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extensions [nw] breed [people person] breed [dealers dealer] undirected-link-breed [ friendships friendship ] undirected-link-breed [ customers customer ] globals [answer drugs-done-total times-eaten-total work-done-total make-friends-total first-time] people-own [money dopamine-level times-done times-eaten times-worked times-friend days-since-drug num-friends risk-behavior last-action] links-own [weight] ;; called upon setup to setup ca reset-ticks set drugs-done-total 0 ;; total amount of times the population decided to do drugs set times-eaten-total 0 ;; total amount of times the population decided to eat set work-done-total 0 ;; total amount of times the population decided to do work set make-friends-total 0 ;; total amount of times the population decided to make a new friend create-network ;; creates the social network set first-time true end ;;uses preferential attachment to create a social network amongst the turtles to create-network nw:generate-preferential-attachment turtles friendships num-people [ ifelse illegal-world? [ ifelse random 100 > 5 [make-normal-person] [make-dealer]] ;; 5 dealers for every 100 people [make-normal-person] ;; no dealers in this world setxy random-xcor random-ycor set shape "person" ] end ;; function to create a dealer turtle to make-dealer set breed dealers set color white let goahead true ask link-neighbors [ if customer-neighbor? myself [set goahead false]] if goahead [ask my-links [ set color green set breed customers set thickness .3 ]] end ;; function to create a normal person to make-normal-person set breed people set color sky set money random 100 ;; they all start with a random amount of money set dopamine-level random 100 ;; they all start with a random amount of happiness set times-done 0 ;; no one has tried drugs before set risk-behavior random 100 ;; the personality is all random, some people are more risk prone set days-since-drug 0 set times-worked 0 ;; they all have never worked before set times-eaten 0 ;; they all have never eaten before set times-friend 0 ;; they all have never made a friend before set last-action nobody ;; they have never done any action before ask my-links [ ifelse [breed] of other-end = dealers [set color green] ;; to differentiate between dealer links and friendship [set weight (random 5) + 1 ;; will be numbers 1 - 5, 1 being the lowest form of friendship, 5 being best friends set color 14.9 + weight ;; a visual representation of the friendships, the more red they are the less strong ] set thickness .3 ] end to go ask people [ let action utility ;; function that picks the option that provides the most utility show action if action = "work" [work set work-done-total work-done-total + 1] if action = "drugs" [do-drugs set drugs-done-total drugs-done-total + 1] if action = "eat" [eat set times-eaten-total times-eaten-total + 1] if action = "make friend" [make-new-friend set make-friends-total make-friends-total + 1] if action != "make friend" [set last-action action] if first-time = false [friendships-link-change] ] if first-time = true [set first-time false] show "end of tick" tick end ;; function that calculates which action will give the person the most utility and returns the answer to-report utility let t_work work-change let t_drug drug-change let t_eat eat-change let t_friend make-new-friend-change if t_work > t_drug and t_work > t_eat and t_work > t_friend [ set answer "work" ] ;; work gives the most utility if t_drug > t_work and t_drug > t_eat and t_drug > t_friend [ set answer "drugs" ] ;; drugs gives the most utility if t_eat > t_drug and t_eat > t_work and t_eat > t_friend [ set answer "eat" ] ;; eating gives the most utility if t_friend > t_drug and t_friend > t_eat and t_friend > t_work [set answer "make friend" ] ;; making a new friend gives the most utility report answer end ;; function that calculates how much utility a person will get from working to-report work-change let temp-dopamine dopamine-level - energy-of-job ;; your job takes away a certain amount of energy/happiness let temp-money money + energy-of-job ;; you get money depending on how much energy your job takes report temp-dopamine + temp-money ;; return the decreased dopamine and the increased money added together end ;; function to actually cause the person to work and gain/lose the benefits to work set dopamine-level dopamine-level - energy-of-job set money money + energy-of-job set days-since-drug days-since-drug + 1 set times-worked times-worked + 1 end ;; function that calculates how much utility a person will get from eating to-report eat-change let temp-dopamine dopamine-level + energy-from-food ;; eating gives you energy let temp-money money - cost-of-food ;; eating takes away money ;; if eating does not put you into debt, report the change, if it does return 0 ifelse temp-money > 0 [report temp-dopamine + temp-money] [report 0] end ;; function to actually cause the person to eat and gain/lose the benefits to eat set dopamine-level dopamine-level + energy-from-food set money money - cost-of-food set days-since-drug days-since-drug + 1 set times-eaten times-eaten + 1 end ;; function that calculates how much utility a person will get from doing drugs to-report drug-change let ease ease-of-finding if ease = 0 [report 0] ;; if the person is not close enough to drugs, he/she will not do it let temp-times-done 0 ;; rehab mechanism, if a person abstains enough then his/her tolerance will decrease ifelse days-since-drug > 20 [set temp-times-done 1][set temp-times-done times-done + 1] let temp-dopamine dopamine-level + drug-potency ;; the more potent the drug, the more it will increase happiness let tolerance 1 let amount 100 - drug-potency ;; the more potent the drug the quicker your tolerance builds, the less potent the more time it takes to build if temp-times-done > amount [set tolerance tolerance + 1] if temp-times-done > amount * 2 [set tolerance tolerance + 2] if temp-times-done > amount * 4 [set tolerance tolerance + 3] let temp-money money - (cost-of-drug * tolerance) ;; the drug will get more expensive the more you do it because you build a tolerance let total temp-dopamine + temp-money + ease-of-finding ifelse random 100 < risk-behavior [ ;; uses probability to calculate whether a person will do the drug ifelse temp-money > 0 [report total] ; could afford to do the drug [ifelse temp-times-done > amount [report total] ;; the person can't afford it but will do it anyway [report 0 ]]] ;; can't afford it and aren't addicted enough to do it anyway [report 0] end ;; function to show how easy it is currently to find drugs ;; different for if it they are legal or illegal to-report ease-of-finding let ease 0 ifelse illegal-world? [ ;; a turtle will calculate if they have a connection with a dealer either through ;; a direct connection or a friend if any? (nw:turtles-in-radius 1) with [breed = dealers and who != [who] of myself ] [set ease 30] ;; the person is connected to the dealer if any? (nw:turtles-in-radius 2) with [breed = dealers and who != [who] of myself] [set ease 20] ;; the person is two links away from the dealer if any? (nw:turtles-in-radius 3) with [breed = dealers and who != [who] of myself] [set ease 10] ;; the person is three links away from the dealer ] [ ;; a turtle will calculate if it has any friends that it could do a drug with let amount 100 - drug-potency ifelse times-done <= amount [ ;; they are not addicted yet and still need friends to purchase the drug if my-links != nobody [ ask my-links [ let friend other-end ;; find friends and see if they will purchase a drug with you ask friend [ if money > cost-of-drug [ ;; the friend can afford it if random 100 < risk-behavior [set ease 20]]]]]] ;; the friend is adventureous enough [ set ease 30 ] ] report ease end ;; function to actually cause the person to do drugs and gain/lose the benefits to do-drugs ifelse days-since-drug > 20 [ set times-done 1 ] [ set times-done times-done + 1 ] let tolerance 1 let amount 100 - drug-potency if times-done > amount [set tolerance tolerance + 1] if times-done > amount * 2 [set tolerance tolerance + 2] if times-done > amount * 3 [set tolerance tolerance + 3] set money money - (cost-of-drug * tolerance) set dopamine-level dopamine-level + drug-potency set days-since-drug 0 set times-done times-done + 1 end ;; function that calculates how much utility a person will get from making a new friend to-report make-new-friend-change ;; current turtle has no friends, making a new friend will increase it's dopamine ;; by a lot and they are not picky about the new friends they make ifelse any? friendship-neighbors = false [ if any? people in-radius 5 with [who != [who] of myself] != false [report dopamine-level + 100] ] [ if any? people in-radius 5 with [who != [who] of myself] != false [ let possible-friends people in-radius 5 with [who != [who] of myself] let temp-d 0 let linkthere? false ask possible-friends [ ;; grab one of the turtles near the asking turtle ask my-links [ ;; if there is already a link from this possible friend to the original turtle if [who] of other-end = [who] of myself [set linkthere? true]] ;; found a turtle that is not already connected to original turtle if linkthere? = false [ ;; this turtle did the same last-action as the original turtle if last-action = [last-action] of myself [set temp-d dopamine-level + 50 stop]] ;; found a turtle that has the same last action ] report temp-d ] ] report 0 end ;; function to actually cause the person to make a new friend and gain/lose the benefits to make-new-friend ifelse any? friendship-neighbors = false [ if any? people in-radius 5 with [who != [who] of myself] != false [ ask one-of people in-radius 5 with [who != [who] of myself] [ create-friendship-with person [who] of myself [set weight 1 set color 15.9 set thickness .3]] ] set dopamine-level dopamine-level + 100 ] [ if any? people in-radius 5 with [who != [who] of myself] != false [ let possible-friends people in-radius 5 with [who != [who] of myself] let linkthere? false ask possible-friends [ ask my-links [ if [who] of other-end = [who] of myself [set linkthere? true]] if linkthere? = false [ if last-action = [last-action] of myself [ create-friendship-with person [who] of myself [set weight 1 set color 15.9 set thickness .3 stop ] ] ] ] set dopamine-level dopamine-level + 50 ] ] set days-since-drug days-since-drug + 1 set times-friend times-friend + 1 end ;; function to update the social network depending on what the last actions of the turtles are to friendships-link-change ;; grab friend group of turtle let friends (nw:turtles-in-radius 1) with [breed = people and who != [who] of myself] if friends != nobody [ ask friends [ ifelse last-action = [last-action] of myself [ ;; if the current friend did the same last activity as you, increase your friendship ask friendship-with turtle ([who] of myself) [ if weight + 1 <= 5 [set weight weight + 1 set color color + 1 ] ] ] [ask friendship-with turtle ([who] of myself) [ if weight - 1 >= 0 [set weight weight - 1 set color color - 1] ] ] friendship-loss ] ] end to friendship-loss let relation friendship-with turtle [who] of myself ;; grab the link between the current turtle and the current friend if [weight] of relation = 0 [ ;; if the friendship has a weight of less than 0, the friendship is not strong and will end ask relation [die] ] end
There are 3 versions of this model.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
372FinalReport.docx | word | Final Project Report | almost 9 years ago, by Isabella Valdescruz | Download |
IsabellaValdescruz_May16.docx | word | IsabellaValdescruz_May16th | almost 9 years ago, by Isabella Valdescruz | Download |
IsabellaValdescruz_May23.docx | word | IsabellaValdescruz_May23 | almost 9 years ago, by Isabella Valdescruz | Download |
IsabellaValdescruz_May9th.docx | word | IsabellaValdescruz_May9th | almost 9 years ago, by Isabella Valdescruz | Download |