Warring States

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79107734_n00-1 Seth Tisue (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 5.0RC6 • Viewed 423 times • Downloaded 35 times • Run 2 times
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globals [

patches-own [
  capital      ;; capitals are turtles. every patch knows which turtle
               ;; is the capital of its state.

to setup
  set-default-shape turtles "dot"
  ;; hopefully these colors are visually distinguishable
  set nation-colors (sentence base-colors
                              (map [? + 3] base-colors)
                              (map [? - 3] base-colors))
  ask patches [ set capital nobody ]
  ;; We start with 14 nations because that's how
  ;; many base colors NetLogo has.  With more than
  ;; 14 nations we'd have trouble giving them each
  ;; a unique, easily visually distinguishable color.
  ask n-of (length nation-colors) patches [
    sprout 1 [
      set size 2  ;; easier to see
      set color black
      set pcolor item who nation-colors
      set capital self

to grow-nations
  ;; This is some arbitrary code that gives a rough, randomized
  ;; approximation of a Voronoi diagram, to use as a plausible
  ;; initial state for the system.
  loop [
    let empty patches with [capital = nobody]
    if not any? empty [ stop ]
    ask empty
      [ set capital [capital] of one-of neighbors4
        if capital != nobody [ set pcolor [pcolor] of capital ] ]

to go
  if count turtles = 1 [ stop ]
  ;; first find two adjacent patches that differ in color
  let attacker nobody
  let target nobody
  while [target = nobody] [
    set attacker one-of patches
    ask attacker [
      set target one-of neighbors4 with [capital != [capital] of myself]
  ;; now attack!
  ask target [ set pcolor [pcolor] of attacker
               set capital [capital] of attacker ]
  let sacked one-of turtles-on target
  if sacked != nobody [
    ask patches with [capital = sacked ]
      [ set pcolor [pcolor] of attacker
        set capital [capital] of attacker ]
    ask sacked [ die ]
  ;; we're done, so advance the tick counter

There are 2 versions of this model.

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Seth Tisue about 13 years ago latest version from Dropbox Download this version
Seth Tisue almost 15 years ago Warring States Download this version

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