Enhancing Ecological Education: Utilizing Agent-Based Modeling To Simplify The Impacts Of Deforestation On Amphibians

Enhancing Ecological Education: Utilizing Agent-Based Modeling To Simplify The Impacts Of Deforestation On Amphibians preview image

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Default-person Martín Otalora (Author)


colombian frogs 

Tagged by Martín Otalora 21 days ago

edge effectT 

Tagged by Martín Otalora 21 days ago

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; especies Dendropsophus mathiassoni,No bosque
; Amazophrynella minuta Leptodactylus petersii Pristimantis variabilis, borde
; Engystomops petersi Pristimantis acuminatus Pristimantis conspicillatus bosque
globals [capacidad_huir_potrero capacidad_huir_borde capacidad_huir_bosque tiempo_de_reproduccion_borde tasa-abandono]
; Todas las tortugas poseen energia, pueden consumirla y recuperarla
turtles-own [energia]
;La tierra tiene tres estados, borde abandono y bosque. Cada estado tiene sus valores de temperatura, humedad relativa y dosel
breed [ potreros potrero ]  ; grupo 1: Dendropsophus mathiassoni,No bosque
breed [ bordes borde ] ; Grupo 2: Amazophrynella minuta, Leptodactylus petersii, Pristimantis variabilis, borde
breed [ bosques bosque ]; Grupo 3: Engystomops petersi, Pristimantis acuminatus, Pristimantis conspicillatus, bosque

To Neutral_Values

  set Pasture_population 15
  set Forest_edge_population 4
  set Forest_interior_population 5
  set tasa-restauracion 50
  set tasa-abandono 30
  set tasa-deforestacion 50
  set capacidad_huir_potrero 4
  set capacidad_huir_borde 5
  set capacidad_huir_bosque 2
  set tiempo_de_reproduccion_borde 10

to setup
  resize-world 0 90 0 60
;Se segmenta el mundo en potrero, borde y bosque. Se ponen colores para diferenciarlos
    set capacidad_huir_potrero 4
  set capacidad_huir_borde 5
  set capacidad_huir_bosque 2
  ask patches with [
    pxcor <= 30 and
    pxcor >= min-pxcor and
    pycor <= 60 and
    pycor >= min-pycor ] [
    set pcolor 35
    set temperatura 26.5
    set dosel 1
   set humedad 90.4
  ask patches with [
    pxcor <= 60 and
    pxcor >= 30 and
    pycor <= 60 and
    pycor >= min-pycor ] [
    set pcolor 44
    set temperatura 29
    set dosel 84.3
   set humedad 79.3;
  ask patches with [
    pxcor <= 90 and
    pxcor >= 60 and
    pycor <= 60 and
    pycor >= min-pycor ] [
    set pcolor 66
   set temperatura 26.3
   set dosel 85.2
   set humedad 94 ;

 ;se establece la forma de la rana
set-default-shape turtles "frog top"
 ; Se establecen las condiciones de las ranas, tamaño color y lugar de aparicion. La energia sera igual en todas las ranas en el set up.

   create-potreros Pasture_population

  [ set size 3        ;; easier to see
    set color yellow
setxy random xcor random ycor
move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = 35]
    set heading random 45 + 45
    set energia 50
 ]   ;; red = not carrying food


    create-bordes Forest_edge_population

  [ set size 3        ;; easier to see
    set color blue
setxy random xcor random ycor
move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = 44]
    set energia 50
    set heading random 360
; Borde

   create-bosques Forest_interior_population

  [ set size 3        ;; easier to see
    set color green
setxy random xcor random ycor
move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = 66]
    set energia 50
    set heading random 45 + 45
 ; Bosque

to go
  ask potreros [
    if energia < 20 [descansar-potrero]
    if energia >= 20 and energia <= 80 [move-potrero]
    if energia > 80 [ if ticks mod 10 = 0 [reproducirse-potrero]]
    set heading random 360
    fd 1
    set energia energia - 2
ask bordes [
    if energia < 20 [descansar-borde]
    if energia >= 20 and energia <= 80 [move-borde]
    if energia > 80 [ if ticks mod 10 = 0 [reproducirse-borde]]
    ifelse Tasa-restauracion > 50 [set heading (45 + random 315)][set heading random 360]
      fd 1
 set energia energia - 2

  ask bosques [
    if energia < 20 [descansar-bosque]
    if energia >= 20 and energia <= 80 [move-bosque]
    if energia > 80 [ if ticks mod 10 = 0 [reproducirse-bosque]]
    set heading random 360
      fd 1
 set energia energia - 2

  ask patches [restauracion]
 ask patches [deforestacion]
 ask patches [abandonacion]
 ask patches [borderizacion]

if ticks >= 300 [stop]


to restauracion

  set reforestado 0
  if pcolor = 35 [
     set reforestado count neighbors with [pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 25 or pcolor = 75] ]
  if reforestado >= 3 [if random 100 <= tasa-restauracion and tasa-restauracion > 0 [
    set pcolor 75
    set temperatura 24.4 + random 3
    set humedad 91 + random 9
    set dosel 82 + random 5 ]

to deforestacion
  set potrerizado 0
  if pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 25 or pcolor = 75 or pcolor = 66 [
     set potrerizado count neighbors with [pcolor = 35] ]
  if potrerizado >= 3 [if random 100 <= tasa-deforestacion [
    set pcolor 35
    set temperatura 22.7 + random 5
    set humedad 84.5 + random 10
    set dosel 0 + random 10]

to abandonacion
  set abandono 0
  if tasa-deforestacion <= 0 and tasa-restauracion <= 0[
  if pcolor = 35 [
     set abandono count neighbors with [pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 25] ]
  if abandono >= 3 [if random 100 <= tasa-abandono [
    set pcolor 25
    set temperatura 24.6 + random 8
    set humedad 68 + random 14
    set dosel 79 + random 9]

to borderizacion
  set bordear 0
  if pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 25 or pcolor = 35 [
     set bordear count neighbors with [pcolor = 66] ]
  if bordear >= 3 [if random 100 <= (tasa-restauracion - tasa-deforestacion) [
    set pcolor 66
    set temperatura 24.4 + random 3
    set humedad 91 + random 9
    set dosel 82 + random 5 ]

to move-potrero
  ask turtles in-radius 4 [
   ifelse temperatura >= 28.6 or temperatura <= 22.6 or dosel >= 5 or humedad <= 84 [
     if any? patches in-radius Capacidad_huir_Potrero with [(temperatura >= 22.6  or dosel <= 5 or humedad >= 85) and (pcolor = 35 or pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 25 or pcolor = 75)][
      face one-of patches in-radius Capacidad_huir_Potrero with  [(temperatura >= 22.6  or dosel <= 5 or humedad >= 85) and (pcolor = 35 or pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 25 or pcolor = 75)]
     fd Capacidad_huir_Potrero
    set energia energia - 10

to descansar-potrero
  ifelse pcolor = 35 [
    if energia <= 200 [set energia energia + 6]]
  [set energia energia + 1]

to move-borde
  ask turtles in-radius 5 [ifelse temperatura >= 33.0 or temperatura <= 24.6 or dosel <= 80 or humedad <= 68 [
    if any? patches in-radius Capacidad_huir_borde with [(temperatura >= 24.6  or dosel >= 80 or humedad >= 70) and (pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 66 or pcolor = 75 or pcolor = 25)][
      face one-of patches in-radius Capacidad_huir_borde with [(temperatura >= 24.6  or dosel >= 80 or humedad >= 70) and (pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 66 or pcolor = 75 or pcolor = 25)]
      fd Capacidad_huir_borde
      set energia energia - 10]]

to descansar-borde
  ifelse pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 66 or pcolor = 75 [
    if energia <= 200 [set energia energia + 6]]
  [set energia energia + 1]

to move-bosque
     ask turtles in-radius 2 [ifelse temperatura >= 28.3 or temperatura <= 24.3 or dosel <= 82 or humedad <= 91 [
     if any? patches in-radius Capacidad_huir_bosque with [(temperatura >= 24.4 or dosel >= 82 or humedad >= 92 and pcolor = 66 or pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 70)][
      face one-of patches in-radius Capacidad_huir_bosque with [(temperatura >= 24.4 or dosel >= 82 or humedad >= 92) and (pcolor = 66 or pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 70)]
      fd Capacidad_huir_bosque
      set energia energia - 10]]


to descansar-bosque
  ifelse pcolor = 66 or pcolor = 70 [
    if energia <= 200 [set energia energia + 6]]
  [set energia energia + 1]

to reproducirse-potrero
  if energia > 80  and count potreros < 100 [ if random 100 > 50 [set energia energia - 60
      hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 2
      set energia energia / 3]]]

to reproducirse-borde
  if energia > 80 and count bordes < 100 [ if random 100 > 50 [set energia energia - 73
      hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 2
      set energia energia / 3]]]

to reproducirse-bosque
  if energia > 80 and count bosques < 100 [ if random 100 > 50 [set energia energia - 67
      hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 2
      set energia energia / 3]]]

to morir-r
  if ticks mod 10 = 0 [if random 100 > 80[die]]
  if energia < 1 [die]

to morir
  if ticks mod 10 = 0 [if random 100 > 95[die]]
  if energia < 1 [die]

There are 3 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Martín Otalora 21 days ago Slight change to the sliders and headers Download this version
Martín Otalora 21 days ago Minor corrections to sliders and rhe references Download this version
Martín Otalora 21 days ago Changes to original: There is now a limit to the amount of frogs to improve performance. Titles are now in english. Graphs now have edge titltes. Reorganized some sliders Download this version

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Enhancing Ecological Education: Utilizing Agent-Based Modeling To Simplify The Impacts Of Deforestation On Amphibians.png preview Preview Image 21 days ago, by Martín Otalora Download

Parent: Edge Effect on Frogs of Caqueta, Colombia

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