 1) (d2 - 1) ] (but-last divisions) (but-first divisions)) end to-report region-divisions [ num-regions ] ; This procedure reports a list of pxcor that should be outside every region. ; Patches with these pxcor will act as "dividers" between regions. report n-values (num-regions + 1) [ n -> [ pxcor ] of patch (min-pxcor + (n * ((max-pxcor - min-pxcor) / num-regions))) 0 ] end to keep-in-region [ which-region grazer-stride] ; turtle procedure ; This is the procedure that make sure that turtles don't leave the region they're ; supposed to be in. It is your responsibility to call this whenever a turtle moves. if [region] of patch-ahead grazer-stride = 0 and which-region != 0 and bison-fences? and ((breed = bison and not bison-migrate?) or (breed = cattle and not cattle-migrate?)) [ let region-min-pxcor first item (which-region - 1) region-boundaries let region-max-pxcor last item (which-region - 1) region-boundaries if [pxcor] of patch-ahead grazer-stride = (region-min-pxcor - 1) or [pxcor] of patch-ahead grazer-stride = (region-max-pxcor + 1) ; if so, reflect heading around x axis [set heading (- heading) ] ] if pxcor = min-pxcor [set heading 90] if pxcor = max-pxcor [set heading -90] end to head-towards-rains if ((abs (pxcor - where-rain-band-is) ) > 10.5 and ((cattle-migrate? and breed = cattle) or (bison-migrate? and breed = bison)) ) [ if (pxcor < where-rain-band-is) [set heading 90] if (pxcor > where-rain-band-is) [set heading -90] ] end to update-bison-fence ask dividers with [pxcor != min-pxcor and pxcor != max-pxcor] [set hidden? not bison-fences?] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;GRAPHING;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to draw-vert-line [ xval ] plotxy xval plot-y-min plot-pen-down plotxy xval plot-y-max plot-pen-up end to-report max-plot-y-max ;; Reports the highest plot-y-max of the two plots. ;; Used for maintaining the same y-scale in both plots. let name plot-name ;; save the name of the current plot set-current-plot "Population Size vs. Time" let ys (list plot-y-max) set-current-plot name ;; restore current plot to what it was report max ys end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;REPORTERS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to-report has-disease? report any? out-link-neighbors end to-report lat-sin let rain-band-spread 20 ; ifelse rainfall? set where-rain-band-is (sin ( 90 - (rain-timer * speed-seasons / 10 ) ) * ( max-pxcor - (rain-band-spread / 2))) ; [set where-rain-band-is max-pxcor - (rain-band-width / 2)] report where-rain-band-is end to-report region-number-from-name [this-region-name] let #-region 0 if this-region-name = "southern region" [set #-region 1] if this-region-name = "central region" [set #-region 2] if this-region-name = "northern region" [set #-region 3] report #-region end to-report grass-growth-rate ifelse rain-level > 0 [report sqrt (rain-level * rain-level )] [report 0] end ; Copyright 2015 Uri Wilensky. ; See Info tab for full copyright and license.
There is only one version of this model, created about 1 year ago by Peggy Schultz.
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