Turtle Physics
Model was written in NetLogo 6.4.0
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globals[damping] patches-own[density] turtles-own [ mass vx ; Horizontal velocity vy ; Vertical velocity ax ; Horizontal acceleration ay ; Vertical acceleration newxcor newycor radius restitution ] to setup clear-all set damping 1 - damping-co ; Velocity damping per tick (simulates air resistance) create-turtles ball-num [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set shape "circle" set radius 1.0 + random-float 1.5 ; Random radius between 0.5 and 2.0 set size 2 * radius ; Visual size based on collision radius set mass radius ^ 2 set vx random-float 4 - 2 ; Random initial velocity set vy random-float 4 - 2 set ax 0 set ay 0 set restitution 0.6 ; Bounciness between 0.7 and 1.0 ] reset-ticks end to go click apply-forces ; Apply gravity update-velocities ; Integrate acceleration into velocity apply-damping ; Reduce velocity due to damping detect-collisions ; Resolve collisions between turtles move-turtles ; Update positions and handle edge bouncing tick end to apply-forces ask turtles [ set ay ay - gravity ; Gravity affects vertical acceleration ] end to update-velocities ask turtles [ set vx vx + ax set vy vy + ay set ax 0 ; Reset acceleration set ay 0 ] end to apply-damping set damping 1 - damping-co ; Velocity damping per tick (simulates air resistance) ask turtles [ set vx vx * damping set vy vy * damping ] end to detect-collisions ;; We only handle each pair once: for turtle i, we only compare with turtles j where j > i. ask turtles [ let me self ask other turtles with [who > [who] of me] [ ;; Compute the vector between me and the other turtle let detx (xcor - [xcor] of me) let dety (ycor - [ycor] of me) let dist distance me let sum-r (radius + [radius] of me) ;; Check overlap if dist < sum-r [ ;; If dist = 0, skip or nudge it to avoid divide-by-zero if dist = 0 [ set dist 0.00000001 ] ;;--------------------------------- ;; (1) Separate the overlapping turtles ;;--------------------------------- let overlap (sum-r - dist) let nx (detx / dist) let ny (dety / dist) let halfOverlap (overlap / 2) ;; Move this turtle away set newxcor xcor + (nx * halfOverlap) set newycor ycor + (ny * halfOverlap) ;; Move the other turtle away ask me [ set newxcor xcor - (nx * halfOverlap) set newycor ycor - (ny * halfOverlap) ] ;;--------------------------------- ;; (2) Compute new velocities (1D elastic collision) ;;--------------------------------- let m1 mass let m2 [mass] of me let vx1 vx let vy1 vy let vx2 [vx] of me let vy2 [vy] of me set vx1 lim vx1 set vy1 lim vy1 set vx2 lim vx2 set vy2 lim vy2 ;; Compute normal velocity components let un1 (vx1 * nx + vy1 * ny) let un2 (vx2 * nx + vy2 * ny) ;; Compute tangential velocity components (unchanged by elastic collision) let ut1 (vx1 * -1 * ny + vy1 * nx) let ut2 (vx2 * -1 * ny + vy2 * nx) ;; Elastic collision formulas let un1Prime ((un1 * (m1 - m2) + 2 * m2 * un2) / (m1 + m2)) let un2Prime ((un2 * (m2 - m1) + 2 * m1 * un1) / (m1 + m2)) ;; Recombine into (vx, vy) set vx (un1Prime * nx + ut1 * -1 * ny) set vy (un1Prime * ny + ut1 * nx) ask me [ set vx (un2Prime * nx + ut2 * -1 * ny) set vy (un2Prime * ny + ut2 * nx) ] ] ] ] end to move-turtles ask turtles [ ask patch-here[ set pcolor [color]of myself set density 100 ] ; Calculate new position set newxcor xcor + vx set newycor ycor + vy if 1 = 1[ ; Bounce off horizontal edges if abs newxcor > max-pxcor - 1.5 [ set vx (-1 * vx * restitution) set newxcor (sign newxcor) * (max-pxcor - 1.5) ] ; Bounce off vertical edges if abs newycor > max-pycor - 1.5[ set vy (-1 * vy * restitution) set newycor (sign newycor) * (max-pycor - 1.5) ] ] setxy newxcor newycor ] ask patches[ set density density * 0.9 set pcolor scale-color pcolor density 0 100 ] end to-report sign [number] ifelse number > 0 [ report 1 ][ ifelse number < 0[ report -1 ][ report 0 ] ] end to-report lim [number] ifelse number > 1E30[ report 1E30][ ifelse number < -1E30[ report -1E30 ][ report number ] ] end to up ask turtles[ set ay ay + 1 ] end to click if mouse-down?[ let x mouse-xcor let y mouse-ycor ask turtles[ let d distancexy x y set ax ax + ( x - xcor ) / d * 0.05 / mass set ay ay + ( y - ycor ) / d * 0.05 / mass ] ] end
There is only one version of this model, created about 1 month ago by Jilai Cui.
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