Seed dispersal by bats in restoration and deforestation scenarios
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globals [ color_change_triggered ticksA ticksB ] turtles-own [ energia capacidad_volar tiempo_reproduccion ] patches-own [ Frutos Semillas Edad ] To Valor_Base set Frutos 10 set Semillas 50 set Edad 3 set capacidad_volar 5 set tiempo_reproduccion 20 end to setup resize-world 0 60 0 38;creamos el mundo clear-all ; Establecer el color amarillo para todas las parches en el mundo ask patches [set pcolor yellow] ; bosque ask n-of Numero-de-parches-de-bosque patches[ask patches in-radius 5[ set pcolor green]] ; silvopastoril ask n-of Numero-de-parches-de-silvopastoril patches[ask patches in-radius 1 [ set pcolor 67]] ; juvenil ask n-of 3 patches[ ask patches in-radius 1[ set pcolor 53]] ; Semillas ask n-of 3 patches [set pcolor 35] ;crear las tortugas create-turtles 30[ ; se establecieron las condiciones de los murcielagos INICIALES set shape "bat" ; Define la forma personalizada del murciélago set size 2 set color black setxy random xcor random ycor move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = green OR pcolor = 53 or pcolor = 67] set energia 40 set heading random 360 ] set color_change_triggered false set ticksA 0 set ticksB 0 reset-ticks end to iniciar ask turtles [if energia >= 10 and energia <= 30 [volar] if energia > 40 [ if ticks mod 10 = 0 [reproduc]] set heading random 360 fd 1 set energia energia - 2 morir ] ask turtles[if ticks mod 10 = 0 [dispersar]] ask turtles[alimentar] ;Restauración tasa baja if tasa-de-cooperacion > 20 and tasa-de-cooperacion < 50 [ if ticks mod 100 = 0 [ask patches with [pcolor = green] [ ask neighbors4 [ if pcolor != green [set pcolor green]]]]] ;Restauración tasa media if tasa-de-cooperacion >= 50 and tasa-de-cooperacion <= 80 [ if ticks mod 60 = 0 [ask patches with [pcolor = green] [ ask neighbors4 [ if pcolor != green [set pcolor green]]]]] ;restauración tasa alta if tasa-de-cooperacion >= 80 [ if ticks mod 40 = 0 [ask patches with [pcolor = green] [ ask neighbors4 [ if pcolor != green [set pcolor green]]]]] ;Deforestación if tasa-de-cooperacion <= 20 [ if ticks mod 10 = 0 [ask patches with [pcolor = yellow] [ ask neighbors4 [ if pcolor != yellow [set pcolor yellow]]]]] ; crecimeito de las semillas set ticksA ticksA + 1 if ticksA >= 20 [ ask patches with [pcolor = 35] [ ask patches in-radius 1 [ set pcolor 53]] set ticksA 0 ; Reiniciar el contador después de cambiar el color ] set ticksB ticksB + 1 if ticksB >= 30 [ ask patches with [pcolor = 53] [ ask patches in-radius 1 [ set pcolor green]] set ticksB 0 ; Reiniciar el contador después de cambiar el color ] set color_change_triggered true tick end to volar right (random 181) - 90 right (random 21) - 10 forward 1 ask turtles in-radius 5 [ ifelse (Semillas = 0 or Frutos = 0 or edad <= 1) [ ifelse any? patches with [ Semillas > 0 or Frutos > 0 or edad > 2 or pcolor = green or pcolor = 53 ] [ face one-of patches with [ pcolor = green or pcolor = 53 OR pcolor = 67] fd capacidad_volar set energia energia - 10 alimentar] [ set energia energia - 5]] [ alimentar]] end to alimentar ifelse pcolor = green or pcolor = 53 [ set energia energia + 30] [set energia energia - 3 ] end to descansar ifelse pcolor = green or pcolor = 53 [ set energia energia - 5] [set energia energia + 1] end to reproduc if energia > 80 [ if random 100 > 50 [set energia energia - 20 hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 2 set energia energia - 2]]] end to morir if energia < 1 [die] if count turtles = 150 [ ask n-of 30 turtles [die]] end to dispersar if energia > 10 and pcolor = yellow [ ask patch-here [set pcolor 35]] set energia energia - 20 end
There is only one version of this model, created over 1 year ago by Tania Valentina Torres Bernal .
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Seed dispersal by bats in restoration and deforestation scenarios .png | preview | Preview for 'Seed dispersal by bats in restoration and deforestation scenarios ' | over 1 year ago, by Tania Valentina Torres Bernal | Download |
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